Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Mining support => Topic started by: eltopo71 on June 27, 2013, 02:25:10 PM

Title: mining with GUIMiner but numbers not making sense
Post by: eltopo71 on June 27, 2013, 02:25:10 PM
So I set up my new mining rig today and it appears to be working, but the numbers I'm seeing in the summary tab of GUIMiner aren't making sense. Here's what I'm getting...

1. that second card (gigabyte1) is churning away at no blocks (huh?), or maybe it's working on the ones pooled under Default... not sure.

2. The thing that makes the least sense is that card Default is a Radeon HD 7950 while the gigabyte1 card is a Radeon HD 6950, so something's definitely not right here. I should be getting at least 450Mhash/s out of Default but it's just not happening. Even mining by itself the card doesn't get much above the numbers shown here.

Both cards are running with flags for dedicated mining operation. Does anyone know what's going on here?

Title: Re: mining with GUIMiner but numbers not making sense
Post by: peonminer on June 27, 2013, 04:47:19 PM
Whoa buddy, you need CGMiner in your life.

Title: Re: mining with GUIMiner but numbers not making sense
Post by: redtwitz on June 27, 2013, 04:58:11 PM
You can't see what's going on from the summary tab. Click View -> Show console , enter the Console tab and post the output.

Title: Re: mining with GUIMiner but numbers not making sense
Post by: eltopo71 on June 28, 2013, 02:59:35 AM
It's kind of ridiculous because I'm (literally?) going through every miner and every one of them has a show-stopper flaw... maybe it's because I'm running on Windows 8 Enterprise or something. The only one that worked in an expected way so far was 50miner with phoenix but it crashes and puts Windows into an unstable state after about 150 blocks.

I just tried CGminer and it crashes on startup. As does Diablo, and another one I tried earlier (can't remember which). I have to say it's a bit frustrating. The ones that don't crash give me really poor performance. Maybe I should just put plain 32-bit XP on the box and it'll be less "experimental".

Title: Re: mining with GUIMiner but numbers not making sense
Post by: redtwitz on June 28, 2013, 04:13:45 AM
What version of Catalyst are you using? What switches did you use to launch CGMiner?

Maybe I should just put plain 32-bit XP on the box and it'll be less "experimental".

Using a 12 year old OS is probably not going to help. I'm mining just fine with Windows 8.