Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Micro Earnings => Topic started by: kevin135 on November 26, 2017, 06:20:56 PM

Title: FREE CoinHive FaucetHub Script - Pay your users BTC for mining!
Post by: kevin135 on November 26, 2017, 06:20:56 PM
Hey again!

I realized that this script is in high demand, so I decided to write it and publish it here.

This script will allow your faucet users to mine with coinhive in their browser, and be paid satoshi straight to FaucetHub.

Some features:

 * Automatically calculates exchange rates and hashes/satoshi
 * Automatically factors in profit percentages
 * Advertisement-friendly - Just paste your embed codes!
 * Create custom page content to explain more about your site
 * Doesn't auto pay-out - Helps increase ad revenue
 * Set minimum payout levels - Helps increase ad revenue and cut down on fees
 * No captcha required - pay your users whenever they mine
 * Detailed and simple admin panel - control how your faucet works
 * Rich statistics - See how much you are paying users

Installation instructions are included with the script download, which can be found here:


This script started as salmen's regular faucet script, but was heavily modified. (Just wanted to give credit where it was due.)

Buy this script without the fees ($10): (

Title: Re: CoinHive FaucetHub Script - Pay your users BTC for mining!
Post by: Djou20 on November 26, 2017, 09:52:22 PM
It looks a lot like salmen's script :O

Title: Re: CoinHive FaucetHub Script - Pay your users BTC for mining!
Post by: Dog2puppy on November 26, 2017, 10:38:59 PM
It looks a lot like salmen's script :O
It is. He copied it from GitHub and edited it. I support open source (I’m actually a dev), but if you don’t give credit to the original developer, that’s not right.

Title: Re: CoinHive FaucetHub Script - Pay your users BTC for mining!
Post by: Vibez1Tv on November 26, 2017, 11:45:43 PM
It looks a lot like salmen's script :O
It is. He copied it from GitHub and edited it. I support open source (I’m actually a dev), but if you don’t give credit to the original developer, that’s not right.
yeah credit is something you need to give to a developer i like the salmen scripts its nice he make it open source for everyone so little respect schould be turn back. or send him a nice tip maybe and he will appreciate ot

Title: Re: CoinHive FaucetHub Script - Pay your users BTC for mining!
Post by: kevin135 on November 27, 2017, 01:27:54 AM
It looks a lot like salmen's script :O
It is. He copied it from GitHub and edited it. I support open source (I’m actually a dev), but if you don’t give credit to the original developer, that’s not right.
yeah credit is something you need to give to a developer i like the salmen scripts its nice he make it open source for everyone so little respect schould be turn back. or send him a nice tip maybe and he will appreciate ot

This is correct. I used salmen's script as a starting point because he wrote a really nice frame and everything. His license doesn't say I need to give him credit, but if it makes everybody feel better, I will. Sorry, and I hope this incident didn't hurt anything.

Title: Re: FREE CoinHive FaucetHub Script - Pay your users BTC for mining!
Post by: Djou20 on November 27, 2017, 09:15:14 AM
Yes give him at least credits for that, you wrote that you wrote the script in description...

Did you removed the fees ?

Title: Re: FREE CoinHive FaucetHub Script - Pay your users BTC for mining!
Post by: kevin135 on November 27, 2017, 03:39:05 PM
Yes give him at least credits for that, you wrote that you wrote the script in description...

Did you removed the fees ?

I have him credit for it. I didn't remove the fees, you guys don't understand the work required to implement an API like that, and I believe the minuscule fees are good enough payment for me. If you want, PM me and we can discuss alternate payment and I will remove fees for you. That goes for anybody else too.

Title: Re: FREE CoinHive FaucetHub Script - Pay your users BTC for mining!
Post by: kevin135 on November 27, 2017, 07:48:40 PM
LOL  ^^

What? Would you rather I just charge everybody... say $10 for this? I want something for my work... I don't work for free. If you were a programmer, you would understand that none of this is easy work.

Title: Re: FREE CoinHive FaucetHub Script - Pay your users BTC for mining!
Post by: tomos81 on November 27, 2017, 07:59:36 PM
LOL  ^^

What? Would you rather I just charge everybody... say $10 for this? I want something for my work... I don't work for free. If you were a programmer, you would understand that none of this is easy work.

you are not a programmer. you stole the code and if some1 not mentioning, you will stay quiet.
you also spammed my post about my innovative miner because you are jealous that some1 made something better than you stole..
that's why i also telling you  LOL ^^

Title: Re: FREE CoinHive FaucetHub Script - Pay your users BTC for mining!
Post by: Djou20 on November 27, 2017, 08:20:44 PM
If you struggle to implement some SIMPLE API, i'm afraid you're not a dev.

Title: Re: FREE CoinHive FaucetHub Script - Pay your users BTC for mining!
Post by: kevin135 on November 27, 2017, 08:44:40 PM
If you struggle to implement some SIMPLE API, i'm afraid you're not a dev.

Oh, so I guess you are a pro at this then?
I am not working on this project for free. It isn't unreasonable that I am asking for a minuscule fee of 1 SATOSHI per withdraw. If you don't want the fee, pay me or don't use my script. Go write your own. It shouldn't be that hard, right?

Title: Re: FREE CoinHive FaucetHub Script - Pay your users BTC for mining!
Post by: Djou20 on November 27, 2017, 08:56:57 PM
Indeed, I run my own faucet scripts!

But i still think Salmen should got the fees and maybe you provide your CoinHive ref-link as a reward for your work?

Title: Re: FREE CoinHive FaucetHub Script - Pay your users BTC for mining!
Post by: Quimby88 on November 27, 2017, 09:06:11 PM
To be honest I disagree with so much hate against you. Obviously, you have made mistake when you came with this script for the first time because you were asking fees for nothing basically and you should also credit the creator of this original script.

If you are charging 1 Satoshis fee it's not that bad, especially if you are willing to remove this fee with a one-time payment.

Title: Re: FREE CoinHive FaucetHub Script - Pay your users BTC for mining!
Post by: shaw1 on November 27, 2017, 09:32:42 PM
I don't understand why people are having issues with this. At all.

When you open source code, and allow people to not credit you, you aren't, (or shouldn't) be laying a guilt trip on them for not crediting you. You are giving it away to the world.

So what happened?
A developer gave away some code. Another developer took that code, and is trying to sell a derivative product built with it. Pretty sure that's how like 95% of all software sold anymore is...

Is credit nice? Sure. But if it was that important, it could have been stipulated in the license. If the original dev didn't feel it was all that important, I don't see why everyone is getting all up in arms about it.

And as for giving some of the fees to the original dev... Again, would be a real nice gesture. But that's entirely up to him. The code was given away. Not given away on condition that you owe me if anything nice happens because you use my code.

OP hasn't done a thing wrong.

Title: Re: FREE CoinHive FaucetHub Script - Pay your users BTC for mining!
Post by: Quimby88 on November 27, 2017, 09:41:06 PM
so I decided to give it a try, cant say it would be working though :D

Estimate: 0 hashes per 1 satoshi
Current hashes: 0

Accounts are not credited :D

Title: Re: FREE CoinHive FaucetHub Script - Pay your users BTC for mining!
Post by: Djou20 on November 27, 2017, 09:59:29 PM
No fees on withdrawal then :p

Title: Re: FREE CoinHive FaucetHub Script - Pay your users BTC for mining!
Post by: kevin135 on November 27, 2017, 10:17:23 PM
so I decided to give it a try, cant say it would be working though :D

Estimate: 0 hashes per 1 satoshi
Current hashes: 0

Accounts are not credited :D

It must be a problem with the conversion APIs. Unfortunately, I didn't include anything in terms of debug messages to troubleshoot this (probably should have... oops!). Did you set your coinhive API keys (both site and secret)? It requires both access to CoinHive (to get difficulty, etc) and an API to get price from BTC to XMR for the conversion (Cryptonator API, endpoint link here ( Does your machine have access to the outside world? Drop a PM if you still can't get it to work, I would be happy to troubleshoot it for you.

Title: Re: FREE CoinHive FaucetHub Script - Pay your users BTC for mining!
Post by: simons10 on November 28, 2017, 10:16:21 AM

Thank you for great script, i install and run it and i can see :

Estimate: 5632 hashes per 1 satoshi
Current hashes: 22272

but use balance is 0 and nothing changes ! and when i click on claim button i see : Don't abuse the system!

can you help me with that ?

my test domain :

Thank you

Title: Re: FREE CoinHive FaucetHub Script - Pay your users BTC for mining!
Post by: kevin135 on November 28, 2017, 02:24:04 PM

Thank you for great script, i install and run it and i can see :

Estimate: 5632 hashes per 1 satoshi
Current hashes: 22272

but use balance is 0 and nothing changes ! and when i click on claim button i see : Don't abuse the system!

can you help me with that ?

my test domain :

Thank you

Try clearing your cache. If that doesn't work, delete the database entry for your user and try it again. For new users, this shouldn't happen.

Technical details: The CSRF security check failed.

Title: Re: FREE CoinHive FaucetHub Script - Pay your users BTC for mining!
Post by: shaw1 on November 28, 2017, 03:02:39 PM
Hi again!

So I'm in the process of installing your script. Trying to add ad units to the site. (A-ads stuff. Just testing right now.)
However, whenever I try to hit "change" on any of the open slots, I keep getting a 403 error. (Forbidden).

I'm not sure if this is an issue on the part of my hosting, or if there is something I'm doing wrong.
Appreciate the script immensely. Quite enjoying how easy it was to set up. :)


Title: Re: FREE CoinHive FaucetHub Script - Pay your users BTC for mining!
Post by: tungaqhd on November 28, 2017, 03:08:03 PM
Hi again!

So I'm in the process of installing your script. Trying to add ad units to the site. (A-ads stuff. Just testing right now.)
However, whenever I try to hit "change" on any of the open slots, I keep getting a 403 error. (Forbidden).

I'm not sure if this is an issue on the part of my hosting, or if there is something I'm doing wrong.
Appreciate the script immensely. Quite enjoying how easy it was to set up. :)

You should contact support and ask them to check security rules  ;D

Title: Re: FREE CoinHive FaucetHub Script - Pay your users BTC for mining!
Post by: kevin135 on November 28, 2017, 03:15:02 PM
Hi again!

So I'm in the process of installing your script. Trying to add ad units to the site. (A-ads stuff. Just testing right now.)
However, whenever I try to hit "change" on any of the open slots, I keep getting a 403 error. (Forbidden).

I'm not sure if this is an issue on the part of my hosting, or if there is something I'm doing wrong.
Appreciate the script immensely. Quite enjoying how easy it was to set up. :)



This isn't a script problem, it must be a problem with your host. I can take a look, but the script never returns a 403 error. Does it happen when you change anything else? There are a few bugs with the admin page. Try clearing cookies and logging in again.

Title: Re: FREE CoinHive FaucetHub Script - Pay your users BTC for mining!
Post by: shaw1 on November 28, 2017, 04:00:14 PM
Sorry. Been working since 3 this morning, so I'm going to blame my idiocy on that.  :)

(Btw, if anyone else has this issue, solution:
# Turn off mod_security filtering.
<IfModule mod_security.c>
  SecFilterEngine Off
In your htaccess.)

On a side note, will quite possibly PM you later to discuss purchasing of script, to eliminate your withdrawal fee.

And last question, (I promise, but I lie a lot), is it okay to modify this stuff, as long as we don't mess with any of the code that sends fees to you?

Appreciate your time.

Title: Re: FREE CoinHive FaucetHub Script - Pay your users BTC for mining!
Post by: kevin135 on November 28, 2017, 04:05:25 PM
Sorry. Been working since 3 this morning, so I'm going to blame my idiocy on that.  :)

(Btw, if anyone else has this issue, solution:
# Turn off mod_security filtering.
<IfModule mod_security.c>
  SecFilterEngine Off
In your htaccess.)

On a side note, will quite possibly PM you later to discuss purchasing of script, to eliminate your withdrawal fee.

And last question, (I promise, but I lie a lot), is it okay to modify this stuff, as long as we don't mess with any of the code that sends fees to you?

Appreciate your time.

Sure you may modify it, but you can't remove the fees and you can't distribute it without my permission. Other than that, have at it.

Title: Re: FREE CoinHive FaucetHub Script - Pay your users BTC for mining!
Post by: Salmen on November 28, 2017, 06:32:02 PM
To be honest, it's a shame to remove the original fee license and set own fees, as it is a violation and considers as stealing.
Leaving the original fee - as others do - in the script or doing a one-time payment clears this situation.

I've contributed the script to the publicity in order for a compensation and thereby keeping the service alive.

Title: Re: FREE CoinHive FaucetHub Script - Pay your users BTC for mining!
Post by: kevin135 on November 28, 2017, 07:28:50 PM
To be honest, it's a shame to remove the original fee license and set own fees, as it is a violation and considers as stealing.
Leaving the original fee - as others do - in the script or doing a one-time payment clears this situation.

I've contributed the script to the publicity in order for a compensation and thereby keeping the service alive.

No it's not considered stealing. What service are you keeping alive? I could (no offense) care less about your personal faucet. You don't deserve compensation for what is, at this point, considered to be a new application. That compensation should be, and currently is, mine. Read your own license in your GitHub if you don't believe me. I have done no wrong, and the real members of the open source community will back me up. If your license doesn't prohibit something, I am free to do it as long as it is open source. I made a legitimately useful derivative work of yours, which I believe is better, and I can do whatever I want with it. If people want to modify yours to include my functionality, they can and I have no problem with that. But if they want to use my pre-created one, that's their choice to make. It's not like nobody else can do what I have done. I am just dedicated to make it super convenient to switch.

In addition, I created more useful features that people may want in a faucet, and have fixed your buggy code quite a bit (although there is still more work I need to do on it).

Title: Re: FREE CoinHive FaucetHub Script - Pay your users BTC for mining!
Post by: tomos81 on November 28, 2017, 07:44:17 PM
To be honest, it's a shame to remove the original fee license and set own fees, as it is a violation and considers as stealing.
Leaving the original fee - as others do - in the script or doing a one-time payment clears this situation.

I've contributed the script to the publicity in order for a compensation and thereby keeping the service alive.

No it's not considered stealing. What service are you keeping alive? I could (no offense) care less about your personal faucet. Read your own license in your GitHub if you don't believe me. I have done no wrong, and the real members of the open source community will back me up. If your license doesn't prohibit something, I am free to do it as long as it is open source. I made a legitimately useful derivative work of yours, which I believe is better, and I can do whatever I want with it. If people want to modify yours to include my functionality, they can and I have no problem with that. But if they want to use my pre-created one, that's their choice to make. It's not like nobody else can do what I have done. I am just dedicated to make it super convenient to switch.

In addition, I created more useful features that people may want in a faucet, and have fixed your buggy code quite a bit (although there is still more work I need to do on it).

as i said before, kevin , you are simply pain in the ass without respecting others.

Title: Re: FREE CoinHive FaucetHub Script - Pay your users BTC for mining!
Post by: Salmen on November 28, 2017, 08:07:51 PM
To be honest, it's a shame to remove the original fee license and set own fees, as it is a violation and considers as stealing.
Leaving the original fee - as others do - in the script or doing a one-time payment clears this situation.

I've contributed the script to the publicity in order for a compensation and thereby keeping the service alive.

No it's not considered stealing. What service are you keeping alive? I could (no offense) care less about your personal faucet. You don't deserve compensation for what is, at this point, considered to be a new application. That compensation should be, and currently is, mine. Read your own license in your GitHub if you don't believe me. I have done no wrong, and the real members of the open source community will back me up. If your license doesn't prohibit something, I am free to do it as long as it is open source. I made a legitimately useful derivative work of yours, which I believe is better, and I can do whatever I want with it. If people want to modify yours to include my functionality, they can and I have no problem with that. But if they want to use my pre-created one, that's their choice to make. It's not like nobody else can do what I have done. I am just dedicated to make it super convenient to switch.

In addition, I created more useful features that people may want in a faucet, and have fixed your buggy code quite a bit (although there is still more work I need to do on it).
If so, I could simply delete the project and/or provide a script with a backdoor. That's why there is the fee, openly on Github and declared. However, the license (MIT) requires the license and copyright which includes the fee.
At all, part of the compensation should belong to me because the most part of the script, the structure, is coded by me and not your. Mentioning "hard work" is the wrong way.

Title: Re: FREE CoinHive FaucetHub Script - Pay your users BTC for mining!
Post by: kevin135 on November 28, 2017, 08:28:00 PM
To be honest, it's a shame to remove the original fee license and set own fees, as it is a violation and considers as stealing.
Leaving the original fee - as others do - in the script or doing a one-time payment clears this situation.

I've contributed the script to the publicity in order for a compensation and thereby keeping the service alive.

No it's not considered stealing. What service are you keeping alive? I could (no offense) care less about your personal faucet. You don't deserve compensation for what is, at this point, considered to be a new application. That compensation should be, and currently is, mine. Read your own license in your GitHub if you don't believe me. I have done no wrong, and the real members of the open source community will back me up. If your license doesn't prohibit something, I am free to do it as long as it is open source. I made a legitimately useful derivative work of yours, which I believe is better, and I can do whatever I want with it. If people want to modify yours to include my functionality, they can and I have no problem with that. But if they want to use my pre-created one, that's their choice to make. It's not like nobody else can do what I have done. I am just dedicated to make it super convenient to switch.

In addition, I created more useful features that people may want in a faucet, and have fixed your buggy code quite a bit (although there is still more work I need to do on it).
If so, I could simply delete the project and/or provide a script with a backdoor. That's why there is the fee, openly on Github and declared. However, the license (MIT) requires the license and copyright which includes the fee.
At all, part of the compensation should belong to me because the most part of the script, the structure, is coded by me and not your. Mentioning "hard work" is the wrong way.

For your information:

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge (Meaning I don't owe you anything, but we continue...), to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction
, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
(Here... is where you are wrong.) of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions

No following conditions are given.

Please tell me. Would your argument hold up in court?

If you didn't want people to do what I did, you should have said so in your license. Always understand your license when you select it. After throughly reading your license for a 3rd time(!!!), I can conclude with 100% certainty that I am in the clear here.

Title: Re: FREE CoinHive FaucetHub Script - Pay your users BTC for mining!
Post by: Djou20 on November 28, 2017, 08:41:36 PM
Nice so you would deserve a fee for a simple implementation and the guy who wrote everything else deserve nothing...

Title: Re: FREE CoinHive FaucetHub Script - Pay your users BTC for mining!
Post by: kevin135 on November 28, 2017, 09:03:59 PM
Nice so you would deserve a fee for a simple implementation and the guy who wrote everything else deserve nothing...

I think I have said this before...
If you don't want the fee, you have 2 options. Message me and get a fixed price, or write your own script. It's just a simple implementation, how hard could it be, right?

Title: Re: FREE CoinHive FaucetHub Script - Pay your users BTC for mining!
Post by: Djou20 on November 28, 2017, 09:26:16 PM
I don't want the script, i'm really not a fond of browser mining...

As i said before i already wrote my own script and didn't find it hard.

Plus if i wanted to sell anything i would write it from scratch MYSELF and credit EVERYBODY who helped me during the process...

Implementing coinhive API ( especially with their documentation ) represent maybe 1.5% of the work done by Salmen... Question of minutes, nothing compared to the actual development

of "your" (Salmen's) script.

Title: Re: FREE CoinHive FaucetHub Script - Pay your users BTC for mining!
Post by: Dog2puppy on November 29, 2017, 01:04:26 AM
Really, your just being a thief. You stole Salmen’s Script, and you kept arguing against Tomos81 about his Doge miner, because you thought it was coin hive. You took Salmen’s Script, changed the fees to go to you, and acted like it was all yours. I support open source software, but I’m not supporting this, and I never will.

Title: Re: FREE CoinHive FaucetHub Script - Pay your users BTC for mining!
Post by: kevin135 on November 29, 2017, 02:31:04 AM
Really, your just being a thief. You stole Salmen’s Script, and you kept arguing against Tomos81 about his Doge miner, because you thought it was coin hive. You took Salmen’s Script, changed the fees to go to you, and acted like it was all yours. I support open source software, but I’m not supporting this, and I never will.

Sentence of reference:
This script started as salmen's regular faucet script, but was heavily modified. (Just wanted to give credit where it was due.)
FYI, I didn't act like it was all mine. I gave him credit even when I didn't need to. I stole NOTHING. And if you don't support me, get off my thread and don't use it.

Title: Re: FREE CoinHive FaucetHub Script - Pay your users BTC for mining!
Post by: megarounder on November 29, 2017, 02:39:56 AM
Thank you so much for sharing this script and i am going to install it on my new server website I am planning to make this website based on freedom bitcoin so people can understand the importance of bitcoins and different activities related to it.

Your script is a very good example and source of what i have been looking as it will give me full access of mining as well as the other functions on my website.

Title: Re: FREE CoinHive FaucetHub Script - Pay your users BTC for mining!
Post by: kevin135 on November 29, 2017, 02:55:00 AM
Thank you so much for sharing this script and i am going to install it on my new server website I am planning to make this website based on freedom bitcoin so people can understand the importance of bitcoins and different activities related to it.

Your script is a very good example and source of what i have been looking as it will give me full access of mining as well as the other functions on my website.

Thank you so much for the support! Good luck!

Title: Re: FREE CoinHive FaucetHub Script - Pay your users BTC for mining!
Post by: simons10 on November 29, 2017, 05:03:10 AM

Thank you for great script, i install and run it and i can see :

Estimate: 5632 hashes per 1 satoshi
Current hashes: 22272

but use balance is 0 and nothing changes ! and when i click on claim button i see : Don't abuse the system!

can you help me with that ?

my test domain :

Thank you

Try clearing your cache. If that doesn't work, delete the database entry for your user and try it again. For new users, this shouldn't happen.

Technical details: The CSRF security check failed.


I delete database users and test it again with different bitcoin addressee and also use another browser and disable cloudflare but same problem again, users can mine but nothing added to their balance.

Estimate: 5657 hashes per 1 satoshi
Current hashes: 36864

Balance : 0

can you please check that ?

Title: Re: FREE CoinHive FaucetHub Script - Pay your users BTC for mining!
Post by: Djou20 on November 29, 2017, 09:08:44 AM
Have you a website where we can see a working example of your script?

Title: Re: FREE CoinHive FaucetHub Script - Pay your users BTC for mining!
Post by: kevin135 on November 29, 2017, 11:46:02 AM
Have you a website where we can see a working example of your script?

I do not, but I know of a few websites that run it. Satoshistream being one of them.

Title: Re: FREE CoinHive FaucetHub Script - Pay your users BTC for mining!
Post by: shaw1 on November 29, 2017, 02:55:23 PM
Well, thank you for the free pitch.  :D (

The script works great. Comes highly recommended. You can honestly get this thing all set up to basic settings in like 5 minutes.

To the idiots posting about this guy "stealing". (Including the author.):

If the license allowed for redistribution, and creating commercial products using the original script, then this guy is just doing what Salmen originally gave everyone permission to do, right? And the license was MIT, right? Well. 'Nuff said.

But getting back on topic, the only thing I can think of, to make this better, would be to see support for other faucethub currencies. Hoping for a future release...  ;)

Also, if I end up with time, might just convert it myself. If I keep the fee ratio the same, is that all cool? (Would need addys to put in though...)

Anyhow, thanks for the plug, and right back at you. You need a site for this script, so I can backlink to you...

Title: Re: FREE CoinHive FaucetHub Script - Pay your users BTC for mining!
Post by: kevin135 on November 29, 2017, 10:24:41 PM
Well, thank you for the free pitch.  :D (

The script works great. Comes highly recommended. You can honestly get this thing all set up to basic settings in like 5 minutes.

To the idiots posting about this guy "stealing". (Including the author.):

If the license allowed for redistribution, and creating commercial products using the original script, then this guy is just doing what Salmen originally gave everyone permission to do, right? And the license was MIT, right? Well. 'Nuff said.

But getting back on topic, the only thing I can think of, to make this better, would be to see support for other faucethub currencies. Hoping for a future release...  ;)

Also, if I end up with time, might just convert it myself. If I keep the fee ratio the same, is that all cool? (Would need addys to put in though...)

Anyhow, thanks for the plug, and right back at you. You need a site for this script, so I can backlink to you...

I have made a version of this script for dogecoin for somebody who PM'd me earlier this week. I can make that version available with a fee (or PM me to remove it). I can also make variants for other currencies as well (now that I know what I need to change from the original). If you (or anybody else) wants one, please send me a PM, and I'll have it to you as soon as possible.

Title: Re: FREE CoinHive FaucetHub Script - Pay your users BTC for mining!
Post by: kevin135 on November 30, 2017, 09:17:11 PM
If anybody has any problems with the script, or has any special custom requests, let me know, I'd be happy to help!

Title: Re: FREE CoinHive FaucetHub Script - Pay your users BTC for mining!
Post by: kevin135 on December 13, 2017, 02:49:39 AM
Added link to buy the script without fees for $10: (

Title: Re: FREE CoinHive FaucetHub Script - Pay your users BTC for mining!
Post by: Dextinator on January 06, 2018, 09:16:42 PM
hey Kevin,
i'm very interested in the script. Please check your private messages as soon as possible.
Thank you! :)

Title: Re: FREE CoinHive FaucetHub Script - Pay your users BTC for mining!
Post by: Dextinator on January 08, 2018, 09:36:56 AM
If anybody has any problems with the script, or has any special custom requests, let me know, I'd be happy to help!
Please give me a quick response. I have a custom offer for you. Thanks :)

Title: Re: FREE CoinHive FaucetHub Script - Pay your users BTC for mining!
Post by: robecuba13 on March 11, 2018, 11:34:57 AM

hello kevin I want to buy the script, install the version with the fees and have errors when making clain does not remove the hashes,
I would like to know if the pay version is better

Title: Re: FREE CoinHive FaucetHub Script - Pay your users BTC for mining!
Post by: sumair7231 on March 26, 2018, 10:35:13 AM
is there any way to use webminepool instead of coinhive ?

Title: Re: FREE CoinHive FaucetHub Script - Pay your users BTC for mining!
Post by: jfelix on August 14, 2018, 01:06:27 PM
Did you remove the referral feature?

Also balance does not update after mining more than 1 satoshi hashes