Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Pools => Topic started by: DrHaribo on June 21, 2013, 05:59:04 PM

Title: (finished) Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: DrHaribo on June 21, 2013, 05:59:04 PM
To celebrate ( starting up and BitMinter turning 2 (launch date 2011.06.26), we are holding another mint race. And CloudHashing has some really awesome prizes for the winners! The race takes place at the BitMinter mining pool. All you need to do is mine. The rules are like for previous mint races (#1 (, #2 (, #3 ( but the race will last a full week.

Start: sunday 2013.06.23 at 20:00 UTC
Finish: sunday 2013.06.30 at 20:00 UTC

The prizes are discounts at

1st place: $1000 off when you spend $1500
2nd place: $500 off when you spend $949.95
3rd place: $250 off when you spend $949.95
4-10th place: $100 off when you spend $495

So if you win first prize you can pay $500 for $1500 worth of mining contracts.

Discount codes are transferable if you want to give it away or sell it, rather than spend it yourself.
Discount codes valid for 2 months.

  • Just like your hash must beat the difficulty to produce a block, it must beat the other miners to win. The best (lowest) hashes during the race will win.
  • As long as your work is accepted by the server it is valid for the race, even if it ends up "stale" or "orphaned" in the block list.
  • Each person can only compete with one (their best) hash.
  • If a winner cannot be reached within 1 week, the prize will go to the next on the list. You may want to make sure that the "account details" page at has an email address listed for you so that you are easy to reach.
  • Any block by CloudHashing or DrHaribo will not count in the race.

Hopefully your mining software will show if you have created a block (BitMinter client does). Your block will show with your user name in the block list at You can click the height number for the block (leftmost column) to see details. There is a link there to where you can see the hash value of the block both on the page and in the URL. The lowest hash value wins. Hash values are shown in hexadecimal. 0-9 is lower than A-F. A is lower than B. Pretty simple.


PlaceNameHash (lower is better)
1 primaxbits 00000000000000048AA4BE0AD0E6DFAD13C87720A505F6EC21904F25C28F2E65 (
2 Fefox 000000000000000940BD68E51A7768FA9F100DD73C88BA43D73F1CE59BD588ED (
3 micheletegon 0000000000000015D22104F993AB6DCCA74A303A7B9CC787588B6A56F0828909 (
4 hellerstern66 0000000000000021483F78F4B3BAF6819E4D931CE62EFB389AF3A0447E5CB1EB (
5 SilentSonicBoom 0000000000000024881EE805A0486982230F8845FF650C39E7C5B61E7740A03A (
6 bithog 0000000000000025CBDDB9D80DDFC85C8624315CAEFF7C134358027670D31863 (
7 fpga1 0000000000000027FAB86E15AB9F7F3C68238176EF04935772F4804174FC326E (
8 Boomz 000000000000002A82BAC06017210722D698619988AB04F7229DA0E4292A9849 (
9 drradkin 000000000000002F6EBD798AE0F9AE0807AB96005F0B11A3B3BBF936527DA21B (
10 forrestv 000000000000003B77F4DF781FFADF7333AC7144B04032FEE06C05FCE784020C (
--------- no prizes below this point ---
11 MarcelM 00000000000000403D54CF421DDF94E7DCE837CEA322AC17A607F49BF7A6286E (
12 1849dreams 0000000000000042E3C97EFCECF4790CA709ADFCC2A1D95E95A9C79C365DA52D (
13 F90kX 0000000000000054C5C03DF20528247CF7F6C55F6A15C9C6EA43C4F7C6808FFE (
14 xkrikl 0000000000000057CBC7CDEFB640F62110A49D2326A454F80F8DA6CB5FB3410E (
15 Dagger75 0000000000000067D269F814A031903ACCF2540BE1CA14A46BBCAB9CA26E4AF3 (
16 Xollo 000000000000006DAFA677D6FD820721DC25619FF09367E9428FB8D67642CB90 (
17 hrofat 000000000000007053C8715CF241D43FE561CEFB43CB1B08F20EEE3799AA66C8 (
18 jocampo 00000000000000717FC845F9A933BD30A71243BD062EF8E8BFEAF2DF0A02A51C (
19 fpgabtc 00000000000000736A1CCF23F2C8F6E944DC054D2D123BCD8771461636AD2FE3 (
20 greenminer01 0000000000000074E01E4905E6674C7B54DA3BC1230537658FB5035765B5FD56 (
21 lancsq 000000000000007902C84D31FB5EF67CF583832ECF6701D37D9655F30E6496F6 (
22 farfie 000000000000007FBAAEA0205C25B629F71885D221ECDC0C8CABD029FFC7CF26 (
23 solari 0000000000000080B1F4C4F141443DC8D2F98E4B3CC7028EEF80FB8CC2A14283 (
24 harkoner 0000000000000087CD471CFD392EABE17B691BF2EE233B2B117A6683E828FAB1 (
25 AmiralPsiko 000000000000008AF231C6BE417EFA785F3BC2FCCCBD1C500073897AE0952E67 (
26 jerrylittlemars 000000000000008E2C84951A6AAA736113BD7B5E987F9B057CC7D282B6516501 (
28 daryl001 000000000000009736CA5C5076282E2AA934EEA809096E0F952562B16F948F88 (
27 forrestv 00000000000000A153C32E46A76951881F18B31161FBCD99355FC64AC0878679 (
29 rbatista204 00000000000000A176408B2E08154FB59BB6D46150CF264D62C94B0CA2E3787A (
30 griffingoodwest 00000000000000AA87CB058B0E89365A86A260E3F587BBA97F95AC28AE88C5DF (
31 pszalwinski 00000000000000AC5C759191E4552FC066FCA215043FF103FB80212B200DDE7C (
32 streblo 00000000000000B6E84F108291CBD5A915EC1E1F03667A1BFB5CE147753D14ED (
33 Gadmaster 00000000000000B705F93D9561F551D24CF711C412322D296EB87177E68740BE (
34 akotevski 00000000000000C80DD61E74E069ED72282995E01462216C7AAF9B613D880B5B (
---BTC target00000000000000C94E0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Updated 2013.06.30, 20:13 UTC

Title: Re: Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: philipma1957 on June 22, 2013, 01:08:26 PM
I have already purchased a contract from

 I paid in full about 700 usd then tack on fees  of 17 and 21 or 738 usd.

  I will ask if I were to win a prize do I get to count my early contract?   

Title: Re: Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: Isokivi on June 22, 2013, 08:30:21 PM
Cloudhashings site is missing relevant information and I cant be bothered to register.. What payment options do they accept ?

Title: Re: Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: DrHaribo on June 22, 2013, 11:22:17 PM
With less than 21 hours left before the race we see many users arriving and getting their rigs ready for the race. I don't think I've ever seen more users mining at BitMinter. Interestingly most of them are small or medium miners. Big miners that would have a 5-10% chance of winning the first prize, at 1000 US dollar value, are nowhere to be seen. Big "warehouse size" mining operations are slower to turn around, and the mint race was announced only 2 days before start. This could be just what the smaller miners need to have a real shot at the prizes.

Questions about CloudHashing will be answered soon. I don't want to give any wrong answers.

Finally, a request to all participants: go easy on the overclocking (and have a fire extinguisher ready). We don't want to see any burned out rigs like we did in a previous race.

Title: Re: Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: DrHaribo on June 22, 2013, 11:40:23 PM
I will ask if I were to win a prize do I get to count my early contract?   

The discounts are for new purchases.

Note that it is possible to sell the discount code to someone else if you don't want to buy more mining contracts yourself. You won't get 1000 USD for a 1000 USD discount code, but I'm sure you could sell it for a bit less. We could hold on to the discount code and give it directly to the buyer, and I could do (bitcoin) escrow if that helps.

Cloudhashings site is missing relevant information and I cant be bothered to register.. What payment options do they accept ?

Their site has the "bitcoin accepted here" and "google wallet accepted" logos. Those are the two payment options. You can use credit cards through Google Wallet.

If there are any other questions, ask away. :)

Title: Re: Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: philipma1957 on June 23, 2013, 08:30:18 AM
I will ask if I were to win a prize do I get to count my early contract?   

The discounts are for new purchases.

Note that it is possible to sell the discount code to someone else if you don't want to buy more mining contracts yourself. You won't get 1000 USD for a 1000 USD discount code, but I'm sure you could sell it for a bit less. We could hold on to the discount code and give it directly to the buyer, and I could do (bitcoin) escrow if that helps.

Cloudhashings site is missing relevant information and I cant be bothered to register.. What payment options do they accept ?

Their site has the "bitcoin accepted here" and "google wallet accepted" logos. Those are the two payment options. You can use credit cards through Google Wallet.

If there are any other questions, ask away. :)

I paid with google wallet. Most likely I won't win but is was a bit annoying to find out supporting a company early did not help me very much. So far I am not that impressed with them but time will tell. My contract is a 1 year July contract my gut feeling is I won't be collecting any coin in July. So much for the early bird gets the worm.

Title: Re: Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: DrHaribo on June 23, 2013, 08:15:50 PM
The race is on!

May the best minter win. :)

Title: Re: Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: Flashman on June 23, 2013, 11:29:36 PM
Well I has no clue exactly how I could win, but I'm in anyway.

So much for the early bird gets the worm.

Maybe you forgot that also the early worm gets the bird... or worse. :D

Title: Re: Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: philipma1957 on June 23, 2013, 11:47:35 PM
Well I has no clue exactly how I could win, but I'm in anyway.

So much for the early bird gets the worm.

Maybe you forgot that also the early worm gets the bird... or worse. :D

 Flashman you first need to make a block.

 so right now farfie has the lead since he is the only one to make a block so far. since starting time.

 farfie has a hash of 61gh.

 my hash is 6gh  so he is more likely to win then myself.   the whole pool of bitminter is 4700gh. 

 so my chances are about 6 of 4700.

  all blocks have numbers lowest number wins.

 so far 1 block so it must be in first place.  I have been mining for about 10.5 months I have made 4 or 5 blocks.

 I don't expect to win a prize.  but we are both in it so maybe one of use will win a prize.

Title: Re: Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: DrHaribo on June 24, 2013, 12:03:45 AM
After a slow start, farfie gets the first block. Whether this will keep him in the top 10 remains to be seen. With almost a week left of the race, anything can happen.

Title: Re: Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: Adriano on June 24, 2013, 12:18:12 AM
I was checking cloudhashing website... They mention about a free trial contract but I couldn't find any further information regarding it. Can you please get more information about it ?

Many Thanks.


Title: Re: Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: usualsuspect on June 24, 2013, 12:59:23 AM
i dont want to come off as ungrateful because i understand what this promo is all about, i.e. bring in higher hashrates for the pool and in turn making us more profitable...... but maybe there could be another prize like a raffle for all us little miners in the pool because theres now way ill mint a coin on my mining rig ( currently only mining on a 6970 and a 650ti: total hash around 500-575 mhs). im just throwing it out there

Title: Re: Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: zvs on June 24, 2013, 01:07:28 AM
i think everyone that participates should receive 100 devcoins

Title: Re: Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: wheatrich on June 24, 2013, 03:34:43 AM
my odds are ridiculously low but in to win

Title: Re: Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: SgtMoth on June 24, 2013, 05:26:59 AM
I have 14 g stuck in customs...

Title: Re: Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: cloudhasher on June 24, 2013, 11:36:34 AM
I was checking cloudhashing website... They mention about a free trial contract but I couldn't find any further information regarding it. Can you please get more information about it ?

Many Thanks.


Hi Adriano,

The free contracts went online a few weeks back and were fully subscribed without 24 hours.


Title: Re: Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: vince120 on June 24, 2013, 12:18:14 PM
And the winner is (i guess) :

less than a minute (~10 secs) ! 8)

Title: Re: Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: on June 24, 2013, 03:44:10 PM
And the winner is (i guess) :

less than a minute (~10 secs) ! 8)

Ahh but that is not the determining factor.  It is a matter of how low the hash value is.  MicheleTegon is winning.  See the first post in the thread where Doc is listing them.

Title: Re: Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: DrHaribo on June 24, 2013, 05:02:27 PM
SgtMoth's new equipment is stuck in customs and there is a rumor that Fefox is lacking his best rig. The timing could not be worse.

Meanwhile micheletegon pushes up near the top of the top50 list and grabs a block that easily places him in first position. More surprisingly, hellerstern66, who is not even on the top 50 list lands a block good enough for second position so far. Clearly someone minting above their weight.

The finish line is still a long way off though.

i think everyone that participates should receive 100 devcoins

Sounds like another prize donor has arrived! :P

Title: Re: Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: Flashman on June 24, 2013, 06:16:06 PM
farfie has a hash of 61gh.

 my hash is 6gh  so he is more likely to win then myself.   the whole pool of bitminter is 4700gh. 

 so my chances are about 6 of 4700.

Thanks, I'm at about 1 in 10,000 to make a block I guess, until my BFL stuff arrives. Then I guess we're hoping for around 40 blocks in a week? So chance of winning 1/400,000 ish... hmmmm, maybe I should pull some hash, to make it an exact million to one shot... because of the Discworld theory that exact million to one shots come up nine times out of ten.

Title: Re: Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: shiunsai on June 25, 2013, 05:29:40 AM
is there a place we can check to see if we created a block? instead of going through all the blocks page by page to see?

Title: Re: Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: DrHaribo on June 25, 2013, 06:16:48 AM
is there a place we can check to see if we created a block? instead of going through all the blocks page by page to see?

It's not possible yet, but I plan to add that in the future.

For the mint race though, it's pretty quick to check, since the latest blocks are listed first. :)

Title: Re: Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: drwho88888 on June 25, 2013, 07:19:37 AM
CloudHashing say they have 30Th on order. How many do they have running now, if any ? When I pay for a contract does it begin for me immediately ?

How can it make business sense to pay out $520 for a payment of $149 ? (Though I appreciate they probably paid less than $50 for that 1Gh)

I'm not trying to be negative but when something looks too good to be true, it normally is and I'm just trying to satisfy myself that this isn't a scam or something that will last a month and then disappear.

Title: Re: Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: usualsuspect on June 25, 2013, 10:20:33 AM
i think the new contracts signed today dont start until sept. if thats any help to your time line

Title: Re: Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: drwho88888 on June 25, 2013, 11:07:54 AM
Oh right. Thanks for that. Difficulty will be so high by then it won't make sense I think and their estimate of the return is overdone.

As I said, if it look too good to be true, then it probably is.......

Title: Re: Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: drwho88888 on June 25, 2013, 01:02:08 PM
Just spoke to the guys at CloudHashing and they seemed very sensible saying that they'd try to keep the hashing rate up to keep track with the difficulty. However, that's going to be tough come 6 months time or more.

Best of luck.

Title: Re: Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: DrHaribo on June 25, 2013, 10:28:23 PM
We've seen jocampo, MarcelM and F90kX find blocks today. With 8 blocks found already and only 10 prizes some of those are not likely to be eligible for a prize by the end of the race. micheletegon is looking pretty secure in first place, though, at least for the time being.

Title: Re: Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: DrHaribo on June 26, 2013, 09:00:53 AM
pszalwinski's block narrowly misses, placing him outside of the top 10 in the current standings. F90kX can breathe a sigh of relief, but his position is looking very precarious.

In other news, today BitMinter is 2 years old! :)

Title: Re: Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: DrHaribo on June 26, 2013, 12:56:21 PM
As Boomz finds a block, F90kX's block is pushed out of the top 10 positions where the prizes are. We then see F90kX respond by gathering up their hash power and pushing up to over 200 GH/s. micheletegon, not to be outdone, does the same. As the two knife for the top hashrate position, this race is getting interesting. :)

Title: Re: Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: Adriano on June 27, 2013, 03:17:34 AM
Hi Guys, I have a question to cloudhasher and/or DrHaribo.

What kind of partnership will take place between CloudHashing and BitMinter? Will their hardware be mining through BitMinter as their main pool?



Title: Re: Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: philipma1957 on June 27, 2013, 03:23:14 AM
Hi Guys, I have a question to cloudhasher and/or DrHaribo.

What kind of partnership will take place between CloudHashing and BitMinter? Will their hardware be mining through BitMinter as their main pool?



  well that would be very helpful for variance. lets hope so.

Title: Re: Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: DrHaribo on June 27, 2013, 06:28:17 AM
What kind of partnership will take place between CloudHashing and BitMinter? Will their hardware be mining through BitMinter as their main pool?

That's the plan. :)

Title: Re: Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: Flashman on June 27, 2013, 11:06:46 AM
 well that would be very helpful for variance. lets hope so.

Yah variance has been horrible since AM went solo, odd thing is though, back before AM came on, I wanna say 2 months ago when pool total was only 3 TH or so, the variance didn't seem that bad. I guess it might relate to difficulty, 3TH then was like 9TH now.

Title: Re: Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: DrHaribo on June 28, 2013, 07:40:49 AM
Fefox snatches first place away from micheletegon. But will it hold until the end of the race?

F90kX finds a better block and is back in the top 10.

Title: Re: Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: fpgaminer on June 28, 2013, 08:13:51 AM
The commentary is fun, DrHaribo  :P  I wonder if micheletegon will bring their hashing power back to try and reclaim #1.

Title: Re: Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: SilentSonicBoom on June 29, 2013, 07:54:47 AM
The commentary is fun, DrHaribo  :P  I wonder if micheletegon will bring their hashing power back to try and reclaim #1.

OMG. I actually created a block after I lowered my hashrate here by auctioning off multiple USB miner sticks lol :D

Title: Re: Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: SilentSonicBoom on June 29, 2013, 08:04:35 AM
The commentary is fun, DrHaribo  :P  I wonder if micheletegon will bring their hashing power back to try and reclaim #1.

OMG. I actually created a block after I lowered my hashrate here by auctioning off multiple USB miner sticks lol :D


Title: Re: Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: ASICMining on June 29, 2013, 10:31:57 AM
Pretty exciting to watch =)

Title: Re: Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: DrHaribo on June 29, 2013, 11:17:31 AM
SilentSonicBoom finds a good block, earning him 4th place.

F90kX is having the worst luck this mint race. Now also his second block has been pushed off the top 10 rankings. There is still time though, and he's doing a pretty decent 220+ GH/s. Can be get on the top 10 a third time?

Title: Re: Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: DrHaribo on June 29, 2013, 11:42:40 PM
Wow. primaxbits, who is not even on the top 50 hashrates list, is showing some excellent minting work. That's easily first place so far, and it will be very tough to beat.

There's barely over 20 hours left of the race. For some miners time is running out...

Title: Re: Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: derekleong75 on June 30, 2013, 04:08:39 AM
If only I could find a block with my 1.3 GH GPUs...

Title: Re: Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: SilentSonicBoom on June 30, 2013, 04:13:47 AM
If only I could find a block with my 1.3 GH GPUs...

There is always a chance. I think I was down to 8 or 9 GH/s when I solved my block.

Title: Re: Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: fpgaminer on June 30, 2013, 07:03:20 AM
I hashed so hard
And got so low
But in the end
It doesn't even matter

Title: Re: Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: SilentSonicBoom on June 30, 2013, 05:42:34 PM
I hashed so hard
And got so low
But in the end
It doesn't even matter

Nice musical reference. Great song.

Title: Re: Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: DrHaribo on June 30, 2013, 08:17:08 PM
The mint race is over - Congratulations to the winners!

And a big thanks to CloudHashing for providing great prizes! :)

Title: Re: Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: derekleong75 on July 01, 2013, 06:25:25 AM
I hashed so hard
And got so low
But in the end
It doesn't even matter

+1...  Congrats to all winners!

Title: Re: (finished) Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: philipma1957 on July 01, 2013, 03:48:58 PM
My july 1st cloudhashing contract shows this on the cloudhashing website


Monday Jul 01st, 2013

Bitcoin Mining Contracts

Browse our current range of available bitcoin mining contracts
     $404 The requested product does not exist. 

   So I am not saying they are a bad company I am saying I have a problem with my July 1st contract.
 I am a long time miner on the good Doctor H's pool. I paid 700 usd plus fees for  a July 1st contract It is supposed to give my 6gh starting today and jump to 7.5gh sept 1st.  The website has a contract number for me and says it is a July 1 contract. The website used to have the terms of the contract and now they dropped off. I am hoping for a correction and a reply from cloudhasher.  I will post again when they fix it.  Phil

Title: Re: (finished) Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: cloudhasher on July 01, 2013, 04:08:43 PM
My july 1st cloudhashing contract shows this on the cloudhashing website


Monday Jul 01st, 2013

Bitcoin Mining Contracts

Browse our current range of available bitcoin mining contracts
     $404 The requested product does not exist. 

   So I am not saying they are a bad company I am saying I have a problem with my July 1st contract.
 I am a long time miner on the good Doctor H's pool. I paid 700 usd plus fees for  a July 1st contract It is supposed to give my 6gh starting today and jump to 7.5gh sept 1st.  The website has a contract number for me and says it is a July 1 contract. The website used to have the terms of the contract and now they dropped off. I am hoping for a correction and a reply from cloudhasher.  I will post again when they fix it.  Phil

We are making quite a few changes to the site this week and adding a lot of new features including the mining statistics

Please bare with us as we carry out these annoying but essential upgrades.


Title: Re: (finished) Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: philipma1957 on July 01, 2013, 04:28:36 PM
thank you for a reply.

Title: Re: (finished) Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: michelet on July 02, 2013, 06:22:30 AM
Hello, when/how we will receive the discount codes to order from cloudhashing?


Title: Re: (finished) Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: DrHaribo on July 02, 2013, 06:45:11 AM
Hello, when/how we will receive the discount codes to order from cloudhashing?


You should have received an email at the address you registered with BitMinter. Perhaps it ended up in your spam folder?

Anyone who is among the 10 winners and didn't receive an email, contact me at

Title: Re: (finished) Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: philipma1957 on July 02, 2013, 11:26:14 AM
Hello, when/how we will receive the discount codes to order from cloudhashing?

    Do your self a favor and wait just a bit to order. 

 this is the cloudhashing thread and more then one of us are asking what has happened to out July contracts. He has told us he will post a new letter.  Since your prize costs money and will last 2 months before it expires I advise you to read the thread link above before you sign and pay for a contract.  Obviously if he posts the info promised  to the June-July contract holders  fast and it makes sense signing a contract is a good idea.

Title: Re: (finished) Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: michelet on July 02, 2013, 02:28:16 PM
Hello, when/how we will receive the discount codes to order from cloudhashing?

   Do your self a favor and wait just a bit to order.  

 this is the cloudhashing thread and more then one of us are asking what has happened to out July contracts. He has told us he will post a new letter.  Since your prize costs money and will last 2 months before it expires I advise you to read the thread link above before you sign and pay for a contract.  Obviously if he posts the info promised  to the June-July contract holders  fast and it makes sense signing a contract is a good idea.

Thank you for the suggestion.
I ordered in June an "Indefinite" contract, but I have not been able to pay for technical issues (internet connection). The order looks "pending" in my dashboard.I asked many times to pay but they just told me "open a new order" but that kind of contracts are not available any more.
I was just trying to close that order. If it won't be possible I will be glad to give my prize to someone else

Title: Re: (finished) Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: philipma1957 on July 02, 2013, 04:54:20 PM
Hello, when/how we will receive the discount codes to order from cloudhashing?

   Do your self a favor and wait just a bit to order.  

 this is the cloudhashing thread and more then one of us are asking what has happened to out July contracts. He has told us he will post a new letter.  Since your prize costs money and will last 2 months before it expires I advise you to read the thread link above before you sign and pay for a contract.  Obviously if he posts the info promised  to the June-July contract holders  fast and it makes sense signing a contract is a good idea.

Thank you for the suggestion.
I ordered in June an "Indefinite" contract, but I have not been able to pay for technical issues (internet connection). The order looks "pending" in my dashboard.I asked many times to pay but they just told me "open a new order" but that kind of contracts are not available any more.
I was just trying to close that order. If it won't be possible I will be glad to give my prize to someone else

 Frankly I never would have purchased a contract but for bitminter.  

The dr has been great amazing and has made many many many  coins for me.

 I have mined  100% bitminter with no backup pools just the doc's. I have been very loyal to his pool. Other then owning some AM stock which I sold.

 I purchased the contract  from cloudhasher because of him (Doc H) and him alone.

Title: Re: (finished) Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: cloudhasher on July 02, 2013, 11:07:51 PM
Hello, when/how we will receive the discount codes to order from cloudhashing?

   Do your self a favor and wait just a bit to order.  

 this is the cloudhashing thread and more then one of us are asking what has happened to out July contracts. He has told us he will post a new letter.  Since your prize costs money and will last 2 months before it expires I advise you to read the thread link above before you sign and pay for a contract.  Obviously if he posts the info promised  to the June-July contract holders  fast and it makes sense signing a contract is a good idea.

Thank you for the suggestion.
I ordered in June an "Indefinite" contract, but I have not been able to pay for technical issues (internet connection). The order looks "pending" in my dashboard.I asked many times to pay but they just told me "open a new order" but that kind of contracts are not available any more.
I was just trying to close that order. If it won't be possible I will be glad to give my prize to someone else

 Frankly I never would have purchased a contract but for bitminter.  

The dr has been great amazing and has made many many many  coins for me.

 I have mined  100% bitminter with no backup pools just the doc's. I have been very loyal to his pool. Other then owning some AM stock which I sold.

 I purchased the contract  from cloudhasher because of him (Doc H) and him alone.

Hey guys sorry for late responded to your queries.

We were at the bitcoin London event all day so were pretty tied down. Some of you reported issues with the Discount codes that have now been resolved.

Regarding July contracts, we will be making an announcement shortly with regards to that.

Long short is we are still awaiting hardware and should get it before month's end. Also we are finishing off virtual mining statistics and secure offline payment system.

All this should be done soon.

Will keep y'all posted.

Title: Re: (finished) Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: michelet on July 03, 2013, 06:45:17 AM
I confirm I have been contacted by cloudhasher. He's working to solve my issue.

Title: Re: (finished) Mint Race #4: great prizes from !
Post by: michelet on July 03, 2013, 02:21:01 PM
for personal reasons I am selling my prize here: (