Bitcoin Forum

Local => Mercado y Economía => Topic started by: 0xz[.] on June 29, 2013, 04:14:07 PM

Title: " BITFINEX " ¿Es un sitio confiable? ¿Hay por ahí algún usuario?
Post by: 0xz[.] on June 29, 2013, 04:14:07 PM
¿Es un sitio confiable? ¿Hay por ahí algún usuario? ¿Nos podemos fiar?
Podríamos montar un hilo con las experiencias de este sitio. Meto la palabra " BITFINEX "  en la búsqueda y salen sólo 2 personas!.

Title: Re: " BITFINEX " ¿Es un sitio confiable? ¿Hay por ahí algún usuario?
Post by: amgomez on June 29, 2013, 09:44:29 PM
Yo llevo unos cuantos meses con ellos y sólo puedo deshacerme en elogios.

Estoy esperando que reciban todas las certificaciones que dicen han pedido y pongan unos términos de uso en condiciones para apostar fuerte con ellos.

Title: Re: " BITFINEX " ¿Es un sitio confiable? ¿Hay por ahí algún usuario?
Post by: vgo on June 29, 2013, 09:56:23 PM
Quiza myself ( hispano hablante) te pueda comentar algo,  (

Title: Re: " BITFINEX " ¿Es un sitio confiable? ¿Hay por ahí algún usuario?
Post by: amgomez on June 29, 2013, 10:29:38 PM
La verdad es que tras los últimos acontecimientos a mi me gustaría sinceramente que nos contara "el otro lado de la historia" (que siempre hay dos).

Title: Re: " BITFINEX " ¿Es un sitio confiable? ¿Hay por ahí algún usuario?
Post by: MOHOTMO on July 03, 2013, 08:31:41 AM
A mí también me gustaría que nos explicara brevemente la historia en español.
Dado mí nivel de inglés,el hilo de myself me ha resultado un poco confuso.

Title: Re: " BITFINEX " ¿Es un sitio confiable? ¿Hay por ahí algún usuario?
Post by: myself on July 03, 2013, 09:42:43 AM
Hello myself.

May be you can explain your problem for the spanish comunity.

mucho de lo puesto esta firmado con  pgp y se pueden verificar, lo puesto ofrece suficiente información para tener una base y desde allí cada uno que tome su decisión y haga su risk management

Title: Re: " BITFINEX " ¿Es un sitio confiable? ¿Hay por ahí algún usuario?
Post by: MOHOTMO on July 03, 2013, 11:20:46 AM
Hola myself.

Yo te lo decía por el tema del inglés. Para mí es bastante confuso y por eso, y con riesgo de ser una molestia, he pensado que estaría bien que nos hicieras un brevísimo resumen.

Gracias y perdona las molestias.


Title: Re: " BITFINEX " ¿Es un sitio confiable? ¿Hay por ahí algún usuario?
Post by: 0xz[.] on July 03, 2013, 12:15:20 PM
Hola myself.

Yo te lo decía por el tema del inglés. Para mí es bastante confuso y por eso, y con riesgo de ser una molestia, he pensado que estaría bien que nos hicieras un brevísimo resumen.

Gracias y perdona las molestias.


Sí,  por favor. A mí también me interesa mucho. Quiero buscar alternativas buenas a Mt.Gox y me habían hablado bien de Bitfinex, pero ahora ya estoy dudando.

Title: Re: " BITFINEX " ¿Es un sitio confiable? ¿Hay por ahí algún usuario?
Post by: BTCThousandaire on July 27, 2013, 07:25:53 AM
I read the thread. I can't speak Spanish but this is basically what happened.

Myself agreed to be paid on contract and when the company changed and added associates, they financially helped the company and made legal contracts. When myself refused to become an associate, his services were no longer required, and unclescrooge removed him from the company. This thread is about myself complaining of the terminated badly written contract and accusing unclescrooge of being a scammer.


Let me recapitulate the whole story:

We agreed on a contract, where you would be giving advices to me, in exchange for 10% of profit. You would not participate in the decisions, nor in the losses. This is a consulting contract with remuneration based on performances.

And so for months, I paid 150+ btc to cover bugs to users, paid thousands of euros for incorporation,... You didn't put a dime, fair enough, it was the contract. You acted as an advisor/consultant.

Now come other associates which I gladly invited to the team. They don't want a crypto-anarchist project, they want a serious team, they don't want a joke of a contract, they want legal papers. They came in April, a month during which we lost quite some money with the Big Crash. So at the end of the month, we agreed to cover all losses, if we were to be associates. You refused it, and stated that you only want to share profit and will never take any losses. By doing this you confirmed that you want a consulting contract, not be an associate. So we proposed you, and multiples times since then, to tell us what you were looking in term of remuneration for a consulting collaboration. You never answer to this. You just came yesterday asking us 5000 BTC so you can leave the team. After which I cut you access to the read-only part of the admin side of Bitfinex (what would you expect?).

there was never money put in that was not going to be paid. If our associates which you met, and you now how wealthy they are, weren't there, there would be no more Bitfinex. They allow us to pass a hard time of 5 figures losses, and now be strong as we are.

Now Ianov, I'm sorry we have come to this. I'm sorry you refused to discuss at all, I'm sorry you were paranoid from day 1, just to end up creating some thread on a forum to do what? You know, and I believe everyone knows, that I am really open to discussion. I mean fuck it's been a month since I asked you to state the kind of contract you want with us, and explained you that you are not, and never acted as, an associate. I believe this is a reasonable time to discuss things.

Now as I said, we are not a crypto-anarchist project but a real team with a project in the real world for the future, and we are doing things as a company do. That means that if you push us to do something, we won't create a thread on a forum. I hope the message is clear.

I don't want to read anymore that we steal your forum licence (this is wrong, we bought everything back to VBulletin and third parties, and it's a shame as we could have bought it from you if you were only open to discussion), I don't want to read that we credit money that doesn't exist, I don't want to read this kind of false accusations.

MPOE-R you still don't get how Bitfinex matches user position with real funds of lenders and doesn't act as a bucket shop, and it's a shame from you.

For everyone, sorry to have this dirty laundry in public. If you feel uneasy and want to withdraw your funds from Bitfinex, please do.

Best regards
Bitfinex team

Title: Re: " BITFINEX " ¿Es un sitio confiable? ¿Hay por ahí algún usuario?
Post by: 0xz[.] on July 27, 2013, 08:51:33 AM
I read the thread. I can't speak Spanish but this is basically what happened.

Myself agreed to be paid on contract and when the company changed and added associates, they financially helped the company and made legal contracts. When myself refused to become an associate, his services were no longer required, and unclescrooge removed him from the company. This thread is about myself complaining of the terminated badly written contract and accusing unclescrooge of being a scammer.


Let me recapitulate the whole story:

We agreed on a contract, where you would be giving advices to me, in exchange for 10% of profit. You would not participate in the decisions, nor in the losses. This is a consulting contract with remuneration based on performances.

And so for months, I paid 150+ btc to cover bugs to users, paid thousands of euros for incorporation,... You didn't put a dime, fair enough, it was the contract. You acted as an advisor/consultant.

Now come other associates which I gladly invited to the team. They don't want a crypto-anarchist project, they want a serious team, they don't want a joke of a contract, they want legal papers. They came in April, a month during which we lost quite some money with the Big Crash. So at the end of the month, we agreed to cover all losses, if we were to be associates. You refused it, and stated that you only want to share profit and will never take any losses. By doing this you confirmed that you want a consulting contract, not be an associate. So we proposed you, and multiples times since then, to tell us what you were looking in term of remuneration for a consulting collaboration. You never answer to this. You just came yesterday asking us 5000 BTC so you can leave the team. After which I cut you access to the read-only part of the admin side of Bitfinex (what would you expect?).

there was never money put in that was not going to be paid. If our associates which you met, and you now how wealthy they are, weren't there, there would be no more Bitfinex. They allow us to pass a hard time of 5 figures losses, and now be strong as we are.

Now Ianov, I'm sorry we have come to this. I'm sorry you refused to discuss at all, I'm sorry you were paranoid from day 1, just to end up creating some thread on a forum to do what? You know, and I believe everyone knows, that I am really open to discussion. I mean fuck it's been a month since I asked you to state the kind of contract you want with us, and explained you that you are not, and never acted as, an associate. I believe this is a reasonable time to discuss things.

Now as I said, we are not a crypto-anarchist project but a real team with a project in the real world for the future, and we are doing things as a company do. That means that if you push us to do something, we won't create a thread on a forum. I hope the message is clear.

I don't want to read anymore that we steal your forum licence (this is wrong, we bought everything back to VBulletin and third parties, and it's a shame as we could have bought it from you if you were only open to discussion), I don't want to read that we credit money that doesn't exist, I don't want to read this kind of false accusations.

MPOE-R you still don't get how Bitfinex matches user position with real funds of lenders and doesn't act as a bucket shop, and it's a shame from you.

For everyone, sorry to have this dirty laundry in public. If you feel uneasy and want to withdraw your funds from Bitfinex, please do.

Best regards
Bitfinex team

Muy interesante. Esto cambia bastante el panorama. Gracias por las aclaraciones.

Thank you for this clarification.