Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: pinoyiloco on November 29, 2017, 08:45:19 AM

Title: I am a time-traveler from the future, here to beg you to stop what you are doing
Post by: pinoyiloco on November 29, 2017, 08:45:19 AM
A post that that I read from Reddit, submitted 4 years ago by Luka_Magnotta. -

Here's the whole story :

I am sending this message from the year 2025. Things are looking bleak here, and some of you will carry blood on your hands.
If you don't believe me, please move on, as I have no way of proving to you I'm really who I claim to be.
I don't want to waste any of your time, so I'm merely going to explain what happened.
On average, every year so far, the value of Bitcoin has increased by about a factor ten. From 0.1 dollar in 2010, to 1 dollar in 2011, to 10 dollar in 2012, to 100 dollar in 2013. From now on, there's a slight slowdown, as the value increased by a factor ten every two years, to 1,000 dollar in 2015, to 10,000 in 2017, 100,000 in 2019, and 1,000,000 in 2021. From here onwards, there's no good way of expressing its value in dollars, as the dollar is no longer used, nor is any central bank issued currency for that matter. There are two main forms of wealth in today's world. Land and cryptocurrency.
There are just over 19 million Bitcoin known to be used in the world today, as well as a few hundred thousand that were permanently lost, and we're still dealing with a population of just over 7 billion people today. On average, this means the average person owns just under 0.003 bitcoin. However, due to the unequal distribution of wealth in my world, the mean person owns just 0.001 bitcoin. That's right, most of you reading this today are rich. I personally live next to an annoying young man who logged into his old Reddit account two years ago and discovered that he received a tip of 0.01 Bitcoin back in 2013 for calling someone a "faggot" when he was a 16 year old boy. Upon making this discovery he bought an airline ticket, left his house without telling anyone anything and went to a Citadel.
"What is a Citadel?" you might wonder. Well, by the time Bitcoin became worth 1,000 dollar, services began to emerge for the "Bitcoin rich" to protect themselves as well as their wealth. It started with expensive safes, then began to include bodyguards, and today, "earlies" (our term for early adapters), as well as those rich whose wealth survived the "transition" live in isolated gated cities called Citadels, where most work is automated. Most such Citadels are born out of the fortification used to protect places where Bitcoin mining machines are located. The company known as ASICminer to you is known to me as a city where Mr. Friedman rules as a king.
In my world, soon to be your world, most governments no longer exist, as Bitcoin transactions are done anonymously and thus most governments can enforce no taxation on their citizens. Most of the success of Bitcoin is due to the fact that Bitcoin turned out to be an effective method to hide your wealth from the government. Whereas people entering "rogue states" like Luxemberg, Monaco and Liechtenstein were followed by unmanned drones to ensure that governments know who is hiding wealth, no such option was available to stop people from hiding their money in Bitcoin.
Governments tried to stay relevant in my society by buying Bitcoin, which just made the problem worse, by increasing the value of Bitcoin. Governments did so in secret of course, but my generation's "Snowdens" are in fact greedy government employees who transferred Bitcoin to their own private account, and escaped to anarchic places where no questions are asked as long as you can cough up some money.
The four institutions with the largest still accessible Bitcoin balance are believed to be as following:
-ASICminer - 50,000 Bitcoin
-The IMF's "currency stabilization fund" - 70,000 Bitcoin
-Government of Saudi Arabia - 110,000 Bitcoin
-The North Korean government - 180,000 Bitcoin
Economic growth today is about -2% per year. Why is this? If you own more than 0.01 Bitcoin, chances are you don't do anything with your money. There is no inflation, and thus no incentive to invest your money. Just like the medieval ages had no significant economic growth, as wealth was measured in gold, our society has no economic growth either, as people know their 0.01 Bitcoin will be enough to last them a lifetime. The fact that there are still new Bitcoin released is what prevents our world from collapse so far it seems, but people fear that the decline in inflation that will occur during the next block halving may further wreck our economy.
What happened to the Winklevoss twins? The Winklevoss twins were among the first to die. After seeing the enormous damage done to the fabric of society, terrorist movements emerged that sought to hunt down and murder anyone known to have a large balance of Bitcoin, or believed to be responsible in any way for the development of cryptocurrency. Ironically, these terrorist movements use Bitcoin to anonymously fund their operations.
Most people who own any significant amount of Bitcoin no longer speak to their families and lost their friends, because they had to change their identities. There have been also been a few suicides of people who could not handle the guilt after seeing what happened to the bag-holders, the type of skeptical people who continued to believe it would eventually collapse, even after hearing the rumors of governments buying Bitcoin. Many people were taken hostage, and thus, it is suspected that 25% percent of "Bitcoin rich" actually physically tortured someone to get him to spill his password.
Why didn't we abandon Bitcoin, and move to another system? Well, we tried of course. We tried to step over to an inflationary cryptocurrency, but nobody with an IQ above 70 was willing to step up first and volunteer. After all, why would you voluntarily invest a lot of your money into a currency where you know your wealth will continually decline? The thing that made Bitcoin so dangerous to society was also what made it so successful. Bitcoin allows us to give into our greed.
In Africa, surveys show that an estimated 70% of people believe that Bitcoin was invented by the devil himself. There's a reason for this. It's a very sensitive issue that today is generally referred to as "the tragedy". The African Union had ambitious plans to help its citizens be ready to step over to Bitcoin. Governments gave their own citizens cell phones for free, tied to their government ID, and thus government sought to integrate Bitcoin into their economy. All went well, until "the tragedy" that is. A criminal organization, believed to be located in Russia, exploited a hardware fault in the government issued cell phones. It's believed that the entire continent of Africa lost an estimated 60% of its wealth in a period of 48 hours. What followed was a period of chaos and civil war, until the Saudi Arabian and North Korean governments, two of the world's major superpowers due to their authoritarian political system's unique ability to adapt to the "Bitcoin challenge", divided most African land between themselves and were praised as heroes by the local African population for it.
You might wonder, what is our plan now? It's clear that the current situation can not be sustained, without ending in a nuclear holocaust. I am part of an underground network, who seek to launch a coordinated attack against the very infrastructure of the Internet itself. We have at our disposal about 20 nuclear submarines, which we will use to cut all underwater cables between different continents. After this has been successfully achieved, we will launch a simultaneous nuclear pulse attack on every densely population area of the world. We believe that the resulting chaos will allow the world's population to rise up in revolt, and destroy as many computers out there as possible, until we reach the point where Bitcoin loses any relevance.
Of course, this outcome will likely lead to billions of deaths. This is a price we are forced to pay, to avoid the eternal enslavement of humanity to a tiny elite.
This is also the reason we contacted you.
It doesn't have to be like this. You do not have to share our fate. I don't know how, but you must find a way to destroy this godforsaken project in its infancy. I know this is a difficult thing to ask of you. You believed you were helping the world by eliminating the central banking cartel that governs your economies.
However, I have seen where it ends.

- Well I don't want to believe but the accuracy of what he/she said is pretty amazing. What is your opinion?

Title: Re: I am a time-traveler from the future, here to beg you to stop what you are doing
Post by: Realist247 on November 29, 2017, 09:25:25 AM
A post that that I read from Reddit, submitted 4 years ago by Luka_Magnotta. -

- Well I don't want to believe but the accuracy of what he/she said is pretty amazing. What is your opinion?

Well the fact that BTC wasn't worth $1000 at any point in 2015, let alone people scrambling for security services, is already a dead giveaway that this is bullshit.  In 2011 BTC was worth a lot more than $1.  Secondly this individual has very limited knowledge of economics...sounds like someone that gets their economic knowledge from Keynes and CNBC...  "no interest" = "no investment"?!? LOL  Ever heard of stock markets?  Last time I checked they pay in dividends and in the rise and fall of the price of the shares or value of the company.  McDonalds, for example, is more of a LAND/real estate company than it is anything else.  The author claims that LAND is the only other form of wealth and yet thousands of stocks that base their value on their property holdings suddenly become worthless?  Talk about a contradiction in common sense and logic.

Oh and "no economic growth" lololol there hasn't been true net economic growth in first world nations beyond money printing for so long I've lost track of how long it has been.

I read this just for the entertainment value.  It's so stupid (far beyond ignorant since it is written as fact) on so many levels it's not even entertaining....unless the writer is the future kings court jester aka the FOOL.

Title: Re: I am a time-traveler from the future, here to beg you to stop what you are doing
Post by: soham on November 29, 2017, 09:48:39 AM
Interesting read by someone who can write good science fiction. The author managed to get the price of bitcoin right for 2017, it is indeed 10k USD. However, the rest of the story is a good read for entertainment. North Korea becoming the richest country in the world is laughable and will never happen. The rest of the world won't let it happen as it is very dangerous for the human civilization. Also I see no reason for USA to withdraw US dollars and introduce only crypto currency by 2021. I like the concept of Citadel as well. An automated city where the bitcoiners live in order to keep their funds safe using expensive lockers and bodyguards. A good science fiction story man! Try to sell it to a Hollywood director to make a movie out of it. 

Title: Re: I am a time-traveler from the future, here to beg you to stop what you are doing
Post by: Noelnada on November 29, 2017, 10:00:19 AM
It was a good quick read to be honest. Of course it's poorly written fiction but interesting ideas nevertheless.

I don't see how governments would let that happen or how it could happen. Our global economy needs debt and inflation in order to grow, I suppose a paradigm shift wouldn't be such a bad thing from an ecological point of view but still, it would really transform our society.

Besides that, Bitcoin technology is outdated and it's unclear if there will ever be a consensus to upgrade it so... well and to clear things up : 1 million $ bitcoin wouldn't do shit do the real economy when you know derivatives alone worth 1.2 quadrillions.

Title: Re: I am a time-traveler from the future, here to beg you to stop what you are doing
Post by: damrianto on December 02, 2017, 05:52:48 PM
you are a time traveler from the future, I am a time traveler from the past to the present and to the future. you tell us to stop what's done, I will not stop what I do because it's my right to act ...

Title: Re: I am a time-traveler from the future, here to beg you to stop what you are doing
Post by: Xavofat on December 02, 2017, 06:24:07 PM
the accuracy of what he/she said is pretty amazing.
They claimed that the price would be $1,000 in 2015, which is very significantly off.  So out of the two predictions made so far which we can confirm, it got one right.

Even if they had, by coincidence, got it right, that would be no reason to believe their crazy story about being a time traveler.

It's actually extremely easy to prove it if you came back from the future.  To Bitcoin users it would be ridiculously easy - just post information about upcoming future blocks which you couldn't have realistically guessed, like the block hash.

PS: I am a time traveler from 2025.  The Bitcoin price is $1 and many speculators have suffered from this.  I can't prove it, but you have to believe me.

Title: Re: I am a time-traveler from the future, here to beg you to stop what you are doing
Post by: Kprawn on December 02, 2017, 06:39:12 PM
Shit I like the part where it says $100 000 by the year 2019. OK, I promise I will stop using it after we reach that price.  ::)

NOT!.... Bring it on... Saudi & North Korea. It will be interesting to see how people would be able to extract bitcoins from my

paper wallets with that exploit.  ::) ..... Interesting read... the guy should write more science fiction novels.  ;D

Title: Re: I am a time-traveler from the future, here to beg you to stop what you are doing
Post by: Yakamoto on December 02, 2017, 06:50:03 PM
Wasn't this obvious fanfiction from a while ago? Not like it matters but he was wrong about 2013 and 2015, essentially reversing the two with Bitcoin hitting $1k in 2013 and getting close to $100 in 2015 (technically triple that but that's besides the point). I don't want to get into this post anyone more beyond this, since I've read it all before, but it was a neat read the first time around. It's essentially just, as I had said, a fanfic, and it's doubtful that anything mentioned in here will ever actually happen.

Especially the part about nuking the world to get rid of Bitcoin. That's just full-on fucking retarded.

Title: Re: I am a time-traveler from the future, here to beg you to stop what you are doing
Post by: gudman on February 03, 2019, 09:03:22 AM
So, Reddit deleted the Luka_Magnotta entry from the network. What is the reason for conspiracy theories? What are they afraid of? After they have done this, all that Luka_Magnotta has said is seen as true! But the Internet remembers everything that someone has ever written. And yet you can find the saved copies of this page in the saved copies. By the way, Google has already cleaned up.
But I managed to find and take a screenshot of the original message. So let's save it for posterity!

Title: Re: I am a time-traveler from the future, here to beg you to stop what you are doing
Post by: KingScorpio on February 03, 2019, 10:16:29 AM
A post that that I read from Reddit, submitted 4 years ago by Luka_Magnotta. -

Here's the whole story :

I am sending this message from the year 2025. Things are looking bleak here, and some of you will carry blood on your hands.
If you don't believe me, please move on, as I have no way of proving to you I'm really who I claim to be.
I don't want to waste any of your time, so I'm merely going to explain what happened.
On average, every year so far, the value of Bitcoin has increased by about a factor ten. From 0.1 dollar in 2010, to 1 dollar in 2011, to 10 dollar in 2012, to 100 dollar in 2013. From now on, there's a slight slowdown, as the value increased by a factor ten every two years, to 1,000 dollar in 2015, to 10,000 in 2017, 100,000 in 2019, and 1,000,000 in 2021. From here onwards, there's no good way of expressing its value in dollars, as the dollar is no longer used, nor is any central bank issued currency for that matter. There are two main forms of wealth in today's world. Land and cryptocurrency.
There are just over 19 million Bitcoin known to be used in the world today, as well as a few hundred thousand that were permanently lost, and we're still dealing with a population of just over 7 billion people today. On average, this means the average person owns just under 0.003 bitcoin. However, due to the unequal distribution of wealth in my world, the mean person owns just 0.001 bitcoin. That's right, most of you reading this today are rich. I personally live next to an annoying young man who logged into his old Reddit account two years ago and discovered that he received a tip of 0.01 Bitcoin back in 2013 for calling someone a "faggot" when he was a 16 year old boy. Upon making this discovery he bought an airline ticket, left his house without telling anyone anything and went to a Citadel.
"What is a Citadel?" you might wonder. Well, by the time Bitcoin became worth 1,000 dollar, services began to emerge for the "Bitcoin rich" to protect themselves as well as their wealth. It started with expensive safes, then began to include bodyguards, and today, "earlies" (our term for early adapters), as well as those rich whose wealth survived the "transition" live in isolated gated cities called Citadels, where most work is automated. Most such Citadels are born out of the fortification used to protect places where Bitcoin mining machines are located. The company known as ASICminer to you is known to me as a city where Mr. Friedman rules as a king.
In my world, soon to be your world, most governments no longer exist, as Bitcoin transactions are done anonymously and thus most governments can enforce no taxation on their citizens. Most of the success of Bitcoin is due to the fact that Bitcoin turned out to be an effective method to hide your wealth from the government. Whereas people entering "rogue states" like Luxemberg, Monaco and Liechtenstein were followed by unmanned drones to ensure that governments know who is hiding wealth, no such option was available to stop people from hiding their money in Bitcoin.
Governments tried to stay relevant in my society by buying Bitcoin, which just made the problem worse, by increasing the value of Bitcoin. Governments did so in secret of course, but my generation's "Snowdens" are in fact greedy government employees who transferred Bitcoin to their own private account, and escaped to anarchic places where no questions are asked as long as you can cough up some money.
The four institutions with the largest still accessible Bitcoin balance are believed to be as following:
-ASICminer - 50,000 Bitcoin
-The IMF's "currency stabilization fund" - 70,000 Bitcoin
-Government of Saudi Arabia - 110,000 Bitcoin
-The North Korean government - 180,000 Bitcoin
Economic growth today is about -2% per year. Why is this? If you own more than 0.01 Bitcoin, chances are you don't do anything with your money. There is no inflation, and thus no incentive to invest your money. Just like the medieval ages had no significant economic growth, as wealth was measured in gold, our society has no economic growth either, as people know their 0.01 Bitcoin will be enough to last them a lifetime. The fact that there are still new Bitcoin released is what prevents our world from collapse so far it seems, but people fear that the decline in inflation that will occur during the next block halving may further wreck our economy.
What happened to the Winklevoss twins? The Winklevoss twins were among the first to die. After seeing the enormous damage done to the fabric of society, terrorist movements emerged that sought to hunt down and murder anyone known to have a large balance of Bitcoin, or believed to be responsible in any way for the development of cryptocurrency. Ironically, these terrorist movements use Bitcoin to anonymously fund their operations.
Most people who own any significant amount of Bitcoin no longer speak to their families and lost their friends, because they had to change their identities. There have been also been a few suicides of people who could not handle the guilt after seeing what happened to the bag-holders, the type of skeptical people who continued to believe it would eventually collapse, even after hearing the rumors of governments buying Bitcoin. Many people were taken hostage, and thus, it is suspected that 25% percent of "Bitcoin rich" actually physically tortured someone to get him to spill his password.
Why didn't we abandon Bitcoin, and move to another system? Well, we tried of course. We tried to step over to an inflationary cryptocurrency, but nobody with an IQ above 70 was willing to step up first and volunteer. After all, why would you voluntarily invest a lot of your money into a currency where you know your wealth will continually decline? The thing that made Bitcoin so dangerous to society was also what made it so successful. Bitcoin allows us to give into our greed.
In Africa, surveys show that an estimated 70% of people believe that Bitcoin was invented by the devil himself. There's a reason for this. It's a very sensitive issue that today is generally referred to as "the tragedy". The African Union had ambitious plans to help its citizens be ready to step over to Bitcoin. Governments gave their own citizens cell phones for free, tied to their government ID, and thus government sought to integrate Bitcoin into their economy. All went well, until "the tragedy" that is. A criminal organization, believed to be located in Russia, exploited a hardware fault in the government issued cell phones. It's believed that the entire continent of Africa lost an estimated 60% of its wealth in a period of 48 hours. What followed was a period of chaos and civil war, until the Saudi Arabian and North Korean governments, two of the world's major superpowers due to their authoritarian political system's unique ability to adapt to the "Bitcoin challenge", divided most African land between themselves and were praised as heroes by the local African population for it.
You might wonder, what is our plan now? It's clear that the current situation can not be sustained, without ending in a nuclear holocaust. I am part of an underground network, who seek to launch a coordinated attack against the very infrastructure of the Internet itself. We have at our disposal about 20 nuclear submarines, which we will use to cut all underwater cables between different continents. After this has been successfully achieved, we will launch a simultaneous nuclear pulse attack on every densely population area of the world. We believe that the resulting chaos will allow the world's population to rise up in revolt, and destroy as many computers out there as possible, until we reach the point where Bitcoin loses any relevance.
Of course, this outcome will likely lead to billions of deaths. This is a price we are forced to pay, to avoid the eternal enslavement of humanity to a tiny elite.
This is also the reason we contacted you.
It doesn't have to be like this. You do not have to share our fate. I don't know how, but you must find a way to destroy this godforsaken project in its infancy. I know this is a difficult thing to ask of you. You believed you were helping the world by eliminating the central banking cartel that governs your economies.
However, I have seen where it ends.

- Well I don't want to believe but the accuracy of what he/she said is pretty amazing. What is your opinion?

well it looks like you are a time traveler from a different timeline of reality, because the timeline we are heading to is the one in which bitcoin is completeing its F.U. chart towards zero

Title: Re: I am a time-traveler from the future, here to beg you to stop what you are doing
Post by: Broly46 on February 03, 2019, 11:03:43 AM
The point is he/she is travel from the future, did he/she become the richest in bitcoin? I wonder what he/she is doing right now after making so much money from the bitcoin?

Title: Re: I am a time-traveler from the future, here to beg you to stop what you are doing
Post by: bitfocus on February 03, 2019, 03:29:00 PM
wow! what a convincing lier! he claims time travel is possible in 2025? well, why was he here and what is his mission on this time line of earth?

Title: Re: I am a time-traveler from the future, here to beg you to stop what you are doing
Post by: Irvinn on February 03, 2019, 05:22:36 PM
wow! what a convincing lier! he claims time travel is possible in 2025? well, why was he here and what is his mission on this time line of earth?
By the end of this year, we will be able to see the falsity of these pessimistic forecasts. The statement says that by the end of 2019, Bitcoin will be one hundred thousand dollars. We can already see that Bitcoin cannot reach such a price by the end of this year. Yes, I generally doubt that he will ever reach the price of one hundred thousand dollars. Such a price would indeed be critical in terms of its volatility and practical price.

Title: Re: I am a time-traveler from the future, here to beg you to stop what you are doing
Post by: cryptovigi on February 04, 2019, 12:01:32 AM
The statement says that by the end of 2019, Bitcoin will be one hundred thousand dollars. We can already see that Bitcoin cannot reach such a price by the end of this year.

what do you mean by "cannot reach"?

I agree that it is very unlikely but it is not impossible.
On January 11, 2017, when bitcoin cost $ 791, many people probably also said "bitcoin cannot reach $ 20,000 in 11 months" and on December 17, 2017 some people paid so much for it - it's a 25-fold increase ...

Today, bitcoin costs 3,500 if it grew 25 times (just like in 2017), we would reach a price of nearly 90,000
Do I myself believe in such a scenario - not really, but whether it is possible at all - yes it is!

Title: Re: I am a time-traveler from the future, here to beg you to stop what you are doing
Post by: boyptc on February 04, 2019, 04:22:08 AM
By the end of this year, we will be able to see the falsity of these pessimistic forecasts. The statement says that by the end of 2019, Bitcoin will be one hundred thousand dollars. We can already see that Bitcoin cannot reach such a price by the end of this year. Yes, I generally doubt that he will ever reach the price of one hundred thousand dollars. Such a price would indeed be critical in terms of its volatility and practical price.
I'm also skeptic about the prediction that bitcoin will reach $100,000 by this year but it doesn't mean that I'm saying it is impossible.

Take the example of 2017, we didn't even predicted that bitcoin shall rise up to $20,000 and everyone's naming the price only at $1,000 by the end of the year but unexpected precedent came.

Title: Re: I am a time-traveler from the future, here to beg you to stop what you are doing
Post by: KingScorpio on February 04, 2019, 05:57:21 AM
he obviously must have missed the right timeline.

Title: Re: I am a time-traveler from the future, here to beg you to stop what you are doing
Post by: Kakmakr on February 04, 2019, 06:32:04 AM
You only have to read this part, " ...From now on, there's a slight slowdown, as the value increased by a factor ten every two years, to 1,000 dollar in 2015, to 10,000 in 2017, 100,000 in 2019, and 1,000,000 in 2021." to see that it is bullshit. He wrote this in Nov 2017 when the price were going to $19 000 and he thought it will go to $100 000 in 2019, which is not true.  ::)

I will surely eat my "Esc" key on my keyboard, if we reach $100 000 this year, but I sure doubt that this will happen very soon.  ::) ;D

Title: Re: I am a time-traveler from the future, here to beg you to stop what you are doing
Post by: coinwizard_ on February 04, 2019, 07:52:31 AM
The numbers aren't too far fetched, they are just off according to the dates, perhaps by a factor of one year. It probably wont hit $100000 this year, bit next year it is definitely possible, especially after the halving

Title: Re: I am a time-traveler from the future, here to beg you to stop what you are doing
Post by: cryptjh on February 04, 2019, 08:06:06 AM
You only have to read this part, " ...From now on, there's a slight slowdown, as the value increased by a factor ten every two years, to 1,000 dollar in 2015, to 10,000 in 2017, 100,000 in 2019, and 1,000,000 in 2021." to see that it is bullshit. He wrote this in Nov 2017 when the price were going to $19 000 and he thought it will go to $100 000 in 2019, which is not true.  ::)

I will surely eat my "Esc" key on my keyboard, if we reach $100 000 this year, but I sure doubt that this will happen very soon.  ::) ;D

The original Reddit post was made in august 2013, so he didn't have any way of knowing the price in 2017. The price of one bitcoin was just around 125 dollars when the post was made, just 2 months after Bitcoin was above 1.000 dollars for the first time. So he was 2 years ahead the predictions to start with. From jan 2014 to jan 2017 the price of one bitcoin was never above 1.000 dollars. So the 2015 goal was never reach.

I would not be surprise if we see Bitcoin hit 100,000 in 2019 or up to 2 years later.

Title: Re: I am a time-traveler from the future, here to beg you to stop what you are doing
Post by: gudman on February 04, 2019, 09:00:59 AM
I am glad that I was able to stir up this topic a little. I myself am very interested in how it all ends. But the question why Reddit deleted his message remains open!  8)
It is also completely unclear why they left comments by deleting the message itself. There is no logic in it.

Title: Re: I am a time-traveler from the future, here to beg you to stop what you are doing
Post by: ivaxmm on March 30, 2019, 05:48:50 PM
This post will be always remembered. It is Bitcoin history, mark my words!

Title: Re: I am a time-traveler from the future, here to beg you to stop what you are doing
Post by: cryptjh on March 30, 2019, 08:40:51 PM
This post will be always remembered. It is Bitcoin history, mark my words!

Yes he really hit bulls eys with that future bitcoin predictions, most of the price predictions in that story is possible, maybe not on the correct year, but we cut end up seeing a world where people lost the trust in central banks and started to store their wealth in bitcoins, gold, and land.
It seems weird that the original story has been removed from Reddit.

Title: Re: I am a time-traveler from the future, here to beg you to stop what you are doing
Post by: plvbob0070 on March 30, 2019, 09:55:53 PM
The fact I spend time reading the whole content, well congrats to me. But why does it feels like a science fiction with tons of actions. Well the plot could work as a movie.
When he stated that he's a time traveller, I already had a second whether to believe it or not. But let's see if what he says will really happen in the future

Title: Re: I am a time-traveler from the future, here to beg you to stop what you are doing
Post by: shesheboy on March 31, 2019, 12:56:47 AM
~ snip ~

cool story bro  .  i wonder why you are still here ?  i thought you are already rich because you can travel times , you can see the outcome of the  cryptos and you can see the outcome of any gambling related stuffs  .  but anyway i wont still believe you or any other time taveller out there because those things are not real . those we see on the net are only hoax  . they are edited and only built for entertainment purposes only   .

Title: Re: I am a time-traveler from the future, here to beg you to stop what you are doing
Post by: r1s2g3 on March 31, 2019, 05:34:11 AM
It is very entertaining story and I liked the city of "Citadel" but why bitcoiners who loves remain to be  anonymous will gather in one place ?
Why you need armed guards for security when nobody knows that you own bitcoin. A few loop holes definitely exist in story but I am really waiting how much it will cost in 2025. 

Title: Re: I am a time-traveler from the future, here to beg you to stop what you are doing
Post by: bhabygrim on March 31, 2019, 04:30:45 PM
It is entertaining story but we all know that it was just a made up story.
We all know that from the point that he stated the price "the value of Bitcoin has increased by about a factor ten. From 0.1 dollar in 2010, to 1 dollar in 2011, to 10 dollar in 2012, to 100 dollar in 2013. From now on, there's a slight slowdown, as the value increased by a factor ten every two years, to 1,000 dollar in 2015, to 10,000 in 2017, 100,000 in 2019"
We all know that it didn't really happen that way.
But so far it was a good story.

Title: Re: I am a time-traveler from the future, here to beg you to stop what you are doing
Post by: zhengqi on March 31, 2019, 10:22:48 PM
It was interesting to read. I understand that everyone wants to see a huge price for bitcoin, but we must think more realistically. More accurate statistics should be used for analysis.

Title: Re: I am a time-traveler from the future, here to beg you to stop what you are doing
Post by: Tylev on April 08, 2019, 04:08:53 AM
Even externally to look at the prediction of the price of Bitcoin, it becomes obvious that it does not correspond to reality. In 2017, Bitcoin increased in price to $ 20,000, and not to $ 10,000, as indicated in this letter, which appeared four years ago. Apparently, they could not have imagined that Bitcoin could grow so high in 2017. At the same time, it is predicted that by the end of this year, Bitcoin will reach the price of 100,000 bolars. This forecast is not real. Bitcoin this year is not able to rise to such a price. He is unlikely to rise to his previous level of $ 20,000.
In general, the forecast turned out some gloomy. Bitcoin and other decentralized cryptocurrency can not say such a strong impact on the economy of all states. It is able to go around the world only as an auxiliary currency in addition to the existing national currencies and cannot replace them.

Title: Re: I am a time-traveler from the future, here to beg you to stop what you are doing
Post by: teejayrichard2 on April 11, 2019, 10:01:24 PM
Sounds more like a movie to me. As far as am concerned this story is not real and should be neglected. This is just another means to discourage people from accepting and adopting the use of bitcoin but then it is already a failed attempt.

Title: Re: I am a time-traveler from the future, here to beg you to stop what you are doing
Post by: hotimbineh on April 11, 2019, 10:39:16 PM
I like the story section; that bitcoin rises from year to year and bitcoin is used as a mass transaction but the story is not good when bitcoin becomes a source of trouble in the future.
and I don't think this is a serious thing unless I mention this as mere fiction ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D