Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Services => Topic started by: ErgoOne on June 29, 2011, 07:45:44 PM

Title: Professional Writing/Editing Services
Post by: ErgoOne on June 29, 2011, 07:45:44 PM
I am a technical writer and editor with twenty years experience in the field.  I've worked professionally to document products and services in the following fields: web application security, network and server traffic management/load balancing, business-related client-server products, radiotherapy devices used in cancer treatment, power generation and transmission technologies, and environmental engineering.  However, a good technical writer's best skill is not what they know, but that they can learn almost anything with a small amount of lead time.  I'm a quick study, and I love to learn. :-)  I'm also a good developmental and copy editor with extensive experience with business and academic writing, in addition to technical writing.

I'm employed full-time, but occasionally take outside writing and editing jobs for variety and because they often give me a chance to learn something new or work with somebody new.  I have decided to start accepting BTC in payment for that work.  My standard rate in US $ is $50/hr for businesses, $25/hr for graduate students or professors who want editing help for a paper, thesis or dissertation, and varies between that for other types of work.  My rates in BTC are 2 BTC/hr for businesses, 1 BTC/hr for academia.

If you have a project that you would like to discuss, please check my web site ( under "ErgoOne" for my resume and contact information. 

Title: Re: Professional Writing/Editing Services
Post by: TheSpanishGuy on June 29, 2011, 08:56:21 PM
I'm offering my services as translator, my rates are just in my signature.  Just in case you would like to resell my services. :)
That way you can offer your writtings in spanish too!!!  :)

good luck with your business!

Title: Re: Professional Writing/Editing Services
Post by: ErgoOne on June 29, 2011, 11:27:12 PM
I'm offering my services as translator, my rates are just in my signature.  Just in case you would like to resell my services. :)
That way you can offer your writtings in spanish too!!!  :)

good luck with your business!

Hablaba el Español cuando era muchacha mas bueno como hablo, pero lo hablo bastante bien por una gringa. ;)  ¿Tiene usted un web page con informacion sobre sus calificaciones, y con información de contacto?

Seriously, I'd like to have a Spanish translator available (and some other languages), but would need to find out more about your background first.  So email me and give me your web URL, and a summary of your background and qualifications.  If you don't have a web page, perhaps I can help you get one set up.  Having a native speaker (as opposed to someone of my pedestrian Spanish skills) available would defintely be a plus in my line of work.  Thanks!

Title: Re: Professional Writing/Editing Services
Post by: TheSpanishGuy on July 03, 2011, 01:44:51 AM
Seriously, I'd like to have a Spanish translator available (and some other languages), but would need to find out more about your background first.  So email me and give me your web URL, and a summary of your background and qualifications.  If you don't have a web page, perhaps I can help you get one set up.  Having a native speaker (as opposed to someone of my pedestrian Spanish skills) available would defintely be a plus in my line of work.  Thanks!

Translation of your post...
En serio, me gustaría tener disponible a un traductor de español (y algunos otros lenguajes), pero necesitaria primero saber más sobre tus conocimientos. Así pues, envíame un email, y pásame tu página web y un resumen de tus conocimientos y tus calificaciones.  Si no tienes una página web, quizás pueda ayudarte a poner una en marcha. Tener un nativo (al contrario de alguien con mi conocimiento común del Español) sería, definitivamente, un plus en mi linea de trabajo. Gracias!

Well, right now I work developing marketing campaigns for a Scuba Diving School here in Spain, so I'm not working as a proffesional translator. But since I learned english in a british school and I used to work in adidas translating texts for the web page (Always english > spanish), I thought it could be a good thing to do with my free time in order to earn some bitcoins :)

As you will see, i don't have any problem to express myself in english but as my mother tongue is Spanish i think its safer if i always translate from english to spanish and not the other way around, but if you ask me for a Spanish > English translation I can also do it. :)

If you want, I can create myself a new google account for this, so you can send me your texts to that address (that way i'll have the notification in real time in my mobile). Then I would send you all the texts translated and if you're happy with them you can send me the bitcoins.

I also live with a Scottish girl, so if there's something i don't understand, she will help me (just in case you worry about my english skills).

i look forward to hearing from you!! Thanks! :)

UPDATE: my new email address is

Title: Re: Professional Writing/Editing Services
Post by: bitcola on October 02, 2011, 07:28:41 PM
What are your per word rates for writing?

Title: Re: Professional Writing/Editing Services
Post by: ErgoOne on October 06, 2011, 05:30:47 PM
Most technical writers doing work for hire don't charge per word, but I would agree to a rate of US $ 0.05/word for academic or research writing, US $ 0.10/word for commercial or professional writing.  The equivalent in today's bitcoins would be approximately BTC 0.01/word.  (Bitcoins seem to be hovering at an exchange rate of $5.00 US to 1 BTC.)