Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Project Development => Topic started by: shawshankinmate37927 on June 26, 2013, 10:34:08 PM

Title: Encrypted Paper Wallet
Post by: shawshankinmate37927 on June 26, 2013, 10:34:08 PM
Does anyone know if there is a site/service/software app that allows you to print out a paper wallet that encrypts the private key with an option to also encrypt the public key?  Essentially, I would like to be able to store BTC offline in a paper wallet, that requires knowing a password or PIN in addition to possessing the paper wallet in order to access the BTC, just in case the wallet is discovered and then copied or stolen.

Title: Re: Encrypted Paper Wallet
Post by: Stephen Gornick on June 26, 2013, 10:57:32 PM
Does anyone know if there is a site/service/software app that allows you to print out a paper wallet that encrypts the private key with an option to also encrypt the public key?

Encrypt the Bitcoin address (public key)?  Why?

As far as encrypting the private key ...

Getting closer here I think.

Real close.

So the encrypted paper wallet(s) go to family members.  DeadMansSwitch gets the decryption key, as does the trustee.  From another thread:

I changed the colour to blue for encrypted paper wallets to provide distinction between encrypted/unencrypted paper wallets - a version in the original yellow is included in case you really like yellow, just delete 'note_encrypted.png' and rename 'note_yellow.png' in its place.

This solution (encrypted paper wallets) probably isn't ready for prime time, but give it a few weeks and that will probably become a very good method for offline / long term savings that is secure.

Title: Re: Encrypted Paper Wallet
Post by: shawshankinmate37927 on June 27, 2013, 02:19:55 AM
Encrypt the Bitcoin address (public key)?  Why?

Not necessary, but for additional privacy.  If the BTC address is also encrypted then that would prevent an unauthorized individual from being able to see how many BTC I have in that address or viewing the transaction history for that address.

Thanks for providing the link.  The encrypted wallet described in that thread is exactly what I'm looking for.  However, when I go to the text field to enter a passphrase does not appear and I don't seem to have the option to create a paper wallet with a blue background and an encrypted private key.  Is it just not up and running yet or am I missing something?

Title: Re: Encrypted Paper Wallet
Post by: Stephen Gornick on June 27, 2013, 04:09:10 AM
However, when I go to the text field to enter a passphrase does not appear

The changes haven't been merged into, ... and I don't know that anyone has vetted the entire source with that change from the Zeilapp GitHub repo.   So that's why I wrote "probably isn't ready for prime time".   

But if you want to try it out, save the .html from Zielap's repo to a local directory and open it in your browser.  But you might not want to trust it with too much mBTCs without ensuring it can be trusted.   

Title: Re: Encrypted Paper Wallet
Post by: RagnarDanneskjold on June 27, 2013, 11:49:05 AM
Does anyone know if there is a site/service/software app that allows you to print out a paper wallet that encrypts the private key with an option to also encrypt the public key?  Essentially, I would like to be able to store BTC offline in a paper wallet, that requires knowing a password or PIN in addition to possessing the paper wallet in order to access the BTC, just in case the wallet is discovered and then copied or stolen.
This is not exactly what you're seeking, but I really like the concept of book ciphers / steganography for address/key encryption:

Title: Re: Encrypted Paper Wallet
Post by: threeip on June 27, 2013, 05:30:42 PM
Is this ROT(-2)?  :D

Title: Re: Encrypted Paper Wallet
Post by: shawshankinmate37927 on June 27, 2013, 11:15:55 PM
The changes haven't been merged into, ... and I don't know that anyone has vetted the entire source with that change from the Zeilapp GitHub repo.   So that's why I wrote "probably isn't ready for prime time".   

But if you want to try it out, save the .html from Zielap's repo to a local directory and open it in your browser.  But you might not want to trust it with too much mBTCs without ensuring it can be trusted.   

Ahhh, I see.  I overlooked that last part of your previous post.  I guess it will take a little while for the wallet services to implement support for the encrypted private keys as well, but I'll keep checking the site every once in a while to see if the new encryped private key feature has been added and look forward to testing it out.  Thanks again for the info.

Title: Re: Encrypted Paper Wallet
Post by: aantonop on July 13, 2013, 01:59:39 AM
Yes, now in beta as part of OpenPaperWallet (and the retail kit, SafePaperWallet) -

BIP0038 compliant, encrypted private keys in QR codes.

Software v3 BETA

The new v3 offers many features:

- A step-by-step wizard
- Multiple background design options
- Encrypted private keys (BIP0038) and in-browser decryption.
- Deterministic Aliases

Title: Re: Encrypted Paper Wallet
Post by: Gaff on August 21, 2013, 10:28:20 AM
Any update on this project? I'm looking for something like this!

Title: Re: Encrypted Paper Wallet
Post by: Stephen Gornick on October 31, 2013, 06:37:44 PM
Any update on this project? I'm looking for something like this!

Now BitAddress, as of v2.5.1, has BIP38 Encryption (click Advanced, from Paper Wallet):

Title: Re: Encrypted Paper Wallet
Post by: dancupid on October 31, 2013, 06:49:08 PM
Simple way.
Print a random paper wallet and then use the private key + your password to create a brain wallet with a new private key.
Don't use the paper wallet to store bitcoins, just the address created by the brain wallet

Title: Re: Encrypted Paper Wallet
Post by: Gaff on October 31, 2013, 10:52:15 PM
Any update on this project? I'm looking for something like this!

Now BitAddress, as of v2.5.1, has BIP38 Encryption (click Advanced, from Paper Wallet):

Thank you so much!!  :) - is there a tip bot around here?

It's surprisingly slow (not that I'm complaining). Actually I figure it's exactly slow because of this: - A fair price to pay for security I guess, though some sort of spinner / warning that it's likely to be slow would be neat.

Title: Re: Encrypted Paper Wallet
Post by: yakov on November 11, 2013, 08:08:45 PM
Any update on this project? I'm looking for something like this!

Now BitAddress, as of v2.5.1, has BIP38 Encryption (click Advanced, from Paper Wallet):

Very cool, is there a way to use this 100% offline?

Everything is self-contained in that html file. Standard practice is to save it to a USB memory stick and then run it from a LiveCD or a fresh OS install that has never touched the internet.

Incidently, the thread about it is here

Title: Re: Encrypted Paper Wallet
Post by: phantastisch on November 11, 2013, 08:14:27 PM
Any update on this project? I'm looking for something like this!

Now BitAddress, as of v2.5.1, has BIP38 Encryption (click Advanced, from Paper Wallet):

Very cool, is there a way to use this 100% offline?

You could retype it character by character on an offline-computer while you read it from source. ;D