Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: xzip on November 16, 2017, 11:09:15 AM

Title: Get your Bitcoin Gold (BTG): Full Node Tutorial (Linux)
Post by: xzip on November 16, 2017, 11:09:15 AM
Hey People,

I did not find any nice Tutorial how to run a Full BTG Node, so i decided to write my own ;)

Download and extract the Client
You can Download the Full Client of BTG from
The Link to the Linux Version is currently
mkdir $HOME/bitcoingold
cd $HOME/bitcoingold

Start Client and sync to Block 491407 (from Bitcoin-Blockchain)
On First start of the Client you get asked where the Data should be stored (Blockchain, wallet ...). Default is $HOME/.bitcoingold. You need at least 180GB of free space :P.
Until Block 491407 is in sync you need the "-bootstrap" Option, so the client connects to normal bitcoin-nodes on Port 8333. The sync to Block 491407 take about 5 hours.
You can speed it up if you run a Full Bitcoin-Node and use the "-connect=ipofnode:portofnode" Option or download as torrent

There's a torrent that should speed things up, doubt it will take 5 hours to sync, more like 5 days, the seed nodes are overloaded

cd $HOME/bitcoingold/bitcoingold-0.15.0-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bin
./bitcoin-qt -bootstrap &
When Block 491407 is reached you should close the client and wait until the shutdown-warning disapears.

Sync the rest of the new BTG-Blockchain
Now you should remove the files "peers.dat" and "banlist.dat", because they have only stored informations from bitcoin-nodes.
rm $HOME/.bitcoingold/peers.dat $HOME/.bitcoingold/banlist.dat
cd $HOME/bitcoingold/bitcoingold-0.15.0-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bin
Wait until all is in sync.

Dump Bitcoin private keys
On an BitcoinClient where you had some Bitcoins before the Fork (October 24, 6 am UTC), dump your wallet.
You can Dump your wallet from the Client if you go to the Help => Debug - Menu and open the console and type
dumpwallet /path/to/wallet.txt
If you have an encrypted wallet (highly recommended) you need to unlock your wallet first with
walletpassphrase "mysupersecretpassword" 60
For safety reasons it is highly recommended that you move your Bitcoins to a new encrypted Wallet, before you import the private keys to the BTG-Wallet.

Import private Keys to BTG-Client
On the BTG-Client you should also get into console (Help => Debug - Menu) and import all keys with an label and all change keys.
If you import an key, normaly an rescan is initiated (needs about 40 minutes). To prevent this you should add " '' false" after every import-command.
Only on the last import set the value to true.
importprivatekey "myprivatekeywithlabelorchangefromdump" '' false
importprivatekey "myprivatekeywithlabelorchangefromdump" '' false
importprivatekey "myprivatekeywithlabelorchangefromdump" '' true
If you have an encrypted wallet (highly recommended) you need to unlock your wallet first with
walletpassphrase "mysupersecretpassword" 60

If you want to Support the BTG-Network please open the Port 8338 on your Router and Firewall, so People can Download the Blockchain a bit quicker ;).

I hope this Tutorial will help some interested People. If you have any Questions, please ask.

Title: Re: Get your Bitcoin Gold (BTG): Full Node Tutorial (Linux)
Post by: needit on November 21, 2017, 10:50:28 AM
Can you please explain in windowsese?  I don't have linux or ever used it. I have the private keys from an old walklet I managed to get the json wallet that I had the pw for so I got my btc back and claimed my bcc but How do I get my bcg from thew windows client with just my private keys? I have the address with the keys which I extracted with an awesome little program on github calkled wallet-key-tool 1.4

I would appreciate it.

Title: Re: Get your Bitcoin Gold (BTG): Full Node Tutorial (Linux)
Post by: thelema93 on December 27, 2017, 07:46:23 AM
I just successfully got my BTG using the Bitcoin Gold Core wallet! I did this on Ubuntu Linux but the same should work for Windows - just find the correct directories.

So to help anyone else who is having problems, this is what I did:

I downloaded the official Bitcoin Gold Core wallet files from their website (for Linux) here:
After unzipping the folder I realized that they have not provided any instructions on how to install.
I didn't want to mess anything up by using the wrong directory structure, so I decided to install Bitcoin Core first (BTC), and then just replace the files with the ones that Bitcoin Gold provided.
This worked.
So to install Bitcoin Core I did:

$ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin

$ sudo apt-get update

$ sudo apt-get install bitcoin-qt


Then I went to /usr/bin and copied+replaced in the Bitcoin Gold files (In Ubuntu you need to do 'sudo nautilus' to get an admin privileges finder to replace the files) :

Then I launched bitcoin-qt from the terminal:

$ bitcoin-qt

The BTG Core wallet then opened and it created the directory:

Then I tried to simply copy in my wallet.dat into that directory and open up the App, but that doesn't work!
So then I followed the instructions above - first dumping my Bitcoin BTC private keys (using another computer) and then painfully going through every single key and importing each one into Bitcoin Gold.

I had about 200 private keys, so I made a real quick rough and dirty JS app to do convert the formats - feel free to use it at your own risk - although there isn't really any risk - it will either work or not work. Its pure Javascript so you can use it offline if you are worried it's a phishing scam or something... (which it isn't) - please donate me some BTG or BTC if you find it useful:

Then you can use that to convert from this:

KefBSBDoJAjhgvseEmOKorKbnkSIWJaTf27JykH9eg1oRAJyTQTD 2015-11-30T20:29:04Z label=me # addr=1XrRZiED8wfQ7m1WSJGtERw86xZPyWSDLh
L4e7ATVfnWSxn46B1WpPF1263d6edzqxgXwhsf4xtNS1krX41mP6 2016-11-22T13:49:02Z change=1 # addr=1DEeSPPK3hUh4iXBHNcjWLS4o8sop8rndR
L7P4D5qnyQRsiCTuqPtqDLsQNfNcFei8Zf9PWL8LsfDakf9oTX9Q 2016-11-22T13:49:02Z label=31JUL # addr=1FFEJLzC5uj7kH9LuQtUot4UoSZs3Ltvgo

To this:

importprivkey "KefBSBDoJAjhgvseEmOKorKbnkSIWJaTf27JykH9eg1oRAJyTQTD" '' false
importprivkey "L4e7ATVfnWSxn46B1WpPF1263d6edzqxgXwhsf4xtNS1krX41mP6" '' false
importprivkey "L7P4D5qnyQRsiCTuqPtqDLsQNfNcFei8Zf9PWL8LsfDakf9oTX9Q" '' false

That took me about 3 hours and lots of coffee.

You can now copy and paste in this list of private keys into your Bitcoin Gold Core wallet.

Finally - you need to shut it down and restart it from the terminal using rescan:

$ bitcoin-qt -rescan

And Voila! Free money!

I hope this helps someone.

Title: Re: Get your Bitcoin Gold (BTG): Full Node Tutorial (Linux)
Post by: yoosofan on February 09, 2018, 05:44:49 PM
Thank you.
After loading bootstrap, it is better to add peers to bitcoin.conf  manually as  described in (
Also, this one (