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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: celaine17 on November 08, 2017, 09:32:19 AM

Title: CAN DEPPRESSION AND STRESS kill a person?
Post by: celaine17 on November 08, 2017, 09:32:19 AM
Currently experiencing Emotional Stress .  Hope you can give me advices. Thank you

Title: Re: CAN DEPPRESSION AND STRESS kill a person?
Post by: BrandonChong37 on November 08, 2017, 10:03:53 AM
Please call a mental health professional because it's a very serious matter. Talk to someone if that helps.

Title: Re: CAN DEPPRESSION AND STRESS kill a person?
Post by: De Young on November 08, 2017, 11:02:56 AM
For sure it could, I think you should ask for professional help as advised.

Title: Re: CAN DEPPRESSION AND STRESS kill a person?
Post by: sorrowfulnightcries on November 08, 2017, 11:30:07 AM
Currently experiencing Emotional Stress .  Hope you can give me advices. Thank you

Many disease were linked to depression and stress and even doctors recommend that in order to live a healthy life being happy is essential though it wouldn't kill you directly but it might lead you to some serious complications.

Title: Re: CAN DEPPRESSION AND STRESS kill a person?
Post by: Saint0Asonia on November 08, 2017, 11:43:08 AM
Do not succumb to provocations, try to control yourself. Go for massage, meditation can also help to cope with stress.

Title: Re: CAN DEPPRESSION AND STRESS kill a person?
Post by: Jorosss on November 08, 2017, 11:45:48 AM
Currently experiencing Emotional Stress .  Hope you can give me advices. Thank you

Ask for help of your family or friends or a professional in mental. Stop thinking so much! Anyway why are you experiencing emotional stress in the first place.

Title: Re: CAN DEPPRESSION AND STRESS kill a person?
Post by: Andre_Goldman on November 08, 2017, 11:58:43 AM
Depression can lead to suicide and to much stress toxins build up ... try to watch some comedy and see how it goes ...

remember you're never alone ...

I Am Declaring War on STRESS!

kind Regards,


Title: Re: CAN DEPPRESSION AND STRESS kill a person?
Post by: Kurdo on November 08, 2017, 11:59:42 AM
Yes, you should change the 'can' to a 'will'.

Depression makes you sick not only in an emotional way, if you're head isn't working good how should your body.

Title: Re: CAN DEPPRESSION AND STRESS kill a person?
Post by: Intellectual Romanticist on November 08, 2017, 12:07:44 PM
How depressed are you and what's the reason?

Think positively and talk to a friend so lighten your burden.
The problem will remain but it will be easier to solve with less mental baggage.

Also learn to meditate. And meditate regularly.

Title: Re: CAN DEPPRESSION AND STRESS kill a person?
Post by: crazyfrog01 on November 08, 2017, 12:15:49 PM
Depression and stress is an underrated problem.If you really suffer from this you should get professional help and not from a forum like this here.

Title: Re: CAN DEPPRESSION AND STRESS kill a person?
Post by: blacksmith1976 on November 08, 2017, 12:20:30 PM
Yes depression and stress can definitely kill a person, because of these people don't like to eat and enjoy life and become happy. This would then result to high blood pressure resulting to hearth attack or stroke then death.

Title: Re: CAN DEPPRESSION AND STRESS kill a person?
Post by: oyinkansolaberry on November 08, 2017, 12:30:50 PM
I am not a doctor or a psychologist but from the little I know about depression, i believe depression may not kill directly but its capable of leading victims to suicide tendencies; as some has been known to commit suicide as a result of feeling depressed. it can also make health conditions deteriorate to the point where it's leads to death. To manage depression, professional advice should be sought.

Title: Re: CAN DEPPRESSION AND STRESS kill a person?
Post by: Creepyman200876 on November 08, 2017, 12:39:05 PM
Yes of course... severe depression will lead a person to commit suicide.... so take it easy and chill bro!

Title: Re: CAN DEPPRESSION AND STRESS kill a person?
Post by: Jomant8 on November 08, 2017, 12:47:39 PM
All what they said , and remember.. you only have to take "one" day at a time .

Title: Re: CAN DEPPRESSION AND STRESS kill a person?
Post by: linkdead13 on November 08, 2017, 12:48:35 PM
I believe there is a point where a person can no longer handle the repeated abuses of depression and stress and their mind breaks and they either take their own lives or the self harm.

Title: Re: CAN DEPPRESSION AND STRESS kill a person?
Post by: wintersmith on November 08, 2017, 12:54:41 PM
Nowadays... some news say that some people suicide because of the reason they are so stress or depressed.
Depress or stress is also made by us and the only cure for it is also us not the therapist or anything else, we're putting ourselves into stress and when it worse it becomes depression and people with no hope (as what they are thinking is) are suiciding or killing thereselves
depression and stress can't kill person it's just their minds that they're going to kill themselves by putting the words depressed and stress for their reason :) thanks!

Title: Re: CAN DEPPRESSION AND STRESS kill a person?
Post by: matiltazzz on November 08, 2017, 12:56:58 PM
f you talk about the problems of depression to a friend, or close ones, they will not help, they can listen to you. With such a question as depression it is better to turn to a specialist in this field who can really help

Title: Re: CAN DEPPRESSION AND STRESS kill a person?
Post by: Berny-B on November 08, 2017, 03:47:50 PM
if they are cronical - yes. not directly but they lead to secondary issues like insomnia and high blood pressure which affect the heart and the brain. then you die

Title: Re: CAN DEPPRESSION AND STRESS kill a person?
Post by: deepdivers on November 08, 2017, 03:51:32 PM
find a new hobbies to yourself
meet new people
spend time with them
it might help you
Actually you should have handle this problem in your head by yourself
You can do it
Never give up

Title: Re: CAN DEPPRESSION AND STRESS kill a person?
Post by: Zabeth on November 08, 2017, 03:56:30 PM
yes, i think so. couse if the people stress and depression can make a judge about to kiil his/her self.. and choose die more live with some problem that make the people stress and depression

Title: Re: CAN DEPPRESSION AND STRESS kill a person?
Post by: Berny-B on November 08, 2017, 03:59:27 PM
yes, finding activities is the most important thing. having good ties to the family always help

Title: Re: CAN DEPPRESSION AND STRESS kill a person?
Post by: danmoris on November 08, 2017, 04:18:42 PM
Unfortunately, the combination of depression and stress is the number one cause of human suffering and diseases today.
And yes, both have killed millions.
You need to take action my friend, fast.
Take on a hobby, study, exercise, find honest people to associate with and find people in need that need your help and help them.
This will give you inner piece and make you realize that whatever you are going through isn't as important as you think.
Seeking to find the truth in regards to why there's so much suffering as well as what the future really holds will provide you with the ultimate solution...

Title: Re: CAN DEPPRESSION AND STRESS kill a person?
Post by: CAPTAIN..NECK..BEARD on November 08, 2017, 04:25:55 PM
yes, finding activities is the most important thing. having good ties to the family always help

Very good thought! I think the same somehow!!!

Title: Re: CAN DEPPRESSION AND STRESS kill a person?
Post by: krazalan on November 11, 2017, 02:47:49 AM
Currently experiencing Emotional Stress .  Hope you can give me advices. Thank you

yes because depression can lead to suicide

Title: Re: CAN DEPPRESSION AND STRESS kill a person?
Post by: Bitlord88 on November 11, 2017, 05:43:07 AM
I truly believe that it can kill ones person, because some of it and mostly "boys" tend to commit suicide. we should raise the awareness of the depression and provide activities to prevent it. and maybe divert someones attention to those who are stressed. we shouldn't ignore this situation as ones life is so precious and sometimes all we need is someone to talk to to ease our mind.

Title: Re: CAN DEPPRESSION AND STRESS kill a person?
Post by: Nyeyzel on November 11, 2017, 05:59:26 AM
Depression can indeed lead to suicide, i have a friend who is diagnosed to severe depression and she had committed suicides but still ends up alive. Depression is not a joke that should be fun of nor depression wouldn't be solved by saying "dont think too much" "stop thinking" "why are you even depressed" depression can be triggered to anyone, so let us be sensitive with our words.   

Title: Re: CAN DEPPRESSION AND STRESS kill a person?
Post by: saeron-ssi on November 11, 2017, 06:50:49 AM
It can really kill a person. Once a person experience depression and if that person has a low EQ, more often the not he will commit suicide. So please if you know someone who's in this state kindly talk to him/her. Try to reach out. It can save a life.

Title: Re: CAN DEPPRESSION AND STRESS kill a person?
Post by: armandoz on November 11, 2017, 07:21:14 AM
If they will not control himself could not sleep at night loner and feel pity in himself no persons  understand. and no one listen. done something that cannot forgive himself and bring to commit suicide or kill somebody!

Title: Re: CAN DEPPRESSION AND STRESS kill a person?
Post by: Jigsawman082076 on November 11, 2017, 07:24:15 AM
Yes... It can really kill a person. I've heard a new about a person who committed suicide because of extreme depression.

Title: Re: CAN DEPPRESSION AND STRESS kill a person?
Post by: rinamor on November 11, 2017, 08:06:49 AM
Stress lead to depression to death of a person. Depression in different way like emotional, spiritual and other more can lead a person to kill her/his life. Many of people nowadays experience of depression. Some people experience this because they think no one love him/her, other people are thinking what other people will say to him/her if they made a mistake.  The person experiencing this depression though that the best solution to solve there problems is to commit suicide.

Title: Re: CAN DEPPRESSION AND STRESS kill a person?
Post by: Jorge158 on November 11, 2017, 08:31:06 AM
Depression can easily kill anyone. It can even cause you to kill yourself.  That's why I always advocate that one shouldn't miss an opportunity to be happy

Title: Re: CAN DEPPRESSION AND STRESS kill a person?
Post by: Levien on November 11, 2017, 10:15:42 AM
Very certain of it, search for profesionel help

Title: Re: CAN DEPPRESSION AND STRESS kill a person?
Post by: last7minutes on November 11, 2017, 01:18:14 PM
Yes, it can. I do not mean committing suicide. Scientists proved that depression can cause certain types of cancer.

Title: Re: CAN DEPPRESSION AND STRESS kill a person?
Post by: eroga on November 11, 2017, 01:20:47 PM
It will depend on the type of person.  Personally,  I dont think that can happen to me,  however,  I know some people who could suffer it.

Title: Re: CAN DEPPRESSION AND STRESS kill a person?
Post by: readygoaw on November 11, 2017, 02:35:36 PM
Of course depression and stress can kill a person. Or bring it to suicide. But better just go to nature and relax.

Title: Re: CAN DEPPRESSION AND STRESS kill a person?
Post by: Neytiri on November 11, 2017, 02:40:10 PM
i had that feeling years ago and now thnak to God is All over and the one thing i have learned from it that it will not kill you because no one will know he or she will die thats in Gods hands just relax and live life dont listen to your bad thoughts and live each day praising the grace of life.

Title: Re: CAN DEPPRESSION AND STRESS kill a person?
Post by: stefany101 on November 15, 2017, 05:51:53 AM
Yes ! Depression can really kill a person. Once a person si undergoes a depression he/she can feel selfless to him/her self that he/she can think about committing a suicide.

Title: Re: CAN DEPPRESSION AND STRESS kill a person?
Post by: squog on November 21, 2017, 04:41:43 AM
My advise? Reach out! Talk to someone and vent your stress on that person. After that, immerse yourself in a hobby or career or family, distract yourself and better yourself. I myself picked exercise, sweat and do physical labor to ease the stress. Then reassess why are you stressed in the first place and fix it little at a time

Title: Re: CAN DEPPRESSION AND STRESS kill a person?
Post by: racistyui on November 21, 2017, 04:54:10 AM
Yes, living in a no hope world will make you kill yourself if there is noone helping you get out of that.