Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Announcements (Altcoins) => Topic started by: robmay on November 16, 2017, 08:55:29 PM

Title: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: robmay on November 16, 2017, 08:55:29 PM
Hi Everyone,

We are a venture backed company ($12M in equity capital raised) with a strong team that has built and sold enterprise software companies.  Today we are officially announcing our token sale for the Botchain Network, that will start on January 16th.

Official site:


Email updates:

Webinar next week for questions:

Medium post (with updates coming):

If you want to learn more about Talla, I recently gave a talk at Launch Scale on ICOs and how we decided to do one.

The challenge in building any network is that you have to show value when the network is small, so that people will use it even before the network effects kick in, otherwise you risk not getting to scale.  But, you also need a system that grows stronger as more people join the network.  Botchain has both pieces.

To start, botchain uses the immutable ledger features of a blockchain to provide archiving, compliance, auditability, and proof of existence for bot activity.  If a bot of some sort has to be part of a compliance workflow like HIPAA or SOC2, that will now be possible.  We have already signed 5 bot partners and will be announcing them as the ICO date approaches.

On top of that, Botchain has features that enable it to become a marketplace for bot skills and knowledge modules, which we expect partners to build and enhance.  In addition to that, we support bot identity, registration, and validation features.

Token details:
There will be 30M tokens.  We expect to sell half publicly through SAFTs, a pre-sale, and the ICO.  Any unsold tokens allocated to the public will be burned.  We will use escrow for a $15M minimum raise.  We will probably impose a cap as well but the final value has not yet been determined.

Everyone who wants to develop for Botchain or use bots on Botchain will need tokens.  If you are a developer with a dApp idea for Botchain, we would love to hear from you. 

We believe in the future, bots will need their own currency as more and more happens in the bot-economy.  We believe Botchain can be the anchor of that economy.  Thank you for taking a look and we look forward to your questions and ideas.

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Fonix on November 16, 2017, 09:02:53 PM
I can't see why you need your own token.

"bots will need their own currency as more and more happens in the bot-economy." is is not a reason... More and more happens in the MacDonald's restaurants as well (probably more than the bot-economy) and they are happy without MacToken.

If you already raised $12M, why do you need more? That is a big amount of development money already.

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: BotChain Team on November 16, 2017, 09:20:35 PM
The development money was for our first product, which you can reference here: Additionally, the token enables bot companies and developers to coordinate on a marketplace that none of them control.
Steph and the BotChain Team

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: robmay on November 16, 2017, 09:47:44 PM
I would add a few points.  First of all, lots of companies do have rewards programs that are very similar to cryptocurrencies.  I haven't been to a McDonald's in many years but perhaps they do have something similar.  Secondly, blockchain technology is new.  McDonald's may indeed have their own cryptocurrency at some point.  I fall into the camp that thinks many many companies will issue their own tokens.  The fact that they haven't done it yet doesn't mean they won't.  It's new technology.  They didn't have the opportunity in the past.

Secondly, this provides a new way to build marketplaces.  The current standard is that as a B2B company, once you get a decent size, you launch your own marketplace.  Each marketplace is different and this sucks for developers.  It stifles competition and causes winner-take-most markets.  For example, if you are building a CRM add-on, you probably build for Salesforce, not the rest of the market.  Wouldn't it be awesome if you could build once and there was a single CRM markeplace?  To get CRM vendors to agree on a technical standard and share a single marketplace is tough.  But a blockchain could help make that work.  It's probably too late for CRM, but the bot ecosystem could evolve this way.

We could indeed raise a Series B round and just build Botchain and own the whole thing, as you could with almost any blockchain concept.  We don't think that is what is best for the bot industry, developers, or customers.  The only way to get people to agree on sharing and trust is to use a system/network that is independent.


Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Fonix on November 17, 2017, 07:24:15 AM

Thank you for the explanation, but I still have a few things I still don't understand.

Second... I fail to see how a token issued by a company could help "vendors to agree on a technical standard and share a single marketplace". What would be the reason and motivation for every vendor to accept a custom token issued and controlled by someone else as a medium of exchange. Why would they be happy to accept XYZ token instead of USD or EURO?

First.. Indeed, many companies have reward programs and issue different coupons you can spend when you shop with them. The most important difference, the main medium of transaction is local fiat currency. You can used your air mileage from your credit card, but the ticket you are buying is available in your local fiat currency and you can have a discount until your air mileages lasts. The ticket is not priced in air mileages, you don't need to buy air mileages first if you want to purchase the plane ticket. Same, in MacDonald's you can use a coupon if you want, but the food and drinks are priced in your local fiat currency. The coupon and air mileage is not tradeable, they worth nothing, you can't sell them... They are not even similar to cryptocurrencies.

Let's see an example. Amazon and eBay are competitors. Amazon won't change it's policy, but eBay issue an eBay token and stop accepting local fiat currency. From now on, if you want to buy anything on eBay, you would need to buy Bitcoin, transfer it to an exchange where eBay token is listed, buy eBay token, transfer it to eBay wallet and buy the product you would like to have. If no other purchase necessary, do the whole process again and withdraw your local currency from Coinbase to your credit card.

There are three big issue here
1, It is almost impossible or at least very difficult to exactly know how much fiat currency you would need to spend on Bitcoin to end up with the correct amount of eBay token. Most of the time you would need to buy more Bitcoin than necessary to be safe after all the transaction fees.
2, Bitcoin price and the token prices are highly volatile, eBay either adopt a dynamic pricing or it would see the product's price change upto 50% daily either way. Dynamic pricing will make the first point impossible, but not having a dynamic pricing would make the prices impossibly noncompetitive/unpredictable.
3, Why would anyone chose to continue to shop on eBay and go through all the hurdle (buying and selling 2 cryptocurrencies on 2 different platform and transferring then twice both ways) and end up paying more for the goods (transaction fees and leftover tokens) when they can have the same good from Amazon using a 1-click credit card payment?

I would like to understand the opportunity here as I fail to see the improvement.

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: robmay on November 17, 2017, 12:00:01 PM
Your statements about airline miles are incorrect.  You can indeed buy miles directly, and most times when you buy a ticket, they will offer you the chance to purchase extra miles.  You can also sell or trade your airline miles.  Google it and many sites will come up.  This is what you are missing - having a currency that ties to the underlying activity on the platform enables shared value creation. 

Your ebay and amazon analogy doesn't accurately characterize tokenization use cases.  Think about how it works today with bitcoin - most sites that accept bitcoin price in their local currency, but you can pay with an equivalent amount of bitcoin that varies all the time.  Why would anyone do that instead of just using local fiat?  Because bitcoin offers benefits local fiat doesn't.  Tokens are about programmable money that can take on new properties for the network as needed.

As for your concerns about transfer, when you send a message across the internet, it goes through multiple layers of protocols, and is transformed at every one as needed, from English text all the way down to optical pulses of light.  It's seamless.  And tokenization will be the same.  You will still pay in local fiat currency at your interface point to the customer, but the connections between people on the network will use the token the same way they use any other protocol.

Here's the issue, let's say I want to do bot validation, and I want to do it without a token.  How does that work?  I need a centralized server to do that, or, if I have decentralized servers, I need an approval process to add new servers, and I need to figure out how to pay them.  If your server is in Moscow and mine is in Seattle and we both need to validate that a bot is who it says, how does each party get paid?  One has to buy the fiat currency of the other and pay them, or at least, someone at some point has to do that.  It's actually a more complicated supply chain now. 

I think you are missing the big picture here.  Tokenization provides a lot of value for almost any kind of network use case beyond what fiat currency can do.  I think in the next 10 years almost every network will be tokenized because of these advantages.


Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: 2bfree on November 20, 2017, 08:12:26 PM
I was not clear what the Talla USP is?

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: robmay on November 21, 2017, 12:12:42 PM
Do you mean for bot developers or users?  For users, there are many USPs.  The first one is that you can validate bot ownership.  If you have followed Civic and seen how they (and a few other companies) are using blockchain to verify personal identity, we are doing that for bots.  Since bots are starting to be spoofed, this is one USP.

The second USP for users is that the audit and compliance capabilities of the blockchain allow users to deploy bots in workflows that require compliance, which they can't do today because bots are not auditable.

The third USP for users is that they get a full marketplace controlled by the Botchain so that bots can find any new skills or information they need to do their work.

For developers, the  first USP is that they can now sell to enterprises because they can add compliance features to their bots.  The second USP is that they get faster growth and adoption because they get access to a marketplace shared by all bots.

So far, we have 12 other bot developers signed on, which we will announce closer to the ICO date.


Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: BotChain Team on February 19, 2018, 05:56:52 PM
Announcing BotChain's New Partner Program and Initial Launch Partners

Quick update on progress on the BotChain since we've last posted. We've announced our initial launch partners, which include several leading bot development companies. In discussions with partners and other potential partners, we've seen a strong need for our use case, which will help drive trust and adoption of A.I. bots and other robotic process automation software.

 Here are a few stats from the group that has joined us so far:

"Combined, BotChain’s early partners represent more than 50,000 developers and upwards of 150,000 enterprise and consumer facing bots that interact with nearly 400 million end-users globally, sending billions of messages each month."

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: hufflepuff4life on March 15, 2018, 06:45:26 PM
Dear, Botchain by Talla community Please see our latest blog post - Emerging Problems In AI, and Blockchain As a Solution

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: James19_402 on March 16, 2018, 06:57:17 PM
Crypto Investor Show panel clip. Check it out!

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: michaellykins on March 17, 2018, 11:46:20 AM
Check out the newest blog from the team about The Governance Model For Botchain and Botcoin link here:

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: paskal_navi on March 19, 2018, 10:45:41 AM
HI Everyone.  If you are new, you may appreciate this older post, one of the first written about Botchain

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: James19_402 on March 21, 2018, 09:36:35 PM
Talla CEO Rob May, is speaking in NYC at Wall Street and the Internet Of Money Conference Tomorrow March 22

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: LRPchange on March 22, 2018, 04:03:46 AM
Talla CEO Rob May, is speaking in NYC at Wall Street and the Internet Of Money Conference Tomorrow March 22

The talk is going to be at 4:30pm

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: sjyi on March 22, 2018, 04:28:58 AM
To start, botchain uses the immutable ledger features of a blockchain to provide archiving, compliance, auditability, and proof of existence for bot activity.  If a bot of some sort has to be part of a compliance workflow like HIPAA or SOC2, that will now be possible. 

Everyone who wants to develop for Botchain or use bots on Botchain will need tokens. 
We believe in the future, bots will need their own currency as more and more happens in the bot-economy.  ...

I don't think I fully understand the bot-economy yet.  I read the botchain article, but still I don't see the relevance quite fully.

If I am a developer of a bot, the logging of what my bots are doing is significant to me, but I wouldn't be so concerned about what my competitor's bots are doing.  Unless I want to reverse engineer and see how they come to beat my bot's algorithm.

Since the bots are to be used in transactions, the relevance would the transactional details which should be recorded on the public ledger.

I also fail to see how botchain translates to a new botchain token(s)/coin(s).

As a developer of an ecosystem, it would certainly benefit you, but as a bot developer, I don't see why I wouldn't be able to use other tokens/coins.  Or use some asset translation coins and limit my developmental effort.

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: hufflepuff4life on March 22, 2018, 03:32:53 PM
Dear, community. In case you missed, please be sure to read our blog post -

The Governance Model For BotChain and BotCoin

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: hufflepuff4life on March 22, 2018, 09:09:24 PM
Botchain CEO, Rob May, at the CryptoWorld conference in NYC today

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: nomadic09 on March 24, 2018, 03:50:13 AM
To learn more about Botchain by Talla and its technology. please check out the whitepaper here:

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: LRPchange on March 26, 2018, 01:35:50 AM
If you have questions regarding Botchain, feel free to visit and discuss with us there.

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: hufflepuff4life on March 26, 2018, 02:59:46 PM
In case you missed - The Governance Model For BotChain and BotCoin - Read here:

This is part of the series explaining BotChain, start here if you're new

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: hufflepuff4life on March 27, 2018, 02:57:17 PM
Please see our latest blog post and share your thoughts with us - Emerging Problems In AI, and Blockchain As a Solution

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: michaellykins on March 30, 2018, 12:31:06 PM
Announcing Dr. Roman Yampolskiy As A BotChain Technical Advisor! Check out the blog post about it here!

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: ammolv on March 31, 2018, 04:31:21 AM
Thank you, a very good read! Look forward to seeing and discussing this with everyone here and in telegram.

To learn more about Botchain by Talla and its technology. please check out the whitepaper here:

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: hufflepuff4life on March 31, 2018, 03:27:33 PM
Thank you, a very good read! Look forward to seeing and discussing this with everyone here and in telegram.

To learn more about Botchain by Talla and its technology. please check out the whitepaper here:

Thanks! The best way to spread the word is to have an active community that takes initiative to share content. We truly appreciate your support.

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: theedm09ka on March 31, 2018, 09:22:47 PM
Announcing Dr. Roman Yampolskiy As A BotChain Technical Advisor! Check out the blog post about it here!

He is the writer of 'Artificial Superintelligence'. Sounds pretty amazing to have him as technical advisor

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Shoshi91 on April 01, 2018, 02:09:10 AM
Please see our latest blog post and share your thoughts with us - Emerging Problems In AI, and Blockchain As a Solution

I found this article helpful and interesting to understand how blockchain can be used to boost bot and AI useability for enterprises.

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Gemma_AmaZix on April 01, 2018, 03:42:43 PM

I found this article helpful and interesting to understand how blockchain can be used to boost bot and AI useability for enterprises.

This was very helpful, thank you fr sharing :)

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: laninster on April 01, 2018, 04:17:50 PM
This article allows the reader to understand about Botchain very easily. It is helpful for the readers.

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Dump3er on April 01, 2018, 04:19:59 PM
In case you missed - The Governance Model For BotChain and BotCoin - Read here:

This is part of the series explaining BotChain, start here if you're new

Hi hufflepuff4life, I noticed you are actively posting for several projects as if you were part of the team. Are you a community manager or what is your role for them?

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: hufflepuff4life on April 01, 2018, 08:41:33 PM
In case you missed - The Governance Model For BotChain and BotCoin - Read here:

This is part of the series explaining BotChain, start here if you're new

Hi hufflepuff4life, I noticed you are actively posting for several projects as if you were part of the team. Are you a community manager or what is your role for them?

Hi there. I'm a community admin for BotChain and a number of other projects that are present on Bitcointalk. If you're familiar with our Telegram community, you may have noticed that our admins represent the project but are also part of the AmaZix team. You can learn more about AmaZix and the projects we manage in our Telegram group here: and on our website at We are a group of professional crypto ICO consultants who have technical expertise, are excellent at support and led by an elite team of managers. Providing a turnkey service to crypto projects based on Bancor or on the Ethereum Network.

Thanks for your interest :)

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: hufflepuff4life on April 02, 2018, 04:06:59 PM
Here's a great read I'd like to share with the BotChain community - Automation: Addressing Bot Security with BotChain

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Shoshi91 on April 03, 2018, 01:40:12 AM
Here's a great read I'd like to share with the BotChain community - Automation: Addressing Bot Security with BotChain

Thanks hufflepuff4life :) I think it's a very innovative initiative for bot devs to tap onto the botchain tech for security!

Here's an excerpt from the article that I think captures the value of Botchain really well:

While it is true that each bot might keep records of its part in a given conversation or transaction, there is no common ledger that records all interactions made by all the bots in the given scenario. Without a common ledger by which to audit the activity, the security, integrity and quality of bot behavior is compromised.

This is not a new problem. Those who work with cryptocurrencies have had this problem for a long time—making sure that the information provided in a transaction is authentic, true and auditable. The way that cryptocurrency systems solve this problem is to use blockchain technology. Given that cryptocurrencies and bots share many of the same security issues, blockchain technology can be applied to bots. In fact, there is an emerging technology that applies the principles of the blockchain to bots. It’s called botchain.


Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: hnoy92 on April 03, 2018, 10:54:37 AM
I found a great recent interview with CEO Rob May on Youtube:

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: FreakMighty on April 03, 2018, 08:50:12 PM
Hey there BotChain Community!

Have you seen this epic video yet?

 $BOTC Recorded Live at the Nasdaq Market Site.

 ;DWatch it here ---> (

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: ammolv on April 03, 2018, 09:24:54 PM
Great interview! Psych'd about the potential for this coin in the AI/Bot field. Big Potential!

Hey there BotChain Community!

Have you seen this epic video yet?

 $BOTC Recorded Live at the Nasdaq Market Site.

 ;DWatch it here ---> (

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: theedm09ka on April 03, 2018, 10:58:10 PM
Hey Botchain Community! :) The BotChain team is excited to share with you that they are at the Global Blockchain Forum in Santa Clara today. Rob May is speaking on the AI and Blockchain panel

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: hnoy92 on April 04, 2018, 09:36:28 AM
BotChain's Medium blog series really clearly explains the technology and its use cases. Looking forward to the next entry on how BotCoin works.

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Dump3er on April 04, 2018, 02:43:34 PM
In case you missed - The Governance Model For BotChain and BotCoin - Read here:

This is part of the series explaining BotChain, start here if you're new

Hi hufflepuff4life, I noticed you are actively posting for several projects as if you were part of the team. Are you a community manager or what is your role for them?

Hi there. I'm a community admin for BotChain and a number of other projects that are present on Bitcointalk. If you're familiar with our Telegram community, you may have noticed that our admins represent the project but are also part of the AmaZix team. You can learn more about AmaZix and the projects we manage in our Telegram group here: and on our website at We are a group of professional crypto ICO consultants who have technical expertise, are excellent at support and led by an elite team of managers. Providing a turnkey service to crypto projects based on Bancor or on the Ethereum Network.

Thanks for your interest :)

Ok got it :) I didn't know you also that actively engage with the community on Bitcointalk, but that's cool! Keep up the good work.

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: jscholz on April 05, 2018, 06:04:21 AM
Hey Botchain Community! :) The BotChain team is excited to share with you that they are at the Global Blockchain Forum in Santa Clara today. Rob May is speaking on the AI and Blockchain panel

Any chance of seeing a video/transcript/update on what was discussed? Great to see the team represented there!

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: hnoy92 on April 05, 2018, 11:56:41 AM
Hey Botchain Community! :) The BotChain team is excited to share with you that they are at the Global Blockchain Forum in Santa Clara today. Rob May is speaking on the AI and Blockchain panel

Any chance of seeing a video/transcript/update on what was discussed? Great to see the team represented there!

Hey! We'll be sure to post any updates and content as soon as it becomes available. You can follow the Global Blockchain Forum on Twitter here:

And of course, be sure to follow BotChain on Reddit and Telegram, if you haven't already!


Thanks for the support!

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Shoshi91 on April 06, 2018, 01:47:09 AM
Check out this cool article about BotChain  ;), ‘The Blockchain Platform for Managing Intelligent Agents' featuring an interview with Mr. Will Murphy, VP of BotChain Talla: (

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: ammolv on April 06, 2018, 05:01:41 AM
"managing the digital workers of the future"

love that line in this piece.

Check out this cool article about BotChain  ;), ‘The Blockchain Platform for Managing Intelligent Agents' featuring an interview with Mr. Will Murphy, VP of BotChain Talla: (

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: hufflepuff4life on April 06, 2018, 07:05:11 PM
Dear, BotChain community! Haven't had a chance to read the BotChain whitepaper? Be sure to take a look here: and feel free to post if you have questions or feedback.

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: theedm09ka on April 06, 2018, 10:39:28 PM
hi guys, check out this interview with Rob May (CEO of BotChain). It's featured on subreddit Cryptocurrency

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: James19_402 on April 07, 2018, 03:32:55 PM
Hello community! Do you have something to say? Do you have any questions for the team? Visit us on our telegram channel and join in on the discussion. See you there! :)

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: michaellykins on April 08, 2018, 12:46:49 PM
Are you subscribed to the Botchain Subreddit? Here is the link if you are interested  8)

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: michaellykins on April 09, 2018, 01:03:22 PM
If you haven't already visit

All kinds of great info on there!

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Anthomy on April 09, 2018, 01:22:45 PM
I am afraid of projects where there is no smart contract address, can I see it? If its not there then I have nothing to do here

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Mi chael on April 09, 2018, 01:58:34 PM
What makes your project different between other similar projects?

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: hufflepuff4life on April 09, 2018, 08:05:25 PM
What makes your project different between other similar projects?

We dont really have any direct competitors.  Most AI Blockchain projects are gating access to various AI resources like GPUs, models, data, etc. We are focused on full stack AI applications. Insuring their identity and compliance. Please be sure to read out whitepaper to learn more here:

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: hufflepuff4life on April 09, 2018, 08:12:55 PM
I am afraid of projects where there is no smart contract address, can I see it? If its not there then I have nothing to do here

We'll share details once available. We appreciate your interest.

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: french_andrey on April 09, 2018, 08:22:51 PM
Hello, when is pre-sale expected? And what is the planned distribution of tokens? On site not found this information.

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: nomadic09 on April 10, 2018, 12:57:43 AM
Hello, when is pre-sale expected? And what is the planned distribution of tokens? On site not found this information.

Private pre-sale is currently active -
Price: $2.50
Discounts: 30%

You may register here:

For distribution of token information, please see the visual graph here:

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: theedm09ka on April 10, 2018, 03:22:57 AM
I am afraid of projects where there is no smart contract address, can I see it? If its not there then I have nothing to do here

BotChain is still in very early stage (private pre-sale). We will get updates and details about smart contract in the near future. Don't worry

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: michaellykins on April 10, 2018, 12:40:16 PM
What use cases can you image for the Botchain?

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: SShikakAA on April 10, 2018, 12:46:50 PM
Hi all! I've just found SWOT-analysis of this project. Does it seem realistic, how do you think?

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: hnoy92 on April 10, 2018, 01:08:06 PM
What use cases can you image for the Botchain?

Hey! Thanks for your question. Check out this block entry [1] that outlines the following use cases in short: Bot identity and validation; Bot audit and compliance; Control boundaries of autonomy; and Shared Marketplace for Bot Add Ons . Of these four use cases, there has been additional blog posts [2] [3] written on the first two.

I hope this helps!


Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: James19_402 on April 10, 2018, 07:33:09 PM
Be sure to watch this great YouTube video of our CEO, Rob May, dropping some revelations about the BotChain Network

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: hnoy92 on April 11, 2018, 12:51:10 PM
Be sure to follow Talla on Twitter @tallainc.

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Shoshi91 on April 12, 2018, 04:55:20 AM
Hi all! I've just found SWOT-analysis of this project. Does it seem realistic, how do you think?

Have you checked out their whitepaper or any of their official channels yet? :)

You can do so at ( Their blog also provides practical explanations for the Botchain Network  :) (

There's also the Telegram channel where you can get real time updates so be sure to join ;) (

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Anc92 on April 12, 2018, 08:58:40 PM

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Shoshi91 on April 13, 2018, 03:03:31 AM

Great video! Thanks so much for sharing :D

Hey everyone, check it out if you haven't yet ^  ;)

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Kennedy3950 on April 13, 2018, 05:06:02 PM
Just read the whitepaper, I like the way you aim at disrupting the freelancing industry, you guys might be a competitor to upwork.  Always keep up the great work! ;D

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Vinxent on April 13, 2018, 05:39:12 PM
It sounds very positive. When will the specific conditions be published? I'm interested in payment, terms, etc.

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Anc92 on April 13, 2018, 08:15:54 PM
Just read the whitepaper, I like the way you aim at disrupting the freelancing industry, you guys might be a competitor to upwork.  Always keep up the great work! ;D

Thanks for your support!!

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Anc92 on April 13, 2018, 08:25:25 PM
It sounds very positive. When will the specific conditions be published? I'm interested in payment, terms, etc.

Thanks for your interest in this amazing project!
The Private pre sale will end 7th May, all other dates are to be announced soon.

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: hnoy92 on April 15, 2018, 12:43:01 PM
If you have any questions about BotChain's token sale, you can always check out the token sale FAQ on their website:

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: hnoy92 on April 16, 2018, 12:30:40 PM
Be sure to check out the new whitepaper here:

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: ammolv on April 17, 2018, 09:18:41 PM
If you have any questions about BotChain's token sale, you can always check out the token sale FAQ on their website:

And they also have an active telegram channel where you can get your questions answered and join the community to discuss Botchain.

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: theedm09ka on April 23, 2018, 09:30:57 PM
In my opinion one of the great parts about Botchain is the governance model. The initial Board will be composed of 9 members. They will meet quarterly to discuss BotChain, and on an emergency basis as needed if something bad happens. Decisions will get implemented based on majority vote. if you hold a lot of Botchain coins, you will be able to have a voice for forks and roll backs and upgrades  ;D. I'm talking about this article:

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: otouzani on April 26, 2018, 09:42:57 AM
$2.5 per botc? Seriously!

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: CollxD on April 26, 2018, 10:35:38 AM
$2.5 per botc? Seriously!
This is correct

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: hnoy92 on April 26, 2018, 01:09:53 PM
Check out this great article - When Algorithms Surprise Us. It highlights some of the reasons BotChain exists:

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: mexite on April 27, 2018, 02:09:36 PM
It will be great if you can make a one pager on Botchain. It will give a concise brief of the project or what you can call Botchain at a glance. This is a great concept.

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Angel_AmaZix on April 27, 2018, 03:55:22 PM
Hello BotChain community!  :D

Check out this latest article by ICO Alert about BotChain featuring Rob May, CEO.

Learn more about BotChain and the team behind it 👍 Let's give it some claps 👏

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: hnoy92 on April 30, 2018, 09:14:12 AM
It will be great if you can make a one pager on Botchain. It will give a concise brief of the project or what you can call Botchain at a glance. This is a great concept.

Like a condensed whitepaper? That is a good idea. If you're looking for a concise description of the project, you can check out this page on the website which briefly outlines the problem, the solution and the platform:

Otherwise, you can read a few Botchain use cases from their Medium blog series here:

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: theedm09ka on May 01, 2018, 02:14:12 AM
Can not wait until this project reaches a huge capitalization, otherwise you’ll be late, you’ve to invest now

This project have big potential. Bot audit and validation is a massive massive enterprise market

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Shoshi91 on May 01, 2018, 08:32:10 PM
$2.5 per botc? Seriously!

Hey there, the price in reality would not factor in so much because it's independent of usage. You can use fractions of a botcoin if the price goes up.

Also, the early access period closes May 6, only whitelisted investors by that time will secure discounts :)

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Anc92 on May 03, 2018, 03:18:22 PM
Good news—the BotChain network launch is ahead of schedule! Since we will soon be live, non-US citizens are no longer required to be accredited investors.

What does this mean? 

If you are NOT in the United States: You will only need to verify your identity for KYC/AML compliance. This is a quick process which involves uploading a copy of your passport, ID or driver's license. 

If you are inside the US: You will need to verify your identity for KYC/AML. You will still need to be an accredited investor, and provide documentation proving so. This can include bank statements or a letter from your accountant. 

We are opening Early Access to the Pre-Sale at a 25% discount. If you have not already, you will need to register at before May 6th to participate.

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Anc92 on May 03, 2018, 05:34:03 PM
With bots emerging as autonomous agents that humans and other bots interact with, we have the same problem all over again. How do we trust, identify and authenticate a bot? Who are they? Who do they say they are? Can they be trusted with the data sent to them? Can the data received from them be trusted? Can they be trusted with money? As evidenced by the current debate around fake news, trust (or lack thereof) in bots can have profound consequences.

Trust me, I’m a bot

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Shoshi91 on May 04, 2018, 01:15:40 AM
Hey Botchain Community! 👋🏻

The team have written a latest article on the Botchain Network - Introducing the BotCoin.

BotCoin enables creation of a robust transactional economy that rewards actors in exchange for the work that they provide for the Network. You don't want to miss reading this! 🚀


Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: theedm09ka on May 05, 2018, 10:27:53 PM
Hey Botchain Community! 👋🏻

The team have written a latest article on the Botchain Network - Introducing the BotCoin.

BotCoin enables creation of a robust transactional economy that rewards actors in exchange for the work that they provide for the Network. You don't want to miss reading this! 🚀

Useful infomation

You are welcome to ask other questions. We'll try our best to help you  8)

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Angel_AmaZix on May 07, 2018, 06:57:28 PM
Hey hey hey BotChain community!  🎉🎉🎉

Check out this latest article by Rob May wherein he stated 5 things the teeam did different for BotChain compared to other Cypto Pojects  :D

👉🏻 (
👉🏻 (
👉🏻 (

Let's give this article max claps! 👏👏👏

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: theedm09ka on May 08, 2018, 04:36:39 AM
Early access for public pre-sale will start soon  ;D. Up to $35M of BOTC available at 25% discount for buyers who are on the early access whitelist

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Angel_AmaZix on May 08, 2018, 04:40:46 PM
Hey BotChain community!  :D

We're excited to share that TechCrunch covered some of the functionality of our platform today!  ;)

👉 (
👉 (
👉 (

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: cryptoslate01 on May 10, 2018, 09:04:15 AM
Hello team  :)

I am an editor from (, a popular destination for cryptocurrency investors and researchers — featuring cryptocurrency news, coin rankings, initial coin offerings and blockchain events.

We just added BotChain ( to our ICO database ( and is now available on our website.

Check it out here —> (

If you need any help in editing or adding more information about your ICO, feel free to contact me or send us a message via

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: kable78 on May 10, 2018, 09:06:38 AM
is a platform platform for universal registration, validation, audit and coordination of AI-agents

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: hnoy92 on May 10, 2018, 11:25:39 AM
is a platform platform for universal registration, validation, audit and coordination of AI-agents

Hey there! The proposed development path for BotChain’s shared infrastructure, which is of course subject to change and evolution based on the needs of the community, will begin with a Service Layer to provide a base level of functionality and shared infrastructure for all users. This will include a number of applications and developer support products that will face the BotChain blockchain services. These services will be initially developed by BotChain, but will
be left purposely open to 3rd party developers to develop on the shared layer.

You can continue to read up on this on page 24 of the whitepaper:

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: hnoy92 on May 10, 2018, 11:29:21 AM
Hello team  :)

I am an editor from (, a popular destination for cryptocurrency investors and researchers — featuring cryptocurrency news, coin rankings, initial coin offerings and blockchain events.

We just added BotChain ( to our ICO database ( and is now available on our website.

Check it out here —> (

If you need any help in editing or adding more information about your ICO, feel free to contact me or send us a message via

Whoa, that website design is beautiful!  8)

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: chickaboom on May 14, 2018, 07:20:40 AM
At BotChain, the vision is to create a first-of-its-kind solution, built on blockchain technology, that provides the platform and trust needed for AI-based systems to flourish. BotChain solves the fundamental limiting issue of 'black box' opacity in how AIs make decisions and operate. The solution provides easy means to understand and improve bot responses and choices while creating a vibrant ecosystem where bot software and service innovations are shared. This improves the quality and availability of autonomous agent technologies worldwide. By maintaining verifiable bot identities, storing activity, ensuring ethics, and creating a marketplace that spurs innovation in bot software, barriers to AI development and customer adoption will be lowered. This will ultimately benefit all ecosystem participants, ensuring new governance mechanisms to help the field grow in a scalable, principled, and profitable way. There is no one else working on this solution. The project is sometimes compared to other AI + Blockchain platforms but they are all working on a different layer of the technology.

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Anc92 on May 14, 2018, 05:27:23 PM
Hello botchain community!

Since Talla has been working in the AI space for several years now, we realized these problems early on. To solve the problems created by Google Duplex, we need a decentralized AI registry, and blockchain is a perfect solution for that.

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: trofim21 on May 14, 2018, 07:50:56 PM
I like your project and I want to participate in it, but so far there is no money to contribute (you can tell if you have a bonus program, I will still work in it

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: ammolv on May 15, 2018, 01:13:24 AM
I like your project and I want to participate in it, but so far there is no money to contribute (you can tell if you have a bonus program, I will still work in it

Sorry there is no bounty program as of right now.

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Bonnie Cleary on May 15, 2018, 12:02:13 PM
thanks for sharing this.

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: ammolv on May 24, 2018, 01:17:40 AM
Hello botchain community!

Since Talla has been working in the AI space for several years now, we realized these problems early on. To solve the problems created by Google Duplex, we need a decentralized AI registry, and blockchain is a perfect solution for that.

Excellent article, well worth the read!

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Angel_AmaZix on May 25, 2018, 07:22:46 PM
Hey BotChain community!🙌

The team is hosting an event!

Join us at the AI and Blockchain Conference to explore these two cutting-edge technological trends. Top minds in AI and Blockchain will discuss how they can be utilized to create opportunities for innovative solutions✨

It will be on the 28th of June 2018, 8:30AM to 6:00PM (EST) at the InterContinental New York Times Square.

Rob May, CEO of Talla and BotChain, will be one of the speakers!

See you there!👋😊

More information here 👉

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Angel_AmaZix on May 31, 2018, 07:15:39 PM
Hey Botchain community! 🙌

Check out this article by Econo Times 👀
"Crypto and blockchain industry stands to welcome legacy powers like the Rothschilds, braces for tokenized future"


Rob May, CEO of BotChain, is quoted here✨

Feel free to share this👍

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: hnoy92 on June 06, 2018, 08:46:38 AM
Hey BotChain community!  8)

Get to Know Talla’s VP of Blockchain, Will Murphy, in this great interview:

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Hendoboxing on June 07, 2018, 04:49:18 PM
Hello Botchain community!  8)

Rob's commentary on Fidelity’s pending launch of a digital asset exchange have been featured in these articles:

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Hendoboxing on June 12, 2018, 03:04:31 PM
Hey Botchain Community! 🙌

We’re proud to announce that Rob’s commentary was picked up in Blockchain Business News Network. 🚀

➡️ Read full story here:

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: theedm09ka on June 12, 2018, 10:29:18 PM
Hey Botchain Community! 🔔🔔
Check out this article about how enterprises are adopting blockchain technology!

Specifically #5 in the article! 🎉🎉

Rob May's (Botchain CEO) position on enterprise adoption of blockchain, as detailed in his DZone byline, has been included in the below CMSWire article:

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Angel_AmaZix on June 13, 2018, 03:07:48 PM
Hey Botchain community! 👋😊

CoinJournal's profile piece on BotChain was published this morning 🙌

New Blockchain Platform BotChain Aims to Install Trust in the Emerging Bot Economy

Feel free to share this to everyone 🚀

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Hendoboxing on June 13, 2018, 05:43:58 PM
Hey Botchain community! 👋😊

Here's Rob's latest Medium post 🙌

The Bullshit Of Blockchains: Why So Many Things People Believe About Them Are Wrong

Feel free to share this to everyone 🚀

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Angel_AmaZix on June 13, 2018, 08:33:52 PM
Hi Everyone!
We made a major change today to the Botchain Governance Board.
We removed one of the director roles that was tied to "owning botcoin" and replaced it with another general independent.

We did this to help insure a utility token definition in Singapore, where we are incorporated.

You can read about the Governance Board at if you are interested.

Google group for Botchain development!forum/core-botchain-dev

- Rob May

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Hendoboxing on June 14, 2018, 04:18:22 PM
Hey Botchain supporters! 👋🏻😀

We have some updates on the token sale

The Botchain Token Sale Key Dates And Information

Feel free to share this to everyone 🚀

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: ammolv on June 19, 2018, 02:10:22 AM
Hi Everyone.  As you may know, Botchain doesn't have mining as part of the Botchain protocol. Instead, they maintain the integrity of the ledger using curators.

If you would like to be a curator and earn tokens, start here

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Shoshi91 on June 22, 2018, 03:03:31 AM
💥 Botchain's Whitelist Only is open now for registration! Register now to gain early access and special bonus to the pre-sale:

💥 Join us on Telegram to keep up to date with all the news!

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Angel_AmaZix on June 25, 2018, 08:43:36 PM
Hey Botchain Community! 👋😊

We have an announcement!✨

BotChain, the universal ledger for verified bot registration on the blockchain,
announced partnerships with Passage AI and SEED.

Check out this Medium post here

Let's give it some claps 👏 and feel free to share it.

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: hnoy92 on June 27, 2018, 09:26:27 AM
Reminder to all Botchain fans!

The whitelist sale starts on July 10th.  Complete KYC and register ( to get approved.

In the whitelist sale, you are guaranteed your allocation of tokens, even if they exceed the full amount allocated to the whitelist. These tokens are sold at a whopping 30% discount.

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Gemma_AmaZix on June 27, 2018, 10:06:04 AM

Hey Botchain fans!!!!

Botchain is live on the Kovan Test Network. check it out here --->

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Gemma_AmaZix on June 27, 2018, 10:51:01 AM
Hey Everyone!!

Check out Rob May's Medium article explaining Botchain in 30 seconds, A good informative read which takes up no time at all.

Don't forget to give it a max clap to show your support of Botchain :)

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Shoshi91 on July 01, 2018, 04:24:48 AM
Check out why CEO GupShup explains that Botchain is important!  8)

"With bots emerging as autonomous agents that humans and other bots interact with, we have the same problem all over again. How do we trust, identify and authenticate a bot? Who are they? Who do they say they are?...Enter BotChain, a block-chain based trust and identity solution for bots. The team at Talla, an enterprise bot development company, was the first to recognize this problem and built BotChain to solve it."

Read more here! 💥

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Shoshi91 on July 01, 2018, 10:32:56 PM
Botchain's Head of Partnerships, Anthony Habayeb, recently spoke about the AI and Blockchain ecosystems
 8) 8) 8)

Watch the video here! (

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: phamhuyenmy2504 on July 04, 2018, 03:19:30 PM
BotChain is a platform to enable trust and audit of autonomous software by offering standardized registry, identity validation and an immutable event ledger for AI products, including bots and RPA tools. The platform was established by the team at Talla Inc, whose expertise lies in AI-powered knowledge and information management for enterprises. Based in Boston, MA, Talla is lead by an executive team with decades of entrepreneurial experience building large-scale business applications. To date, Talla has raised more than $12 million in venture capital. BotChain is joined in partnership by leading bot and AI companies including Gupshup, a platform for developers, and B2B enterprise bots Polly, CareerLark, Botkit, Disco (formerly Growbot),, and botkeeper. Together, BotChain's early partners interact with nearly 400 million end-users globally. BotChain is in development on a private chain and will launch shortly, utilizing the public Ethereum blockchain.


Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: T85083598 on July 05, 2018, 09:19:00 AM
AI is the future, and if you manage to remove it, it will be huge. All the best! Good luck to you guys!

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: eren0x on July 05, 2018, 07:38:28 PM
BotChain is a platform to enable trust and audit of autonomous software by offering standardized registry, identity validation and an immutable event ledger for AI products, including bots and RPA tools. The platform was established by the team at Talla Inc, whose expertise lies in AI-powered knowledge and information management for enterprises. Based in Boston, MA, Talla is lead by an executive team with decades of entrepreneurial experience building large-scale business applications

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: eren0x on July 05, 2018, 07:46:41 PM
To date, Talla has raised more than $12 million in venture capital. BotChain is joined in partnership by leading bot and AI companies including Gupshup, a platform for developers, and B2B enterprise bots Polly, CareerLark, Botkit, Disco (formerly Growbot),, and botkeeper. Together, BotChain's early partners interact with nearly 400 million end-users globally. BotChain is in development on a private chain and will launch shortly, utilizing the public Ethereum blockchain.

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Hendoboxing on July 08, 2018, 03:00:12 PM
Hey Botchain community! 👋😊

Here's the latest article we were mentioned:

Futuristic Blockchain AI Projects to Watch in 2018


Feel free to share this to everyone 🚀

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Grandmasterbit93 on July 08, 2018, 06:03:29 PM
Is KYC important? because i am too young

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Hendoboxing on July 08, 2018, 09:06:01 PM
Is KYC important? because i am too young
Yes it is please. You have to be through KYC to participate

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: bongbong2014 on July 09, 2018, 04:14:27 AM
There has been little competition with Botchain so far. Botchain has the potential to become an indispensable tool for everyone.

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: maxjirawat on July 09, 2018, 04:16:16 AM
wait for bounty event. i will help you promote your coin

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Shoshi91 on July 09, 2018, 04:22:36 AM
wait for bounty event. i will help you promote your coin

Thanks for the support. Presently there is no bounty campaign. If this changes, however, we will inform the community.

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: maxjirawat on July 09, 2018, 06:20:49 AM
wait for bounty event. i will help you promote your coin

Thanks for the support. Presently there is no bounty campaign. If this changes, however, we will inform the community.
Thanks for hear community opinion.

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: kable78 on July 09, 2018, 07:34:54 AM
platform to enable trust and audit of autonomous software by offering standardized registry, identity validation and an immutable event ledger for AI products, including bots and RPA tools.

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: hnoy92 on July 09, 2018, 09:05:44 AM
Good afternoon!
Your project is good, it has prospects!
Tell me, what is your global goal?

Is there an effect of the scale of your project, do you think?

_______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ (

BotChain's vision is to create a first-of-its-kind solution, built on blockchain technology, that provides the platform and trust needed for AI-based systems to flourish.

The team recognizes that, despite the growth of bots and machine intelligence software, a lack of transparency, trust, and standardization limit the ultimate potential for this transformative technology.  BotChain solves the fundamental limiting issue of 'black box' opacity in how AIs make decisions and operate. The solution provides easy means to understand and improve bot responses and choices, while creating a vibrant ecosystem where bot software and service innovations are shared. This improves the quality and availability of autonomous agent technologies worldwide.

By maintaining verifiable bot identities, storing activity, ensuring ethics, and creating a marketplace that spurs innovation in bot software, barriers to AI development and customer adoption will be lowered. This will ultimately benefit all ecosystem participants, ensuring new governance mechanisms to help the field grow in a scalable, principled, and profitable way.

You can read a quick overview of BotChain here:

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: phamthithutrang on July 09, 2018, 09:29:42 AM
By using a dedicated token (BOTC), to facilitate all transactions in the BotChain network, we are building a truly global distributed network that can be used across any number of jurisdictions, retaining a single uniform method of settlement.

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: kimkar2 on July 09, 2018, 09:56:20 AM
Is there any bounty for bitchain project ??

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: liafloor on July 09, 2018, 10:06:47 AM
Is there any bounty for bitchain project ??
No, while this project does not have a campaign bounty. This question has already been asked, you are very inconsiderate or just write spam here.

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: dangtotes on July 10, 2018, 02:17:40 AM
Interesting concept with great potential build a successful actual product.

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: micolinat on July 10, 2018, 02:29:05 AM
wait for bounty event. i will help you promote your coin

Thanks for the support. Presently there is no bounty campaign. If this changes, however, we will inform the community.
Thanks for hear community opinion.
The interaction with the group is very important, congratulations

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Leo0783 on July 10, 2018, 10:59:40 AM
This project is laying the groundwork for an entire AI economy.

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: hnoy92 on July 10, 2018, 01:01:10 PM
This project is laying the groundwork for an entire AI economy.

It sure is. Check out this blog series that explains how in detail:

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: bakst2 on July 10, 2018, 05:34:26 PM
Botchain project is laying foundation for bots to exchange information with AI economy. This has many use case in security and information transformation ecosystem. Good luck.

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Angel_AmaZix on July 10, 2018, 06:30:04 PM
Hey BotChain community! 👋😊

The team will have a live webinar on July 12th, 11AM (EST), Thursday on BotChain's Curation Council.
It will be hosted by BotChain's Head of Partnerships, Anthony Habayeb!🙌

Do you have any questions? or something you want to know? 🤔
Please feel free to ask it in our community chat and add the tag #BotchainAMA

This is the perfect opportunity to converse directly with the team!
We will be collecting all of your questions leading up to the AMA and look forward to your participation.✨

BotChain is the decentralized identity and audit ledger for autonomous AI agents.

During this webinar, you'll learn:
▫️▫️ What BotChain is and why it is important
▫️▫️ What the Curation Council is and who can get involved
▫️▫️ How to apply to  join the Curation Council
▫️▫️ Q&A

The webinar will be recorded and made available afterwards to all registrants.

Feel free to register here

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: SmartBounty on July 11, 2018, 09:22:23 PM
Strong Team, Interesting concept with great potential build a successful product startup. This could be huge.

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: ammolv on July 12, 2018, 04:50:12 AM
Strong Team, Interesting concept with great potential build a successful product startup. This could be huge.

Thank you for the support! Don't forget to check out the AMA tomorrow!

The team will have a live webinar on July 12th, 11AM (EST), Thursday on BotChain's Curation Council.
It will be hosted by BotChain's Head of Partnerships, Anthony Habayeb!🙌

Feel free to register here

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Icoha2018 on July 12, 2018, 03:03:39 PM
The potential of Botchain lies in its team and technology. However, high hardcap is a problem as it is a hard time for most ICOs, calling the capital in a hurricane is something no one wants incurring.

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: ibiznes on July 12, 2018, 07:55:10 PM
Looking to see the product in action. Good Luck to the team.

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Hendoboxing on July 12, 2018, 09:07:26 PM
Many thanks everyone for your solid support. Means a lot to the team

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Shoshi91 on July 13, 2018, 04:02:02 AM
If you missed the live webinar on BotChain's Curation Council, you can still catch the recording here! Simply register to gain access..

Also, the team are hosting an AMA session on July 16th, 9AM (EST) with Botchain CEO Rob May! 🙌

Join our TG channel for more details:

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: chickaboom on July 15, 2018, 05:46:53 AM
If you missed the live webinar on BotChain's Curation Council, you can still catch the recording here! Simply register to gain access..

Also, the team are hosting an AMA session on July 16th, 9AM (EST) with Botchain CEO Rob May! 🙌

Join our TG channel for more details:

Don't forget everyone, the AMA is hours away, July 16th, 9AM (EST). This is a good chance to ask some questions and interact with the Botchain CEO Rob May! Come and join

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: hnoy92 on July 15, 2018, 08:57:18 AM
I want the idea advance. Very nice website, classy design!  Good luck fellows.

Thanks for the support! You can read more on the project over here:

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: chickaboom on July 16, 2018, 12:20:26 PM
Hey Botchain Community!

Less than one hour left until the AMA on July 16th, 9AM (EST) with the Botchain CEO Rob May!

Come and join

Do you have any questions? or something you want to know? 🤔 Please feel free to ask it here in our community chat and add the tag #BotchainAMA 👋🤝

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Anc92 on July 16, 2018, 02:01:31 PM
in case you missed the Live AMA with CEO of Botchain, Here's the Transcript:

Rob May, [16.07.18 14:01]
HI Everyone

Interviewer [16.07.18 14:01]
hello Rob, glad to have you here with us today,, as always.

Interviewer [16.07.18 14:02]
[In reply to Rob May]
Hi Rob! Good day 😊

ANC AmaZix, [16.07.18 14:02]
Let us start from the very Top,
What issues are BotChain attempting to solve and how?

Rob May, [16.07.18 14:03]
The biggest issue is illustrated by the Google Duplex demo.  You can watch it here

Rob May, [16.07.18 14:03]
We are about to enter a world where humans and bots are indistinguishable in many ways

Rob May, [16.07.18 14:04]
So, bots need an identity.  Humans have passports, SSNs, IDs of all kinds.  Bots need this too.  And if bots have it, then, well, do you want Amazon or Facebook to control that identity standard?  Or do you want it to be decentralized and community owned?

Rob May, [16.07.18 14:04]
If the latter, then you need a blockchain protocol.  And once you have identity for AI,  you can have reputation, smart contracts, audit trails, and more.  So, identity is the foundation.

Interviewer [16.07.18 14:06]
Thank you for your apt response.

Interviewer [16.07.18 14:06]
For the next question,
How would you explain Botchain to your Grandfather?
Like, someone who is not tech savvy.

Rob May, [16.07.18 14:07]
I usually tell non-tech people that, if your bank bot contacts you, how do you know it is really owned by your bank?

Rob May, [16.07.18 14:07]
Botchain solves that problem.

Interviewer [16.07.18 14:09]
Oh I see. Thank you for that :D

Interviewer [16.07.18 14:11]
I know you've gotten this question alot and it is the backbone of every crypto project so..
Why does botchain need to be on the blockchain, what special features can we expect or should I say, what advantages does the blockchain offer?

Rob May, [16.07.18 14:12]
Great question

Rob May, [16.07.18 14:14]
Blockchains allow tokenization, which allows for Token Curated Registries.  Botchain is a form of a TCR.  The tokens serve as an incentive to make the registry high quality.  In addition to that, blockchain entries can serve as good identity standards, and there are several projects that do so for humans... Civic being the most high profile.  (You can think of Botchain as Civic for AI).  When you look down the road, the immutability of the blockchain ledger is good for audit trails for enterprise bots too.  So, there are a few things that overlap well.

Interviewer [16.07.18 14:17]
[In reply to Rob May]
Exciting possibilites👌🏾

Interviewer [16.07.18 14:18]
[In reply to Rob May]
Amazing! 🙌 For the next question, what will Botcoin be used for?

Rob May, [16.07.18 14:20]
Initially, Botcoin is used to pay curators, and to incentivize early bot registration.  We don't have mining.  We have a concept called curation, and a "token incentive vault" that holds a bunhc of premined coins.  Down the road, botcoin can be used for other transactions as well

Interviewer [16.07.18 14:21]
[In reply to Rob May]
Can you clarify what you mean when you say "Other Transactions"?

Rob May, [16.07.18 14:23]
well, this isn't built yet, but, in 2019 we hope to have functionality that allows developers to build bot skills and put them in an open marketplace

Rob May, [16.07.18 14:23]
So for example - maybe you ask your bot to book you a plane ticket, but it doesn't have that skill.  It could source it from the skills marketplace and compensate the developer (or another bot) in botcoin.

Interviewer [16.07.18 14:24]
[In reply to Rob May]
Oh wow! 😮 Looking forward to it✨

Interviewer [16.07.18 14:25]
So, do you currently have an MVP, and do you plan on having masternodes in the future?

Rob May, [16.07.18 14:26]
yes, we are launched on Ethereum main net, but we are the only company with access at the moment

Rob May, [16.07.18 14:26]
We are integrating with our key partners, and will open up publicly once they launch.

Rob May, [16.07.18 14:26]
On masternodes, we haven't made a decision.  I think you can make good money providing a curation service though

Interviewer [16.07.18 14:28]
By the way, Botchain Community, if you've just tuned in - we are having a live AMA with ✨ Rob May @BotchainCEO ✨😊  AmaZix will be asking Rob members' submitted questions. Kindly stay silent during this time until after the disucssion. Enjoy!! 🚀💥

Interviewer [16.07.18 14:29]
[In reply to Rob May]
Great stuff :D Thank you!

Interviewer [16.07.18 14:29]
May I ask, do you have any plan for the worldwide adoption? 🤔

Rob May, [16.07.18 14:31]
The initial partners we have already signed, they reach 50,000 developers and 400M end users.  So, I expect yes, as we roll out through these partners, that will happen.

Rob May, [16.07.18 14:32]
In addition, one of our partners is middleware for IBM's cloud platform so, Botchain will by default be available on IBM's cloud.  And our other partners are working on more OEM deals in which Botchain will be supported

Interviewer [16.07.18 14:32]
Truly impressive.

Interviewer [16.07.18 14:33]
Could you please give us a few use cases of this Tech and throw some light on the comptetion you face?

Rob May, [16.07.18 14:35]
One example of identity is - when you go to a webpage, say, you see a green lock in the URL field.  This shows you are visiting a website that is secure.  With Botchain you could see that in your bot platform or, if  the platform doesn't support it, you could verify manually before you give the bot important information.

Rob May, [16.07.18 14:36]
We don't have any direct competition.  In fact, several of the other AI/blockchain platforms have adopted our identity standard, and we expect to announce more soon

Rob May, [16.07.18 14:36]
Here is one example

Interviewer [16.07.18 14:39]
[In reply to Rob May]
Nice! Thank you for this example, Rob :D

Interviewer  [16.07.18 14:40]
So is BotChain planning on staying on the ethereum blockchain? 🤔

Rob May, [16.07.18 14:41]
Tough to say.  We aren't religious about the blockchain platforms the way some people are.  I've been in tech too long to do that.  We think Ethereum may not scale enough, and we will move to whatever will.  But maybe Ethereum will get better fast enough

Rob May, [16.07.18 14:42]
For example, I worked on Ultrawideband tech in 2005 - 2007.  It was supposed to be lightning fast wireless, but, 802.11 got faster while we were building it and the whole UWB market fell apart.

Rob May, [16.07.18 14:42]
So we will watch and make the best decisions we can

Rob May, [16.07.18 14:44]
Ok, one last question and I have to jump on a sales call

Interviewer [16.07.18 14:44]
[In reply to Rob May]
I see. Thank you for that 🙌 Again, looking forward to it 😊
Interviewer [16.07.18 14:44]
[In reply to Rob May]
Okay :D And now for the last question, are you out of beta yet? Roadmap says May 2018 main network launch is still in progress. If still in beta, when is the updated target? 🤔

Rob May, [16.07.18 14:45]
[In reply to Angel AmaZix]
Updated target is late October.  It really means when we are integrated with partners and in market.

Interviewer [16.07.18 14:46]
OK Rob, thank you for your time and precise answers.
Always a pleasure to have you around.

Interviewer [16.07.18 14:49]
And that's it, Botchain Community!
That's the end of our Live AMA with Rob May @BotchainCEO ✨🙌
Thank you for tuning in with us and of course, if you have anymore questions,  we're always here to answer them for you 24/7 😇👍

Thank you very much @BotchainCEO for your time! 😊🙏

You can join the Telegram channel and learn more here:

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: SmartBounty on July 18, 2018, 12:14:41 PM
Strong team have actual project and vision is quite interesting. In my opinion, this is an interesting project.

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Gemma_AmaZix on July 19, 2018, 08:12:13 AM
I'm interested on this business. I'll wait for this to look what is going to originate!  Good luck team.

Hey! Thank you for the support, the team really appreciates it.
If you'd like to make sure you don't miss any updates be sure to join the official Telegram channel just here :)

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: magisterr on July 20, 2018, 06:16:46 AM
Why you need token sale if you have investments from venture companies? You have money for development and business already.

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Gemma_AmaZix on July 20, 2018, 07:06:43 AM
Why you need token sale if you have investments from venture companies? You have money for development and business already.

Hey there! The figures of what has been raised haven't been released yet, the team will notify the community once figures are finalized, you can keep up to date here, or join the official Telegram channel here :))

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Gemma_AmaZix on July 20, 2018, 12:29:01 PM

Hey, BotChain fans!!

For those of you interested to know if there is an MVP and how it works...

The version of BotChain available at launch (aka MVP, “Minimum Viable Product”) will be a fundamental platform for bot identity by creating a way to find and validate the identity of other bots. Bot developers will be able to register their bots on the BotChain. Other users and bots will be able to query the BotChain for available bots that exist on the BotChain. Also, bot identities will be able to be validated. In order to access the BotChain for these features, BotCoin will need to be paid to the BotChain platform. These identity services will provide immediate value while building the foundation for future BotChain capabilities. The Ecosystem Token

:) :) :)

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: iMaker on July 20, 2018, 08:02:57 PM
I like the idea. Team looks good. Lets see how they execute. AI is the future and if they manage to pull this off, it will be huge. All the best!

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Icoha2018 on July 21, 2018, 07:26:46 AM
The platform of botchain is quite interesting but I think other investors are skeptical about the high hardcap level of the project that will hardly yield the desired return.

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Gemma_AmaZix on July 21, 2018, 08:50:14 AM
The platform of botchain is quite interesting but I think other investors are skeptical about the high hardcap level of the project that will hardly yield the desired return.

Hi there!

Well the hard cap is a goal for the team, the soft cap is the amount of which they need to reach which is 10 million USD :) :)

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: BitGainer03 on July 22, 2018, 09:43:53 AM
CoinFollow ICO aggregator added BotChain (BOTC) project. Average rating is 8.4/10 at the moment of posting. More details are available here

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: chickaboom on July 22, 2018, 10:40:11 AM
Hello team! You need to add token details to permit participants to join the idea!

👉🏻Total Supply: 40 million
👉🏻Hard Cap - $40m / Soft Cap - $10m
👉🏻Unsold and Unallocated tokens: Burned after the token sale event.

Up to 60% (24 million) BOTC will be available for public sale. 6M will be reserved for the Token Vault and the remaining 18M will be available for the public sale.
● 20% will be allocated for network advisors and partners and to support building the ecosystem. These will be immediately usable after the platform launch, to allow developers to provide identity and audit solutions for their customers.
● 20% of tokens are retained to support current and future development efforts and operations and to compensate team members and stakeholders

For full details, you can check the white paper (page 28-29):

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: mbally on July 22, 2018, 10:54:52 AM
Good to know about your project, Please do you have an bounty ongoing or a planned bounty?

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: chickaboom on July 22, 2018, 11:35:14 AM
Good to know about your project, Please do you have an bounty ongoing or a planned bounty?

There is no bounty program as of right now. Feel free to register here for updates 👉

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Gemma_AmaZix on July 25, 2018, 10:05:47 AM
Hey BotChain fans!!

Interested to know more about the curation within Botchain? Find out how it works and what the incentives are?

Then take a look at page 11 of the technical whitepaper  :) :)

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Leo0783 on July 25, 2018, 09:55:55 PM
It's a required product and has a valuable value proposition. Decent team. They have MVP. Good luck.

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Angel_AmaZix on August 01, 2018, 04:56:58 PM
It's a required product and has a valuable value proposition. Decent team. They have MVP. Good luck.

Thank you for you support! :D
Make sure to follow Botchain here 👇


Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Gemma_AmaZix on August 02, 2018, 11:16:15 AM
Your project Botchain was listed on!

Follow to check it.

Please contact us if any ICO information is missing or incorrect.

Thank you for the information, If you wish to check anything with the team please contact them through the admins at the official Telegram channel :)

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: ZellaAnders on August 02, 2018, 05:56:22 PM
I just recently saw Rob's live AMA, the transcript, I mean, what can I say, he seems like a really genuine person that has his priorities straight, I was a tad skeptical going in, but now I wholeheartedly support Botchain and its team.

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: ammolv on August 03, 2018, 04:52:41 AM
I just recently saw Rob's live AMA, the transcript, I mean, what can I say, he seems like a really genuine person that has his priorities straight, I was a tad skeptical going in, but now I wholeheartedly support Botchain and its team.

Awesome! Thanks for the support, the team really appreciates it!!

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Shoshi91 on August 03, 2018, 10:02:07 AM
Hey guys! CEO of Botchain Rob May's commentary on blockchain enterprises was featured on Techcrunch here:

What does everyone think about enterprise adoption of blockchain? Do you think we are ready for it yet? ;)

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Gemma_AmaZix on August 04, 2018, 09:47:06 AM

Hey Everyone!

If you missed it before, check out Rob May's Medium post about what BotChain have been up to and their progress, published 20th July '18

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Manycoinslover on August 04, 2018, 09:53:08 AM
You said that you are a venture backed company. Can you state which venture capitalists have invested in your company?

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Gemma_AmaZix on August 05, 2018, 06:29:47 AM
You said that you are a venture backed company. Can you state which venture capitalists have invested in your company?

Hey there! Sorry for the delay in answering your question, we are currently waiting for a response from the team on this for you. We will reply as soon as we hear from them.

Thank you for your patience :)

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: chickaboom on August 07, 2018, 09:18:18 AM
You said that you are a venture backed company. Can you state which venture capitalists have invested in your company?

Thank you for your patience! The team confirmed that, among other VC's, the most sound names are Glasswing, Avalon Ventures, Pillar.

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: chickaboom on August 07, 2018, 12:50:53 PM
Hey BotChain community! 👋

Here are the latest updates of the BotCoin Sale! 💥

Join us on Telegram here 👉🏻

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: hnoy92 on August 07, 2018, 12:52:50 PM
Hey Botchain fans!

 ;D ;D ;D

Check out this Medium article from the team on How Artificial Intelligence Can and Will Be Corrupted, and How to Prepare For It!

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: hnoy92 on August 08, 2018, 07:17:30 AM
Hey BotChain people!

Have a read of this great Medium article on how BotChain have taken a different approach to blockchain governance frameworks with their BotChain Token Vault!  8)

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Icoha2018 on August 10, 2018, 08:14:57 AM
BotChain will provide a platform for business bots to be managed. Bot builders will incorporate BotChain capabilities into their bots so that businesses can utilize the management capabilities. The BotChain platform will provide businesses with bot management capabilities such as audit trails of bot actions , bot identity management, knowledge sharing, and skill sharing.

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Gemma_AmaZix on August 10, 2018, 08:59:46 AM
BotChain will provide a platform for business bots to be managed. Bot builders will incorporate BotChain capabilities into their bots so that businesses can utilize the management capabilities. The BotChain platform will provide businesses with bot management capabilities such as audit trails of bot actions , bot identity management, knowledge sharing, and skill sharing.

This is correct, yes, than you for sharing. If you or anyone else would like to read more about this, everything is covered in the full whitepaper just here :)

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Shoshi91 on August 12, 2018, 04:40:10 AM
A study revealed that only 12 per cent of U.S. companies are GDPR compliant, Channelnomics speaks to BotChain CEO Rob May about the plus side of the technology and the importance of early adoption.

Read more here:

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: chickaboom on August 13, 2018, 07:39:53 AM
Throwback Monday
Here is an interview CEO Rob May did with Digital Assets Report: Weekly Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Series, which was recorded Live at the New York Stock Exchange. SCN Corporate Connect's Jane Kings sits down  Special Guest CEO Rob May of BotChain by Talla and Vincent Molinari , CEO of Templum Markets LLC. Enjoy!

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: hnoy92 on August 20, 2018, 09:51:09 AM
;D Hey BotChain fans!  ;D

Have you checked out this free AI podcast hosted by Rob May and Brooke Torres?

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Nicolerxj on August 21, 2018, 07:19:01 PM
In fact, there are a lot of different projects on the market, but I chose this because the team is responsive and well done, excellent partners

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Gemma_AmaZix on August 22, 2018, 07:49:33 AM
In fact, there are a lot of different projects on the market, but I chose this because the team is responsive and well done, excellent partners

Thank you for the kind words, the team appreciates the support :) May I ask what your favorite part of Botchain is? :)

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Shoshi91 on August 31, 2018, 12:46:55 AM
🔴 Update To BotChain Token Sale: 58% Of Sale Tokens Already Allocated 🔴

The team initially set aside 24,000,000 tokens to be sold to the public (60% of all created tokens), but as things have changed the Botchain team needed to remove 16,000,000 of those tokens from the public sale, for a few reasons explained in their Medium update.

Read the full details here

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: paskal_navi on September 01, 2018, 07:33:01 AM
Hi there, BotChain fans! 👋🏻

Have you ever thought which data is gathered by any bot (and where is it stored) you have used before? Do you trust bots? 🤔

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: hufflepuff4life on September 03, 2018, 06:24:57 PM
Hi there, BotChain fans! 👋🏻

Have you ever thought which data is gathered by any bot (and where is it stored) you have used before? Do you trust bots? 🤔

My privacy is definitely of importance to me, but I can't honestly say I have given it much thought on how bots store my data and what data they find useful even. Haha, I just pictured the Terminator when I read that question. Now that's a scary thought. I read a bit up on Botchain and I like what they are doing here. Bots definitely need accountability.

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: LRPchange on September 04, 2018, 02:49:20 AM
The use of block-level agglomeration technology addresses many of the fundamental problems in cryptographic economics, which will facilitate very economical and real-time transactions. The idea is very promising, very professional, thanks to ANN thread

You are correct :) Thanks for the support. Much appreciated

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: ngangngang on September 09, 2018, 03:11:00 PM
I think a lot of users will be happy to have such a platform where people can do business in an open and transparent environment without fear of being hurt.

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: hufflepuff4life on September 09, 2018, 03:42:05 PM
Is your service already offered by a centralized entity? If so, why does decentralizing it make it better? Who is/are your competitors and how are you going to deal with them?

Hi, Op. As bot adoption and innovation accelerates, the mainstream failures are frightening. Software is becoming more intelligent; creating more powerful and less predictable bots. And yet, critical systems, standards, and means to validate, certify, and manage the millions of bots and billions of transactions powered by AI are effectively non-existent. Autonomous technology holds massive potential but is dangerously under-supported.

BotChain’s platform introduces new levels of bot management, and eases developmental burdens. The BotChain solution establishes an environment of healthy control and security, meaning artificial intelligence – perhaps the most significant technological advancement since the Internet – can thrive.

The vision is to create a first-of-its-kind solution, built on blockchain technology, that provides the platform and trust needed for AI-based systems to flourish. The team recognizes that, despite the growth of bots and machine intelligence software, a lack of transparency, trust, and standardization limit the ultimate potential for this transformative technology. BotChain solves the fundamental limiting issue of 'black box' opacity in how AIs make decisions and operate. The solution provides easy means to understand and improve bot responses and choices, while creating a vibrant ecosystem where bot software and service innovations are shared. This improves the quality and availability of autonomous agent technologies worldwide.

By maintaining verifiable bot identities, storing activity, ensuring ethics, and creating a marketplace that spurs innovation in bot software, barriers to AI development and customer adoption will be lowered. This will ultimately benefit all ecosystem participants, ensuring new governance mechanisms to help the field grow in a scalable, principled, and profitable way.

As far as I know, there is no one else working on this solution. BotChain is sometimes compared to other AI + Blockchain platforms but they are all working on a different layer of the technology than BotChain is.

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Gemma_AmaZix on September 18, 2018, 06:37:48 AM
Traditional knowledge bases fail employees. It’s time to do something about it. Check out this blog post from the Talla team

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Gemma_AmaZix on September 21, 2018, 07:01:05 AM
So you want to leverage AI, but don't know where to start. Tune in to this week's podcast episode to learn what it means to be an AI-Driven Leader: AI at work by Talla hosted by Rob May

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Valac on October 03, 2018, 07:07:42 AM
Botchain has the potential to become an indispensable tool for everyone. platform to enable trust and audit of autonomous software by offering standardized registry, identity validation and an immutable event ledger for AI products, including bots and RPA tools.wait for bounty event. i will help you promote your coin

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: piggyfrog on October 03, 2018, 08:46:01 AM
Botchain has the potential to become an indispensable tool for everyone. platform to enable trust and audit of autonomous software by offering standardized registry, identity validation and an immutable event ledger for AI products, including bots and RPA tools.wait for bounty event. i will help you promote your coin
Hello, thanks a lot for your kind words :) Bounty will be announced soon, feel free to register here to receive updates😊

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Gemma_AmaZix on October 05, 2018, 09:01:34 AM
Want to know more why Botchain is needed?

Read this 2 minute read on Medium to simply understand

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: LRPchange on October 07, 2018, 02:44:19 AM
End users would never interact with a person or site whose identity is in doubt. This need for identity verification and audit carries over to bots in eCommerce, and when solutions like BotChain are implemented, they serve to increases end user confidence in the uses cases and interactions that they may leverage a bot for.

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: paskal_navi on October 14, 2018, 02:46:55 PM
Join Botchain in its telegram group now to stay up to date with all their latest news & announcements!   ;)

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Vorobov Sergey on December 28, 2018, 09:54:50 AM
Hello admin,
We added your project Botchain to our listing -

Title: Re: ANN - Botchain by Talla Token Sale - Platform For Managing Intelligent Agents
Post by: Gemma_AmaZix on December 29, 2018, 10:21:44 AM
Hello admin,
We added your project Botchain to our listing -

Thank you for letting us know  :)