Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: TimtheYoutuber on November 08, 2017, 04:51:24 PM

Title: Bitcoin entering colleges and universities| DISCUSSION |
Post by: TimtheYoutuber on November 08, 2017, 04:51:24 PM
Video analysis :

*Make sure to subscribe if you enjoy it

Question: How long do you think it will be until crypto currency classes are offered in colleges and Universities?

We even saw a beta test in australia where a university is giving away ethereum to its students. These sorts of ventures are very promising and will allow other countries and schools to adapt and try it out. These tests look to be going very smoothly and more and more people are going to peak interest when some more gains are being made.

We are even seeing elite schools like MIT which has a bitcoin club and is distributing $500k in bitcoin around the school and in programs.

Bitcoin is such a interesting technology and we will see in the future that crypto economics will be taught and fundamental crypto currency technology will be seen in middle schools and high schools throughout the country and world. As more money is made within the industry and since it is such a revolutionary and disruptive technology we will see more people getting into the field. The use of bitcoin training websites are growing, and since the age of open source projects is increasing we will see better ways to implement this system of teaching and learning. We are starting to connect minds across the world in a easy economy and so it is only a matter of time before we start to see this “brain disease” as the Anges Founder said in an interview. We are now seeing pop ups everywhere in the industry and so some investments made in the educational sector of crypto currency will certainly pay off as more people enter the space.

As more jobs arise from crypto currency, and as more “start ups” appear it will be more apparent that we need more teachers and professors giving classes on it. This can also give universities and colleges a competitive advantage in the recruiting process. Prospect students are going to be thirsty for cryptocurrency knowledge and experience and so I can see this grow in colleges and be a advertising and marketing point for them.

Title: Re: Bitcoin entering colleges and universities| DISCUSSION |
Post by: fattyforhire on November 09, 2017, 05:39:19 PM
And all this information really confirms that bitcoin is serious, that this is not a bubble as many consider. In order to carry out manipulations with bitcoin, you need literacy, knowledge, and the more of them, the better. I myself would have enjoyed the training in such an educational institution.

Title: Re: Bitcoin entering colleges and universities| DISCUSSION |
Post by: TimeHacker on November 09, 2017, 05:55:17 PM
I've seen in some news (sorry, don't have the link) that in some universities they already have subjects dedicated to Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general. But I think that at least for now there's not enough space in the education system. My bet is that cryptocurrency principles will be taught in many universities soon, but probably just as a part of a more general course... for example within cryptography classes.

Title: Re: Bitcoin entering colleges and universities| DISCUSSION |
Post by: D.Anand on November 09, 2017, 06:02:04 PM
Blockhain as a course, already in a few colleges.

Title: Re: Bitcoin entering colleges and universities| DISCUSSION |
Post by: TimtheYoutuber on November 12, 2017, 08:35:18 PM
I've seen in some news (sorry, don't have the link) that in some universities they already have subjects dedicated to Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general. But I think that at least for now there's not enough space in the education system. My bet is that cryptocurrency principles will be taught in many universities soon, but probably just as a part of a more general course... for example within cryptography classes.

Interesting, I will need to do more research then. I didn't know some places already had it in there system. I know there are training websites etc but I wasn't aware of any colleges or universities.

Title: Re: Bitcoin entering colleges and universities| DISCUSSION |
Post by: TimtheYoutuber on December 20, 2018, 10:07:51 PM
Is anyone taking a bitcoin or blockchain related course? Since the thread, a lot of colleges have started creating sample courses. If you aren't taking a course in school, how are you learning about cryptocurrency? Are you just doing research or taking a class online?

Title: Re: Bitcoin entering colleges and universities| DISCUSSION |
Post by: CryptoToxicAvenger on December 20, 2018, 11:59:10 PM
Yes, there are already some educational institutions where they talk about bitcoin and blockchain. That's very good. Over time, it will be taught more actively, as young people will really be more and more interested in technology.

Title: Re: Bitcoin entering colleges and universities| DISCUSSION |
Post by: arnelandvik on December 21, 2018, 12:40:14 AM
I believe that such universities may contribute to the development of cryptocurrency. However, in this case, the question of the decentralization would finally cease to be discussed, and the privacy would have sunk into oblivion  ::)

Title: Re: Bitcoin entering colleges and universities| DISCUSSION |
Post by: Rkss4 on December 21, 2018, 03:02:57 AM
Day by day bitcoin becoming more popular among young generations, they are involving themselves in bitcoin as their daily purposes, shopping, travelling, education, building management, entertainment etc. So I believe bitcoin in university and colleges education.

Title: Re: Bitcoin entering colleges and universities| DISCUSSION |
Post by: Loubap on December 23, 2018, 03:06:12 PM
There is a project CampusCoin,  it will  facilitate the integration of a cryptocurrency on campuses across the globe, with academic information on blockchain , ATM at universities. It will be huge.

Title: Re: Bitcoin entering colleges and universities| DISCUSSION |
Post by: Nnedaddy1 on December 26, 2018, 06:16:08 AM
Bitcoin entering colleges and universities could mean a good development to the over all development of bitcoin .
Getting college and universities students aware and accustomed to the usecase and potentials of bitcoin will drive up adoption rate of bitcoin exponentially.

Title: Re: Bitcoin entering colleges and universities| DISCUSSION |
Post by: coinwizard_ on December 26, 2018, 11:44:51 PM
With MIT introducing it to their students we will see the future crypto superstars develop new blockchain projects. Still waiting for other big start ups like EOS and their multi billion dollar product to develop, but they might be able to create something bigger

Title: Re: Bitcoin entering colleges and universities| DISCUSSION |
Post by: TimtheYoutuber on August 17, 2019, 12:56:55 AM
We haven't really been seeing a lot of advancements in this area since I posted the thread. Anyone care to add their input?

Title: Re: Bitcoin entering colleges and universities| DISCUSSION |
Post by: pieppiep on August 17, 2019, 10:07:35 AM
I am sure that will bring new people to come into the bitcoin world, and I think that people could learn so many things about bitcoin. I believe that many smart people from the college will interest to the blockchain and bitcoin at the same time and they will spend their time to learn more about bitcoin. They will contribute to the blockchain, especially if they have a skill in programming because they can support bitcoin and the other coin to be better than now. Besides that, now many young people are aware of the new technology, and they have a big curiosity about one thing, and they will search that thing until they understand the details.

I hope that it will happen soon, so we will see the adoption process will come from the university besides the public.

Title: Re: Bitcoin entering colleges and universities| DISCUSSION |
Post by: slocker on August 17, 2019, 10:27:57 AM
Its good concept and probably it will take time to adopt. Its always good to see that universities are into this story but for the moment think that only high ranked universities  and schools can do this even as a test. Many dont like this idea but from point of view its good step forward and hopefully we will see it sooner then later. In general I support this idea and even it could be good for some future generation to pay scholarship directly with bitcoin or even ethereum. Hopefully we will see this in some near time to more then just beta or some test phase.

Title: Re: Bitcoin entering colleges and universities| DISCUSSION |
Post by: samputin on August 17, 2019, 01:10:09 PM
Just like others said, there are already educational institutions that are offering blockchain courses, and for sure bitcoin would be included in such discussions. ;D

I would just like to share the post of my fellow Filipino who made this thread on our local board. This is a list of colleges and universities which offer blockchain courses in the Philippines. Here's the link:
(Credits to the owner of the thread: asu; hope you don't mind me sharing your thread)

Title: Re: Bitcoin entering colleges and universities| DISCUSSION |
Post by: jake zyrus on August 19, 2019, 11:45:53 AM
I know someone who discusses blockchain to IT graduating students in a certain school. I don't personally know him but just saw it on his social media account.

But it would really be great if blockchain technology and crypocurrency would be taught in college, not only for IT or any related courses, but also with other course program to educate them about the technological advancement. They can also benefit from it not only IT students. Since in the future, technology will continue to advance and giving everyone a knowledge about it can make them be aware of the development of technologies.

Title: Re: Bitcoin entering colleges and universities| DISCUSSION |
Post by: rjbtc2017 on August 19, 2019, 02:12:39 PM
Blockhain as a course, already in a few colleges.
Yes, but not Crypto Currency As is(such as Courses focused on Bitcoin , ETH, and other Crypto Currencies). I guess, Universities will not focus on offering courses related to Crypto Currencies , it will still be discussed as an examples but not the main topic, I have seen a Blockchain course for Beginner but it only focuses on the benefits of blockchain, blockchain essentials and the existing platforms for Blockchain Solutions, Bitcoin was discussed but a sample that is not  related to Blockain for business. As far as i remember Bitcoin was mentioned that Blockchain was first seen on the birth of Bitcoin, i maybe wrong with the wordings.
You can check the course here: , I'm not sure if the lesson was already updated.

Title: Re: Bitcoin entering colleges and universities| DISCUSSION |
Post by: Sexaphiliac on August 19, 2019, 03:38:29 PM
The encouragement of crypto-education and awareness in tertiary institutions is a welcome one. Even in Africa, proj3cts like Luno encourage such by creating meetups and seminars on campuses in order to ensure that students become aware of the blockchain space and the opportunities that exist. This will further aid its widespread adoption as youths are more welcoming to technological innovations.

Title: Re: Bitcoin entering colleges and universities| DISCUSSION |
Post by: slocker on August 20, 2019, 05:31:03 PM
Idea in general is good. At least for educational purpose of the entire educational facility. For example in my town local university added some optional subject for IT that are blockchain and bitcoin related. This may good for some future generation of student to see that modern technologies can be learn. My concern is what and how will they teach them if someone take this as optional subject.

Title: Re: Bitcoin entering colleges and universities| DISCUSSION |
Post by: tiedcoin on August 21, 2019, 06:02:51 AM
Seeing that well-reputed schools like MIT have a Bitcoin club and is offering $500k worth of it only makes it clear about the future of BTC. The well-educated folk has probably realized the potential of the Crypto market and decided to gain more knowledge of it.
It is better to have knowledge of something and not need it than to need knowledge of something and not have it. The use of Bitcoin is increasing day by day and is becoming more accessible to the common man.
In the coming time, Bitcoin will be accepted as legal tender, and everyday tasks will be undertaken with the help of the cryptocurrency. It is refreshing to know that well-renowned institutions are accepting the rise of Bitcoin, unlike banks and governments that do not want it to become main-stream.

Title: Re: Bitcoin entering colleges and universities| DISCUSSION |
Post by: bitcoinposts on August 21, 2019, 07:18:24 AM
Bitcoin and Blockchain now become integral part of education most of the university are preparing curriculum for bitcoin based courses we can see lot of new degree come up in crypto currency market

Title: Re: Bitcoin entering colleges and universities| DISCUSSION |
Post by: arpon11 on August 21, 2019, 07:30:39 AM
Video analysis :

*Make sure to subscribe if you enjoy it

Question: How long do you think it will be until crypto currency classes are offered in colleges and Universities?

We even saw a beta test in australia where a university is giving away ethereum to its students. These sorts of ventures are very promising and will allow other countries and schools to adapt and try it out. These tests look to be going very smoothly and more and more people are going to peak interest when some more gains are being made.

We are even seeing elite schools like MIT which has a bitcoin club and is distributing $500k in bitcoin around the school and in programs.

Bitcoin is such a interesting technology and we will see in the future that crypto economics will be taught and fundamental crypto currency technology will be seen in middle schools and high schools throughout the country and world. As more money is made within the industry and since it is such a revolutionary and disruptive technology we will see more people getting into the field. The use of bitcoin training websites are growing, and since the age of open source projects is increasing we will see better ways to implement this system of teaching and learning. We are starting to connect minds across the world in a easy economy and so it is only a matter of time before we start to see this “brain disease” as the Anges Founder said in an interview. We are now seeing pop ups everywhere in the industry and so some investments made in the educational sector of crypto currency will certainly pay off as more people enter the space.

As more jobs arise from crypto currency, and as more “start ups” appear it will be more apparent that we need more teachers and professors giving classes on it. This can also give universities and colleges a competitive advantage in the recruiting process. Prospect students are going to be thirsty for cryptocurrency knowledge and experience and so I can see this grow in colleges and be an advertising and marketing point for them.

This is highly expected and it makes the adoption easy if educated people know about bitcoin and other coins. We can easily explain to our parents at home about the benefits of bitcoin if it is well taught in class and our institutions. More countries will adopt bitcoin if it also showing in schools' curriculum. I have a dream that time is coming when blockchain's knowledge will be one of the demand to be employed in banks, financial institutions, and hedge funds firms.

Title: Re: Bitcoin entering colleges and universities| DISCUSSION |
Post by: shield132 on August 21, 2019, 08:31:19 AM
This is really a must thing every university has to do, when person studies in economy and business faculty, they must know something about Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, not something in reality but almost everything but seems these development hasn't reached to universities, a place where person gets education, it's such a shame.
As time goes, life gets harder, we need more education, less free time, it's normal, we get adapted to it, in past knowing of reading was huge achievement, now everything has changed, that's the easiest thing a man can learn.

Title: Re: Bitcoin entering colleges and universities| DISCUSSION |
Post by: Kakmakr on August 21, 2019, 09:39:25 AM
The courses will not be specifically focused on Bitcoin, but rather on Crypto currencies in general and also on Blockchain development. There are currently a lot of demand for people with formal Blockchain certification and the colleges and universities has picked up on that. We have seen several of these entities already offering smaller "Blockchain" based seminars and courses.

The whole thing will evolve as soon as regulators start to properly define the technology and when the industry start to implement it as either a commodity or a currency. Mainstream adoption will follow after that and then you will see a further increase in the demand for these courses.  ;)

Title: Re: Bitcoin entering colleges and universities| DISCUSSION |
Post by: Coyster on August 21, 2019, 09:49:00 AM
In our colleges and universities today, courses like entrepreneurship,skill acquisition are taken and learnt in the classroom, thus i see no reason why blockchain and bitcoin(cryptocurrencies)lessons should not be incorporated, it's is infact a great method of giving students the needed knowledge that could grant them the financial freedom they need upon graduation.

I will write a personal message to my vice chancellor this week on the need why bitcoin(cryptocurrencies)and blockchain should be added to our curriculum, I'll keep you guys updated on It's progress.

Title: Re: Bitcoin entering colleges and universities| DISCUSSION |
Post by: electronicash on August 21, 2019, 10:57:25 AM

they could add the curriculum in the economics and programming subjects, this will help spark the interest of students who are interested in blockchain development.
there were project dedicating itself to bring their tokens into the education system like the bitjob (STU) which i think had already collaborate with colleges and universities.

Title: Re: Bitcoin entering colleges and universities| DISCUSSION |
Post by: barbara44 on August 22, 2019, 03:34:02 PM
Seeing that well-reputed schools like MIT have a Bitcoin club and is offering $500k worth of it only makes it clear about the future of BTC. The well-educated folk has probably realized the potential of the Crypto market and decided to gain more knowledge of it.
It is better to have knowledge of something and not need it than to need knowledge of something and not have it. The use of Bitcoin is increasing day by day and is becoming more accessible to the common man.
In the coming time, Bitcoin will be accepted as legal tender, and everyday tasks will be undertaken with the help of the cryptocurrency. It is refreshing to know that well-renowned institutions are accepting the rise of Bitcoin, unlike banks and governments that do not want it to become main-stream.
I have started seeing lots of courses that is being taken by many colleges and even given certificates in the blockchain studies generally and since cryptocurrency is a product of blockchain, they must surely teach a section of it, so as blockchain is being taught, crypto is also become a part of the future of the newer generation, we may not see the big adoption of crypto that we want in our own generation.

I believe that in future generation, everything about payment will all be in form of cryptocurrency, and before then also, we will see many schools accepting the use of bitcoin as payment. There is this country that has already legalizes the use of bitcoin as payment of salaries which does not exclude the lecturers that we have in those school, so this is how it will all begin.

Title: Re: Bitcoin entering colleges and universities| DISCUSSION |
Post by: thesmallgod on August 22, 2019, 04:31:33 PM
Have been looking around to find a PhD scholarship in Chemical engineering related field. However, I am very overwhelm to see that many universities especially in Europe are offering scholarship for blockchain related field. Most importantly, Denmark. Sweden and Switzerland. Hopefully, we shall see more of the adoption in Australia and America. Africa is lagging behind a lot as no institutions I know that give blockchain a hedge  but all the same, it means crypto adoption is getting more interesting

Title: Re: Bitcoin entering colleges and universities| DISCUSSION |
Post by: Strufmbae on August 22, 2019, 04:48:20 PM
the decision has been made it is now or never.
 clearly insignificant to students with no entrepreneurial mind.
 this can be a good result to tech savy future.
 politicians are still way to doubtful, they think that it is useless, they can not see the outcome until the right time comes to be revealed that digital asset is the most powerful investment.

Title: Re: Bitcoin entering colleges and universities| DISCUSSION |
Post by: Duzter on August 22, 2019, 05:06:22 PM
This year came to see more universities and private institutions starting separate courses for blockchain technology. Particularly this was found much in Philippines. Here is a link on the same news that gives clear information regarding the blockchain technology going mainstream on Philippines universities. (