Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: bitfools on November 14, 2017, 02:11:53 AM

Title: BTG-DEV launched source that makes them Centralized seed server - plan failed
Post by: bitfools on November 14, 2017, 02:11:53 AM
I'm getting 'no-witness-yet' when trying to make a transaction from a P2SH-P2WPKH address. Is segwit active on bitcoin gold?

Confirmations seem to be taken more than 12 hours, after shit is found on

Quite long usually stuff gets confirmed in 2-4 hours

Just keep your shorts on be patient, no hurry

The trust level is VERY low, doesn't want to pay out what's not there's, the ASSHOLES BTG-DEV are just pissing everyone off, with their demands to reset the block-chain, cuz the chinese didn't pull off the scam like they thought, turns out the people at are 1000X smarter than dumb-fucks at BTG-DEV

Sour grapes, but it puts everything in limbo


We need MORE full nodes

WE need more time so the nodes get synchronized,

Hell even the source that comes with BTG-DEV doesn't have any seeds in the chainparamsseed.h, this is easy to GENERATE with python, the script is in /share, but the FUCK-HEADS never even properly configured, so what we have is a klusterfuck network, where nodes can't find one another, maybe this was planned by chinese so they could BAN non-chinese nodes and control the chain,

Who the fuck knows, but its VERY suspicious.


More reports coming out about EPIC FAILURE of building the block chain, go to and read the problems of NOOBS, nobody can figure out how to use or run the software, this means no nodes, ... :(

Sure ppl like myself figured out how to bootstrap the source and feed the seed-nodes weeks ago, and I think BTG.SUPRNOVA.CC did the same, and we beat the chinese bastards, now we control the chiain, and they don't,

I think their plan was to keep central control of seed-nodes, and BAN anybody they didn't like so they could control chain, and they could control consensus and keep all the blcocks in CHINESE MAFIA hands, but what happened is people took it upon themselves to correct the fucked up code and make it work,

Now BTC-GPU is pissed and wants to revoke  the 'launch' and start over, sour grapes, ..

But SUPRNOVA.CC is saying FUCK-NO, we have the longest chain, we win U LOSE CHINA