Bitcoin Forum

Local => India => Topic started by: subvolatil on June 17, 2013, 03:25:04 PM

Title: Here is an idea !! Buyers and sellers.
Post by: subvolatil on June 17, 2013, 03:25:04 PM
Ok well the  marketplace  sub-forum is  in a  huge  mess.  (well atleast  from  what is  see it  as)

too many  threads  just  for  purchase  and  sell of bitcoins,  and  verry  little  for  other   goods  and  services. 

What  i  propose  is  the Integration of purchase  and  sell of  bitcoins  in one  thread ,  one  person  takes  up  responsibility of  updating the first  post   will the   purchase and  sell  of all bitcoin  request. 

What this  is  going  to  solve  is  the problem  for  new comers  looking  through  vaporous  threads  to  find   the  right  price  to  buy  or  sell.
No  other  sellers  would cut  off  another  seller  and  start  a  flame  war.
And  a  single thread documenting  all transactions for  easy  view and solving  disputes.

and  yes you  can put  in your  +10% as a  quote but i find  that to much  of a  problem  for  local  economical  growth, 


Title: Re: Here is an idea !! Buyers and sellers.
Post by: rezurect on June 17, 2013, 04:37:46 PM
A Google spreadsheet Exchange.

Title: Re: Here is an idea !! Buyers and sellers.
Post by: subvolatil on June 17, 2013, 05:18:21 PM
A Google spreadsheet Exchange.

Yup !!