Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Legal => Topic started by: TaxingBitcoins on June 29, 2013, 12:19:14 AM

Title: Ill pay BTC for bitcoin tax information
Post by: TaxingBitcoins on June 29, 2013, 12:19:14 AM
Hello, I am looking for a small group to collaborate on a project which aims to help people pay taxes on their BTC.  Regardless if they are a miner, user, speculator, etc.  I am specifically interested in US tax law.

I would like to find a group of 2 to 3 and do a skype conference call for an hour or so where we can talk logistics, then we will collaborate on a flowchart type tutorial for paying taxes on bitcoins.  This will be all I need and members will be paid out depending on how much they contributed.

I have a stock of 15BTC for this project.

Title: Re: Ill pay BTC for bitcoin tax information
Post by: Moogle on July 04, 2013, 06:50:05 PM
is there actually a need to pay tax on them. they arent a currency.. when would you pay tax on them and at what rate? theyre worth something very different every hour!

Title: Re: Ill pay BTC for bitcoin tax information
Post by: BadBitcoin (James Sutton) on July 05, 2013, 05:42:02 PM
is there actually a need to pay tax on them. they aren't a currency.. when would you pay tax on them and at what rate? theyre worth something very different every hour!

they are a store of value, and such entities, once "cashed out" must be taxed as capital gains or else you will come upon the wrath of the tax man.

I'd also be interested in knowing the tax ramifications of bitcoin as an investment vehicle vs. normal entities such as stocks.

Title: Re: Ill pay BTC for bitcoin tax information
Post by: bitrebel on July 05, 2013, 05:59:53 PM
Income Taxes are VOLUNTARY!!!

If you have a corporation, it's a subsidy of the US government corporation, and it's "income" is taxable.
If you are a real flesh and blood person, and not a fictitious entity, you owe no taxes to anyone, except yourself.
The people, free and independent, are not taxable entities, they are EXEMPT, as are all owners of their own corporations.
We the people, are the OWNERS, and are therefore EXEMPT from LEVY.

Here is the IRS admitting it themselves.

Once you have a contract with them, and agree to pay, the first time, there is an ongoing "assumption" you owe the taxes, and that's why they will come for you.
But the entity they are coming for, is the fictitious entity, not the real flesh and blood person. They both have the same name, except the corporation is in all Capital letters  because it's "naturally dead" and the real person, is in upper and lower cases.

If you need more information, i'll be happy to provide it here.
If you care to donate, my address is 18KZyyzwqmBpZaFrpsCoxDd6NeQYFfbn1D