Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: MemoryDealers on June 19, 2013, 03:07:08 PM

Title: How to shut down scammer / phishing websites?
Post by: MemoryDealers on June 19, 2013, 03:07:08 PM
I just came across this scammer website: (with an E after bitcoin)

It has NOTHING to do with the real  (no extra e)

They are even claiming that the scammer site is powered by (

I've already reported it to

Any ideas what else can be done?

Title: Re: How to shut down scammer / phishing websites?
Post by: greyhawk on June 19, 2013, 03:09:35 PM
Report it to the diverse antivirus networks too.

That's pretty much all you can do. Unfortunately such sites are usually hosted by other criminals that simply don't care to take down the site.

Title: Re: How to shut down scammer / phishing websites?
Post by: Epicurus on June 19, 2013, 03:45:42 PM
I just came across this scammer website: (with an E after bitcoin)

It has NOTHING to do with the real  (no extra e)

They are even claiming that the scammer site is powered by (

I've already reported it to

Any ideas what else can be done?

If Bitcoin Store is their registered trademark, they will ultimately be able to have that domain seized, as it's clearly infringing. Same thing that happens if you were to register something like "Faceebook" (which Facebook already owns, having probably seized it from someone doing exactly this).

Title: Re: How to shut down scammer / phishing websites?
Post by: epetroel on June 19, 2013, 03:55:30 PM
If it's hosted in the USA, you could probably file a DMCA takedown request with their hosting provider.  If not though, you are probably out of luck.

Title: Re: How to shut down scammer / phishing websites?
Post by: bitcoinbear on June 19, 2013, 04:34:30 PM
This is bitcoin ... there should be a way to pay for a DDoS against them ...

Title: Re: How to shut down scammer / phishing websites?
Post by: Carlton Banks on June 19, 2013, 06:30:14 PM
Any ideas what else can be done?

If we can make Bitcoin even more successful, these guys'll be able to earn an honest living instead!  :P

Title: Re: How to shut down scammer / phishing websites?
Post by: on June 19, 2013, 06:33:17 PM
Contact Registrar, they will suspend domain.

Title: Re: How to shut down scammer / phishing websites?
Post by: lv426 on June 19, 2013, 06:34:30 PM
i'm a professional DMCA agent.
this means i file DMCA takedown requests (tens of thousands of them) for a living...

unfortunately, you can't file a complaint out of the blue.
you must adhere to some formal rules.

most important, you need to be the right holder or authorized to act on his behalf.

this means, the original needs to file the complaint.

They can contact me via pm, i would do it for them free of charge.

Or i can give them a working template email and basic info on how to do it on their own.

Title: Re: How to shut down scammer / phishing websites?
Post by: on June 19, 2013, 06:36:48 PM
i'm a professional DMCA agent.
this means i file DMCA takedown requests (tens of thousands of them) for a living...

unfortunately, you can't file a complaint out of the blue.
you must adhere to some formal rules.

most important, you need to be the right holder or authorized to act on his behalf.

this means, the original needs to file the complaint.

They can contact me via pm, i would do it for them free of charge.

Or i can give them a working template email and basic info on how to do it on their own.

What DMCA has to do with a phishing site??

Op, i have reported that site, domain will go down soon.

Title: Re: How to shut down scammer / phishing websites?
Post by: lv426 on June 19, 2013, 06:43:28 PM
What DMCA has to do with a phishing site??

nature of the site is irrelevant. they use the same name, same icon...
if the original site got a trademark/copyright on it, they can file a DMCA.

Title: Re: How to shut down scammer / phishing websites?
Post by: epetroel on June 19, 2013, 06:48:20 PM
What DMCA has to do with a phishing site??

nature of the site is irrelevant. they use the same name, same icon...
if the original site got a trademark/copyright on it, they can file a DMCA.

Exactly.  I haven't checked out the site, but I assume they would have ripped of some of your copyrighted content (images, text, etc).  That should be enough for a claim. 

Even if it isn't, what are they gonna do? Sue you? Good luck to them with that :)

Title: Re: How to shut down scammer / phishing websites?
Post by: on June 19, 2013, 06:48:37 PM
What DMCA has to do with a phishing site??

nature of the site is irrelevant. they use the same name, same icon...
if the original site got a trademark/copyright on it, they can file a DMCA.

What if site is hosted on a offshore DMCA ignored server?

Edit it is.


Title: Re: How to shut down scammer / phishing websites?
Post by: John (John K.) on June 19, 2013, 06:58:58 PM
What DMCA has to do with a phishing site??

nature of the site is irrelevant. they use the same name, same icon...
if the original site got a trademark/copyright on it, they can file a DMCA.

What if site is hosted on a offshore DMCA ignored server?

Edit it is.


Meh, we've been getting them a lot since the mtgix days. It's the same individual/group.

Title: Re: How to shut down scammer / phishing websites?
Post by: nomnomnom on June 19, 2013, 06:59:16 PM
What if site is hosted on a offshore DMCA ignored server?

Edit it is.


These are the same people running bitcoinarr ( the scam that gets posted everywhere,reddit,forum  50 bitcoins for 800$ etc... )
Would love to see somebody take those fuckers down.


If you google lichao, this seems to be some smart chinese chess master lol...

Title: Re: How to shut down scammer / phishing websites?
Post by: lv426 on June 19, 2013, 07:00:46 PM
ah well, who cares about their whois entries, you have several vectors for a DMCA on them...
if they do not comply, then you escalate to

Title: Re: How to shut down scammer / phishing websites?
Post by: lv426 on June 19, 2013, 07:08:08 PM
i did only a surface analysis, if people post more infos about this group, i will dig deeper...

here is some more info on singlehop (AS32475)

Title: Re: How to shut down scammer / phishing websites?
Post by: ArticMine on June 19, 2013, 07:22:02 PM
I would talk first with a trademark and copyright lawyer since I suspect both trademark and copyright infringement here. An initial consultation is well worth the money in these situations.

Options can be:
DMCA notices, targeting search engines, hosting providers etc. based in the United States.
Go after the domain name under the ICANN process for trademark infringement.
Do some research: Who are they using as a payment processor both for Bitcoin and fiat?  Who is their domain registrar? Who are their suppliers? This can be useful if you find a US nexus to go after for example in litigation.

PS: I found the service at the real Bitcoinstore to be excellent.

Title: Re: How to shut down scammer / phishing websites?
Post by: acoindr on June 19, 2013, 08:07:24 PM
Where are you guys getting the China stuff?

@lv426 appears correct. The site seems hosted by located in Chicago:

Corporate Headquarters:

SingleHop, LLC.
ATTN: Account Management
215 W. Ohio St. 5th Floor
Chicago, IL 60654

Legal Inquiries

All legal inquiries should be
sent via fax and certified mail
to the addresses below.
At this time we do not accept
legal inquiries via E-mail.
Fax: 773-305-1666 SingleHop, LLC.
ATTN: Account Management
215 W. Ohio St. 5th Floor
Chicago, IL 60654

Also the domain was registered by on 4/15/2013. They are using GoDaddy for the registration and DNS which then points to SingleHop. That's very amateurish looking for a scam.

These are both US based companies which means law abiding and compliant usually. GoDaddy to my knowledge doesn't accept any anonymous form of payment so you may be able to get their identity through them. They do accept PayPal, though, and it's possible to buy blackmarket PayPal accounts.

The WHOIS lists a "john" in Thailand which is probably made up.

Title: Re: How to shut down scammer / phishing websites?
Post by: Pale Phoenix on June 19, 2013, 08:27:34 PM
You don't really need an attorney for most takedowns.

Do as lv426 recommended by sending a DMCA takedown notice to the hosting provider, and keep moving upstream until you get a satisfactory response. You can find each U.S. based company's copyright agent for notices here:

That is generally the fastest way to get something taken down.

Incidentally, it doesn't appear as though you have registered your trademarks with the USPTO. You might consider registering as I've found it can make takedowns easier, especially when dealing with foreign hosting companies.

If the DMCA notices don't resolve it, you can attempt to get control of the domain with a WIPO action. Document their phishing attempts and you will likely prevail, but it won't happen overnight.

Title: Re: How to shut down scammer / phishing websites?
Post by: on June 21, 2013, 10:02:07 AM

Op, i have reported that site, domain will go down soon.

@Memorydealer here you go

Domain suspended

Title: Re: How to shut down scammer / phishing websites?
Post by: phillipsjk on June 21, 2013, 10:10:36 AM
i'm a professional DMCA agent.
this means i file DMCA takedown requests (tens of thousands of them) for a living...

DMCA only applies to copyrighted materials. I think the OP is more concerned about Trademark infringement. I think the suggestion to complain to the registrar is a good one.

Looks like it was done already:
   Domain servers in listed order:

Title: Re: How to shut down scammer / phishing websites?
Post by: Pale Phoenix on June 21, 2013, 07:30:16 PM
i'm a professional DMCA agent.
this means i file DMCA takedown requests (tens of thousands of them) for a living...

DMCA only applies to copyrighted materials. I think the OP is more concerned about Trademark infringement. I think the suggestion to complain to the registrar is a good one.

Looks like it was done already:
   Domain servers in listed order:

In theory, yes, DMCA applies only to copyrighted materials, but in the case of site copying / phishing, having a registered trademark can help move things along and the two types of infringement can be referenced in the same take down letter.

Title: Re: How to shut down scammer / phishing websites?
Post by: xorred on May 04, 2014, 06:20:58 AM
I just wrote an article (yesterday) about this on my infosec website - - which explains several ways of dealing with phishing / scammer sites. Hope you find it useful

Title: Re: How to shut down scammer / phishing websites?
Post by: SherdonIke on May 04, 2014, 10:55:31 AM
just tell about the scammers as much people as possible. and report about them, as you already have done

Title: Re: How to shut down scammer / phishing websites?
Post by: StrongStorm181 on May 04, 2014, 12:02:39 PM
hi Roger! i can help you with this scammer. I can find full info scammer. But i want 0.5btc, send me pm

Title: Re: How to shut down scammer / phishing websites?
Post by: BitCoinDream on May 04, 2014, 12:10:52 PM
hi Roger! i can help you with this scammer. I can find full info scammer. But i want 0.5btc, send me pm

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