Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: eDave on November 22, 2017, 04:51:47 PM

Title: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: eDave on November 22, 2017, 04:51:47 PM
Jim Rogers, a banker and another traditional investor, is calling Bitcoin a bubble. This is not new. But what keeps these people talking trash about Bitcoin? Definitely, these investors who own financial institutions, have their own agenda and are playing their cards.

In this article: (, there's a good insight about the true reason why these people are spreading these rumors.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: Xavofat on November 22, 2017, 05:30:26 PM
It's OK to question a person's motives in the context of a detailed argument, but questioning an entire group of people based on their potential motives is an extremely weak method of arguing.
Definitely, these investors who own financial institutions, have their own agenda and are playing their cards.
Many wealthier people and even people related to major financial institutions (such as Goldman Sachs) have been relatively neutral towards BTC or in some cases even positive.  Even if they do have a negative motive, it doesn't have to make everything negative said automatically worthless.
talking trash
The only major case I've found of "talking trash" was Jamie Dimon.  All other statements that I've seen have been fairly reasonable.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: tiggytomb on November 22, 2017, 05:35:46 PM
It is something extremely new and it will make those in the financial arena feel nervous and a bit weary because it is new and looks set to really take off.

This will have a huge impact on the long standing financial institutions much like when streaming services like Netflix came about and slowly pushed Blockbuster to the bacground.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: ReLieD on November 22, 2017, 06:23:01 PM
I don't understand why you people don't understand this. Is the first time someone had told this? Everyone (who wants to invest in Bitcoin) says this to make the prices of Bitcoin fall and then when they will succeed in doing that then they will buy alot of Bitcoins and then wait for the prices to go back up again. Such people are just greedy for money and can pass on any fake news for their betterment.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: rumexx on November 22, 2017, 06:35:06 PM
The rumor mongers are only interested in protecting their business because they know that Bitcoin is better in most aspect compare to fiat money. I just have one advice for them which is that they should buyin to Blockchain technology to remain relevant in the next few years. Bitcoin is taking over financial transactions.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: Baofeng on November 22, 2017, 06:36:01 PM
Jim Rogers, a banker and another traditional investor, is calling Bitcoin a bubble. This is not new. But what keeps these people talking trash about Bitcoin? Definitely, these investors who own financial institutions, have their own agenda and are playing their cards.

In this article: (, there's a good insight about the true reason why these people are spreading these rumors.

I read the article and almost everything written their is correct, although most of us are all aware as why bankers are really attacking bitcoin and why several nations are banning the whole cryptocurrency arena Everyone who bashes bitcoin have their own agenda behind.

Just like what Jamie Dimon did earlier, he ride the wave of the China FUD and added his own spin. Then later we found out that JP Morgan bought huge amount of bitcoin during the crash. Its gonna be a constant battle, but the more they attack bitcoin, the more it grows stronger.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: alphaomega.f on November 22, 2017, 06:36:15 PM
thats actually perceptive and he threw negative points at bitcoin. Given with his status, i think its just for show, for popularity. because believe it or not, bitcoin is really that good.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: SuperD007 on November 22, 2017, 07:29:57 PM
I often find myself at loggerheads with traditional stock market investors, many of them (not all) are against Bitcoin because people half their age are making higher ROI on Bitcoin and crypto than their entire portfolio's combined. One of my friends who has been trading on the stock market since the late 90's admitted that it drives him insane that he has spent his entire life studying the market, learning about how to spot market trends and buy signals and sell signals and all of the usual blah blah..and even with all his knowledge and skills he can't even come close to any of the ROI that his 23 year old son makes from Crytpo. As much as he is a very proud father and encourages his son. As a professional trader he finds it hard to believe that the one thing he is supposed to be good at is making money for his clients and he is no longer doing that the best way possible....The firm that he works for is part of the anti-crypto brigade so they are not allowed to suggest these investments to their clients. Yet he knows that there is nothing in his portfolio that can come close to crypto in terms of ROI...he actually finds himself at a point where he wants to resign because he can not honestly recommend investments to his clients knowing fully well that it's not the best way for them to make money...he himself has stopped investing his own money in the stock market and invests his money in Crypto with his son. Chances are he will be leaving the company soon and starting his own investment company with his son and taking some of his clients across... :)

He also says that at least his ego has not gotten the better of him and he can see that he needs to change direction... but most of his colleagues refuse to see the light. Their ego's wont allow them to accept that maybe times have changed and they need to adapt.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: mahibul49 on November 22, 2017, 07:32:08 PM
rumor is good for bitcoin.many big big person give  negative statement abt bitcoin bt also we can see big big leaders are supporting bitcoin too :)
so rumor doing promotion for bitcoin

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: subSTRATA on November 22, 2017, 08:16:00 PM
rumor is good for bitcoin.many big big person give  negative statement abt bitcoin bt also we can see big big leaders are supporting bitcoin too :)
so rumor doing promotion for bitcoin
a terrible generalization at best. years ago, there were plenty of rumors on mainstream media saying that bitcoin was being used primarily by criminals, weather it be for ransom, illegal trades, and online drug markets. of course, they're not wrong, and these deals may have constituted the most traffic on the bitcoin network in terms of value (which i don't know if this is entirely true), but bitcoin was being used for so much more even then. however, even now we can see the effects rumors can have on bitcoin; when it was released that china was going to either ban ico's or the use of bitcoin entirely, we saw the price of bitcoin tank almost 25% in a 48 hour period. a long time ago, when bitcoin was still in the infant stages, any rumor might've helped for the sake of exposure, but it's a whole different story now. bitcoin is a real moving force in today's world, and it can be affected negatively just as the stock market can.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: allthingsluxury on November 22, 2017, 08:18:04 PM
He's not alone and a lot of others have stated this same thing. Are they correct? Only time will tell. Regardless, BTC is here for the long term.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: VayneAurelius on November 22, 2017, 08:19:18 PM
Bitcoin is getting popular nowadays so expect for those bad rumors to come out. They are somehow trying to destroy its reputation to get it out of its position.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: audaciousbeing on November 22, 2017, 08:49:45 PM
rumor is good for bitcoin.many big big person give  negative statement abt bitcoin bt also we can see big big leaders are supporting bitcoin too :)
so rumor doing promotion for bitcoin

The only rumour that is good are rumours about the acceptance of bitcoin pending the time when people will start seeing the fruit of such rumour. Negative statements as much as it brings promotion to bitcoin, it makes more people to further stay away especially if such statement is coming from a person in position of authority. Considering the fact that the mentality large number of people have about bitcoin is still wrong and primitive, only few of them can take the bold step of finding more information then make their conclusion while the remainder of the others rely on the opinions of people like the bankers in Op statement about confirming what their mind is telling them about bitcoin.

Bankers are known to be against bitcoin while those who are not vocal about are always sitting in the middle by not being for bitcoin, and not against bitcoin. The reason is because, anything that might displace you from your revered position whether now or later, you don't take it easy for that to happen.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: Platonicus on November 22, 2017, 08:57:02 PM
1) First of all you mentioned right point - a tratidional banker.  - Means he`s afraid to loose his money, fiat.

2) All things in the world (gold, platinum, USD, euros, etc etc etc) is only a matter of agreement between people. that means most important thing - IF we agree bitcoin value is 1 million that means 1 million. All value is all just about agreement. That`s it.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: groko271 on November 22, 2017, 08:58:08 PM
Another douche like Jamie from JPM shitting on crypto..............the establishment trying to beat down bitcoin and all crypto because of the freedom for financial Independence it offers citizens around the world. They are scared of it. Not to mention they have several million $ worth of bitcoin and buy more on the crashes he causes so one day he can be a whale and affect bitcoin that way one day in the future.

Think about it, a community can now produce its own wealth! But it is necessary that bitcoin remains successful as it is the base (trading crypto pair) of all crypto trading and therefor crypto wealth creation. If Jamie and co can ruin bitcoin's reputation he can bring down all cryptio to a certain extent. He is hoping to cause a self fulfilling prophecy to say something bad about something hoping to cause the thing he is predicting. Fuck him, he's a dick and mark my words as crytpo continues to free more and more citizens there will be more financial advisors putting shit on bitcoin in the future.
The CIA is trying to hack the blockchain to bring it down also, but it cant. Freedom to the people!! We will be slaves no more and they hate that!.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: GreatOrchid on November 22, 2017, 09:00:00 PM
You should not be worried by this because it is always happening, specially on those days in when bitcoin is rising a lot, those kind of guys are always trying to throw shit over bitcoin to try to lower the price, but unfortunately, maybe 2 of 10 attempts to do so, are failing.
Maybe jamie dimon was the only one who was able to dump bitcoin for more than $500 in just a few hours (when it was below $5000 each bitcoin, so it is a lot)
But it is always going to be full of all this trash.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: Nikola282828 on November 22, 2017, 09:05:53 PM
Jim Rogers, a banker and another traditional investor, is calling Bitcoin a bubble. This is not new. But what keeps these people talking trash about Bitcoin? Definitely, these investors who own financial institutions, have their own agenda and are playing their cards.

In this article: (, there's a good insight about the true reason why these people are spreading these rumors.

My opinion, they make fun of him, not because they have a lot of money, but because they have someone leaking info knowing that soon this bubble that's going to happen:)

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: on November 22, 2017, 09:08:37 PM
They're spreading the FUD to manipulate the markets. And later bankers step into and surely make money. Jamie Dimon is a great example of how their system works. I hope Bitcoin community will stay vigilant and don't get on the hook.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: Theta Labs on November 22, 2017, 10:22:28 PM
A banker is not an unbiased source about bitcoin, keep in mind.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: Zocadas on November 22, 2017, 10:41:47 PM
Seems, that they are trying the same coup as J P Morgan did. Dev warned people of Bitcoin bubble and we know the result.So, just let pass that fake predictions and statements. But they are not aware, that they spread out the possibility to invest to Bitcoin to people, who weren't involved yet.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: BenjaminFranklingwould on November 22, 2017, 10:46:08 PM
When I watch something from the TV news or reading in the internet magazine I'm always think why are they saying it. What is their interest? Big players playing hard to force us to do what they want. I don't trust somebody until I check it by myself. And I don't think these particular rumors is worth a penny right now. It is still really strong bull trend in Bitcoin.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: darkangel11 on November 22, 2017, 10:47:19 PM
talking trash
The only major case I've found of "talking trash" was Jamie Dimon.  All other statements that I've seen have been fairly reasonable.

He's already over that part and thinking about putting money into that futures market that's about to open. If you can't beat them join them.

When I watch something from the TV news or reading in the internet magazine I'm always think why are they saying it. What is their interest?

If you can't find the reason behind something it's usually money. They are either paid to do it or are trying to play the market by spreading fake news or bashing BTC.
It used to work in 2014 and 15, but since then the market got more mature and it's getting much more difficult.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: HasHe on November 22, 2017, 11:21:27 PM
Rumors about bitcoin is more nowadays and it will be even more when bitcoin's popularity and price grows more.These people have one of the two motives below.Either they may have got afraid with bitcoin's gigantic progress and so they make statements against bitcoin.Or else,they may have an idea of investing in bitcoins like jamie dimon and to make the price drop,they issue such statements.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: FrueGreads on November 22, 2017, 11:35:40 PM
I have no idea if they have a hidden agenda or if they just don't understand bitcoin. I kind of get it for banks, because it threatens their way of doing business, but let's face it. I don't really think that fiat will ever disappear because it's backed by a country, and it kind of shows their economic strength to the world, so as long there is fiat, banks will always have a place in our society, so bitcoin is not really a threat to them. It will force them to adjust their fees etc, but it won't threat their existence.

Bitcoin is becoming a financial asset now, so they can just use it like a normal asset, instead of fighting it. Banks can offer bitcoin investments, governments can charge their taxes, so nothing will have a dramatic change. In the end Bitcoin will "just" act as a safe haven for investors, because banks and governments can't screw it up, since it's decentralized, so everyone wins if they just stop fighting it. Maybe they will get it eventually.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: kendra1107 on November 22, 2017, 11:37:25 PM
Jim Rogers, a banker and another traditional investor, is calling Bitcoin a bubble. This is not new. But what keeps these people talking trash about Bitcoin? Definitely, these investors who own financial institutions, have their own agenda and are playing their cards.

In this article: (, there's a good insight about the true reason why these people are spreading these rumors.
I did not look into your link, but in my own opinion, "bad rumors" against Bitcoin are being made simply because it's a strategy. Business tycoons have a way to manipulate the system in their favor. Rumors are advertised, holders will sell, price will fall, and those who made these rumors will actually be the ones buying all those Bitcoins. Simple, yet profitable...😉

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: tomahawk9 on November 23, 2017, 12:27:20 AM
Jim Rogers, a banker and another traditional investor, is calling Bitcoin a bubble. This is not new. But what keeps these people talking trash about Bitcoin? Definitely, these investors who own financial institutions, have their own agenda and are playing their cards.

In this article:, there's a good insight about the true reason why these people are spreading these rumors.
'Bad rumours' are mainly used to keep the public away from Bitcoin, and to try to manipulate the market, which apparently is working wonders, because even with all of this 'bubble' stuff the number of new users keeps growing and we're hitting a new ATH every week   (:

But I've been saying this for a long time, big CEOs from financial companies and bankers don't want to give people the freedom to do whatever they want with their money, they'd rather spread FUD about Bitcoin and shit on it 24/7 than lose customers just so they can keep their fiat ponzi alive forever. Good thing is that as the crypto community continues to grow every day (especially the btc community), so does people's awareness of Bitcoin and what it means for the future (privacy, anonymity, decentralized system), so that should give us some reassurance that all of this FUD won't have an impact on BTC.
But I think 'bad rumours' are just the beginning, I believe we have yet to see the true power of the 'elite'.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: subSTRATA on November 23, 2017, 12:40:29 AM
Another douche like Jamie from JPM shitting on crypto..............the establishment trying to beat down bitcoin and all crypto because of the freedom for financial Independence it offers citizens around the world. They are scared of it. Not to mention they have several million $ worth of bitcoin and buy more on the crashes he causes so one day he can be a whale and affect bitcoin that way one day in the future.

Think about it, a community can now produce its own wealth! But it is necessary that bitcoin remains successful as it is the base (trading crypto pair) of all crypto trading and therefor crypto wealth creation. If Jamie and co can ruin bitcoin's reputation he can bring down all cryptio to a certain extent. He is hoping to cause a self fulfilling prophecy to say something bad about something hoping to cause the thing he is predicting. Fuck him, he's a dick and mark my words as crytpo continues to free more and more citizens there will be more financial advisors putting shit on bitcoin in the future.
The CIA is trying to hack the blockchain to bring it down also, but it cant. Freedom to the people!! We will be slaves no more and they hate that!.
im 99% sure destroying cryptocurrency, or just bitcoin, is the ceo's end goal by any means. the man is more than well off, he could quit working today and have more than enough to live comfortably till the end of his days. if anything, he's using his position of influence as a major banker's head to influence bitcoin's price for some price manipulation. i dont think ive heard of the cia trying to 'hack' the blockchain either, im pretty sure the only way you could feasibly gain any amount of control over bitcoin is to use the 51% attack idea, and that takes way too much infrastructure to even think about.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: Beicin on November 23, 2017, 12:46:06 AM
Bitcoin is proving people wrong day in day out. Jamie Dimon called Bitcoin as a fraud a few weeks ago, and how his company is talking about allowing their clients to invest in BTC Futures.. Give it time, and everyone will bend to the cryptocurrencies

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: :wq on November 23, 2017, 12:55:22 AM
I think a lot of issues that cause people to believe this is a bubble (and why they are so vocal about it) is because a lot of money was lost during similar "bubble" situations in the past, and as a result, lives were ruined.

Bitcoin isn't as big a threat to the monetary system as people believe it is.  Realistically the only disruptive technology is blockchain and its actually NOT that disruptive to the financial sector, contrary to popular belief. Its more disruptive to the technology sector, yet we don't hear as much noise from those sectors about the threat? Could the people warning us it is a bubble, be doing so because of financial advice rather than because they think its a threat to their sector?

Potentially, yes.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: A.nayem on November 23, 2017, 01:11:14 AM
#I often find myself at loggerheads with traditional stock market investors, many of them (not all) are against Bitcoin because people half their age are making higher ROI on Bitcoin and crypto than their entire portfolio's combined. One of my friends who has been trading on the stock market since the late 90's admitted that it drives him insane that he has spent his entire life studying the market, learning about how to spot market trends and buy signals and sell signals and all of the usual blah blah..and even with all his knowledge and skills.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: Godric-Gryffindor on November 23, 2017, 01:17:59 AM
Such Rumors like that is the reason why bitcoin is the best investment, see big name don't care to a simple Crypto,
Bitcoin makes a history and a statement, it brings new idea fits to digital age community, which aims secure transaction in bit of a second

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: Vaskiy on November 23, 2017, 01:23:24 AM
If we examine those people closely, it'll come to light that they were the profit makers of bitcoin. Revealing negative comments as well some rumors in the name of prediction is a way of making the market in such a way comfortable for them. Particularly these are the way of generating panic among users and manipulating in a much easier manner.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: altercreed on November 23, 2017, 01:29:31 AM
Another tactic for a banker and a traditional investor that rides on the popularity of bitcoin wanting to be famous too. This is not new to bitcoin having someone trying to destroy its reputation. Only those who don't have enough knowledge of bitcoin would somehow believe in his statements.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: dawoodkhan97 on November 23, 2017, 02:00:29 PM
There will always be people in this world that will resist change
or something new. The best we can do is ignore and move forward.

Take a look at what happened when Email was introduced and there
were many people (influential people) that said it does not have a

You will get naysayers along the way, only time will tell...

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: Walrus1 on November 23, 2017, 03:19:29 PM
On the other hand you can see why people say it is a bubble. In certain ways Bitcoin defies logic. It's a currency but I wouldn't spend it now, I don't think most people do. When you compare other charts of bubbles they do fit in with Bitcoin, the thing is the history of Bitcoin is being written now. I'm in it, just recently anyway, I plan on continue buying it whether it go north or south in the short time, but I know full well this could be a bubble, I'm not saying it is, but it very well could be. Although I don't like the idea of paying taxes on it, I don't pay taxes on gold profits, and I don't necessarily like the idea the big boys are getting into futures trading on btc these may be positive signs. I think it was forbes that had an article saying if Bitcoin becomes a widely accepted currency as the next generation brings it mainstream it could reach 190,000. I guess all this info can help us make decisions.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: jokilax on November 23, 2017, 03:25:59 PM
Bitcoin is not bubble it is unstable currency.bitcoin is digital currency and investment,bitcoin price may rise and fall depends on the demand.bitcoin is transparent price.rumors are spreading,bitcoin knowledge and experience needed.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: LancienMaleAlpha on November 24, 2017, 07:32:36 AM
Don't listen to rumors. Your actions should be based on facts, not rumors. No matter what they say. Just watch Bitcoin price and use the moment.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: steadyrice on November 24, 2017, 07:46:53 AM
This isn't a surprise, really. It is very normal that people whose businesses would suffer due to bitcoin bad-mouth it. I think what they are hoping is to scare people off of bitcoin by remarks like this, so that the adoption rate of cryptocurrencies does not go up.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: RoommateAgreement on November 24, 2017, 07:50:37 AM
It is something extremely new and it will make those in the financial arena feel nervous and a bit weary because it is new and looks set to really take off.

actually this is not at all new!
for years i have been seeing them spread FUD and misinformation about bitcoin in some cases so wrong that anyone with little understanding of basics of bitcoin would see right through them. the only difference, the only thing new is that these days there is more of them than there used to be. and that is only be cause bitcoin has grows so much bigger now and it is bound to attract that much more attention both positive and negative types.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: TheUltraElite on November 24, 2017, 07:58:10 AM
Don't listen to rumors. Your actions should be based on facts, not rumors. No matter what they say. Just watch Bitcoin price and use the moment.

I would say people should learn to differentiate rumors from facts and not consider every news as a rumor. There are fake news and FUD everywhere but the places where they are spread are obvious and if you buy into those then you are a fool.

The reddit subreddits are full of shills and scum who pump every shitcoin and promote those. The Poloniex/HitBTC trollboxes are called "trollbox" for a reason. I have seen all types of conspiracy theories going on there and I really fell those people need treatment.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: Prodigan786 on November 24, 2017, 08:01:48 AM
I am confused about this people even hp Morgan stated in august about bitcoin is not stable investment after that it raised more than 150% why again and again spreading this kind of rumours bitcoin already proven widely accepted currency.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: Walrus1 on November 28, 2017, 06:47:51 PM
It is true that it's not stable but what the hell is

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: elegion on November 28, 2017, 07:19:35 PM
Jim Rogers, a banker and another traditional investor, is calling Bitcoin a bubble. This is not new. But what keeps these people talking trash about Bitcoin? Definitely, these investors who own financial institutions, have their own agenda and are playing their cards.

In this article: (, there's a good insight about the true reason why these people are spreading these rumors.

I've sat through many of Jim Roger's interviews on youtube and he's not shy about telling people what he's investing in and about what he believes in. If he's calling our main asset which is a deflationary non-manipulated store of wealth a "bubble" then he's got an agenda. You have to remember that Jim Roger's money is tied up in Chinese investments and even his daughter speaks Mandarin Chinese. China doesn't like Bitcoin so it would be a bit advantageous for him to pick a side where his money is tied up. He's also an old man who finds it difficult to grasp new technology so he's given up and has stuck to investing in railroads over in Russia.

The bottom line, he smells a bubble just like he did at $1000 and just like he will at $100,000. Which means he's but another rich guy who can't tell the difference between Keynesian Economics and Austrian Economics and takes his advice from broke-ass Brokers and old-ignorant wealth advisers.

And guess what? In this new crypto-economy that's dangerous. He's far from being a reliable source of information as he will end up as poor as the rest of the economy who is just as clueless about basic economics as he is.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: eDave on December 11, 2017, 04:19:11 PM
With Bitcoin crossing the $16K, how long these people will continue bashing on BTC. Many are actually living on Bitcoin, paying their bills and spending it in food, real state, etc.

Another one who showed up to talk bad about Bitcoin has been Jordan Belfort. Where are the morals!!!

I think one of the big scam taking place is those countries who are not opening to Bitcoin. And I'm not only referring to top tier countries.

Bitcoin is the most viable way to boost third world countries. Unfortunately, this won't happen in all of them. For example: In Venezuela, a place with a hyper-inflation, will not embrace Bitcoin. I'm talking about a region, where a startbuck coffee equals about two-month salary (minimum wage)

Anyways, Bitcoin will continue rising. And wise those ones who appreciate it!!!

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: ASHLIUSZ on December 11, 2017, 04:23:14 PM
Different people have different predictions about the same. Just think about the price predictions, some has predicted that it could go high above $1m at the earliest. Some has predicted that the price will reach $20000. So, same is what happening with spreading of rumors. Some believe it and some don't. Just trust and keep following, growth is promised with bitcoin.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: Mr.grin on December 11, 2017, 04:24:19 PM
well, I think that's natural. if there are some media that preach bad things about bitcoin. I'm sure, bitcoin also gives a bad impact on some parties, because the transaction is not in taxes, and anything else.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: akram143 on December 11, 2017, 04:37:19 PM
We can't expect all people will accept the bitcoin some people will be there to spread the negativity the reasons for this like maybe they sold their bitcoins too early so they want to get back their bitcoins at lower price so they need to decrease the demand of bitcoin by spreading rumors.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: eDave on December 11, 2017, 11:21:08 PM
These last weeks the boost in price have been mostly because some Big US Companies are moving their money into Bitcoin. It's a massive adoption taking place.

This is irreversible. Anybody spreading bad rumors is just fooling himself.  Much of them had been stayed in the sidelines but now you cannot cloud the fact that huge profits are in crypto.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: Reid on December 12, 2017, 02:35:04 AM
These last weeks the boost in price have been mostly because some Big US Companies are moving their money into Bitcoin. It's a massive adoption taking place.

This is irreversible. Anybody spreading bad rumors is just fooling himself.  Much of them had been stayed in the sidelines but now you cannot cloud the fact that huge profits are in crypto.

Yes Dave that is true.
Actually the FUD's can also be used for ones greed or for their selfish reasons.
Once it go popular or they might have paid for the bad rumor to be spread widely it can make an impact.
Then, if whales did it they will use their coins to make it look real. Dumping it hard with the large amounts they have.
Afterwards they will again. I dont like it but it is a good tactic although they are risking it too with all the payments they will do.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: tanghere1 on December 12, 2017, 03:33:26 AM
It's part of the bitcoin world. There's always someone who will bad mouth a successful venture. I read in an article that the CEO of JP Morgan said that bitcoin is a fraud then on that same article the reply of the CEO of Amazon defending bitcoin.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: Wyne on December 12, 2017, 04:11:44 AM
Jim Rogers, a banker and another traditional investor, is calling Bitcoin a bubble. This is not new. But what keeps these people talking trash about Bitcoin? Definitely, these investors who own financial institutions, have their own agenda and are playing their cards.

In this article: (, there's a good insight about the true reason why these people are spreading these rumors.
Those people who are close minded about bitcoin might have the same mentality as Jim Rogers. They can easily spread bad rumors about bitcoin because they never try engaging on it and never receive any benefits from bitcoin. It is just so disappointing that those people whose influential like him spread bad rumors without enough basis. I just hope that someday, they will soon realize the good side of bitcoin existence.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: wel24 on December 12, 2017, 07:06:42 AM
Those people that lacks of information and idea about bitcoins are one of the reason of bad rumors.They dont know bitcoin because they have not try to invest in a legit and trusted way.Some people believe that bitcoin is scam when they have experienced like bitcoin doubler or any investments that promise them a big ROI.and thats the reason why some bad rumors about bitcoin based in my experience.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: BurhanPSG on December 12, 2017, 07:19:08 AM
This is just like JP MORGAN which claims that bitcoin is fraud, at that time bitcoin price goes down drastically. this is just a game of peoples who have a big name to make bitcoin fall, so that it can take advantage.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: bmartin44 on December 12, 2017, 07:21:20 AM
You have the answer from the question, "traditional investor". Because bitcoin affected his investment. Same as Morgan CEO did.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: BingoDog on December 12, 2017, 07:25:00 AM
There will always bee people who will spread bad informations and rumors about bitcoin, nothing new. The fact is that is always needed to see the source of these rumors and how competent are these persons to say anything about the bitcoin. People just give too much attentions to such announcements and then even spread these rumors by themselves giving them the publicity. So, thir goal is done.
Bitcoin has some bad sides and problems, no one is denying that but the key is to be objective and not to give false informations.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: Kprawn on December 12, 2017, 07:33:16 AM
You have the answer from the question, "traditional investor". Because bitcoin affected his investment. Same as Morgan CEO did.

You have to remember, these investors are educated in a Fiat based system. They are used to strict regulations and rules and

something like Bitcoin bends these rules. It must be frightening for these people to be confronted with something like Bitcoin

and this is why they are pushing for rules and regulations. Before Bitcoin, they were the experts on all financial matters and

now there are a new kid on the block. {who dare to break the rules}  ::)

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: eDave on December 13, 2017, 04:49:41 PM
Apart from the apparent (or not so apparent) ignorance of these investors, cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology are concepts that can not be assimilated simply by the virtues it offers to people.

When they began to observe the potential of Bitcoin, many realized that financial opportunities were within reach of anyone.

The idea that only that person with exuberant resources can generate profits through investment (stocks, commodities) is disintegrated by the presence of cryptocurrencies.

Through them, anyone can enter. We have witnessed people who bought a lot of Bitcoins few years ago at the cheapest price ($10, $20, $30) and have now reached financial freedom. The same can be said about other cryptocurrencies like Dash that is having a barbarous growth.

And even with the Bitcoin's current price, it is more feasible and even more profitable to invest in Bitcoin than in real estate to name a few.

This situation clearly annoys some "old school" investors, so to speak, who are merely familiar with stock trading or other similar investments.

But progressively, those who are still reluctant to use Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies in general will end up accepting this new reality as the strength of cryptocurrencies is fortunately in the growing community that circulates them (buy and sell)

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: endlasuresh on December 13, 2017, 07:40:03 PM
This is happening from long time and a lot of people told, later they themselves called Bitcoin as New Gold. If they don't know about Bitcoin, then they shouldn't speak,  in most cases these people wants Bitcoin to get collapse.

Bitcoin had struggled in the past, but now it really rocks to certain hights.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: Drnice on December 27, 2017, 04:56:38 PM
In everything good, there is always a bad view that must be brought up concerning that same thing. For the wealthy people, they don't want other things to take the place of what makes them wealthy, they just want to remain at the top and do what they can to spoil the name of every other things.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: tyuner4 on December 27, 2017, 05:17:28 PM
There are always supporters and haters to anything. Just analyse the words and decide for yourself whether it make sense and if you want believe it or not.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: pawanjain on December 27, 2017, 05:22:42 PM
Jim Rogers, a banker and another traditional investor, is calling Bitcoin a bubble. This is not new. But what keeps these people talking trash about Bitcoin? Definitely, these investors who own financial institutions, have their own agenda and are playing their cards.

In this article: (, there's a good insight about the true reason why these people are spreading these rumors.

These Rumours are been sharing on the internet right from the past Many years and i have seen many people use to have negative views and rumours about the bitcoin and other altcoins. People and even many institutional guys do have that kind of Negative view some people say's that bitcoin is a big bubble while some say bitcoin is really a good investing platform, so you just concentrate on positive things and leave those hater's because everything depends on you and not on them. You need to be confident on bitcoin and your trading coins and if for any reason you don't have confidence on bitcoin and yourself then leave it don't over complicate the things around you.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: TechBullion on December 27, 2017, 05:23:53 PM
Everyone has right to their opinion, Just like I see Bitcoin as Gold another person might see it as a bubble. Okay

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: cryptonoob312 on December 27, 2017, 05:29:01 PM
Well, all these rumors are reasonable, because there is nothing behind bitcoin except the demand. If all BTC owners will sell it in one day the price will drop dramatically. On the other hand all those financial experts make such statements to control the market. It could be just a speculation.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: Puroc on December 27, 2017, 05:35:07 PM
Just let it go when you read or heard bad romours about bitcoin...
People are just discouraging other people because of their nonsense thinking.....
Don't mind them

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: nikjain422 on December 28, 2017, 08:31:14 AM
These rumors are mostly used for marketing another coin by deteriorating one established coin.Other than that there must be personal reasons too like someone want to purchase some coin and there prices are rising than by spreading this rumors he can get profit.Here people who are involved in some coin have to be mature enough in dealing with them.They have to trust on what they have invested and have to do research before believing in some thing and not just believe blindly only for the reason that someone who is popular has said.Bitcoin in recent was at receiving end by these rumors and has to pay big price.People here need to understand that bitcoin is way too bigger than this rumors and has to show some faith.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: prlelbnwh on December 28, 2017, 08:40:35 AM
In the past four years, we have heard too many negative remarks about Bitcoin and the blockchain. Experts in China, the United States, India, Switzerland, South Korea and Japan all consider bitcoin a scam. But bitcoin grew up with the negative comments, rising from less than $ 100 to $ 15,000. Blockchain technology is great.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: Phantomberry on December 28, 2017, 08:44:10 AM
There are people afraid to get bitcoin because it is imaginary money but bitcoin will surely bring you to success i hope there's a chance to changes their mind about bitcoin.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: cyptosunny on December 28, 2017, 08:50:34 AM
Well people who belong to own such a banking institute or somthing like that would never love btc to take such rise as people will now no longer have their money in the banks they will purchase btc and save it as a saving and whenever they will require a huge profit they will sell those btc at good gains so how people of the same business field will let btc gain their customers.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: kallen02 on December 28, 2017, 08:53:58 AM
Rumors always quick to spread, Just like the bitcoin. It talks about over the social media and other companies. Some people are not satisfy to do not believe rather they spread rumors that are not true. It always big deal to them. Always remember "Rumors or bad rumors are always affiliated with  those who succeed" just Like BITCOIN.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: Fundamentals Of on December 28, 2017, 09:01:07 AM
Jim Rogers, a banker and another traditional investor, is calling Bitcoin a bubble. This is not new. But what keeps these people talking trash about Bitcoin? Definitely, these investors who own financial institutions, have their own agenda and are playing their cards.

In this article: (, there's a good insight about the true reason why these people are spreading these rumors.

Well, I have my own guesses as to why these people are always throwing stones at Bitcoin. There are a couple of major reasons that I believe move these people to say bad things about Bitcoin. First, these people are hard supporters of the banking system and they all feel threatened by the rising popularity of Bitcoin. They are afraid that they will soon become obsolete in the world. The second reason is that they want to see Bitcoin's value go down so that they could buy with a cheap price.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: Treshkilling on December 28, 2017, 09:05:06 AM
Know that 100% is impossible, they may be right or wrong, in any case to trust the rumors do not need better read the news and watch the market

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: BingoDog on December 28, 2017, 09:09:42 AM
Everything that becomes very successfull for some reason some peole want to destroy. So is the situation with bitcoin too. Obviously there are some people or interest groups that don't like the new reality, bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, so they will do anything to make some damage. That is why source of such informations is also very important and needs to be evaluated before any kind of conclusion is made. Bad rumosrs will always exist and the best thing to do is to ignore them.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: btcprospecter on December 28, 2017, 09:11:12 AM
Big investors will always have their own agenda. Bitcoin is in the media spotlight nearly every other week. I sometimes feel that those big investors are bitter that they were too blind to recognise bitcoin earlier so they could have cashed in on its growth.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: vv181 on December 28, 2017, 09:11:33 AM
Most of Bitcoin holder didn't give a shit when some smart 'investor' calls Bitcoin as A bubble. Bitcoin has been called a bubble since the first Bitcoin run up and yet the prices is now $15K.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: Bakemat on December 28, 2017, 09:23:45 AM
Jim Rogers, a banker and another traditional investor, is calling Bitcoin a bubble. This is not new. But what keeps these people talking trash about Bitcoin? Definitely, these investors who own financial institutions, have their own agenda and are playing their cards.

In this article: (, there's a good insight about the true reason why these people are spreading these rumors.
if there's many bad rumors about bitcoin so? i don't affect at all i will always continue using the bitcoin because this is why i can get an earnings and income, i don't care about those rumors because i know that it only rumors there's no truth about rumors if you are true believer of bitcoin you don't affect at all because we know that there's many problem that bitcoin survived and face. all they do to bitcoin is make bad for the people because they want to illegalize it because they're afraid to lead the fiat money

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: lucas.zimmer on December 28, 2017, 09:31:52 AM
There are always supporters and haters to anything. Just analyse the words and decide for yourself whether it make sense and if you want believe it or not.

Definitely! There were always good and bad rumors. They are just trying to manage your emotions to control the market. First thing I learned in economy school that every market is managed by people's fear and greed.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: Shreek on December 28, 2017, 09:32:39 AM
I don't understand why you people don't understand this. Is the first time someone had told this? Everyone (who wants to invest in Bitcoin) says this to make the prices of Bitcoin fall and then when they will succeed in doing that then they will buy alot of Bitcoins and then wait for the prices to go back up again. Such people are just greedy for money and can pass on any fake news for their betterment.
yes, I agree with you, this is their strategy to make the bitcoin price down. they do this because of their own interests, and do not think of many people. you say they are greedy, and I say that they are selfish.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: TheUltraElite on December 28, 2017, 09:39:33 AM
Most of Bitcoin holder didn't give a shit when some smart 'investor' calls Bitcoin as A bubble. Bitcoin has been called a bubble since the first Bitcoin run up and yet the prices is now $15K.

Bitcoin has been called a bubble for no-one knows for how many times already. There are people who are ready to make a system look bad when they themselves are no-brain idiots ready to shill everything that gives them free coins. Ask them and they will say buy this shitcoin buy that shitcoin without even knowing if its worth it.

Bitcoin will continue to rise though drops are going to happen obviously.

There are always supporters and haters to anything. Just analyse the words and decide for yourself whether it make sense and if you want believe it or not.

Definitely! There were always good and bad rumors. They are just trying to manage your emotions to control the market. First thing I learned in economy school that every market is managed by people's fear and greed.

Its people's emotions that get in the way but its normal and they learn it eventually.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: adzino on December 28, 2017, 09:51:00 AM
Everyone has right to their opinion, Just like I see Bitcoin as Gold another person might see it as a bubble. Okay
It is true that everyone has right to their opinion, but their opinion should make sense and have logic. You will see random people ranting without being logical. All they speak is shit through their mouth. Before someone gives their opinion, they should know what they are talking about and have some knowledge about the topic they are speaking about.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: sam20108 on December 30, 2017, 11:43:26 AM
You probably have heard about hundreds of bad rumors about bitcoin but most of them are just glimpse of false hood agenda by investor who are suffering loos dew to bitcoins being in market,but i would like to discuss some of the rumors here for you to really understand what is behind that rumors.

1:  creator are bitcoin is anonymous or not known to us until about year ago Craig Steven wright accepted that he is a person who anonymously created bitcoins in 2009

2: one rumor is that criminals use bitcoin mostly . if you want to know more about this than google = silk road deep web.

3: Bitcoin use lot of energy for transaction that is true fact but various crypto are using renewable sources of energy to power their servers e.q solar power etc.

4: Bitcoins are not widely accepted by masses, that was false in fact because later this year Lamborghini allow their customers to buy one of their sport car with bitcoin and so other companies will do in future, hopefully.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: coplanarbah on January 11, 2018, 04:29:06 AM
Rumors can really spread, especially if they are already becoming the trend. That is why Bitcoin receives a lot of bad rumors. Then again, the users can prove you otherwise.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: MD Milon on January 11, 2018, 06:09:38 AM
I am a member of Bitcoin.I personally myself not realize bad thing,I am not understand,why some body  think badly.every good and better things have rumours,rumours always spread quickly.Bitcoin always prove be positive,for better things of Bitcoin,lot of people engaged it ,use it.

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: Vishnu.Reang on January 11, 2018, 06:15:54 AM
Yeah it seems that this is a trend. The old guards cannot seem to wrap their head around the capabilities of the new kid on the block! Even Warren Buffet has spoken against it as i nthe article below: (

However, I feel that instead of trying to demonize bitcoin, which may or may not have a bad ending as Warren Buffet says, there is no denying the fact that the underlying blockchain technology is one of the greatest innovations of the 21st century and it will for sure lead us to a better future and more secure frameworks! This is how technology works anyway! It is never limited and any great technology will always find its rightful owner :) :)

Title: Re: About Bitcoin Bad Rumors
Post by: BILGPS on January 11, 2018, 06:31:43 AM
There are so many people who are against of bitcoin and they discuss many disadvantages with bitcoin users and they rumors about bitcoin. Bitcoin is good for me but the big whales scams and they said that bitcoin is not good in the present time sometimes they said that bitcoin will falls to $400 and sometimes they introduce the big altcoin for the investment.