Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Mining speculation => Topic started by: ashaw596 on June 22, 2013, 05:21:20 AM

Title: New Profitability Calculator that accounts for Lead Time
Post by: ashaw596 on June 22, 2013, 05:21:20 AM
Hey everyone,
I've been trying to do calculations about difficulty and profitability for some of the group buy and getting tired for using for my calculations so I made a profitability calculator that allows you to estimate profitability with lead time. I thought that I'd publish it so you guys can use it if you want. The UI doesn't look the best yet and I plan on outputting a couple more calculations and trying to put in some default "profiles" for some of the new miners in the pipeline. Please PM or post if you have any suggestions or find any bugs. (

Warning: This site only gives estimates of profitability. Use at your own risk.

PS: The faucet doesn't work. I thought about trying to set one up and then realized that the .0005 (now .0001) fee sort gets in the way of that and then I got really busy.

Title: Re: New Profitability Calculator that accounts for Lead Time
Post by: ashaw596 on June 30, 2013, 10:00:47 PM
So..... No one likes it? Not even a single comment?

Title: Re: New Profitability Calculator that accounts for Lead Time
Post by: theHamburglar on July 01, 2013, 01:01:52 PM
I think this is great! A bitcoin calculator that factors in lead time is absolutely necessary given the current state of mining and preorders. I just have 1 or 2 comments. First, the difficulty increase. I assume that is valued as a percentage but perhaps it could be specified i.e. "Difficulty increase per 2 weeks(%)" or "Percent increase in difficulty per 2 weeks". Also, it states Total Revenue at the bottom but there is no input for mining time frame. I am assuming it is either for a 1 year mining time or it uses the weeks of profitability value to determine revenue/roi. Either way how this is calculated should be indicated or at least let us specify a time frame i.e. revenue/roi for 1 year of mining. Anyway thanks for this valuable tool!

Title: Re: New Profitability Calculator that accounts for Lead Time
Post by: vandinn on July 02, 2013, 09:12:28 PM