Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: frisbeee on November 09, 2017, 02:01:36 AM

Title: Please do my short survey on Bitcoin!
Post by: frisbeee on November 09, 2017, 02:01:36 AM
Hello Everyone!
I'm an MBA student with a concentration in Analytics and Finance. I'm currently working on a project on Bitcoin for a class. If you can take out 5 minutes out of your time to complete my survey, that would be really helpful!
It is completely anonymous, and the results will be shared only with people in academia. Thank you for your time!

Title: Re: Please do my short survey on Bitcoin!
Post by: IceOleg on November 09, 2017, 02:14:28 AM
Hello Everyone!
I'm an MBA student with a concentration in Analytics and Finance. I'm currently working on a project on Bitcoin for a class. If you can take out 5 minutes out of your time to complete my survey, that would be really helpful!
It is completely anonymous, and the results will be shared only with people in academia. Thank you for your time!

Done! Good luck with the project and hope you are going to share some interesting results with us!

Title: Re: Please do my short survey on Bitcoin!
Post by: imamimam1234 on November 09, 2017, 02:45:30 AM
Hope my little participation can help your project in your class about bitcoin. No matter what results will be. Long live knowledge science and education. Good luck :)

Title: Re: Please do my short survey on Bitcoin!
Post by: frisbeee on November 09, 2017, 03:19:28 PM
Thank you for your response! Every reply helps. Most of the students in my class haven't even heard of bitcoin, including my professor!
I'm hoping my presentation would bring awareness about this new asset!

Title: Re: Please do my short survey on Bitcoin!
Post by: mostkey on November 09, 2017, 03:41:42 PM
I do not understand the survey you made. why should we include some personal data? is this one scam? so you can manipulate data from multiple users? I'm a bit hesitant about this. plus you are a newbie. this may be one of the ways you can hack by utilizing our personal data

Title: Re: Please do my short survey on Bitcoin!
Post by: surfinonmyownwavebaby on November 09, 2017, 03:53:12 PM
No problemo I took the few minutes to complete the survey. I hope you find some interesting statistics with that survey you put out, I think you will be pleasantly surprised :)

Title: Re: Please do my short survey on Bitcoin!
Post by: frisbeee on November 09, 2017, 04:11:49 PM
I do not understand the survey you made. why should we include some personal data? is this one scam? so you can manipulate data from multiple users? I'm a bit hesitant about this. plus you are a newbie. this may be one of the ways you can hack by utilizing our personal data

I completely understand your concern. The survey has demographic questions like age, area of work, etc. That's only there to understand what age group of people are indulging in bitcoin, and which industry they work in, and so on. My guess is that most people that are interested in Bitcoin would be in finance, but I could be wrong. The survey results would help me get to that conclusion.
The questions in my opinion are not that personal, you'd see these kind of demographic questions on any survey you take. And honestly I don't know how I could hack by using your zip code lol. In multiple questions, there's an option to select 'prefer not to answer', you can always select that option if you're hesitant.
The survey is purely for academic purposes, and after I compile the results, I'd be working on Tableau to create visualizations to summarize my findings. Do let me know if you have any more concerns.

Thank you for looking into the survey!

Title: Re: Please do my short survey on Bitcoin!
Post by: Caesar-Giulius on November 09, 2017, 04:13:14 PM
Done the survey, good luck to your research and study. If possible, are you able to publish the result in this thread? I will be interested to know about the result.

By the way, is there a need to collect zip code? I think country alone is good enough.

Title: Re: Please do my short survey on Bitcoin!
Post by: frisbeee on November 09, 2017, 04:26:00 PM
Done the survey, good luck to your research and study. If possible, are you able to publish the result in this thread? I will be interested to know about the result.

By the way, is there a need to collect zip code? I think country alone is good enough.

Thank you for doing the survey! I am looking forward to working on the data! I would definitely publish the results here.

The reason why I wanted to collect both the country and zip code was because I want to create 2 different charts in Tableau, one for the world and one for US. If most of my responses are from US, then I'd only create a chart for USA, for which I need the zip code. I want to give an overall idea of where most of my responses came from.

Title: Re: Please do my short survey on Bitcoin!
Post by: Emoclaw on November 09, 2017, 04:44:20 PM
I just completed the survey as well, small and easy. Good luck with your project and also do tell us if the presentation is well-received by your class or not when you do it.
I'd be interested to learn how your fellow students would respond to such an educated presentation about Bitcoin while having not heard of it at all.

Title: Re: Please do my short survey on Bitcoin!
Post by: DannyHamilton on November 09, 2017, 05:15:38 PM
I tried to fill out your survery, however . . .

You offer a response on your survey of "I have never heard of Bitcoin/No experience", and then you advertise your survey on the website.  This is going to create a VERY large bias in the responses.  While a VERY large percentage of the general population might never have heard of Bitcoin, only a VERY small percentage of the responses you get from this thread will make that selection.


You ask the question, "Were these transactions made within your own country or overseas?"
Then you offer a choice of "Own Country" and a choice of "Overseas".  Which one am I supposed to choose if I have done both?  Which one am I supposed to choose if I used it in a neighboring country that shares a land border with my country (So I don't need to cross over any Sea)?


You ask the question, "Do you think bitcoin will become a mainstream currency, by replacing the existing currencies?"
Then you only offer choices of "Yes", "No", and "Can't Say".  Which one am I supposed to choose if I thing it will become a mainstream currency, WITHOUT replacing existing currencies?


You ask the question, "Do you think you can live off only bitcoin for a week?"
Most people can go a whole week without spending any money at all.  Therefore, it would be easy for nearly everybody to "live off only bitcoin for a week".  It might have been better to ask about a longer period of time (such as a month).


You list "No central authority" as a disadvantage?  Isn't that an advantage?

Title: Re: Please do my short survey on Bitcoin!
Post by: Iranus on November 09, 2017, 05:34:36 PM
The reason why I wanted to collect both the country and zip code was because I want to create 2 different charts in Tableau, one for the world and one for US. If most of my responses are from US, then I'd only create a chart for USA, for which I need the zip code.
Couldn't you ask less specific information, such as the person's state? 

I know that asking for a zip code is relatively normal on online surveys, and I personally filled it out, but you might cut off a reasonable slice of your audience if they're privacy-orientated people (and those sorts of people may be more or less likely to believe other things on your survey as well).

I also thought that the "disadvantages" section was very brief and missed a lot of more relevant disadvantages (practical transaction capacity or the likelihood of mining pool centralisation, for example).

Title: Re: Please do my short survey on Bitcoin!
Post by: frisbeee on November 09, 2017, 07:11:25 PM
Thank you for taking out time to look at my survey!
Your concerns are understandable, and my responses are as follows:

You offer a response on your survey of "I have never heard of Bitcoin/No experience", and then you advertise your survey on the website.  This is going to create a VERY large bias in the responses.  While a VERY large percentage of the general population might never have heard of Bitcoin, only a VERY small percentage of the responses you get from this thread will make that selection.

I have asked a lot of other people to do my survey, for e.g. friends, classmates, family etc. So I tried to put in all possible answer options for that question.


You ask the question, "Were these transactions made within your own country or overseas?"
Then you offer a choice of "Own Country" and a choice of "Overseas".  Which one am I supposed to choose if I have done both?  Which one am I supposed to choose if I used it in a neighboring country that shares a land border with my country (So I don't need to cross over any Sea)?

Your concern is valid, I didn't think about that. I should've made it a check all that apply kind of question.


You ask the question, "Do you think bitcoin will become a mainstream currency, by replacing the existing currencies?"
Then you only offer choices of "Yes", "No", and "Can't Say".  Which one am I supposed to choose if I thing it will become a mainstream currency, WITHOUT replacing existing currencies?

In that case you should select 'no', because essentially you don't think it will replace existing currencies.


You ask the question, "Do you think you can live off only bitcoin for a week?"
Most people can go a whole week without spending any money at all.  Therefore, it would be easy for nearly everybody to "live off only bitcoin for a week".  It might have been better to ask about a longer period of time (such as a month).

I'm talking about a typical work week, where you'd buy groceries, spend on lunch, commute etc.


You list "No central authority" as a disadvantage?  Isn't that an advantage?

In my opinion it's really a personal preference. A lot of people might think of it as an advantage, on the other hand people might also think of it as a disadvantage.

I would request you to go back to the survey and complete it if you haven't already!
Thank you!!

Title: Re: Please do my short survey on Bitcoin!
Post by: leex1528 on November 09, 2017, 07:13:37 PM
Filled out.  Hope it goes well and let me know if you need anything else.  Can I ask you what you are doing your report on?  Just like knowledge of the coin, or how it works, or Crypto currencies are the future.  I'd love to see the presentation when finished if you are able to share it as well.

Title: Re: Please do my short survey on Bitcoin!
Post by: btmtb on November 09, 2017, 07:23:17 PM
Good luck

Title: Re: Please do my short survey on Bitcoin!
Post by: frisbeee on November 09, 2017, 08:46:23 PM
The reason why I wanted to collect both the country and zip code was because I want to create 2 different charts in Tableau, one for the world and one for US. If most of my responses are from US, then I'd only create a chart for USA, for which I need the zip code.
Couldn't you ask less specific information, such as the person's state? 

I know that asking for a zip code is relatively normal on online surveys, and I personally filled it out, but you might cut off a reasonable slice of your audience if they're privacy-orientated people (and those sorts of people may be more or less likely to believe other things on your survey as well).

I also thought that the "disadvantages" section was very brief and missed a lot of more relevant disadvantages (practical transaction capacity or the likelihood of mining pool centralisation, for example).

I guess you're right, I could've just asked for the state too. I don't think I can go back to change it now.
As for the disadvantages,  I wanted to keep it quite broad, so that even if someone that knows little about Bitcoin would be able to answer the questions. But thanks for the feedback!

Title: Re: Please do my short survey on Bitcoin!
Post by: frisbeee on November 10, 2017, 03:42:15 PM
Filled out.  Hope it goes well and let me know if you need anything else.  Can I ask you what you are doing your report on?  Just like knowledge of the coin, or how it works, or Crypto currencies are the future.  I'd love to see the presentation when finished if you are able to share it as well.

Thank you for doing the survey! My main aim is to gather knowledge about how everyone feels about Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. It is so interesting that Bitcoin has been increasing in value over the years, and majority of the people haven't even heard of it. It's for an analytics class. At the end, I would summarize the results and present to my class.

Title: Re: Please do my short survey on Bitcoin!
Post by: Kiridaya on November 10, 2017, 03:45:19 PM
Answered it, good luck on your project  :D

Title: Re: Please do my short survey on Bitcoin!
Post by: bane1990 on November 10, 2017, 04:27:19 PM
dane. hope this can help you, success for you

Title: Re: Please do my short survey on Bitcoin!
Post by: frisbeee on November 10, 2017, 06:08:59 PM
Thank you! Really appreciate it!  :)

Title: Re: Please do my short survey on Bitcoin!
Post by: frisbeee on November 12, 2017, 05:42:08 PM
Filled out.  Hope it goes well and let me know if you need anything else.  Can I ask you what you are doing your report on?  Just like knowledge of the coin, or how it works, or Crypto currencies are the future.  I'd love to see the presentation when finished if you are able to share it as well.

Thank you for doing the survey!
The point of this survey was 2 things - 1) to see how people feel about Bitcoin, because anything that happens in the market relies a lot on how people are feeling about things. For e.g. if they think the company will do well in the future because of a merger, the stock goes up. Similarly value of Bitcoin changes based on how many people think of it as an asset. If more and more people start accepting it, the value will keep growing. But this point is really for the people that actually know about bitcoin or other crypto currencies.
2) For the majority of the audience, I wanted to see how many actually know about it.

I'd love to share my analysis here. That will be sometime in the middle of December.

Title: Re: Please do my short survey on Bitcoin!
Post by: Mike Mayor on November 12, 2017, 07:45:17 PM
I filled your servey. One of the questions you need to change. It asked a question with two options but the answers are yes or no. I forgot the question but you need to fix it it is easy to find everyone who did it should know what I'm talking about. Good servey and I hope you get what you need for this project.

Title: Re: Please do my short survey on Bitcoin!
Post by: frisbeee on November 13, 2017, 04:33:34 AM
Thank you for filling out the survey, and thank you for the feedback. I'll look into and try to figure out the question you're talking about.

Title: Re: Please do my short survey on Bitcoin!
Post by: timikulit on November 13, 2017, 05:49:42 AM
Done answering you survey

I hope that you will release the results here in btctalk.

Thank you and good luck for your research.

Title: Re: Please do my short survey on Bitcoin!
Post by: iterra on November 13, 2017, 06:22:34 AM
Have completed, good luck.   My only comment would be is that you should see a lot of similar answers in your results - i.e. "have you heard of Bitcoins"...  Well you have asked this on a bitcoin forum, so, dare I say it - 100% would say "yes"?  Maybe you should try and seek some additional responses from sources independent of bitcoin focused discussion - i.e. facebook groups, a football team etc.  ;)

Title: Re: Please do my short survey on Bitcoin!
Post by: A1exander on November 13, 2017, 08:49:28 AM
Completed the survey. Wording of the last question was somewhat strange - is decentralization advantage or disadvantage? Also, I others already mentioned, asking if one heard of bitcoin on a bitcoin forum gives very predictable result....

Title: Re: Please do my short survey on Bitcoin!
Post by: naidray on November 14, 2017, 12:40:38 PM
Filled out.  Hope it goes well and let me know if you need anything else.  Can I ask you what you are doing your report on?  Just like knowledge of the coin, or how it works, or Crypto currencies are the future.  I'd love to see the presentation when finished if you are able to share it as well.

Thank you for doing the survey!
The point of this survey was 2 things - 1) to see how people feel about Bitcoin, because anything that happens in the market relies a lot on how people are feeling about things. For e.g. if they think the company will do well in the future because of a merger, the stock goes up. Similarly value of Bitcoin changes based on how many people think of it as an asset. If more and more people start accepting it, the value will keep growing. But this point is really for the people that actually know about bitcoin or other crypto currencies.
2) For the majority of the audience, I wanted to see how many actually know about it.

I'd love to share my analysis here. That will be sometime in the middle of December.
I like your idea of survey.
These type f public opinion forums must be created because now is the time that most of the changes in terms of prices are occurring and people are somewhat losing their faith in the currency.
I think that the present dump which caused the value to decrease up to 6k dollar value is temporary and the last month of present year would price much fruitful as the value is being expected to increase up to 10k in the beginning of new year.

Title: Re: Please do my short survey on Bitcoin!
Post by: daenarys_stormborn on November 14, 2017, 03:09:11 PM
Hello Everyone!
I'm an MBA student with a concentration in Analytics and Finance. I'm currently working on a project on Bitcoin for a class. If you can take out 5 minutes out of your time to complete my survey, that would be really helpful!
It is completely anonymous, and the results will be shared only with people in academia. Thank you for your time!

done, interesting research topic, hopefully my contribution can help your project, and hopefully you get a satisfactory value, good luck always

Title: Re: Please do my short survey on Bitcoin!
Post by: carodupuis on November 15, 2017, 06:21:54 AM
Hope my little participation can help your project in your class about bitcoin. No matter what results will be. Long live knowledge science and education. Good luck :)
Education is good but only when it is full and proper, little knowledge is dangerous thing and always put us in danger, bitcoin is an amazing technology helping people to make their living easy by earning good amount of money and meeting their financial needs easily. It is the most promising currency even you are deprived of a regular job you can still earn by using this forum and make your living standard good

Title: Re: Please do my short survey on Bitcoin!
Post by: kiwasmose on November 15, 2017, 06:46:55 AM
I just looked at your survey. This survey may involve some personal privacy, originally I intend to help you do one, but I'm sorry, some questions can not be answered to you. I think this kind of investigation is done at the center of the city, and it might be better, because it feels more real when you meet.

Title: Re: Please do my short survey on Bitcoin!
Post by: Jhon3438 on November 15, 2017, 07:19:44 AM
Hello Everyone!
I'm an MBA student with a concentration in Analytics and Finance. I'm currently working on a project on Bitcoin for a class. If you can take out 5 minutes out of your time to complete my survey, that would be really helpful!
It is completely anonymous, and the results will be shared only with people in academia. Thank you for your time!

.   Goodluck to your project and thanks for kind of survey hope it will help you alot..

Title: Re: Please do my short survey on Bitcoin!
Post by: frisbeee on November 15, 2017, 02:44:30 PM
Hello Everyone!
I'm an MBA student with a concentration in Analytics and Finance. I'm currently working on a project on Bitcoin for a class. If you can take out 5 minutes out of your time to complete my survey, that would be really helpful!
It is completely anonymous, and the results will be shared only with people in academia. Thank you for your time!

done, interesting research topic, hopefully my contribution can help your project, and hopefully you get a satisfactory value, good luck always

Thank you!

Title: Re: Please do my short survey on Bitcoin!
Post by: frisbeee on November 15, 2017, 02:56:31 PM
I just looked at your survey. This survey may involve some personal privacy, originally I intend to help you do one, but I'm sorry, some questions can not be answered to you. I think this kind of investigation is done at the center of the city, and it might be better, because it feels more real when you meet.

I hope you realize that I'm not doing an investigation. It is just a survey for a school survey, and it is completely anonymous. But I understand if you feel that way. Although I do hope you'll change your mind, and finish the survey.

Title: Re: Please do my short survey on Bitcoin!
Post by: frisbeee on November 15, 2017, 09:35:58 PM
Hello Everyone!
I'm an MBA student with a concentration in Analytics and Finance. I'm currently working on a project on Bitcoin for a class. If you can take out 5 minutes out of your time to complete my survey, that would be really helpful!
It is completely anonymous, and the results will be shared only with people in academia. Thank you for your time!

done, interesting research topic, hopefully my contribution can help your project, and hopefully you get a satisfactory value, good luck always

Thank you, every response helps!

Title: Re: Please do my short survey on Bitcoin!
Post by: moonfrost21 on November 15, 2017, 10:20:36 PM
Done, I did my best to answer I hope that my little knowledge about bitcoin so far will help your research.

Title: Re: Please do my short survey on Bitcoin!
Post by: frisbeee on November 15, 2017, 11:52:28 PM
Done, I did my best to answer I hope that my little knowledge about bitcoin so far will help your research.

Thank you!

Title: Re: Please do my short survey on Bitcoin!
Post by: frisbeee on November 16, 2017, 12:21:00 AM
I need one more response to get to 100!

Title: Re: Please do my short survey on Bitcoin!
Post by: Kiweikoo on November 22, 2017, 08:51:22 AM
Filled out.  Hope it goes well and let me know if you need anything else.  Can I ask you what you are doing your report on?  Just like knowledge of the coin, or how it works, or Crypto currencies are the future.  I'd love to see the presentation when finished if you are able to share it as well.

Thank you for doing the survey!
The point of this survey was 2 things - 1) to see how people feel about Bitcoin, because anything that happens in the market relies a lot on how people are feeling about things. For e.g. if they think the company will do well in the future because of a merger, the stock goes up. Similarly value of Bitcoin changes based on how many people think of it as an asset. If more and more people start accepting it, the value will keep growing. But this point is really for the people that actually know about bitcoin or other crypto currencies.
2) For the majority of the audience, I wanted to see how many actually know about it.

I'd love to share my analysis here. That will be sometime in the middle of December.
Well first thing is bitcoin is a digital currency and its price is high than any other currency and also you can do daily trade and investment here and also you can learn a lot of things here its transitions are also very fast and now its available almost in anywhere so I think end of the year some more countries will also accept bitcoin.

Title: Re: Please do my short survey on Bitcoin!
Post by: BananaPotato on November 24, 2017, 05:34:06 AM
Im sure this survey will help you in your goal. Ive done filling the form now. This might soon be a big help in bitcoin society.

Title: Re: Please do my short survey on Bitcoin!
Post by: NightWatchHKG on November 24, 2017, 05:35:54 AM
done.... good for you, hope you get some good feedback

Title: Re: Please do my short survey on Bitcoin!
Post by: Golftech on November 24, 2017, 05:39:28 AM
well hope our replied will help you out in terms of sharing knowledge about bitcoin and for more people to get involved and to raise their
knowledge as well, it will just need a little time to shared our owned points of view sharing some hints so people will be also informed
about the opportunities toward bitcoin investment.