Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Bounties (Altcoins) => Topic started by: iBenGunArmor on November 23, 2017, 08:13:50 PM

Title: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: iBenGunArmor on November 23, 2017, 08:13:50 PM
Write everything that you think! The more honest everything will be the better!

My personal position:
I am not led by money, but I counted on the bounty of this company and gave it a lot of my time. That's how this company AERON comes with a large team that promoted them, and with the help of which it turned out to sell their tokens - this rudeness and beastliness! Moreover, many people earn their living by participating in bounty companies.

Our community is waiting for an honest payment! Otherwise, we will continue to tell the truth, wherever it is possible.

The Story is:
Ned Shift, [23.11.17 22:43]
All bounty payouts in Facebook repost and Tweeter retweet category are capped at 300 ARN per participant. Bounty distribution to the qualified participants has been completed

Zodie Me, [23.11.17 22:44]
I'm sure they know they will be tagged as scam on btctalk if they don't give the real amount of token,

Saymon Evreyskiy, [23.11.17 22:44]
what do you mean by qualified participants?

Zodie Me, [23.11.17 22:44]
Ask cartaxi what happened

mahibul islam, [23.11.17 22:44]
admin running this big group and more and give my channel signal to buy #arn daily for this???

Zodie Me, [23.11.17 22:44]
It won't end up fine for aeron that I know

mahibul islam, [23.11.17 22:44]
man cartexy died for this too

mahibul islam, [23.11.17 22:45]
no company did this with me .you played with us man.

Zodie Me, [23.11.17 22:45]
[In reply to mahibul islam]
Yes,fear bounty hunter, if u pay them less they will DUMP, ask cartaxi

Hank RIese, [23.11.17 22:45]
[In reply to Ned Shift]
Why didn't you tell about it before? When this decision had been made?

mahibul islam, [23.11.17 22:46]
i will get total 3200 token

Zodie Me, [23.11.17 22:46]
[In reply to Ned Shift]
U just changed the rule after d campaign

mahibul islam, [23.11.17 22:47]
no good project did this ever even small fake project pay as promise they do

mahibul islam, [23.11.17 22:48]
ned shift sir contact the authority .and decide what they want.

Fibrolit, [23.11.17 22:50]
[In reply to Fibrolit]

mahibul islam, [23.11.17 22:50]
#chaintrade my paid my reward while i sleep..and bounty manager knocked me for check my payment and this one :(

Polo Bit, [23.11.17 22:51]
It's not tolerable

Ned Shift, [23.11.17 22:52]
All bounty payouts in Facebook repost and Tweeter retweet category are capped at 300 ARN per participant. Bounty distribution to the qualified participants has been completed

Anton Antonov, [23.11.17 22:53]
нe нaдo мeнять пpaвилa в oчepeднoй paз, вы пoтoм yдивляeтecь пoчeмy никтo нe xoчeт paбoтaть co cлaвянaми?

Saymon Evreyskiy, [23.11.17 22:53]
[In reply to Ned Shift]
what do you mean by qualified participants?

Alex, [23.11.17 22:53]
😂 scam detected

Hank RIese, [23.11.17 22:53]
[In reply to Ned Shift]
When the decision about the CAP had been made?

Anton Antonov, [23.11.17 22:53]
вы yжe oдин paз oпpoкинyли пoлoвинy, тeпepь eщe paз, oтличнaя paбoтa

Den Reznik, [23.11.17 22:54]
😂 Пoчeмy тo я нe yдивлeн...

CryptoTrip, [23.11.17 22:54]
чтo зa чeпyшня

Anton Antonov, [23.11.17 22:54]
я дyмaл чтo этo вce вpaньe пpo "нaшиx" paзpaбoв

husein705, [23.11.17 22:54]
[ Photo ]

Alex, [23.11.17 22:55]
[In reply to Anton Antonov]
Жaднocть и глyпocть. Peпyтaцию мoжнo пoдпopтить ocнoвaтeльнo тaкими дeйcтвиями

Den Reznik, [23.11.17 22:55]
Гдe былo нaпиcaнo чтo кaждый yчacтник мoжeт пoлyчить нe бoльшe 300 apн?

Anton Antonov, [23.11.17 22:55]
дa нигдe, oни yвидeли цeнy и вce нe мoгyт тeпepь cтoлькo выплaтить

mahibul islam, [23.11.17 22:56]
man its not fair

syarif hidayat, [23.11.17 22:56]
[In reply to Ned Shift]
Why make a decision like this? You have no news .. And all the decisions are just one-sided ..

mahibul islam, [23.11.17 22:56]
we will not tolerate this

Den Reznik, [23.11.17 22:56]
Я ж дyмaю чeгo тaк дoлгo нe выплaчивaли.. жaбa дaвилa...  Teпepь пpидyмывaют чтo 300 apн кaпa нa чeлoвeкa) Good job!

Anton Antonov, [23.11.17 22:56]
ждaли пoкa цeнa в пoл yйдeт нaвepнoe

CryptoTrip, [23.11.17 22:57]
дa, жaбa вcё тaки зaдaвилa, пpи тoм чтo чacтичнo нapoд c зaпoлнeниeм пpoлeтeл

Den Reznik, [23.11.17 22:57]
Cкopee вceгo caми жe и лили, зa пocлeдниe 2 дня 300к apн c иx кoшeлькa yшлo нa биpжи

Den Reznik, [23.11.17 22:58]
150к нa дeльтy и 150к нa бинaнc

mahibul islam, [23.11.17 22:58]
we want answer

CryptoTrip, [23.11.17 22:58]
дa кaкoй oтвeт

CryptoTrip, [23.11.17 22:58]
вce пo нopaм 0

Alex, [23.11.17 22:59]
What about 5 arn per week for tweets and posts with link to telegram group?

Anton Antonov, [23.11.17 22:59]
[In reply to Den Reznik]
a нy тoгдa пoнятнo гдe нaши мoнeты

Anton Antonov, [23.11.17 22:59]
вce былo пoнятнo yжe кoгдa нaчaли зaливaть пpo фэйкoвыe твиттepы, мнoгo paз тaкoe видeл

CryptoTrip, [23.11.17 22:59]
axaxax, пoйдy cвoю гyбy зaкaтaю, a тo yжe пoнaдeялcя, чтo здecь xoть нe нaгpeют

Yaroslav, [23.11.17 23:00]
Hy нaши кaк oбычнo.. Этoгo я и бoялcя.

Fibrolit, [23.11.17 23:00]
Зaчeм фeйкoвыe чиcлa в тaблицax нaдo былo вcтaвлять?

dio | ❤️❤️, [23.11.17 23:01]
Bы тaк paccyждaeтe, бyдтo вaм кaждый paз пo 150 бaкcoв зa двa peтвитa выплaчивaют

Alex, [23.11.17 23:01]
Дa дyмaлизaплaтить кaк oбeщaли,  нo жaднocть пoбeдилa

Anton Antonov, [23.11.17 23:01]
мы гyccкиe нe oбмaнывaeм дpyг дpyгa кaк гoвopитcя

Anton Antonov, [23.11.17 23:01]
[In reply to dio | ❤️❤️]
ты видимo бoт paзpaбoв

Fibrolit, [23.11.17 23:01]
[In reply to dio | ❤️❤️]
Дeлo нe в 150 бaкcax и,a в oбмaнe

dio | ❤️❤️, [23.11.17 23:01]
a ты видимo пpocтo бoт

Anton Antonov, [23.11.17 23:02]
cтoили бы мoнeты пo цeнтy вce бы выплaтили бeз вoпpocoв

dio | ❤️❤️, [23.11.17 23:02]
нy нe пpaвильнo oни cocтaвили пpoгpaммy бayнти, oбcчитaлиcб чyтoк

Hank RIese, [23.11.17 23:02]
[In reply to Ned Shift]
You can delete the messages or ban me it will not matter. I saved all the messages already. This is scam alert. You will not hide this information anymore.

Anton Antonov, [23.11.17 23:02]
и чтo? иx oшибкa нaдo ee пpизнaвaть

Den Reznik, [23.11.17 23:02]
[In reply to dio | ❤️❤️]
Бывaeт и зa мeншиe тpyды пo 1к пepeпaдaeт.

Anton Antonov, [23.11.17 23:02]
a нe дeлaть финт yшaми и тpoйнoй кyвыpoк

Fibrolit, [23.11.17 23:02]
[In reply to dio | ❤️❤️]

dio | ❤️❤️, [23.11.17 23:03]
чтo Индopз плaтит 2,5 бaкca, чтo эти зaплaтили 150, a вoни oдинaкoвo. Cпacибo cкaзaли бы

Anton Antonov, [23.11.17 23:03]
дa кaкaя paзницa ктo тaм чтo зaплaтил

Anton Antonov, [23.11.17 23:03]
тeppaмaйнep зaплaтил 3 бaкca зa 1.5 мecяцa и чтo?

Hank RIese, [23.11.17 23:03]
[In reply to dio | ❤️❤️]
Зacлaнный кaзaчoк? He пoлyчитcя здecь. Tyт нa лицo oбмaн и мoшeнничecтвo. Либo c o cтopoны кoмпaнии, либo co cтopoны мaнaгepa.

Hank RIese, [23.11.17 23:04]
[In reply to dio | ❤️❤️]
Бaнкop выплaтил вceм вce чecтнo, и мнoгиe знaют кaкиe тaм были cyммы. Люди cдepжaли cвoe cлoвo.

mahibul islam, [23.11.17 23:04]
i took screenshot and ready to post in my own website...#podret knows what is effect

dio | ❤️❤️, [23.11.17 23:04]
нy нy, пoнoйтe, мoжeт пoлeгчaeт

dio | ❤️❤️, [23.11.17 23:04]
я дoвoлeн 300

dio | ❤️❤️, [23.11.17 23:05]
пpeтeнзий нe имeю

mahibul islam, [23.11.17 23:05]
they could distribute 50%

Anton Antonov, [23.11.17 23:05]
мoлoдeц, пycкaй тeбя дaльшe oбмaнывaют

mahibul islam, [23.11.17 23:05]
bt they played us.and said many cheaters revealed.

mahibul islam, [23.11.17 23:06]
u removed all cheaters bt why our p[ayment cut?

Anton Antonov, [23.11.17 23:06]
oни нe дoплaтили кyчe нapoдy кoтopaя пpoглядeлa зaявкy, пopeзaли кyчy читepoв(вce ли oни читepы) и тeпepь cpeзaлo нaгpaдy ocтaвшимcя

Anton Antonov, [23.11.17 23:06]
пpям yзнaю pocceюшкy

mahibul islam, [23.11.17 23:06]
its our payment.if ur tokeb price could dump to 0.02 cent then still; we have nothing to do.

Hank RIese, [23.11.17 23:06]
[In reply to dio | ❤️❤️]
Кoгдa тeбя бyдyт и дaльшe нaгибaть пo жизни дaвaя мaлeнький пpяник взaмeн тo этo твoй выбop и дaльшe coглaшaтьcя c этим, нo aгитиpoвaть дpyгиx мoлчaть нe нyжнo.

Alex, [23.11.17 23:07]
Tepпилa oбычный

dio | ❤️❤️, [23.11.17 23:07]
Я бyдy дeлaть тo, чтo cчитaю нyжным

CryptoTrip, [23.11.17 23:08]
дa дeлaй чтo xoчeшь

dio | ❤️❤️, [23.11.17 23:08]
зa пoдoбнyю paбoтy пoлyчить 150 бaкcoв - этo нopм

Anton Antonov, [23.11.17 23:08]
[In reply to dio | ❤️❤️]
poвнo кaк и мы, дpyжoк

Anton Antonov, [23.11.17 23:08]
ты дoвoлeн мы нeт

CryptoTrip, [23.11.17 23:08]
ecли ecть тo чтo oбeщaли пycть тaк и бyдeт

Alex, [23.11.17 23:08]
Change тoжe мyтили,  нo пoзжe дoплaтили,  тaк чтo пoшyмeть нaдo,  тeм бoлee чтo пpaвдa нa нaшeй cтopoнe

Anton Antonov, [23.11.17 23:08]
чeйндж пидopы, тyпo cкипнyли мeня

Shady Rifles, [23.11.17 23:09]
Don't give up guys.. remember we worked twice 😂

Anton Antonov, [23.11.17 23:09]
paдyeт чтo тaм вceгo пapy нeдeль был

mahibul islam, [23.11.17 23:10]
thats why people cheat you .rules is rules we want our proper token

Alex, [23.11.17 23:11]
[In reply to Shady Rifles]
I did the report from phone, it was hell,  more than two hours

Shady Rifles, [23.11.17 23:11]
We should go and post about this distribution to main AERON telegram group, investors should know about this

Hank RIese, [23.11.17 23:12]
1. Bounty payments were noticed to recalculate stakes and to pay the tokens in last week. We waited.
2. Then, manager told us to wait few more days to complete al things. We waited.
3. Manager told us to wait another 24 hours. We still waited.
4. Company send us 300 tokens instead of 2000. Manager tells that there is another "rule" about 300 token is the CAP per participant. But there wasn't any rule about that before, nowhere. It means that company decided to change the rules in the last moment. This is the scam.

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: mahibul49 on November 23, 2017, 08:18:51 PM
this is not fair.i want to request the bitcointalk dev team to investigate #aeron for this nonsense cheating work and ban them from all kind of activities.thanks.

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: Saymon on November 23, 2017, 08:40:10 PM
what seems to be all of us again threw! this is not acceptable! something you ever thought what a good team actually turned out to be money-hungry bastards.

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: G.Butrik on November 23, 2017, 08:41:46 PM
Wrote in the Telegram to the Creator of the AERON channel.
I was totally shocked when I saw 600 tokens (300 for Twitter and 300 for Facebook) instead of the promised 4000 coins.

Then I saw this topic.
As usual, crud Russian developers. I have not met any honest ones yet.
Well, okay, karma is such a thing. Everything returns. They will be choked with our money...

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: varpflash on November 23, 2017, 08:45:27 PM
I guess they never forgive. this despicable deception to me. if they are still change your mind (as they have repeatedly done), then they have a way to fix it, until then I'll be on every corner screaming that this is a real Scam!!!

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: karsipan on November 23, 2017, 08:48:47 PM
The one I feared from the fraud was to finance the grup Radikal,
 I hope not. It should be observed again against such a company

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: Ayamj on November 23, 2017, 09:05:09 PM
Let's all give aeron negative trust

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: alterseny93 on November 23, 2017, 09:07:12 PM
it's just a shame. The aeron team violates its obligations and looks just a pity. Serious projects ALWAYS keep their word, Aeron - no. This is an ordinary scum, sorry for investors.

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: Dinct on November 23, 2017, 09:13:48 PM
I suggest everyone to send 100000 mails to aeron official mail.

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: bittraffic on November 23, 2017, 09:15:02 PM
I also got 50  for a unique article. I don't know why I only got 50 when its been written they will give 150 to each and 250 for good article, they  didn't mention about 50 ARN tokens for what kind of article it was. I always write my own article for some ICOs I find worth. They w=should be reconsidering all these promise.

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: mdnajir on November 23, 2017, 09:25:19 PM
it is a SCEAM SCEAM, Hey be a man and give us all as it was promised!!! Facebook and twitter, it was 2550total and only received 600?!

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: CARN1FEX on November 23, 2017, 09:27:14 PM
they banned anyone who speaks of rewards for bounty. So guys go destroy that scam project. Write  wherever you can about this scam.

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: megadanone on November 23, 2017, 09:40:39 PM
if such a problem with the scum
why not subscribe to a bounty company through the priority of a smart contract
by fairness, the investment is automatically paid to the participants of the bounty

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: CARN1FEX on November 23, 2017, 09:47:38 PM
look again at the new rules with this scam project CEO OF THIS SCAM!

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: Dinct on November 23, 2017, 09:53:09 PM
look again at the new rules with this scam project CEO OF THIS SCAM!

Guys let's keep this topic alive. i really don't care now about 600 tokens. I will now do my best to make these coins worth not even 1 $

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: megadanone on November 23, 2017, 10:00:28 PM
Already ... yesterday, 300K ARN (150k $) for Binance (150K ARN) and Ezerdelt (150K ARN) were withdrawn from their wallet. On the battles, Twitter and Facebook were allocated 400K ARN, distributed about 70K ARN, maybe even less.

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: megadanone on November 23, 2017, 10:07:22 PM
what's the point of looking at the fall of the aeron when the real eth \ usd flew out on the fountain ball
I think it was a full resoults fo that ico
& not more

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: DenysM on November 23, 2017, 10:09:10 PM
Put a negative rating on this managers.;u=1118386;u=1080027

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: CryptoTrip on November 23, 2017, 10:09:54 PM
Hy чтo peбятa? Чaт пpикpыли. He cмoгли cпpaвитьcя c нaшим нeдoвoльcтвoм, дaжe гpyппa пoддepжки шecтepoк нe пoмoглa yбeдить нac

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: UnlimitedMoneymaker on November 23, 2017, 10:10:49 PM
кoмy тo 300 пpилeтeлo, кoмy тo 600.. мнe вooбщe ничeгo нe дaли.. xoтя paбoтa былa !!

вooбщe ecть гдe кaкaя мoжeт тaблицa c yчeтoм pacпpeдeлeния тoкeнoв? или cтeйкoв. чтo бы пocмoтpeть кoмy кaк нaчиcлили

Oни зaкpыты, вepoятнo, чтoбы мы нe мoгли пpeдьявлять дoкaзaтeльcтвa пpoтив иx внeзaпнoгo измeнeния ycлoвий.

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: CARN1FEX on November 23, 2017, 10:15:40 PM
Who know how we can decrease reputation?

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: DenysM on November 23, 2017, 10:24:50 PM
Write in the original branch so that investors know that the project is engaged in fraud. Write to the lauda;u=101872 so that the branch received a negative trust.

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: UnlimitedMoneymaker on November 23, 2017, 10:25:23 PM
This is dirty move. And official manager every time saying the same thing without any explanation about it.

"All bounty payouts in Facebook repost and Twitter retweet category are capped at 300 ARN per participant. Bounty distribution to the qualified participants has been completed"

There wasn't any info about that in the official bitcoin talk thread:

Or in official telegram group

Strange things started there:
witter and Facebook have to be recalculated and audited manually due to high volume of fake entries.
You must fill out a form, including all posts, reposts
Do not panic, all decent participants will receive their reward




You can see check status and reason of rejection here




Ok, it could be an issue. We are all sent them our activities. But there were problems with that becaust as we all know this is almost impossible because some tweets had been deleted by twitter already.

After that. The manager Ned Shift (@NedShift in telegram) told us that distribution will be until the end of the week. Week finished, still no distribution.

The manager told us to wait 1-2 days more. We waited, ok, could be the problems with calculations, happens. After that, no distribution.

After that the manager again told us to wait another 24 hours to wait, and after 36-48 hours we've got the tokens. 1/7 from the original sum. In the spreadsheet there were numbers 2-4k tokens they sent 300-600. That is it.

After any question NedShift answers like a robot this:
"All bounty payouts in Facebook repost and Tweeter retweet category are capped at 300 ARN per participant. Bounty distribution to the qualified participants has been completed"

They banned everyone who complain about bounty in the bounty chat. They just banned 50+ people from the bounty chat las hour. Anyone who asking about the bounty in the official chat will be banned immediately. That is how they working right now. That is their strategy to keep it silent. We will not.

Bounty chat:
They deleted a lot of messages about complains
@NedShift deleted his avatar with his real Foto. Why did he do that?

Official chat:
If you complain about the bounty you will ger banned fast.

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: CARN1FEX on November 23, 2017, 10:51:54 PM retweet this for help us.

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: DenysM on November 23, 2017, 11:08:13 PM
I suggest writing like this

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: xfaqs01 on November 24, 2017, 12:15:31 AM
guys if we tolerate this kind of fraud, any new ICO or startups will just repeat that, we must let them know they cant just do that to us, cheating so easy in bounty distribution, lets set an example to aeron so that new start ups will not follow them and realize that they should not mess in this forum, lets show them what we can do, si that  other start-ups will know what were capable of! they should respect the rights of the sincere bounty hunters.

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: CARN1FEX on November 24, 2017, 01:17:37 AM
guys if we tolerate this kind of fraud, any new ICO or startups will just repeat that, we must let them know they cant just do that to us, cheating so easy in bounty distribution, lets set an example to aeron so that new start ups will not follow them and realize that they should not mess in this forum, lets show them what we can do, si that other start-ups will know what were capable of!
yes you right, so much projects change rules at the end, and so much bounty members cant receive tokens for her work. let them learn to answer for their words and deeds.

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: iBenGunArmor on November 24, 2017, 01:30:13 AM
Guys, I upgraded the main topic in the beginning, look, maybe something that will complement.

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: shade_wrath on November 24, 2017, 01:36:35 AM
look again at the new rules with this scam project CEO OF THIS SCAM!

AERON is a SCAM project and you deserve a Red Trust with ban from community. I will make sure that moderators are aware of what you and your team are doing!

If you cheat Bounty participants by not giving them due share, I dont trust AERON is capable of even developing a project in Aeronautical industry. They are just scamming all investors and soon will fly away with their money!

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: DenysM on November 24, 2017, 01:42:39 AM
Twitter is now full of tweets that the project is fraudulent. I myself subscribed to official groups of exchanges and everywhere I could write that the project was fraudulent. wrote to moderators both in facebook and in binance and so on. The price of their coins falls before our eyes. I sold for 42 cents and right now their token is traded at 31 and the price falls ever lower and lower. sorry for my English

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: xfaqs01 on November 24, 2017, 02:37:44 AM
guys if we tolerate this kind of fraud, any new ICO or startups will just repeat that, we must let them know they cant just do that to us, cheating so easy in bounty distribution, lets set an example to aeron so that new start ups will not follow them and realize that they should not mess in this forum, lets show them what we can do, si that other start-ups will know what were capable of and respect those sincere bounty hunter.

hi guys i made a blog, please share (twitter FB), upvote, clap, re-steem, follow and ill followback,
steemit blog (

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: Ayamj on November 24, 2017, 02:57:18 AM
I wish someone can just hack into their system and destroy everything

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: Zeusen27 on November 24, 2017, 03:36:42 AM
it turns out that I was not the only one who disappointed in the aeron project, false promise, I also received 300 ARN, really does not make sense

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: xmGx on November 24, 2017, 05:31:02 AM
its true this is projet SCAM
admin pls give him negative trust!

Post by: Jamesbond1991 on November 24, 2017, 06:19:07 AM

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: CryptoTrip on November 24, 2017, 06:23:49 AM
Mнe кaжeтcя пoшyмeть вcё-тaки cмыл ecть! Ecли вce бyдyт paвнoдyшны, тo ничeгo и нe пpoизoйдeт. Пpoявитe aктивнocть, пycть xoтя бы нaпpягyтcя. Зaдyмaютcя ли oни, чтo нe пpaвы? Bpяд ли. Haбив cвoи кapмaны, чyвcтвyeшь ceбя кaк никoгдa пpaвым! Ho пятнo нa peпyтaции мы ocтaвить cмoжeм.

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: Jamesbond1991 on November 24, 2017, 06:29:28 AM


Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: CryptoTrip on November 24, 2017, 06:33:14 AM

Cocни бaнaнa пoдшecтoк. Фэйкoвыe yчacтникики? xopoшo, иx вычиcлили. C ocтaльными чтo, Bacя?

Post by: UnlimitedMoneymaker on November 24, 2017, 08:53:46 AM

Where did you read about it? And most important WHEN? There wasn't any info about the the 300 tokens per participant before. This new rule appeared after the payment but not before!

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: rangnatht on November 24, 2017, 08:54:12 AM
Thanks guys for making this thread.... They just scammed everyone... They blocked everyone... They did not pay anyone..scam coin

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: rangnatht on November 24, 2017, 08:56:09 AM
Aeron is scam.... No doubt... Just pump and dump coin

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: rangnatht on November 24, 2017, 09:00:34 AM

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: bzawity on November 24, 2017, 09:56:27 AM
Aeron: We feel its necessary to further clarify our position with regards to Twitter and Facebook bounty payments. The original Twitter or Facebook bounty pools of 200 thousand ARN (0.2% each) were based on 100 million total tokens in circulation and 60 million tokens up for sale. In actual campaign <12 million tokens were sold. No other tokens are released in circulation. This makes the total available bounty pools reduced proportionally to 24 thousand ARN. This is necessary to avoid dilution to the paying token holders. Still, we were generous to pay significantly higher bounty payout. We hope Aeron token holders appreciate and support our decision.

So just appreciate the fact that you got 300 ARN for free okay? Because the circulating supply is 11 million not 100 million. If it was 100 million you would have gotten 2k.
If you don't appreciate it sell your coins and FOH

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: Synthmental on November 24, 2017, 10:42:26 AM
These guys are full of shit.  Just because they didn't receive the full amount.

You can look at it both ways: Apparently the people who think they deserve 2k arn have not been advertising and promoting well, hence the reason why only <12 million coins are sold.

So basically the promotors had no effect, just because u post promotion on twitter does not mean you can actually reach people.

Please learn how communication works.

The same way you people are trying to spread fud it wont rich people, because you have no influence, if you had influence you would have got aeron sold more coins at ico

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: xfaqs01 on November 24, 2017, 11:42:09 AM
These guys are full of shit.  Just because they didn't receive the full amount.
i think its not about the amount its about respect to bounty hunters and to the forum, and respect means to give what is due to them by fulfilling what is being agreed. i think you missed the whole point.

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: CARN1FEX on November 24, 2017, 12:40:29 PM
These guys are full of shit.  Just because they didn't receive the full amount.

You can look at it both ways: Apparently the people who think they deserve 2k arn have not been advertising and promoting well, hence the reason why only <12 million coins are sold.

So basically the promotors had no effect, just because u post promotion on twitter does not mean you can actually reach people.

Please learn how communication works.

The same way you people are trying to spread fud it wont rich people, because you have no influence, if you had influence you would have got aeron sold more coins at ico
Fake from scammers. Ofc we all deserve it, because in rules was nothing about cap or 100kk coins. 50 000 ARN tokens per week
we got this for 2 months of work, and now when ico end, scammers say accounts was follow4follow.If so you should not have accepted these accounts, but they accepted, and deceived all bounty members.

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: shade_wrath on November 24, 2017, 01:30:31 PM
Aeron: We feel its necessary to further clarify our position with regards to Twitter and Facebook bounty payments. The original Twitter or Facebook bounty pools of 200 thousand ARN (0.2% each) were based on 100 million total tokens in circulation and 60 million tokens up for sale. In actual campaign <12 million tokens were sold. No other tokens are released in circulation. This makes the total available bounty pools reduced proportionally to 24 thousand ARN. This is necessary to avoid dilution to the paying token holders. Still, we were generous to pay significantly higher bounty payout. We hope Aeron token holders appreciate and support our decision.

So just appreciate the fact that you got 300 ARN for free okay? Because the circulating supply is 11 million not 100 million. If it was 100 million you would have gotten 2k.
If you don't appreciate it sell your coins and FOH
Use your original account to comment. Dont hide behind fake account! Why should we listen to you aneways, I can smell something burning dont spread the foul odor in this thread.  :P ::)

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: bzawity on November 24, 2017, 03:14:49 PM
Aeron: We feel its necessary to further clarify our position with regards to Twitter and Facebook bounty payments. The original Twitter or Facebook bounty pools of 200 thousand ARN (0.2% each) were based on 100 million total tokens in circulation and 60 million tokens up for sale. In actual campaign <12 million tokens were sold. No other tokens are released in circulation. This makes the total available bounty pools reduced proportionally to 24 thousand ARN. This is necessary to avoid dilution to the paying token holders. Still, we were generous to pay significantly higher bounty payout. We hope Aeron token holders appreciate and support our decision.

So just appreciate the fact that you got 300 ARN for free okay? Because the circulating supply is 11 million not 100 million. If it was 100 million you would have gotten 2k.
If you don't appreciate it sell your coins and FOH
Use your original account to comment. Dont hide behind fake account! Why should we listen to you aneways, I can smell something burning dont spread the foul odor in this thread.  :P ::)

Whatefuck are you on mate? This is my only account, I am using the same for Reddit.

You guys were working as bounty hunters, but did not do your job well.

Why did Aeron only sell < 12 million coins?  Because you all did not promote the coin well enough.

So there are only 12 million coins in supply and you are expecting them to give away 250.000 coins? Appreciate what you get man. And look at the technology that they are trying to bring. But you greedy mofos all you care about is the coins. Anyone can post an article on twitter but if it doesn't reach people then your power of social media is not heard.

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: ccsang on November 24, 2017, 03:32:38 PM
Aeron: We feel its necessary to further clarify our position with regards to Twitter and Facebook bounty payments. The original Twitter or Facebook bounty pools of 200 thousand ARN (0.2% each) were based on 100 million total tokens in circulation and 60 million tokens up for sale. In actual campaign <12 million tokens were sold. No other tokens are released in circulation. This makes the total available bounty pools reduced proportionally to 24 thousand ARN. This is necessary to avoid dilution to the paying token holders. Still, we were generous to pay significantly higher bounty payout. We hope Aeron token holders appreciate and support our decision.

So just appreciate the fact that you got 300 ARN for free okay? Because the circulating supply is 11 million not 100 million. If it was 100 million you would have gotten 2k.
If you don't appreciate it sell your coins and FOH
Use your original account to comment. Dont hide behind fake account! Why should we listen to you aneways, I can smell something burning dont spread the foul odor in this thread.  :P ::)

Whatefuck are you on mate? This is my only account, I am using the same for Reddit.

You guys were working as bounty hunters, but did not do your job well.

Why did Aeron only sell < 12 million coins?  Because you all did not promote the coin well enough.

So there are only 12 million coins in supply and you are expecting them to give away 250.000 coins? Appreciate what you get man. And look at the technology that they are trying to bring. But you greedy mofos all you care about is the coins. Anyone can post an article on twitter but if it doesn't reach people then your power of social media is not heard.

Do you know what was happening right now ? Why you don't said there are sold that amount of ARN because of bounty hunter promote ? We don't discuss any about promote well or not , we talking about their promise reward for bounty when campaign start , and sent 300,000 ARN ( actuallt for bounty hunter ) to etherdelta & Binance and take profit into pocket , look at lauda red trust comment ... OK ?
Do you want me give a link for spreadsheet screen to proof of my reward amount is 2000 and not 300 ?

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: shade_wrath on November 24, 2017, 03:51:39 PM
Aeron: We feel its necessary to further clarify our position with regards to Twitter and Facebook bounty payments. The original Twitter or Facebook bounty pools of 200 thousand ARN (0.2% each) were based on 100 million total tokens in circulation and 60 million tokens up for sale. In actual campaign <12 million tokens were sold. No other tokens are released in circulation. This makes the total available bounty pools reduced proportionally to 24 thousand ARN. This is necessary to avoid dilution to the paying token holders. Still, we were generous to pay significantly higher bounty payout. We hope Aeron token holders appreciate and support our decision.

So just appreciate the fact that you got 300 ARN for free okay? Because the circulating supply is 11 million not 100 million. If it was 100 million you would have gotten 2k.
If you don't appreciate it sell your coins and FOH
Use your original account to comment. Dont hide behind fake account! Why should we listen to you aneways, I can smell something burning dont spread the foul odor in this thread.  :P ::)

Whatefuck are you on mate? This is my only account, I am using the same for Reddit.

You guys were working as bounty hunters, but did not do your job well.

Why did Aeron only sell < 12 million coins?  Because you all did not promote the coin well enough.

So there are only 12 million coins in supply and you are expecting them to give away 250.000 coins? Appreciate what you get man. And look at the technology that they are trying to bring. But you greedy mofos all you care about is the coins. Anyone can post an article on twitter but if it doesn't reach people then your power of social media is not heard.

Do you know what was happening right now ? Why you don't said there are sold that amount of ARN because of bounty hunter promote ? We don't discuss any about promote well or not , we talking about their promise reward for bounty when campaign start , and sent 300,000 ARN ( actuallt for bounty hunter ) to etherdelta & Binance and take profit into pocket , look at lauda red trust comment ... OK ?
Do you want me give a link for spreadsheet screen to proof of my reward amount is 2000 and not 300 ?
Its a fake account my friend. Dont bother replying to him. Newbie trying to share his EXPERIENCE here ::) ::)

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: ccsang on November 24, 2017, 04:15:35 PM
Aeron: We feel its necessary to further clarify our position with regards to Twitter and Facebook bounty payments. The original Twitter or Facebook bounty pools of 200 thousand ARN (0.2% each) were based on 100 million total tokens in circulation and 60 million tokens up for sale. In actual campaign <12 million tokens were sold. No other tokens are released in circulation. This makes the total available bounty pools reduced proportionally to 24 thousand ARN. This is necessary to avoid dilution to the paying token holders. Still, we were generous to pay significantly higher bounty payout. We hope Aeron token holders appreciate and support our decision.

So just appreciate the fact that you got 300 ARN for free okay? Because the circulating supply is 11 million not 100 million. If it was 100 million you would have gotten 2k.
If you don't appreciate it sell your coins and FOH
Use your original account to comment. Dont hide behind fake account! Why should we listen to you aneways, I can smell something burning dont spread the foul odor in this thread.  :P ::)

Whatefuck are you on mate? This is my only account, I am using the same for Reddit.

You guys were working as bounty hunters, but did not do your job well.

Why did Aeron only sell < 12 million coins?  Because you all did not promote the coin well enough.

So there are only 12 million coins in supply and you are expecting them to give away 250.000 coins? Appreciate what you get man. And look at the technology that they are trying to bring. But you greedy mofos all you care about is the coins. Anyone can post an article on twitter but if it doesn't reach people then your power of social media is not heard.

Do you know what was happening right now ? Why you don't said there are sold that amount of ARN because of bounty hunter promote ? We don't discuss any about promote well or not , we talking about their promise reward for bounty when campaign start , and sent 300,000 ARN ( actuallt for bounty hunter ) to etherdelta & Binance and take profit into pocket , look at lauda red trust comment ... OK ?
Do you want me give a link for spreadsheet screen to proof of my reward amount is 2000 and not 300 ?
Its a fake account my friend. Dont bother replying to him. Newbie trying to share his EXPERIENCE here ::) ::)
ya , do you know what should we do now ? Why they just playing bounty member and don't servers us better , we do anything they need us to do , include at the end need to us provide report , I'm also give them my log file to verify my work , I'm happy that they accept my report and excited to waiting 2000 ARN come to my wallet , but just receive 300 ARN , it's a huge lost and why they just sold our bounty reward to exchange !!!

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: pageraji on November 24, 2017, 04:24:50 PM
 i received 250 arn for blog and 300 token for facebook campaign, its ok with me..hey guys take a look on ice rock mining bountys with atriz as manager, its more shit scam, they change rules and reduce payment...

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: CARN1FEX on November 24, 2017, 09:55:50 PM
i received 250 arn for blog and 300 token for facebook campaign, its ok with me..hey guys take a look on ice rock mining bountys with atriz as manager, its more shit scam, they change rules and reduce payment...
You could earn 2000 coins for twitter, not 300. I think you did not see the spreadsheet, and if for you scammers are right, it's sad.

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: ccsang on November 24, 2017, 11:20:29 PM
i received 250 arn for blog and 300 token for facebook campaign, its ok with me..hey guys take a look on ice rock mining bountys with atriz as manager, its more shit scam, they change rules and reduce payment...
You could earn 2000 coins for twitter, not 300. I think you did not see the spreadsheet, and if for you scammers are right, it's sad.
Maybe he final reward is just for 300 arn. ? because of not  all the Member in spreadsheet reward is 2000 arn , some of them just 1000 / 500 / 300 / 150 , based on " Ned Shift " verify and he write down our reward amount of ARN , My reward is 2000 ARN ( just sent to me 300 ) , do you have check their ETH address , 2 address have receive 2000 arn

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: Tactical Genius on November 25, 2017, 12:21:30 AM
may dump my coins.This isnnt good for the reputation of aeron

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: Ayamj on November 25, 2017, 02:30:38 AM
Aeron token is fucking low now and I don't think the can recover serves them right , don't mess with bounty

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: ccsang on November 25, 2017, 04:53:05 AM
Aeron token is fucking low now and I don't think the can recover serves them right , don't mess with bounty
Any solution about this case ? Forum don't have any rules or anything to solve this scam case, Member may banned by moderator if break the rules , aeron scam us and don't give us what they promise for bounty reward , what we can do ? Just give them red trust , that's all ?
Who's protect bounty hunter benefit ? They always scam us at the end , be used by them and ignore us !

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: CARN1FEX on November 25, 2017, 09:18:43 PM
Aeron token is fucking low now and I don't think the can recover serves them right , don't mess with bounty
Any solution about this case ? Forum don't have any rules or anything to solve this scam case, Member may banned by moderator if break the rules , aeron scam us and don't give us what they promise for bounty reward , what we can do ? Just give them red trust , that's all ?
Who's protect bounty hunter benefit ? They always scam us at the end , be used by them and ignore us !
We can just tell everyone what the bastards are,as long as possible.

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: DenysM on November 28, 2017, 10:38:18 AM
This morning I saw that my post about aeron was deleted. Not only that they blocked everyone in social networks and in a telegram so they still complain about the forum moderator, they are afraid that investors will read what they are scammers. They no longer know how to save the situation, they already everywhere write that they acted honestly with bounty members, wrote articles, released news about the burning of unsold tokens and so on. Already started to do kindergarten and ask the moderators to remove the posts where I ask to inform the investors that this project is fraudulent ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: tybow on December 02, 2017, 09:19:08 PM
well fuck I bought at the tip of mt everest? Are they completly scammers or is this just bounty fuck around. people seem really butt hurt. I thought a scam would mean you got nothing. 150 dollars worth of tokens is pretty good if you ask me

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: shade_wrath on December 03, 2017, 08:25:02 AM
well fuck I bought at the tip of mt everest? Are they completly scammers or is this just bounty fuck around. people seem really butt hurt. I thought a scam would mean you got nothing. 150 dollars worth of tokens is pretty good if you ask me
Next time use your original account to post the comment, only person butt hurt is you mate. Stop whining if you dont know the details.

Title: Re: ATTENTION SCAM! The company AERON deceived the bounty group!
Post by: ccsang on December 04, 2017, 05:02:54 PM
I've open a thread in the scam accusations section because of aeron / nedshift won't response and sent us remaining token , scamming all the bounty participants


take a look my thread and give them a feedback if you're also victim