Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Armory => Topic started by: asbator on November 07, 2017, 09:47:07 PM

Title: Can't export private keys
Post by: asbator on November 07, 2017, 09:47:07 PM
Wallet backup export function doesn't export PSH-P2PK adress+key pairs.

Trying to sweep BTG into Coinomi wallet. Pasted 70 private keys and none of them contain any funds.
I guess all is on those PSH-P2PK addressess i've been using lately.
I've checked used PSH-P2PK address' and searched them in exported file - they are not there.

Would like to sell this BTG while it still worth something.
Is very any immediate solution to this problem??

Title: Re: Can't export private keys
Post by: asbator on November 07, 2017, 10:50:29 PM
I've read that segwit address' share same priv keys so pasted all unused address' as well just in case... Nothing. Best software experience ever.
Now how can i get those priv keys?

Title: Re: Can't export private keys
Post by: goatpig on November 07, 2017, 11:16:33 PM
Coinmi most likely does not support the script types. There are quite a few steps to go from a private key to an on chain script. You have stupidly tried to import private keys as is, which has now completely exposed your wallet. You need to move your coins out of that wallet asap. Sync your node and db and move the coins out the regular way.

Title: Re: Can't export private keys
Post by: asbator on November 08, 2017, 05:07:10 AM
Funds are in Ledger. It supposed to be last use of Armory, sorry.

How to make this conversion? I tried to Google, but it doesn't understand "bitcoin convert private key to an on chain script" (me neither).

Title: Re: Can't export private keys
Post by: HCP on November 08, 2017, 10:31:48 AM
Trying to sweep BTG into Coinomi wallet. Pasted 70 private keys and none of them contain any funds.

Would like to sell this BTG while it still worth something.
Is very any immediate solution to this problem??
Given that there is NO BTG mainnet and they're still tooling about with BTG testnet... you will NOT be able to sweep any BTG... as technically, BTG does not exist...

Blah Blah "but it's being traded on exchanges!!?!" blah blah... NO... BTG "Futures" are being (recklessly) traded on exchanges... the exchanges don't care, they're making bank by charging people fees regardless of whether or not BTG actually turns out to be a viable crypto or not...

In the meantime... everyone else has to wait to get their "free" BTG... because it still doesn't exist...

Title: Re: Can't export private keys
Post by: asbator on November 08, 2017, 12:07:33 PM
Trying to sweep BTG into Coinomi wallet. Pasted 70 private keys and none of them contain any funds.

Would like to sell this BTG while it still worth something.
Is very any immediate solution to this problem??
Given that there is NO BTG mainnet and they're still tooling about with BTG testnet... you will NOT be able to sweep any BTG... as technically, BTG does not exist...

Blah Blah "but it's being traded on exchanges!!?!" blah blah... NO... BTG "Futures" are being (recklessly) traded on exchanges... the exchanges don't care, they're making bank by charging people fees regardless of whether or not BTG actually turns out to be a viable crypto or not...

In the meantime... everyone else has to wait to get their "free" BTG... because it still doesn't exist...

Saw them on Bitfinex same as other coins without info it's just futures and Coinomi added BTG support yesterday, thought it will work now :)

Title: Re: Can't export private keys
Post by: goatpig on November 08, 2017, 03:30:33 PM
Funds are in Ledger. It supposed to be last use of Armory, sorry.

How to make this conversion? I tried to Google, but it doesn't understand "bitcoin convert private key to an on chain script" (me neither).

Using Armory, move your coins in nested P2PK scripts to P2PKH.

Title: Re: Can't export private keys
Post by: asbator on November 08, 2017, 06:31:06 PM
Funds are in Ledger. It supposed to be last use of Armory, sorry.

How to make this conversion? I tried to Google, but it doesn't understand "bitcoin convert private key to an on chain script" (me neither).

Using Armory, move your coins in nested P2PK scripts to P2PKH.

I don't understand at all.

Title: Re: Can't export private keys
Post by: goatpig on November 08, 2017, 06:36:04 PM
Start an online instance of Armory and spend your coins found in your nested P2PK UTXOs to P2PKH addresses.

Title: Re: Can't export private keys
Post by: asbator on November 08, 2017, 08:53:28 PM
Start an online instance of Armory and spend your coins found in your nested P2PK UTXOs to P2PKH addresses.

Where are P2PK UTXOs ?
I already emptied the wallet before started messing with private keys (in case you missed that written).
The problem is export file doesn't contain segwit address'.
I'm not sure we understand each other at all...

Title: Re: Can't export private keys
Post by: goatpig on November 08, 2017, 11:39:33 PM
Are you saying your BTC was in nested P2PK scripts pre fork and now you want access that on the BTG chain? I'd have to actually implement BTG support in Armory. No way...

Title: Re: Can't export private keys
Post by: asbator on November 09, 2017, 04:01:36 PM
OMG so why you dont warn that export function is outdated???
And what's the premise of this soft? Ledger Nano S costs about same price as Raspberry+SD card...

Title: Re: Can't export private keys
Post by: goatpig on November 09, 2017, 04:17:32 PM
OMG so why you dont warn that export function is outdated???

I don't particularly need to do anything beside informing people what the script types are, which are in the very name when you select them. Handling private keys directly is for experts. You can manually craft a raw tx and get Core to sign it for you if you want to play with custom script types and private keys. All the information is available.

You are pushing on me the responsibility you did not take in informing yourself about the implication of the software and the features you are using.

And what's the premise of this soft? Ledger Nano S costs about same price as Raspberry+SD card...

No point explaining, you would not understand.

Title: Re: Can't export private keys
Post by: asbator on November 09, 2017, 05:02:33 PM
How should i inform myself? Where is it written that export won't work?
And does anyone requries from you knowledge about theory of relativity to use GPS? Or quantum physics to use laser?
Please take a look at Daedalus in free moment, you will understand what i mean.

Title: Re: Can't export private keys
Post by: goatpig on November 09, 2017, 05:44:12 PM
How should i inform myself? Where is it written that export won't work?
And does anyone requries from you knowledge about theory of relativity to use GPS? Or quantum physics to use laser?
Please take a look at Daedalus in free moment, you will understand what i mean.

Again, handling private keys is for expert users. The software shows you your private keys just fine. Instantiating these keys into the relevant script is the responsibility of the recipient software. If they don't support Armory script types, then you have to fill that gap or I have to do it for you. I won't do it cause that's a waste of my time. Therefor it's on you.

You are somehow trying to fly a chopper with no expertize and complain that the manufacturer should have informed you that starting the engine doesn't automatically take you to your destination. I am not in the business of holding hands. As a matter of fact I'm in no business at all since you got this stuff for free. Now learn about bitcoin transactions or forsake your BTG. I don't care either way.

But please, try and demonstrate how it is my responsibility to deliver this feature on my own time and dime because you can't be fucked to spend the 2 days it takes to learn about crafting raw transactions.

Title: Re: Can't export private keys
Post by: HCP on November 09, 2017, 09:06:29 PM
How should i inform myself? Where is it written that export won't work?
Guess you missed this warning when setting up your wallet to use P2SH-P2PK addresses:

It says pretty clearly that "Only Armory 0.96+ can spend from" those addresses... attempting to claim fork coins from "P2SH" addresses like MultiSigs, Electrum 2FA and other "script"-type addresses has never been a straightforward "one click" solution.

Title: Re: Can't export private keys
Post by: goatpig on November 09, 2017, 10:09:29 PM
It says pretty clearly that "Only Armory 0.96+ can spend from" those addresses...

Not to mention P2PKH is still the default script type for Armory. It requires user intervention to generate a nested address (to my great dismay, I'd rather set compressed key addresses by default or SW for everyone's benefit, but I have to account for backwards compatibility).