Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Tony Cui@Achain on November 23, 2017, 09:49:29 AM

Title: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: Tony Cui@Achain on November 23, 2017, 09:49:29 AM
Hi all,

I’m Tony Cui from the Achain and I plan to present my recent theory on blockchain’s chain-split at our upcoming Blockshow on November 29. For now, I would like to share with you folks where my framework comes from and how the theory works- in just a couple of bullet points:

1.   Our current elitist blockchain technology faces the challenge of opening up to the larger general communities. Creating new systems for various application purposes usually demands too much from new developers having just entered the game. How could they quickly develop secure blockchain applications? And where could they even start to find their first customers?

2.   Keeping those questions in mind, we now look to the variety of newly derived forked cryptocurrencies in the market. Bitcoin Gold, for example. It is, of course, made for the goal of better profiting, but that’s not enough. The blockchain industry can use the idea of forking to meeting a better end – the end of innovation that can lower the standard of the technology to include participation of all.

3.   This is how Achain’s Fork Theory functions: Achain splits into a main chain and several sub-chains. All information can be shared among all chains, and value can exchange freely in avoidingdisruptions of communications.

4.   The main chain is committed to the basic blockchain infrastructure, while its sub-chains can be customized to the various needs of their applications.

5.   Since the sub-chains are split from the main, they inherit the main’s basic stable structure, which also contains all of the main chain’s existing users. This serves as the initial reservoir of users and solves the new developers’ concern of their insufficient customer markets.

6.   We will update our smart contracts, announce the plan, and obtain the community’s general consensus. Different types of forking (whether soft fork or hard fork) will be implemented according to the need of specific applications.

7.   We will provide a standardized Value Exchange Protocol and a detailed instruction to forking. Stay tuned! C:-)

Any thoughts/questions/advice? Looking forward to hearing them out!

Thanks for your attention.

Founder of Achain

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: kernighan on November 23, 2017, 10:00:35 AM
I hold some ACT, and enjoy the earning on it.
I hope this post and blockshow asia will boost the price to the moon!!!

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: kernighan on November 23, 2017, 10:03:59 AM
just like bitcoin cash, gold, diamond, sliver, segwit2, should I expect Achain cash, Achain gold, Achain diamond?
Make me rich please, Tony!

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: haiyou on November 23, 2017, 10:04:26 AM
 Very cool idea - just a quick question: how free / independent are those sub-chains after splitting?

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: Chris1205 on November 23, 2017, 10:09:06 AM
I don't think Achain  has the value of being forked

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: moudazhang on November 23, 2017, 10:24:54 AM
I have a question……How much practical value does the theory have?

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: pgoneaaa on November 23, 2017, 10:29:43 AM
From what I know thus far, Achain only supports DPOS, which permits the delegates to make decisions or function as executive?

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: jacksonaaa on November 23, 2017, 10:35:54 AM
WOW, so all sub-chains can get their users from Achain?

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: HBT_HE on November 23, 2017, 10:57:43 AM
If there’s no limit to the forking of Achain, will ACT be eventually diluted, followed by risks of currency inflation?

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: Duzenn on November 23, 2017, 11:03:25 AM
Actually, I can see Achain's posting here. Although I have a part of ACT, I do not agree with this split view. Therefore, I do not recommend that Achain initiate such a bifurcation.

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: ohtmvhbli on November 23, 2017, 11:27:14 AM
It is said that ACHAIN reputation in China is very bad, before the jubi exchange, is the achain author team co-exchange malicious price manipulation, resulting in a lot of investors lose the same investment.
This is just a goodwill reminder.

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: neemail on November 23, 2017, 11:30:48 AM
chinese scam,be  careful :-[ :-[ :-[

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: whmpblgg on November 23, 2017, 11:34:30 AM
chinese scam,be  careful :-[ :-[ :-[
Your statement is ambiguous, not to say that all projects from China are liar, such as NEO and QTUM are very good projects.
However, ACHAIN does not belong to this list, ACHAIN team I think it is not reliable, because they put the team responsible for the technical developers were dismissed before the ICO, ACHAIN only focus on publicity, but did not pay attention Development.

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: neemail on November 23, 2017, 11:35:03 AM
It is said that ACHAIN reputation in China is very bad, before the jubi exchange, is the achain author team co-exchange malicious price manipulation, resulting in a lot of investors lose the same investment.
This is just a goodwill reminder.
i can prove that he says is true

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: lovelxq on November 23, 2017, 11:36:11 AM
Team manipulate prices to deceive investors, so bad! :'(

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: Anniee123 on November 23, 2017, 11:37:55 AM
I do not know where you came from to put forward this theory. Achain's community groups are like feces. They do not look at the problem of community building. They always think about money. ::) ::) ::)

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: neemail on November 23, 2017, 11:42:20 AM
so evil :-[ :-[

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: Lingqingyi on November 23, 2017, 11:56:33 AM
As we all know, Achain reputation in China is not good, and community construction is also quite poor, and now another way to want money, this is not a good idea Yeah, the founder, should change

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: Gordan101 on November 23, 2017, 12:51:47 PM
I guess some people above don't understand English? What 's the relationship between this "fork theory" and money? Cui said it's about innovation and it's just an idea.

I'm not sure if I'm correct but to me, this basically means Achain is open to splitting of chains in future for specific uses to make it simpler for developers who are not blockchain experts. This would in turn mean for every split ACT holders will get free money. Just like BTC, BCC and BTG

I like this idea althrough I think it's still pretty new and it will take a long time for the team to accomplish this idea.

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: zhuangxingyue1 on November 23, 2017, 02:23:43 PM
Hi brother....What does soft fork and hard fork mean in No. 6? How are they different? ???

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: zhuangxingyue1 on November 23, 2017, 02:28:32 PM
 Do sub-chains have to inherit all properties of the main chain? Is there an option of (even partially) not to?

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: zhuangxingyue1 on November 23, 2017, 02:40:39 PM
If a sub-chain chooses not to subscribe to the main chain’s consensus mechanism (e.g. DPOS), can they adopt a different one?I'm sorry, my question may be a little more, because I am very interested in forking, so I hope everyone can help me to answer.......thanks

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: zhuangxingyue1 on November 23, 2017, 02:45:55 PM
 Emmmmmm........Regarding Point #6, who have the rights to vote on whether or not to split (and the type of splitting)? Is it just the token-holders, delegates, or all the community members?

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: zhuangxingyue1 on November 23, 2017, 02:48:41 PM
Approximately when will the VEP 1.0 mentioned by Point 7 be available and take effect? ???

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: kernighan on November 24, 2017, 01:11:35 AM
If a sub-chain chooses not to subscribe to the main chain’s consensus mechanism (e.g. DPOS), can they adopt a different one?I'm sorry, my question may be a little more, because I am very interested in forking, so I hope everyone can help me to answer.......thanks

I think it is possible, but there are lots of work to do. Thinking about current ethereum and etheruem after fully casper being implemented, two chains with some common users.

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: kernighan on November 24, 2017, 01:12:38 AM
Approximately when will the VEP 1.0 mentioned by Point 7 be available and take effect? ???

Probably Tony will tell more in Singapore Blockshow summit.

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: kernighan on November 24, 2017, 01:15:19 AM
 Do sub-chains have to inherit all properties of the main chain? Is there an option of (even partially) not to?

I don't know the details, but in theory it could be, right?
For instance, they can change the block size, the bonus of generating block, etc?

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: Anniee123 on November 24, 2017, 01:28:30 AM
I do not agree with you. I think such a view is foolish. After all, Achain's community has not yet been built yet. Do you want to fly before you learn to walk? ?

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: kernighan on November 24, 2017, 02:10:51 AM
From my poor understanding, their fork theory try to resolve 3 issues.

1. Scalability:
I saw different solutions on this issue. If all business run on one chain, it has huge pressure on performance. And the nodes dont need all ledger but the ledger they cared about. From this perspective, it is good to have different block chain to support different business, and communicate with each other with careful authorization and trust (consensus).  
I am NOT technical expert, while I heard different solutions. For instance, EOS and previous graphene from BTS could support really high transaction rate. And Vitalik also emphasized the performance issue is going to be resolved in next 2 years by "sharding" at DEVCON summit.
Also Lisk has side chain which try to make Dapp development as easy as possible at the same time. The side chain technology can partially resolve scalability issue ,if I understand the tech correctly, and kind of isolate security issue.
Ok. I missed the lighting network on bitcoin network and ethereum, the off-chain technology is suitable for low fee, quick, small payment, and also cross chain atomic exchange.
What's the advantage, difference, and the current progress of the each technology?

2. User base:
The recent Bitcoin fork show lots of debates. Some radical users support one of them, and look down upon others. While lots of BTC holders don't care the debates and only care the "free" coins. Should I say you can get free users from fork? I don't know, probably people just care free coins. The technology behind represent the core value. You need people support the core value, which need "real" innovation based on current chain.  At this point, it related my next topic: do you think people who know very little about blockchain should fork any chain?

3. The barriers building one's own blockchain.
We have to admit it is still the early stage of blockchain technology. I dont judge on various blockchain solutions, and they are valuable innovations.  The market may finally determine the winner, maybe it is the one what you think it is impossible. So I support more and more people enter this industry, learn, contribute, and evolve continuously.  
I do think as a Dapp developer, he need understand the basic knowledge of blockchain, but no need to know the tech details of blockchain. For instance, he should never change the consensus, encryption, which should be done very carefully. However he could build the Dapp using his current skills on normal internet Apps.  The blockchain cornerstone guarantee App transform into Dapp. So I think they are good attempts, like ethereum using solidity, even it is still vulnerable, and like NEO using multiple programming languages, and like Lisk which helps to build Dapp. We need avoid the issues on parity's multi signature, but don't stop try, what makes the technology improve.
Building one's own blockchain is similar with building Dapp? I am doubting. I am not saying we only need one blockchain in the world which could resolve all issues, but is it really good that every one build a blockchain easily? It's hard to differentiate scammer and real builder. And Achain has the rule to approve the fork. It doesn't describe the detailed rules, at this time I keep my neutral opinion.

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: regsintered on November 24, 2017, 02:49:06 AM
I think it as a good thing when you try to help more people understand Blockchain

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: Dluretic on November 24, 2017, 03:01:51 AM
This is a foolish idea. I do not agree with this view. After all, listening to Chinese friends said that Achain's reputation in China is quite general, and there are not many people who are concerned about Twitter. Why is the first batch of users saying?

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: kernighan on November 24, 2017, 03:05:08 AM
I think it as a good thing when you try to help more people understand Blockchain

Absolutely! do you know Achain collaborate with Tsinghua iCenter holding a blockchain classes. The courses are very serious.

And I also notice Jimmy Song teach Bitcoin together with Stanford. Really helpful.

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: kernighan on November 24, 2017, 03:07:13 AM
This is a foolish idea. I do not agree with this view. After all, listening to Chinese friends said that Achain's reputation in China is quite general, and there are not many people who are concerned about Twitter. Why is the first batch of users saying?

I alway suggest everyone could judge independently. What's Twitter are saying?

whatever you support or not. Please provide information to support your opinion. That's helpful and sprit of blockchain!

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: Gordan101 on November 24, 2017, 05:24:18 AM
I saw some valueable questions under the same posting in the Chinese Board (Chinse version), I did the translate.

Someone asked:

Any investigations on Lisk sidechains?

I suggest to look at the following techniques:
1. To solve the scalability problem with a Layer 2 protocol. (e.g. Lightning Network, Cross-chain)
2. To implement Ethereum's Sharding  - to avoid the seizing of transaction performance between contracts
3. A more expanded version of Lisk's design of sidechains
4. Achain's fork theory

Pros and cons? Who's better than others?

Very good question, hope to hear more here...

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: Tony Cui@Achain on November 24, 2017, 06:22:13 AM
I saw some valueable questions under the same posting in the Chinese Board (Chinse version), I did the translate.

Someone asked:

Any investigations on Lisk sidechains?

I suggest to look at the following techniques:
1. To solve the scalability problem with a Layer 2 protocol. (e.g. Lightning Network, Cross-chain)
2. To implement Ethereum's Sharding  - to avoid the seizing of transaction performance between contracts
3. A more expanded version of Lisk's design of sidechains
4. Achain's fork theory

Pros and cons? Who's better than others?

Very good question, hope to hear more here...
Thanks for the thought. When we compare the four solutions we'll have to keep the following criteria in mind: security level, scalability, decentralizing level, and performance rate. So here we go on a scale of 1 to 10:
1. Lightning Network only works when relying on the Bitcoin main chain. It's good for transactions of smaller amount and higher frequency. It also lifts restrictions of performance of transaction authentication. But it does so at the expense of security level. Rating: 3 (security), 3 (scalability), 10 (decentralization), 8 (performance rate).
2. Ethereum's Sharding technique assigns different nodes to authenticate different transactions, thereby logically distinguishing out subsections of the chain. Like Lightning Network, it boosts performance rate. But it does so at the expense of its degree of decentralization. Rating: 8, 5, 3, 10.
3. Lisk has all of its applications built on its sidechains, which makes it more scalable. But it does so at the expense of security and decentralization. And as to what extent can the sidechains interact with each other, we are yet to find out through more research. Rating: 3, 7, 5, 5.
4. In Achain's Fork Theory, all sub-chains are equally independent (self-governed), and every one of them is free to decide to split into further forking. The ultimate mutual and reciprocal bond is the VEP (Value Exchange Protocol) for all to obey. It requires high technical commitment, which we will try our best to fulfill. Comparatively, Achain opts for the most balanced strategy. Rating: 6, 8, 7, 5.

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: Rocket_Yang on November 24, 2017, 06:23:43 AM
It is said that ACHAIN reputation in China is very bad, before the jubi exchange, is the achain author team co-exchange malicious price manipulation, resulting in a lot of investors lose the same investment.
This is just a goodwill reminder.
i can prove that he says is true
Is that true? There have been similar rumors before, but there is still no evidence that it is real, I hope you can change this situation

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: Evangeline2 on November 24, 2017, 06:43:33 AM
I am also Chinese, achain just when I was concerned about the publicity, but also involved in achain ico. Although achain does not yet have a large online exchange, achain's technology and value are there, I believe achain should be able to enter the top 30 shortly thereafter.

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: Javanewstar on November 24, 2017, 07:18:43 AM
From your theories, I'm not quite sure what this has to do with Achain. What is the specific relationship between the redistributed sub-project and the original Achain?

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: pgoneaaa on November 24, 2017, 07:41:18 AM
 Regarding Point #6, who have the rights to vote on whether or not to split (and the type of splitting)? Is it just the token-holders, delegates, or all the community members?

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: Rocket_Yang on November 24, 2017, 08:07:24 AM
From your theories, I'm not quite sure what this has to do with Achain. What is the specific relationship between the redistributed sub-project and the original Achain?
"1.Our current elitist blockchain technology faces the challenge of opening up to the larger general communities. Creating new systems for various application purposes usually demands too much from new developers having just entered the game. How could they quickly develop secure blockchain applications? And where could they even start to find their first customers? "

This may be able to answer your question

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: kaltar on November 24, 2017, 08:19:30 AM
To be honest, I do not quite understand what this is all about

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: Neymar10 on November 24, 2017, 08:46:23 AM
To be honest, I do not quite understand what this is all about
You can see the project in more detail here:

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: kaltar on November 24, 2017, 08:47:08 AM
To be honest, I do not quite understand what this is all about
You can see the project in more detail here:
Thanks for the link :)

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: kernighan on November 24, 2017, 08:53:13 AM
I saw some valueable questions under the same posting in the Chinese Board (Chinse version), I did the translate.

Someone asked:

Any investigations on Lisk sidechains?

I suggest to look at the following techniques:
1. To solve the scalability problem with a Layer 2 protocol. (e.g. Lightning Network, Cross-chain)
2. To implement Ethereum's Sharding  - to avoid the seizing of transaction performance between contracts
3. A more expanded version of Lisk's design of sidechains
4. Achain's fork theory

Pros and cons? Who's better than others?

Very good question, hope to hear more here...
Thanks for the thought. When we compare the four solutions we'll have to keep the following criteria in mind: security level, scalability, decentralizing level, and performance rate. So here we go on a scale of 1 to 10:
1. Lightning Network only works when relying on the Bitcoin main chain. It's good for transactions of smaller amount and higher frequency. It also lifts restrictions of performance of transaction authentication. But it does so at the expense of security level. Rating: 3 (security), 3 (scalability), 10 (decentralization), 8 (performance rate).
2. Ethereum's Sharding technique assigns different nodes to authenticate different transactions, thereby logically distinguishing out subsections of the chain. Like Lightning Network, it boosts performance rate. But it does so at the expense of its degree of decentralization. Rating: 8, 5, 3, 10.
3. Lisk has all of its applications built on its sidechains, which makes it more scalable. But it does so at the expense of security and decentralization. And as to what extent can the sidechains interact with each other, we are yet to find out through more research. Rating: 3, 7, 5, 5.
4. In Achain's Fork Theory, all sub-chains are equally independent (self-governed), and every one of them is free to decide to split into further forking. The ultimate mutual and reciprocal bond is the VEP (Value Exchange Protocol) for all to obey. It requires high technical commitment, which we will try our best to fulfill. Comparatively, Achain opts for the most balanced strategy. Rating: 6, 8, 7, 5.

Really thank you, Tony! I am glad that you keep open mind to discuss any issues here!

I still dont get why LN harm security, Sharding harm decentralize, sidechain harm security. Maybe I need check those in details.
While if you can share more about the reason, I do appreciate you!

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: kernighan on November 24, 2017, 08:57:22 AM
To be honest, I do not quite understand what this is all about

Be patient! Waiting for Nov 29 - singapore blockshow summit!

Or white paper may help?

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: Rocket_Yang on November 24, 2017, 09:03:49 AM
To be honest, I do not quite understand what this is all about

Be patient! Waiting for Nov 29 - singapore blockshow summit!

Or white paper may help?

So the white paper has been updated?

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: kernighan on November 24, 2017, 09:14:01 AM
To be honest, I do not quite understand what this is all about

Be patient! Waiting for Nov 29 - singapore blockshow summit!

Or white paper may help?

So the white paper has been updated?

Yes, that's the latest one.
Previous one doesn't include the forking network.

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: kaltar on November 24, 2017, 09:34:05 AM
To be honest, I do not quite understand what this is all about

Be patient! Waiting for Nov 29 - singapore blockshow summit!

Or white paper may help?

Is it only available in English? Translations into other languages are not planned?

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: kernighan on November 24, 2017, 09:42:45 AM
To be honest, I do not quite understand what this is all about

Be patient! Waiting for Nov 29 - singapore blockshow summit!

Or white paper may help?

Is it only available in English? Translations into other languages are not planned?

I think they provide a Chinese version, but I can't find now.

I once setup the ANN thread. Official guys seems has no plan on bounty program or translation bonus.  :(

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: Neymar10 on November 24, 2017, 10:16:12 AM
To be honest, I do not quite understand what this is all about

Be patient! Waiting for Nov 29 - singapore blockshow summit!

Or white paper may help?

Is it only available in English? Translations into other languages are not planned?

I think they provide a Chinese version, but I can't find now.

I once setup the ANN thread. Official guys seems has no plan on bounty program or translation bonus.  :(
Very sorry if this is so. I was hoping to take part in the campaign bounty =(

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: elrugrim on November 24, 2017, 10:39:12 AM
What about security? Do you write that any released contract on the Achain network will be automatically tested by the system correctly? How will this be tested? And what happens if the contract fails testing?

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: Fritz93 on November 24, 2017, 10:42:27 AM
Very interesting project
I wish the developers luck on BlockShow on November 29!

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: geronimo77 on November 24, 2017, 10:49:41 AM
In fact, I did not quite understand the difference between DPoS technology and your RDPoS development. I did not see any cardinal differences, or am I wrong?

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: spartanrules on November 24, 2017, 10:51:36 AM
What about security? Do you write that any released contract on the Achain network will be automatically tested by the system correctly? How will this be tested? And what happens if the contract fails testing?
Probably such a contract will burn, is not it?

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: g2com on November 24, 2017, 10:55:43 AM
Can I already use this currency?

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: spartanrules on November 24, 2017, 10:57:36 AM
Can I already use this currency?
I believe that yes. You can download applications from the site, follow the instructions and start using this currency.

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: Seidr on November 24, 2017, 11:03:15 AM
if I understand correctly, Achain plans to become a bitter bitcoin and claims to be the main crypto currency in the market, right?

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: MehdiBmm on November 24, 2017, 11:06:09 AM
if I understand correctly, Achain plans to become a bitter bitcoin and claims to be the main crypto currency in the market, right?
This is possible only if the majority of users lose interest in bitcoin and begin to use this currency as the main one in the crypto world

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: Seidr on November 24, 2017, 11:08:51 AM
if I understand correctly, Achain plans to become a bitter bitcoin and claims to be the main crypto currency in the market, right?
This is possible only if the majority of users lose interest in bitcoin and begin to use this currency as the main one in the crypto world
Well, generally, Achain is technologically far superior to bitcoin, so I see great potential in this!

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: copyfile on November 24, 2017, 11:13:23 AM
I do not quite understand the idea of forking.
From Achain, users can branch out an infinite number of new chains? Or how? What is it for and what are the advantages?

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: MehdiBmm on November 24, 2017, 11:13:43 AM
if I understand correctly, Achain plans to become a bitter bitcoin and claims to be the main crypto currency in the market, right?
This is possible only if the majority of users lose interest in bitcoin and begin to use this currency as the main one in the crypto world
Well, generally, Achain is technologically far superior to bitcoin, so I see great potential in this!
So, do you think that in the end bitcoin will go to the background?

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: Seidr on November 24, 2017, 11:18:33 AM
if I understand correctly, Achain plans to become a bitter bitcoin and claims to be the main crypto currency in the market, right?
This is possible only if the majority of users lose interest in bitcoin and begin to use this currency as the main one in the crypto world
Well, generally, Achain is technologically far superior to bitcoin, so I see great potential in this!
So, do you think that in the end bitcoin will go to the background?
Naturally yes. It's unavoidable. The only question is, when will this happen. :)

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: dedmaroz on November 24, 2017, 11:23:30 AM
In what real spheres of activity is the Acein technology applicable?
And what are the advantages in this?

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: MehdiBmm on November 24, 2017, 11:26:20 AM
In what real spheres of activity is the Acein technology applicable?
And what are the advantages in this?
In many spheres, for example insurance, electronic documentation, crypto-currencies, study of records, credit rating, etc.

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: Seidr on November 24, 2017, 11:27:29 AM
In what real spheres of activity is the Acein technology applicable?
And what are the advantages in this?
The advantages are obvious. Low cost, decentralization, security, convenience in setting up the chain

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: nrvkush on November 24, 2017, 12:07:43 PM
That is, there will be a main chain and all the others? Would not it be then lost productivity? Or something negative?

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: $Darkloard$ on November 24, 2017, 12:45:49 PM
That is, there will be a main chain and all the others? Would not it be then lost productivity? Or something negative?

I did not quite understand either. I would like more information

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: Mary_Tuedor on November 24, 2017, 01:37:40 PM
I do not quite understand what benefit this can bring. It's just a theory

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: dedmaroz on November 24, 2017, 02:04:08 PM
I do not quite understand what benefit this can bring. It's just a theory

How much I understand, it can affect speed of transactions?

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: dedmaroz on November 24, 2017, 02:09:53 PM
And by the way, how is it possible to monetize?

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: elrugrim on November 24, 2017, 02:25:12 PM
How independent will these chains be after separation?

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: Seidr on November 24, 2017, 02:36:44 PM
How independent will these chains be after separation?

As far as I understand, completely autonomous.

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: elrugrim on November 24, 2017, 02:59:42 PM
How independent will these chains be after separation?

As far as I understand, completely autonomous.

I think I do not have enough knowledge to understand this correctly

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: Mary_Tuedor on November 24, 2017, 03:35:10 PM
I think we will be told more about this at singapore blockshow summit!

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: 23coins on November 24, 2017, 03:46:02 PM
I think we will be told more about this at singapore blockshow summit!

When will it take place?

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: kernighan on November 25, 2017, 10:53:08 AM
I think we will be told more about this at singapore blockshow summit!

When will it take place?

Tony has a speech at 29 Nov

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: lg15x on November 25, 2017, 11:10:12 AM
Wow very very interesting topic to think about

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: miraclebets on November 25, 2017, 11:21:17 AM
Wow very very interesting topic to think about
I agree with you theory is interesting

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: hikky22 on November 25, 2017, 11:22:08 AM
can I find somewhere information about that?

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: lg15x on November 25, 2017, 11:48:17 AM
can I find somewhere information about that?
I think that the Internet, you will find something extra

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: miraclebets on November 25, 2017, 12:40:25 PM
 is a one man created everything?

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: hikky22 on November 25, 2017, 12:43:53 PM
is a one man created everything?
Well, it's just a theory, not ICO, the more it's written that one

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: lg15x on November 25, 2017, 12:48:03 PM
 can someone throw the link to the site?

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: zero9119 on November 25, 2017, 12:53:01 PM
read their white paper looks cool

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: lg15x on November 25, 2017, 12:55:58 PM
read their white paper looks cool
where did you find it?

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: zero9119 on November 25, 2017, 12:58:35 PM
read their white paper looks cool
where did you find it?
Well, in general, the Internet has all the information and you can take advantage of this

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: miraclebets on November 25, 2017, 01:00:59 PM
read their white paper looks cool
where did you find it?
Well, in general, the Internet has all the information and you can take advantage of this
White paper is easy to find but I could not find the site

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: zero9119 on November 25, 2017, 01:03:40 PM
read their white paper looks cool
where did you find it?
Well, in general, the Internet has all the information and you can take advantage of this
White paper is easy to find but I could not find the site
you are so unfortunately not one ahah

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: lg15x on November 25, 2017, 01:04:57 PM
read their white paper looks cool
where did you find it?
Well, in general, the Internet has all the information and you can take advantage of this
White paper is easy to find but I could not find the site
you are so unfortunately not one ahah
I think this information can still be obtained as it is

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: miraclebets on November 25, 2017, 01:08:19 PM
 in the white paper there is a historical background I like

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: lg15x on November 25, 2017, 01:10:18 PM
in the white paper there is a historical background I like
agree to beginners will easily in this way understand the essence of the theory well, and in general it's exciting

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: Angelia46 on November 25, 2017, 01:14:10 PM
This is a very stupid way to die, Tone seems to be the decider of the entire project, he will think about what will allow him to get the maximum benefit.

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: ooxtcoo on November 25, 2017, 01:14:37 PM
comparison with the great industrial revolution makes you think that is something very global

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: ooxtcoo on November 25, 2017, 01:18:17 PM
This is a very stupid way to die, Tone seems to be the decider of the entire project, he will think about what will allow him to get the maximum benefit.
why do you think so?

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: miraclebets on November 25, 2017, 01:20:48 PM
This is a very stupid way to die, Tone seems to be the decider of the entire project, he will think about what will allow him to get the maximum benefit.
why do you think so?
why are you talking about death?

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: ooxtcoo on November 25, 2017, 01:30:06 PM
actually, the blockchain technology is an absolute innovation

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: miraclebets on November 25, 2017, 01:31:02 PM
actually, the blockchain technology is an absolute innovation
Of course, they start talking about this only now, I think it is only at the initial stage of development

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: zero9119 on November 25, 2017, 01:38:51 PM
actually, the blockchain technology is an absolute innovation
Of course, they start talking about this only now, I think it is only at the initial stage of development
  no one argues with that

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: miraclebets on November 25, 2017, 01:39:42 PM
In general, I would like more information about this

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: ooxtcoo on November 25, 2017, 01:41:39 PM
In general, I would like more information about this
Well, it seems to have been discussed that on the Internet it is a lot of

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: miraclebets on November 25, 2017, 01:43:29 PM
In general, I would like more information about this
Well, it seems to have been discussed that on the Internet it is a lot of
I mean bitcointalk it would be more convenient to discuss this if the information was contained in the forum

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: zero9119 on November 25, 2017, 01:45:41 PM
In general, I would like more information about this
Well, it seems to have been discussed that on the Internet it is a lot of
maybe in the near future it will be found and laid out by anyone here.

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: ooxtcoo on November 25, 2017, 01:46:58 PM
In general, I would like more information about this
Well, it seems to have been discussed that on the Internet it is a lot of
maybe in the near future it will be found and laid out by anyone here.
too, so I think the discussion started a couple of days ago

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: zero9119 on November 25, 2017, 01:50:10 PM
In general, I would like more information about this
Well, it seems to have been discussed that on the Internet it is a lot of
maybe in the near future it will be found and laid out by anyone here.
too, so I think the discussion started a couple of days ago
for these couple of days but the discussion is quite stormy

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: ftoole on November 25, 2017, 01:53:06 PM
 good luck to Tony in his future success

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: ftoole on November 25, 2017, 01:54:16 PM
In general, I would like more information about this
Well, it seems to have been discussed that on the Internet it is a lot of
maybe in the near future it will be found and laid out by anyone here.
too, so I think the discussion started a couple of days ago
for these couple of days but the discussion is quite stormy
I think that you can contact Tony directly and ask him questions of interest

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: zero9119 on November 25, 2017, 01:56:58 PM
In general, I would like more information about this
Well, it seems to have been discussed that on the Internet it is a lot of
maybe in the near future it will be found and laid out by anyone here.
too, so I think the discussion started a couple of days ago
for these couple of days but the discussion is quite stormy
I think that you can contact Tony directly and ask him questions of interest
do not agree with you I do not think that the person who came up with this theory will answer all the questions although you know depends on where you are going to ask questions

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: ftoole on November 25, 2017, 01:58:07 PM
In general, I would like more information about this
Well, it seems to have been discussed that on the Internet it is a lot of
maybe in the near future it will be found and laid out by anyone here.
too, so I think the discussion started a couple of days ago
for these couple of days but the discussion is quite stormy
I think that you can contact Tony directly and ask him questions of interest
do not agree with you I do not think that the person who came up with this theory will answer all the questions although you know depends on where you are going to ask questions
  think that it is quite possible to contact him on social networks

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: zero9119 on November 25, 2017, 02:01:28 PM
 the theory is aimed at improving technology?

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: zero9119 on November 25, 2017, 02:02:27 PM
In general, I would like more information about this
Well, it seems to have been discussed that on the Internet it is a lot of
maybe in the near future it will be found and laid out by anyone here.
too, so I think the discussion started a couple of days ago
for these couple of days but the discussion is quite stormy
I think that you can contact Tony directly and ask him questions of interest
do not agree with you I do not think that the person who came up with this theory will answer all the questions although you know depends on where you are going to ask questions
  think that it is quite possible to contact him on social networks
well, maybe he will still act somewhere with a presentation and you can ask about anything

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: ftoole on November 25, 2017, 02:07:23 PM
the theory is aimed at improving technology?

Is not it something new?

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: ooxtcoo on November 25, 2017, 02:09:15 PM
the theory is aimed at improving technology?

Is not it something new?
read the white paper in it everything is clearly described by the way I will note the quality of its performance very good text

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: zero9119 on November 25, 2017, 02:11:03 PM
the theory is aimed at improving technology?

Is not it something new?
read the white paper in it everything is clearly described by the way I will note the quality of its performance very good text
in fact, it is difficult to understand the meaning, no matter how the white paper is made

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: ooxtcoo on November 25, 2017, 02:12:32 PM
the theory is aimed at improving technology?

Is not it something new?
read the white paper in it everything is clearly described by the way I will note the quality of its performance very good text
in fact, it is difficult to understand the meaning, no matter how the white paper is made

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: zero9119 on November 25, 2017, 02:16:38 PM
the theory is aimed at improving technology?

Is not it something new?
read the white paper in it everything is clearly described by the way I will note the quality of its performance very good text
in fact, it is difficult to understand the meaning, no matter how the white paper is made
in order to understand the technology of blockades and in its sense it takes a lot of time and it is necessary to understand the essence of the work

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: ftoole on November 25, 2017, 02:35:28 PM
the theory is aimed at improving technology?

Is not it something new?
read the white paper in it everything is clearly described by the way I will note the quality of its performance very good text
in fact, it is difficult to understand the meaning, no matter how the white paper is made
in order to understand the technology of blockades and in its sense it takes a lot of time and it is necessary to understand the essence of the work
of course, without this, there is no way to understand the theory

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: ooxtcoo on November 25, 2017, 02:37:38 PM
I do not think that in order to discuss this, we need in-depth knowledge about the technology of blockchain

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: ftoole on November 25, 2017, 02:41:12 PM
I do not think that in order to discuss this, we need in-depth knowledge about the technology of blockchain
I think that with an expert it will be much more intractable to discuss this matter besides that he can even help you in what either to sort out

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: 23coins on November 26, 2017, 03:12:35 PM
I do not understand why everyone is so suspicious about A chain. If it is really so productive and innovative, as the developers say, then it really can significantly change the whole sphere

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: kolinko on November 26, 2017, 03:37:20 PM
I came up with a curious idea. Suppose your theory is correct and the introduction of such an approach will improve the blockchain system. Then after all, all developers will use this approach. Do you propose to patent this and take money from each team or all this for the sake of science?

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: Mary_Tuedor on November 26, 2017, 04:25:44 PM
I came up with a curious idea. Suppose your theory is correct and the introduction of such an approach will improve the blockchain system. Then after all, all developers will use this approach. Do you propose to patent this and take money from each team or all this for the sake of science?

I think that developers will find a way to monetize their invention

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: lider1971 on November 26, 2017, 04:49:04 PM
The idea sounds interesting enough. How realistic is it to implement this in any project?

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: Groc on November 26, 2017, 05:22:21 PM
The idea sounds interesting enough. How realistic is it to implement this in any project?

I think that it is quite possible to implement and even without much difficulty

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: kaytokeyos on November 26, 2017, 05:41:50 PM
The idea sounds interesting enough. How realistic is it to implement this in any project?

I think that it is quite possible to implement and even without much difficulty

And it seems to me, on the contrary, it is only a theory that will not bring real benefits. Yes, it's curious, but no more

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: $Darkloard$ on November 26, 2017, 06:12:25 PM
The idea sounds interesting enough. How realistic is it to implement this in any project?

I think that it is quite possible to implement and even without much difficulty

And it seems to me, on the contrary, it is only a theory that will not bring real benefits. Yes, it's curious, but no more

Why do you think so?

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: kaytokeyos on November 26, 2017, 06:35:12 PM
The idea sounds interesting enough. How realistic is it to implement this in any project?

I think that it is quite possible to implement and even without much difficulty

And it seems to me, on the contrary, it is only a theory that will not bring real benefits. Yes, it's curious, but no more

Why do you think so?

It seems to me that the system works fine  without this innovation

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: dedmaroz on November 26, 2017, 06:49:48 PM
What exactly can this theory give?

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: nrvkush on November 26, 2017, 07:01:14 PM
When will developers be able to provide more complete information?

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: Falgorn on November 26, 2017, 07:50:39 PM
The idea is interesting, but one should not first discuss with the narrow specialists in this field. In any case, it's worth experimenting. I only have a question: will not the sub-agreements conflict with each other?

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: carnitastaco on November 26, 2017, 09:38:19 PM
The idea is interesting, but one should not first discuss with the narrow specialists in this field. In any case, it's worth experimenting. I only have a question: will not the sub-agreements conflict with each other?

I agree, the idea should be discussed first with narrow specialists

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: rlm42 on November 26, 2017, 09:40:45 PM
When will developers be able to provide more complete information?

It seems they were talking about some kind of exhibition or conference. But I can be wrong

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: waser12 on November 26, 2017, 09:50:28 PM
I'm not an expert, but judging by the community's approval, the idea seems interesting. Can it somehow improve our work?

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: Mary_Tuedor on November 26, 2017, 09:58:18 PM
I'm not an expert, but judging by the community's approval, the idea seems interesting. Can it somehow improve our work?

It is not yet clear whether this theory is viable

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: dedmaroz on November 26, 2017, 10:04:35 PM
I'm not an expert, but judging by the community's approval, the idea seems interesting. Can it somehow improve our work?

It is not yet clear whether this theory is viable

Oh, well, I think it's very viable. I would like to see the project using this theory. It's still necessary to try in business

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: Teal Deer on November 27, 2017, 06:19:13 PM
Very interesting project, will the developers deal with the translation?

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: okaypool on November 27, 2017, 06:22:25 PM
Very interesting project, will the developers deal with the translation?
I do not think so, usually this is a bounty campaign. This project does not have such a campaign. I do not think that the developers will involve translators and localize the project.

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: wiak2 on November 27, 2017, 06:23:43 PM
Will it be a system based on POW technology or will it work on the basis of POS technology?

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: Teal Deer on November 27, 2017, 06:25:24 PM
Very interesting project, will the developers deal with the translation?
I do not think so, usually this is a bounty campaign. This project does not have such a campaign. I do not think that the developers will involve translators and localize the project.
It seems to me temporarily. When the project spreads around the world, more localizations will appear!

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: tarzanbigcity on November 27, 2017, 06:30:49 PM
Will it be a system based on POW technology or will it work on the basis of POS technology?
It works on the technology of RDPoS, it's own development of Achain, it is based on the technology of DPoS

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: okaypool on November 27, 2017, 06:31:55 PM
Very interesting project, will the developers deal with the translation?
I do not think so, usually this is a bounty campaign. This project does not have such a campaign. I do not think that the developers will involve translators and localize the project.
It seems to me temporarily. When the project spreads around the world, more localizations will appear!
Well, if the project gets widespread, then it will happen, yes. But I think that it will take a lot of time

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: wiak2 on November 27, 2017, 06:38:10 PM
Will it be a system based on POW technology or will it work on the basis of POS technology?
It works on the technology of RDPoS, it's own development of Achain, it is based on the technology of DPoS
And what are the main advantages of the system developed exactly Achain?

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: Teal Deer on November 27, 2017, 06:39:39 PM
Very interesting project, will the developers deal with the translation?
I do not think so, usually this is a bounty campaign. This project does not have such a campaign. I do not think that the developers will involve translators and localize the project.
It seems to me temporarily. When the project spreads around the world, more localizations will appear!
Well, if the project gets widespread, then it will happen, yes. But I think that it will take a lot of time
I think it does not take much time, the platform looks very profitable and interesting. I think it will be very popular in the crypto currency market :)

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: tarzanbigcity on November 27, 2017, 06:47:49 PM
Will it be a system based on POW technology or will it work on the basis of POS technology?
It works on the technology of RDPoS, it's own development of Achain, it is based on the technology of DPoS
And what are the main advantages of the system developed exactly Achain?
This technology is much faster, more stable and much safer. Also, this system automatically tests all the released contracts in the system, and many other improvements.

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: wiak2 on November 27, 2017, 07:20:04 PM
Will it be a system based on POW technology or will it work on the basis of POS technology?
It works on the technology of RDPoS, it's own development of Achain, it is based on the technology of DPoS
And what are the main advantages of the system developed exactly Achain?
This technology is much faster, more stable and much safer. Also, this system automatically tests all the released contracts in the system, and many other improvements.
It sounds very interesting, can I read somewhere technical details of the implementation of this technology?

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: okaypool on November 27, 2017, 07:21:16 PM
Very interesting project, will the developers deal with the translation?
I do not think so, usually this is a bounty campaign. This project does not have such a campaign. I do not think that the developers will involve translators and localize the project.
It seems to me temporarily. When the project spreads around the world, more localizations will appear!
Well, if the project gets widespread, then it will happen, yes. But I think that it will take a lot of time
I think it does not take much time, the platform looks very profitable and interesting. I think it will be very popular in the crypto currency market :)
I hope that this will happen, good luck to the developers!

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: spartanrules on November 27, 2017, 07:29:44 PM
I do not quite understand the idea about the network fork. That is, users of Achain can infinitely branch the chain and at the same time the network will function?

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: tarzanbigcity on November 27, 2017, 07:30:56 PM
Will it be a system based on POW technology or will it work on the basis of POS technology?
It works on the technology of RDPoS, it's own development of Achain, it is based on the technology of DPoS
And what are the main advantages of the system developed exactly Achain?
This technology is much faster, more stable and much safer. Also, this system automatically tests all the released contracts in the system, and many other improvements.
It sounds very interesting, can I read somewhere technical details of the implementation of this technology?
You can read the information on this technology in the Whitepaper or if you need details, then try to contact the developers directly. ;)

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: miraclebets on November 27, 2017, 07:33:20 PM
I do not quite understand the idea about the network fork. That is, users of Achain can infinitely branch the chain and at the same time the network will function?
Something like that. The developers believe that the fork of the network is the opposite, on the contrary, and supports it in every possible way. I do not know exactly how it works in terms of technology, but I like the idea!

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: spartanrules on November 27, 2017, 07:46:59 PM
I do not quite understand the idea about the network fork. That is, users of Achain can infinitely branch the chain and at the same time the network will function?
Something like that. The developers believe that the fork of the network is the opposite, on the contrary, and supports it in every possible way. I do not know exactly how it works in terms of technology, but I like the idea!
I still do not understand how this works, the permanent separation of chains, how does the system preserve its integrity and functionality?

Title: Re: Achain’s Fork Theory —— what do you think?
Post by: mda on November 29, 2017, 03:47:03 AM
I do not quite understand the idea of forking.
From Achain, users can branch out an infinite number of new chains? Or how? What is it for and what are the advantages?
Actually the original idea was to kill as many altcoins as possible