Title: Freelancer just for freelancing. Post by: 3RR0R on June 27, 2013, 04:29:14 PM Hi, I am learning web development and I can realize that there is a lot to learn.I want to learn by doing it.
I want to design and develop websites with other developers and gather experience. I think this will help me to learn more. And thus I can contribute to open community. 1. I will work for free for any noble cause. 3. I will not work for free if there is a business behind the work. I work in Linux environment, windows environment is also good for me. I can work with HTML5, CSS3, little PHP and javasscript. I can also do little Photoshop, Illustrator and Lightroom stuff. Here are some stuff I created. www.pcply.org ; www.msotechnologies.com It will be very kind if developers give me chance to work with them.All members feel free to talk about it. Thank you. BTC Title: Re: Freelancer just for freelancing. Post by: Rinorbirch on June 30, 2013, 04:44:57 PM Are you able to develop site like www.bidsson.com ?
Let me know. |