Title: Why is terrorism linked to Islam? Post by: sunnex100 on November 17, 2017, 10:42:01 AM A Lot of concerns have been raised as to the relationship between Islam and radical extremism. Most extremist carry out their heinous act and claim that they are doing it in the name of 'Allah'. What is the real application of the concept of holy war and Jihad in Islam? Does jihad in the classical sense mean war? What is the true position of the holy Quran in all of these.
Title: Re: Why is terrorism linked to Islam? Post by: arnobs007 on November 17, 2017, 11:55:54 AM Terrorism has no religion. I don't know why people blame Islam for this. In Holy Quran, it has clearly declare by Allah that Islam don't believe in war. Islam only wants peace, and Quran has also teaches us how to become peaceful. And those who are terrorist, they actually don't believe in any religion. Cause so far i know that no religion tells you to harm people.
Title: Re: Why is terrorism linked to Islam? Post by: WilloSwonkaa on November 17, 2017, 12:12:20 PM It's because a major part of all terrorists call themselves muslim
Title: Re: Why is terrorism linked to Islam? Post by: hannahB4 on November 17, 2017, 12:59:16 PM Terrorism is linked to Islam because of what we saw or hear. In my country the terrorist dress like them and do all sort relating to them and as will know people draw conclusions based on what they hear a lot
Title: Re: Why is terrorism linked to Islam? Post by: Mometaskers on November 17, 2017, 02:26:18 PM A Lot of concerns have been raised as to the relationship between Islam and radical extremism. Most extremist carry out their heinous act and claim that they are doing it in the name of 'Allah'. What is the real application of the concept of holy war and Jihad in Islam? Does jihad in the classical sense mean war? What is the true position of the holy Quran in all of these. Just ask any good Muslim what must be done if a country bans the entry of Islam into their territory. Title: Re: Why is terrorism linked to Islam? Post by: cryptowoman2017 on November 17, 2017, 02:33:00 PM because some of them already learn in their childhood that everybody that doesnt support islam is bad and should go to hell.
Title: Re: Why is terrorism linked to Islam? Post by: EastSound on November 17, 2017, 02:40:56 PM Most of the terrorist acts are caused my islamic extremists and now the mainstream media wants to portray Islam is a dangerous ideology.
Title: Re: Why is terrorism linked to Islam? Post by: Ertetert on November 17, 2017, 02:41:43 PM Because this religion is suitable to persuading people that violence against the unfaithful ones is a good thing to do.
Title: Re: Why is terrorism linked to Islam? Post by: hrl21 on November 17, 2017, 04:29:28 PM I dont understand Why is terrorism linked to Islam.
From what i know,Islam never teaches us to kill someone like what the terrorists do. But there is so much people who hate islam,they make Islam look like a cruel religion. Title: Re: Why is terrorism linked to Islam? Post by: boysband1000 on November 17, 2017, 08:11:03 PM I don't think Islam is linked to terrorism. There are good and bad people everywhere. These terrorists even kill Muslim citizens of that country even in Iraq and Syria. Most of these terrorists are actually not home-grown but are foreigners and they were actually mostly non-Muslims and converted to Muslims to do these activities and give Islam a really bad name
Title: Re: Why is terrorism linked to Islam? Post by: uncleduckerr on November 17, 2017, 09:10:39 PM A Lot of concerns have been raised as to the relationship between Islam and radical extremism. Most extremist carry out their heinous act and claim that they are doing it in the name of 'Allah'. What is the real application of the concept of holy war and Jihad in Islam? Does jihad in the classical sense mean war? What is the true position of the holy Quran in all of these. Its all a lie, a fugazi, bs, nonsensical, and stupid. This is what the media wants you to believe that they are linked, that they are one in the same. But have you actual met a Muslim in real life? They are the nicest people you will ever meet and they do not take part in many of the "sins" that we do in daily life. Dont be fooled by the media in the West they are always trying to put one over on you especially when it comes to terrorism. Title: Re: Why is terrorism linked to Islam? Post by: joebrook on November 17, 2017, 11:32:05 PM It's because a major part of all terrorists call themselves muslim Because whenever they are shooting or bombing people with their suicide bombs, they shout one name and that is Allahu Akbar and we also know that most terrorist organization have Islamic ideologies. Title: Re: Why is terrorism linked to Islam? Post by: Elexsis on November 18, 2017, 12:52:47 AM It's because a major part of all terrorists call themselves muslim Yes most major part of them are muslims but not all of the islams are actually like them , they called themselves as a terrorist because they dont want to be ruled by a person they just want freedom and not to be ruled by any government.Title: Re: Why is terrorism linked to Islam? Post by: yuto7 on November 18, 2017, 02:34:23 PM Radical is in all religions as well as Islam.
Title: Re: Why is terrorism linked to Islam? Post by: Kotone on November 18, 2017, 02:36:49 PM A Lot of concerns have been raised as to the relationship between Islam and radical extremism. Most extremist carry out their heinous act and claim that they are doing it in the name of 'Allah'. What is the real application of the concept of holy war and Jihad in Islam? Does jihad in the classical sense mean war? What is the true position of the holy Quran in all of these. I think its because it started on muslim predominant nations. ALSO this is one of the things that media has delivered us in movies and a lot of publications. BUt the truth is there is no religion in terrorism and the fact that it is destructive is not something that should be associated to it Title: Re: Why is terrorism linked to Islam? Post by: September11 on November 19, 2017, 12:26:53 AM Terrorism has been linked to Islam in the hollywood movies in the nineties. After that, this link has only be reinforced up to the point that some islamic people got convinced they they should do some terroristic act. Of course some very specialized agency has helped these morons to achieve their plans.
Title: Re: Why is terrorism linked to Islam? Post by: Spendulus on November 19, 2017, 12:40:42 AM A Lot of concerns have been raised as to the relationship between Islam and radical extremism. Most extremist carry out their heinous act and claim that they are doing it in the name of 'Allah'. What is the real application of the concept of holy war and Jihad in Islam? Does jihad in the classical sense mean war? What is the true position of the holy Quran in all of these. Its all a lie, a fugazi, bs, nonsensical, and stupid. This is what the media wants you to believe that they are linked, that they are one in the same. But have you actual met a Muslim in real life? They are the nicest people you will ever meet and they do not take part in many of the "sins" that we do in daily life. Dont be fooled by the media in the West they are always trying to put one over on you especially when it comes to terrorism. You fool nobody. Title: Re: Why is terrorism linked to Islam? Post by: daniel08 on November 19, 2017, 12:44:35 AM Terrorism has no religion. I don't know why people blame Islam for this. In Holy Quran, it has clearly declare by Allah that Islam don't believe in war. Islam only wants peace, and Quran has also teaches us how to become peaceful. And those who are terrorist, they actually don't believe in any religion. Cause so far i know that no religion tells you to harm people. exactly terrorism has no religion at all , but why those terrorist called themselves muslims, i have friends that are muslims and they said that the terrorists are not islam in religion they only tells everyone that they are muslims because majority of the people are muslims. They only caused havoc to a certain country by bombings different places.Title: Re: Why is terrorism linked to Islam? Post by: bintangtimur1996 on November 19, 2017, 03:06:45 AM because most the actor of terrorism is moslem, so all of the people will say terrorism linked to moslem. I believe all religions in the world learn about peace , hoe to be good person and make a social linked to each other.
Title: Re: Why is terrorism linked to Islam? Post by: ttbd on November 19, 2017, 03:55:57 AM Not all muslim are link to terrorism. They blame muslim as terrorist because some of muslim are in terrorist group so some of us blame some muslims.
Title: Re: Why is terrorism linked to Islam? Post by: ColdShoulder on November 19, 2017, 05:56:21 AM Because most terrorists call themselves Muslims. That doesn't mean there aren't Christian terrorists, there's many
Title: Re: Why is terrorism linked to Islam? Post by: dewynijhof on November 19, 2017, 06:34:47 AM They want to bring bad reputation to muslism, whenever they commit terrorists, they always claim they are muslisms, even when they are not, so that make people misunderstood.
Title: Re: Why is terrorism linked to Islam? Post by: Sithara007 on November 19, 2017, 07:00:01 AM Because most terrorists call themselves Muslims. That doesn't mean there aren't Christian terrorists, there's many Not only they call themselves as the "purest" of the Muslims, but also they will claim that they are following the tenets and verses as given in the Islamic holy books. And this is exactly the reason why the non-Muslims are distrustful of the Muslims. When the terrorists say that they are just following the Islamic holy book, the Islamic clerics are not refuting their claim. Title: Re: Why is terrorism linked to Islam? Post by: spongegar on November 28, 2017, 05:22:18 AM A Lot of concerns have been raised as to the relationship between Islam and radical extremism. Most extremist carry out their heinous act and claim that they are doing it in the name of 'Allah'. What is the real application of the concept of holy war and Jihad in Islam? Does jihad in the classical sense mean war? What is the true position of the holy Quran in all of these. Personally i don't know the real position of Quran in Jihad. But then again, it is not Islam's fault. It is the fault of the people who actually misinterpret Quran and use it to hurt and forward their personal gains. Some actually manipulate people into their twisted sense of justice. What i don't like is that idiots actually generalize and think that all Muslims are terrorists which feeds into the terrorist's purposes |