Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Spoetnik on November 20, 2017, 09:32:04 AM

Title: The Big Bang Theory - The Bitcoin Entanglement
Post by: Spoetnik on November 20, 2017, 09:32:04 AM
The Big Bang Theory - S11E09 - The Bitcoin Entanglement

Sheldon tries to teach the guys a lesson after they cut him out of a potentially valuable Bitcoin investment

Which airs on November 30th will feature a story segue about the infamous "Bitcoin"
..and it's "investment" of course (since it has no other real viable use)

I've also seen other shows mention it and it's not flattering.
Such as The Simpsons and Family Guy.
It's always just some sketchy money making scheme.

Personally i don't see the logic in "investing" in a failed currency  ::)

The real question is.. is it too late to fix Bitcoins laughing stock reputation by making it work as intended ?
When other options like Interac eTransfer were faster and Cheaper and.. safer  ..5 years ago.
I'd say we got a problem, never mind the ugly vulgar abomination that is the "ICO" shit storm.

What i envisioned is the writers of that show coming here and looking at all this moronic bullshit for TV show writing research..

Put on a tie and a nice set of slacks investards are being watched.
They probably noticed that i am the only one in crypto not a greedy mouthing breathing startup millennial fucking shitbird chucklefuck retard profiteer gimp hell bent on bastardizing teh profits coinz exchanger block-chainz for some perverse money making gimmick scheme "investment"

Get your fucking shit together people.. your "investment" is showing  ::)

Title: Re: The Big Bang Theory - The Bitcoin Entanglement
Post by: d57heinz on November 20, 2017, 11:23:57 AM
Spot on!   For what crypto can and should be. They sure have made a joke of it all. Makes ya wonder if it was the devs or those that are still sucking the fiat c$&k.  Anyway it’s def one hell of a (shit)show in the making. Looking back at just what I’ve witnessed on this forum is good for a few shows in itself.  Thanks for the laugh

Also thanks for always staying vigilant.  Easy money scams never steered you wrong. Appreciate the critiques especially. 


Title: Re: The Big Bang Theory - The Bitcoin Entanglement
Post by: Spoetnik on November 21, 2017, 06:39:36 AM
I want it to work as intended but getting the profiteers to care is the problem.
What motivation do people have to fix Bitcoin when it keeps shooting up a few more grand ?

Bitcoin fanatics are insufferable..
You could point out the face of Bitcoin to the public is News about Ransomware asking for Bitcoin..
And they will try and claim it's good news somehow.

As long as they can keep counting profits off it ..the fact it's broken is of no concern to pretty much everyone.
Sad really.

Look who's piling in.. people that care ?
The *ONLY* thing they care about is how much money can they make off the crypto thingy.
I think crypto pretty much died a long loooooong time ago.
There was a community take over by profiteers who threw morality and ideology out the window.
Crypto is of no interest to the majority.. they care about profits.
In other words this won't end well.

Title: Re: The Big Bang Theory - The Bitcoin Entanglement
Post by: DrYM on November 27, 2017, 06:29:59 AM
I'm actually looking forward to seeing this episode. Getting it out there, known and heard, in popular culture, TVs and Shows is a very important step towards more (and better) worldwide recognition. Depends how it's depicted of course.

Title: Re: The Big Bang Theory - The Bitcoin Entanglement
Post by: Spoetnik on November 28, 2017, 06:29:25 AM
I'm actually looking forward to seeing this episode. Getting it out there, known and heard, in popular culture, TVs and Shows is a very important step towards more (and better) worldwide recognition. Depends how it's depicted of course.

We already have recognition.
Next step is usage.. which gets a bit hard to pull off when Bitcoin is broken.
And when you all hear play dumb about it and show no concern about the problem.
Yet play it up as though it's gods gift to humanity.

I have no use for a broken unused currency.

Title: Re: The Big Bang Theory - The Bitcoin Entanglement
Post by: scottykarate on December 01, 2017, 02:28:02 PM
Well, it aired and was a whole episode devoted to it apparently. I guess getting Bitcoin in front of another 10+million viewers can't be bad exposure and may be worth a little pump.

Title: Re: The Big Bang Theory - The Bitcoin Entanglement
Post by: Cholo003 on December 01, 2017, 02:33:03 PM
I hope it will increase more the acceptance of people to Bitcoin.