Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: JordanL on June 22, 2013, 03:20:47 AM

Title: Ted Nelson really reavealed Satoshi Nakomoto's identity (not Shinichi Mochizuki)
Post by: JordanL on June 22, 2013, 03:20:47 AM
Remember where you were at twilight on the seventeenth of May, 2013.

Sorry to tell all of you Shinichi Mochizuki fans, but he is not our Bitcoin overload. Ted Nelson very clearly revealed to the world ( who the pseudonymous creator of Bitcoin actually is... in fact, he revealed it at least two dozen times in the video. Shinichi Mochizuki was... certainly a huge influence on the project.

In addition to the mathematical aspects Mochizuki almost certainly influenced (far beyond anything I would ever even attempt to comprehend) he was the inspiration for the character Satoshi Nakamoto... created by Ted Nelson and the Xanadu Project.

Bitcoin is just one of the first types of those "files flying around us" that aren't based on a printed sheet of paper like everything else we have.

Listen to the video again, carefully this time. Don't listen for the reasons he says Shinichi Mochizuki is the most likely person to truly be Satoshi (we all knew most of those a long time ago). Listen to his words... and who he actually reveals to be Bitcoin's chief architect.

I will let the community dissect this confession over the years rather than spend all night writing down all of the times he revealed it myself. I probably picked up on about 5% of them... my brain simply does not function on the same level as people like Shinichi Mochizuki, the inspiration for Satoshi, or Ted Nelson... the real Satoshi.

At least I feel slightly better about my personal intelligence compared to people like that knowing that Bitcoin has been in development for 30 years.

I suggest that we the community name Bitcoin's next denominations Mochizukies, and Nelsons.

Title: Re: Ted Nelson really reavealed Satoshi Nakomoto's identity (not Shinichi Mochizuki)
Post by: bg002h on June 22, 2013, 03:57:04 AM
Very intrigued.  I watched it and enjoyed his artful story telling, but, I did not pick up on a subtext (other than he's been having futuristic thoughts for a while). 

Title: Re: Ted Nelson really reavealed Satoshi Nakomoto's identity (not Shinichi Mochizuki)
Post by: RagnarDanneskjold on June 22, 2013, 04:15:45 AM
I had a similar reaction to his video.  I'd seen him speak before ages ago, so had somewhat of a baseline - I am also a human lie detector and expert profiler.  My gut impression of his subverse, faux-passive confession was that its entirely contrived and intended for dramatic effect.  I watched it twice specifically b/c I thought some aspect of the performance was dishonest/elusive, even if it was mostly heartfelt.  At first I thought he was trying to cover some aspect of Satoshi's link he did not want to disclose...then concluded he is just reaching for the dramatic and/or reverent effect.

Now that you have me thinking on it again, I will have to give it further review.

Title: Re: Ted Nelson really reavealed Satoshi Nakomoto's identity (not Shinichi Mochizuki)
Post by: xavier on June 22, 2013, 06:26:02 AM
Hmm. Just to kick up an old subject ;) ;) .... I personally believe its roger dingledine.

Title: Re: Ted Nelson really reavealed Satoshi Nakomoto's identity (not Shinichi Mochizuki)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 22, 2013, 06:47:12 AM
The last time I saw this video, I was convinced he was Atlas' dad.  :)

You are aware that Ted's reading a script, aren't you? You can see the teleprompter in his classes, coupled with him correcting himself while he's speaking, as if reading a text.

Title: Re: Ted Nelson really reavealed Satoshi Nakomoto's identity (not Shinichi Mochizuki)
Post by: bg002h on June 22, 2013, 12:14:08 PM
The last time I saw this video, I was convinced he was Atlas' dad.  :)

You are aware that Ted's reading a script, aren't you? You can see the teleprompter in his classes, coupled with him correcting himself while he's speaking, as if reading a text.

Good call.  I see it now.  He really should get anti-reflection coating on his glasses.

Title: Re: Ted Nelson really reavealed Satoshi Nakomoto's identity (not Shinichi Mochizuki)
Post by: worldinacoin on June 22, 2013, 12:15:06 PM
I suspect the current Japan Prime Minister Abe is the real Satoshi Nakamoto.

Title: Re: Ted Nelson really reavealed Satoshi Nakomoto's identity (not Shinichi Mochizuki)
Post by: herzmeister on June 22, 2013, 12:54:39 PM

His vision of Hypertext and Project Xanadu back from the 60s (hint: it's not the WWW) has always included a facility for micro-payments.

Title: Re: Ted Nelson really reavealed Satoshi Nakomoto's identity (not Shinichi Mochizuki)
Post by: TippingPoint on June 22, 2013, 04:03:32 PM
That strange sensation that you feel is smoke being forcibly exhaled up your nether regions.

Title: Re: Ted Nelson really reavealed Satoshi Nakomoto's identity (not Shinichi Mochizuki)
Post by: jantenner81 on June 28, 2013, 06:22:37 PM
Hmm. Just to kick up an old subject ;) ;) .... I personally believe its roger dingledine.
oh nice +1

Title: Re: Ted Nelson really reavealed Satoshi Nakomoto's identity (not Shinichi Mochizuki)
Post by: RodeoX on June 28, 2013, 06:26:10 PM
He has some interesting connections. It could be Satoshi... But since it is all speculative, so could I.

Title: Re: Ted Nelson really reavealed Satoshi Nakomoto's identity (not Shinichi Mochizuki)
Post by: threeip on June 28, 2013, 06:26:58 PM
The last time I saw this video, I was convinced he was Atlas' dad.  :)

You are aware that Ted's reading a script, aren't you? You can see the teleprompter in his classes, coupled with him correcting himself while he's speaking, as if reading a text.

Maybe it's some form of performance piece, he had to correct himself or else meaning in his script would be lost?  ???

Title: Re: Ted Nelson really reavealed Satoshi Nakomoto's identity (not Shinichi Mochizuki)
Post by: Rampion on June 28, 2013, 07:36:03 PM
Care to give us a few examples of this?

Ted Nelson very clearly revealed to the world who the pseudonymous creator of Bitcoin actually is... in fact, he revealed it at least two dozen times in the video.

Title: Re: Ted Nelson really reavealed Satoshi Nakomoto's identity (not Shinichi Mochizuki)
Post by: Sukrim on June 28, 2013, 09:24:50 PM
He should simply sign this statement with Satoshi's private key. Otherwise I'm not even wasting time by looking at some "proof" of some weird people.

Title: Re: Ted Nelson really reavealed Satoshi Nakomoto's identity (not Shinichi Mochizuki)
Post by: Joe_Bauers on June 29, 2013, 12:34:28 AM
I suspect the current Japan Prime Minister Abe is the real Satoshi Nakamoto.


Title: Re: Ted Nelson really reavealed Satoshi Nakomoto's identity (not Shinichi Mochizuki)
Post by: odolvlobo on June 29, 2013, 03:26:24 AM
Whether or not he is right, that is a pretty good presentation.

I don't see why the fact that he is reading from a script is significant.

There was a weird contradiction. He claims that Shinichi is Satoshi, but also that the emails were written by his son. Perhaps he is wrong and his son is Satoshi.

I would like to point out that a person does not have to be a native speaker of English to have an excellent grasp of the language. Read Lolita by Nabokov. Nabokov is a native of Russia, but has an incredible command of the English language that surpasses most native English speakers.

Title: Re: Ted Nelson really reavealed Satoshi Nakomoto's identity (not Shinichi Mochizuki)
Post by: bg002h on June 29, 2013, 04:36:04 AM
I don't see what the OP is talking about. I guess I'm dumb, he he.  I wasted all that time getting degrees in astrophysics, mathematics, engineering, and medicine...just to find out I'm a dummy :-)

OP, do give us the big reveal! What do you see that I can't? I'm genuinely interested and darn curious!

Title: Re: Ted Nelson really reavealed Satoshi Nakomoto's identity (not Shinichi Mochizuki)
Post by: Rampion on June 29, 2013, 09:24:30 AM
Whether or not he is right, that is a pretty good presentation.

I don't see why the fact that he is reading from a script is significant.

There was a weird contradiction. He claims that Shinichi is Satoshi, but also that the emails were written by his son. Perhaps he is wrong and his son is Satoshi.

I would like to point out that a person does not have to be a native speaker of English to have an excellent grasp of the language. Read Lolita by Nabakov. Nabakov is a native of Russia, but has an incredible command of the English language that surpasses most native English speakers.

Nabokov, with an O.

Title: Re: Ted Nelson really reavealed Satoshi Nakomoto's identity (not Shinichi Mochizuki)
Post by: numismatist on June 29, 2013, 12:35:53 PM
I would like to point out that a person does not have to be a native speaker of English to have an excellent grasp of the language. Read Lolita by Nabakov. Nabakov is a native of Russia, but has an incredible command of the English language that surpasses most native English speakers.

Tells not much about russians, more about naive english speakers

Title: Re: Ted Nelson really reavealed Satoshi Nakomoto's identity (not Shinichi Mochizuki)
Post by: slaveforanunnak1 on September 05, 2014, 08:46:36 PM
Whether or not he is right, that is a pretty good presentation.

I don't see why the fact that he is reading from a script is significant.

There was a weird contradiction. He claims that Shinichi is Satoshi, but also that the emails were written by his son. Perhaps he is wrong and his son is Satoshi.

I would like to point out that a person does not have to be a native speaker of English to have an excellent grasp of the language. Read Lolita by Nabakov. Nabakov is a native of Russia, but has an incredible command of the English language that surpasses most native English speakers.

dude.. it's not his son! He said Satoshi san.

San (さん [saɴ]?) (sometimes pronounced han (はん?) in Kansai dialect), derived from sama (see below), is the most commonplace honorific, and is a title of respect typically used between equals of any age. Although the closest analog in English are the honorifics "Mr.", "Miss", or "Mrs.", -san is almost universally added to a person's name, “-san” can be used in both formal and informal contexts, and for either gender. Because it is the most common honorific, it is also the most often used to convert common nouns into proper ones, as seen below.

San may be used in combination with workplace nouns, so a bookseller might be addressed or referred to as honya-san ("bookstore" + san), and a butcher as nikuya-san ("butcher's shop" + san).

San is sometimes used with company names. For example, the offices or shop of a company called Kojima Denki might be referred to as "Kojima Denki-san" by another nearby company. This may be seen on small maps often used in phone books and business cards in Japan, where the names of surrounding companies are written using san.

San can also be attached to the names of animals or even inanimate objects. For example, a pet rabbit might be called usagi-san, and fish used for cooking can be referred to as sakana-san. Both uses would be considered childish (akin to "Mr. Rabbit" in English) and would be avoided in formal speech. Even married people often refer to their spouse with san.

Online, Japanese gamers often append a numeral 3 to another player's name to denote san (e.g. Taro3 conveys Taro-san), since the number three is also pronounced san.


I found one more connection between Satoshi and Shinichi! Its the use of the term "we"
All the connections that Ted said left a side, the bitcoin paper uses the term "we" like 7 times, and so does almost every paper written by Shinichi!

He also uses  [number] at the bottom of his papers just like the bitcoin paper (it is common to do so i know, but still)

I really think it's Shinichi

Title: Re: Ted Nelson really reavealed Satoshi Nakomoto's identity (not Shinichi Mochizuki)
Post by: odolvlobo on September 06, 2014, 12:03:41 AM
Whether or not he is right, that is a pretty good presentation.

I don't see why the fact that he is reading from a script is significant.

There was a weird contradiction. He claims that Shinichi is Satoshi, but also that the emails were written by his son. Perhaps he is wrong and his son is Satoshi.

I would like to point out that a person does not have to be a native speaker of English to have an excellent grasp of the language. Read Lolita by Nabokov. Nabokov is a native of Russia, but has an incredible command of the English language that surpasses most native English speakers.

dude.. it's not his son! He said Satoshi san.

Haha. I'm stupid (and therefore not Satoshi).

Title: Re: Ted Nelson really reavealed Satoshi Nakomoto's identity (not Shinichi Mochizuki)
Post by: slaveforanunnak1 on September 08, 2014, 10:13:52 PM
Whether or not he is right, that is a pretty good presentation.

I don't see why the fact that he is reading from a script is significant.

There was a weird contradiction. He claims that Shinichi is Satoshi, but also that the emails were written by his son. Perhaps he is wrong and his son is Satoshi.

I would like to point out that a person does not have to be a native speaker of English to have an excellent grasp of the language. Read Lolita by Nabokov. Nabokov is a native of Russia, but has an incredible command of the English language that surpasses most native English speakers.

dude.. it's not his son! He said Satoshi san.

Haha. I'm stupid (and therefore not Satoshi).

??? What does that even mean?