Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Press => Topic started by: Diced90 on November 21, 2017, 01:31:42 AM

Title: [2017-11-21]Bitcoin Wallet Bamboozle: Offering Bitcoin Cash Wallet,
Post by: Diced90 on November 21, 2017, 01:31:42 AM
Bitcoin Wallet Bamboozle: Offering Bitcoin Cash Wallet, Calling it “Bitcoin”

On November 20, 2017 updated their Bitcoin Wallet on Apple's App-store.’s version 4.0.2 update creates Bitcoin Cash wallets by default and allows users to sweep private keys to Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash wallets.

Unfortunately the owner of the domain, Roger Ver, is doing a bit of bait-and-switch, and the user is actually downloading a Bitcoin Cash wallet. A user thinking they are downloading an actual Bitcoin wallet where they can easily send and receive Bitcoin, however, actually ends up installing one that operates on the Bitcoin Cash network, which makes it unnecessarily difficult for that user to receive Bitcoin.

Suppose Alice is using the Bitcoin Wallet by and wishes to send 10 Bitcoin to Bob, and Bob is using an ordinary Bitcoin wallet. Bob would never receive the transaction that Alice sent, because the two users are on different networks. Despite the similarities in the names, Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash are two completely different coins, and a transaction on one chain does not affect the other chain.

Revenge of the big blockers
Many are viewing the bait-and-switch as an act of revenge against owner and Bitcoin Cash evangelist Roger Ver. Despite being an adamant supporter and early adopter of Bitcoin - he was once referred to as “Bitcoin Jesus” - Ver is firmly in the camp of the “big blockers.”

He was a big supporter of the proposed SegWit2x fork, betting Trace Meyer 25,000 BTC that SegWit2x would dominate legacy Bitcoin if the fork happened. Now that the fork has been called off, Ver has decided to throw his support behind Bitcoin Cash. Many have taken to calling him “Bitcoin Judas.”

Legal action?
Users of the /r/Bitcoin subreddit are furious. One such user, 1mystical, wrote:

This is also a real good way to open yourself up to a Civil Tort for Damages. This is blatant misrepresentation, and anyone that relies on this and loses money in the process is going to have a field day in court with this clown.

Unless and until Ver decides to rename his wallet so that it correctly refers to the network on which it operates, it is important for consumers to be aware of the possibilities and limitations that come with Version 4.0.2 of the Bitcoin wallet by


Title: Re: [2017-11-21]Bitcoin Wallet Bamboozle: Offering Bitcoin Cash Wallet,
Post by: hatshepsut93 on November 21, 2017, 02:09:15 AM
Well, it is very unlikely that Roger Ver will face any legal consequences over this blatant fraud, because Bitcoin is so unregulated (which is good!), so it is our duty, as community, to warn newcomers and unexperienced users the dangers of visiting places like This should be brought to attention on social platforms like this forum and twitter, as well as on popular Bitcoin blogs, Facebook groups, etc. It's a serious issue, because sooner or later people will lose their money when BCH will crash and die, which will happen when people like Roger Ver will decide to stop supporting their coin for any reason.

Title: Re: [2017-11-21]Bitcoin Wallet Bamboozle: Offering Bitcoin Cash Wallet,
Post by: darkangel11 on November 21, 2017, 02:28:39 AM
I'd like to think he's not doing it on purpose and not realizing the consequences, but we all know the truth. This whole backstabbing game is earning him a lot of money, especially now when BCC has doubled in value. Roger has a lot of money to play with and treats BCC as his coin. We could expect he'll keep pushing it with all he's got, but this is really low. Advertising a BCC wallet as BTC wallet is going to create confusion and might turn some of his supporters against him.

Title: Re: [2017-11-21]Bitcoin Wallet Bamboozle: Offering Bitcoin Cash Wallet,
Post by: MemoryDealers on November 22, 2017, 01:27:35 AM
Where exactly are you people getting confused?
Or are you just causing trouble for trouble's sake? (

Title: Re: [2017-11-21]Bitcoin Wallet Bamboozle: Offering Bitcoin Cash Wallet,
Post by: casinobitco on November 22, 2017, 03:38:44 AM
Where exactly are you people getting confused?
Or are you just causing trouble for trouble's sake?

<snip image>

Of course he is Roger... or he didn't even bother downloading the wallet and is just chanting the same old tired narrative that's on /r/bitcoin.

This forum has gone down drastically, each and every year since inception.

There is nothing redeemable here anymore, don't pay attention to the trolls.

Title: Re: [2017-11-21]Bitcoin Wallet Bamboozle: Offering Bitcoin Cash Wallet,
Post by: Benezim on November 22, 2017, 06:42:31 AM
Where exactly are you people getting confused?
Or are you just causing trouble for trouble's sake?

How about Bitcoin Cash being the default wallet in the receive tab for starters? I just downloaded and installed the wallet, there is a lengthy tutorial how to “get started with Bitcoin”, explanations that “Bitcoin is a currency”, a button that says “create Bitcoin wallet”, and then he default wallet points to Bitcoin Cash?

Either it is a wallet that is transparent all the way, addressing and educating new users or it is an “expert” wallet for Bitcoin Cash. Why disguising a Bitcoin Cash wallet as Bitcoin wallet?

Title: Re: [2017-11-21]Bitcoin Wallet Bamboozle: Offering Bitcoin Cash Wallet,
Post by: freebutcaged on November 22, 2017, 07:52:54 AM
They believe that Bitcoin cash is Bitcoin, if you are doing what you think and believe is the right thing, no court would prosecute you mate, you could

Play the insanity card. I am thankful to you for inventing Bitcoin cash, without you and your fuck buddies, we couldn't hit $8200 so soon.

Title: Re: [2017-11-21]Bitcoin Wallet Bamboozle: Offering Bitcoin Cash Wallet,
Post by: Kakmakr on November 22, 2017, 08:21:25 AM
The strategy is very cunning. Create the wallet and position Bitcoin Cash as the first option and also use a colour scheme and Bitcoin symbol that are very similar to Bitcoin {BTC} to create confusion. Most newbies will not spot the difference and they might buy Bitcoin Cash by accident. <intentional misdirection>

Roger Ver and his friends knows exactly what they are doing and if this was contestable in court, they would be faced with several infringement charges. < Copying the Branding and the Name and the Logo >

Roger Ver is spitting in Satoshi Nakamoto's face with these tactics and he could care less. ^grrrrrrrr^

Title: Re: [2017-11-21]Bitcoin Wallet Bamboozle: Offering Bitcoin Cash Wallet,
Post by: marckenigsberg on November 22, 2017, 08:47:07 AM
The idea of legal consequences here is just absurd.
Not going to happen.
I think some of the comments I have seen about this are just hating.
I personally do not support bitcoin cash at all but I think they are fully in their rights to create this option in the wallet by default.
Many users probably appreciate having both.
The issue is about user experience and how clearly things are explained to users, especially new users.
It is so easy to send BTC to BCH address of vice versa.
I even get that defaults for many options like send/receive/buy got to BCH.
Not my prefernce but they own the wallet.
The question is how well is this explained to users.
People losing bitcoin while trying to transact is not good for ANYONE in this the crypto world.
When the brand war starts hurting onboarding and new users then it's gone too far.

Title: Re: [2017-11-21]Bitcoin Wallet Bamboozle: Offering Bitcoin Cash Wallet,
Post by: udevNull on December 21, 2017, 07:36:00 AM
Where exactly are you people getting confused?
Or are you just causing trouble for trouble's sake? (

Why does my install call Bitcoin "Bitcoin Core"? Also, why does my wallet use Bcash as its default receive? The intention really seems to be to push Bcash onto users although the store and marketing material do not reflect this. There seems to be a discrepancy between what the marketing says in the stores vs what the user actually gets. New users understand nothing about Bitcoin, let alone that there is a Bcash fork. They will use whatever you give them. It's a pity that the less savvy are going to be losing money because of this.

I think the wallet could be explained better in the stores by using the name Bcash or similar in the title so that new users know exactly what they're getting before they lose their hard earned money.