Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: pikapay on July 02, 2013, 01:30:53 PM

Title: Bitcoin Wednesday - First Wednesday of the Month
Post by: pikapay on July 02, 2013, 01:30:53 PM
Call it a just coincidence or take part in one of the world's most exciting global tech revolutions.

Tomorrow, the first Wednesday of the Month, there will (by last count) Bitcoin Meetings in the following 9 10 cities:

    Amsterdam (
    Buenos Aires
    Las Vegas


    ... and add your city here.

    I'm posting this on the main board, because I think it's time to show worldwide solidarity and do whatever's needed to make this into a popular global movement.

    Recent market research shows a quarter of U.S. consumers have heard of Bitcoin and the majority of them trust it. In some countries these numbers are even higher.

    Join us and help spread the word: First Wednesday of the month is Bitcoin Wednesday.

    The next Bitcoin Wednesday is August 7.

    Title: Re: Bitcoin Wednesday - First Wednesday of the Month
    Post by: pikapay on July 02, 2013, 01:35:50 PM

    We'll be here tomorrow:

    If you're in the neighborhood, come join us.

    Title: Re: Bitcoin Wednesday - First Wednesday of the Month
    Post by: Tuxavant on July 02, 2013, 03:13:08 PM
    Las Vegas has had a standing Wednesday Bitcoin Lunch Mob for several months. Count us in.

    Title: Re: Bitcoin Wednesday - First Wednesday of the Month
    Post by: Eric Muyser on July 02, 2013, 05:11:21 PM
    Definitely going to be at the next Vancouver. Suckssss my plane doesn't land until the 7th. I hope it's a good showing and yall enjoy.

    Title: Re: Bitcoin Wednesday - First Wednesday of the Month
    Post by: Nagle on July 02, 2013, 05:18:30 PM
    Wednesday is an important day. It's the day Mt. Gox is in default on stopping outbound transfers in US dollars.

    Title: Re: Bitcoin Wednesday - First Wednesday of the Month
    Post by: pikapay on July 03, 2013, 11:25:24 AM

    Added Las Vegas above.  Now 10 cities.

    Would someone like to add a Bitcoin Wednesday list to the wiki?

    Title: Re: Bitcoin Wednesday - First Wednesday of the Month
    Post by: pikapay on July 04, 2013, 09:04:15 AM

    The Amsterdam edition was big success.

    Interesting people and inspiring conversations in the cafe of Amsterdam's City Theater.  It will be an exciting time for Bitcoin in the Netherlands.

    Title: Re: Bitcoin Wednesday - First Wednesday of the Month
    Post by: Tuxavant on July 04, 2013, 01:07:47 PM
    7 attendees in vegas!

    Title: Re: Bitcoin Wednesday - First Wednesday of the Month
    Post by: Tuxavant on July 06, 2013, 12:18:49 AM

    Title: Bitcoin Wednesday - First Wednesday of the Month -- August 7
    Post by: pikapay on July 10, 2013, 10:49:14 AM

    Thanks.  Great start, and all ready for August 7!

    Don't see your city on the list, just add it.


    Title: Re: Bitcoin Wednesday - First Wednesday of the Month
    Post by: Huesos on July 10, 2013, 12:49:18 PM
    Los Angeles is having a Bitcoin meeting today!!!

    Title: Re: Bitcoin Wednesday - First Wednesday of the Month
    Post by: Tuxavant on July 10, 2013, 01:22:29 PM
    Las Vegas checking in. Today at noon.

    Title: Re: Bitcoin Wednesday - First Wednesday of the Month
    Post by: dirtscience on July 10, 2013, 03:19:28 PM
    How can I join this?

    Title: Re: Bitcoin Wednesday - First Wednesday of the Month
    Post by: Tuxavant on July 10, 2013, 04:07:58 PM
    Join what? A particular event, or start your own event?

    Title: Re: Bitcoin Wednesday - First Wednesday of the Month
    Post by: cowanjeffrey93 on July 10, 2013, 04:23:15 PM
    Call it a just coincidence or take part in one of the world's most exciting global tech revolutions.

    Tomorrow, the first Wednesday of the Month, there will (by last count) Bitcoin Meetings in the following 9 10 cities:

      Buenos Aires
      Las Vegas

    ... and add your city here.

    I'm posting this on the main board, because I think it's time to show worldwide solidarity and do whatever's needed to make this into a popular global movement.

    Recent market research shows a quarter of U.S. consumers have heard of Bitcoin and the majority of them trust it. In some countries these numbers are even higher.

    Join us and help spread the word: First Wednesday of the month is Bitcoin Wednesday.

    The next Bitcoin Wednesday is August 7.


    Title: Re: Bitcoin Wednesday - First Wednesday of the Month
    Post by: jasperIL2267 on July 10, 2013, 10:22:33 PM
    cool man wednesday my favorite today... and todays a wednesday :o :D :p

    Title: Re: Bitcoin Wednesday - First Wednesday of the Month
    Post by: steelboy on July 10, 2013, 11:26:59 PM
    Anyone got any info or tips on what goes on at one of these events.

    I would like to organise something in my local area but don't really know where to start really.

    Title: Re: Bitcoin Wednesday - First Wednesday of the Month
    Post by: Tuxavant on July 11, 2013, 01:02:47 PM
    Check out to see if there are any groups in your area.

    Then check out for people buying/selling in your area.

    Reach out to all of them and see if they are interested in meeting up on Bitcoin Wednesday.

    When you get a meeting going, it's just socializing. We talk about the latest bitcoin news, projects we're working on, or more general stuff like politics, etc.
    Try and get a poster board and easel to put on your table or near your gathering spot so others around you know what you're doing - it helps awareness and you'll be surprised how many "outsiders" inquire and have "heard something about it" and want to  know more.

    Then when you get brave and motivated enough, you can entice merchants with your growing numbers and ask them to accept bitcoin in return for your patronage.

    It's GREAT fun!

    Title: Re: Bitcoin Wednesday - First Wednesday of the Month
    Post by: pikapay on July 12, 2013, 07:53:07 AM

    Good questions.

    What goes on at these events?

    You are limited only by your own imagination.  Based on what I've seen first hand, you can:

    * Socialize with other great people interested in Bitcoin: Newcomers, gurus and early pioneers, writers, entrepreneurs, economists, investors, activists, etc. Celebrities have been known to drop in on these events. Don't see someone you think should be there, just bring them along.

    * Learn more and teach others.

    * Buy, sell, barter.  Keep the coins circulating in the community.

    * Talk about how to spread Bitcoin to more people, more businesses.

    * Engage in fascinating conversations.

    * Demonstrate or pitch your latest Bitcoin project.

    * Hold presentations and debates.

    * Indulge in good food and drink.

    * Plot your next Bitcoin heist (just kidding).

    How do I organize one in my community?

    You can just do it.  Here are some tips.

    1. Find a location.  It helps if the meeting place is accessible and has WiFi.  They do not have to accept Bitcoin yet.  The next date for Bitcoin Wednesday is August 7.

    2. Add your city to the list -- at the end of this thread, or update the Bitcoin Wednesday wiki here: (

    3. Invite local Bitcoin people.  You can find them on the regional section of this forum, on, on Reddit ( on Meetup sites, on Facebook, on Twitter.

    4. Show up and have fun.

    Title: Re: Bitcoin Wednesday - First Wednesday of the Month
    Post by: pikapay on July 15, 2013, 02:01:37 PM

    We've made 75 Free Tickets Available for Bitcoin Wednesday Amsterdam on 7 August:

    Title: Re: Bitcoin Wednesday - First Wednesday of the Month
    Post by: pikapay on August 04, 2013, 01:02:18 PM

    The Dutch Bitcoin community is again ready to go for Bitcoin Wednesday on 7 August.

    This time it will be a follow up to the international Hacker's festival OHM2013 in the Netherlands, where a number of Bitcoin entrepreneurs, technologists and activists were present.

    There will be a few short talks to kick off the event.

    We meet again in the heart of Amsterdam, financial center of the Netherlands, in the City Theater Cafe at 20:00 -- Stadschouwburg Leidseplein.

    Registration for the event is here:

    Title: Re: Bitcoin Wednesday - First Wednesday of the Month
    Post by: pikapay on August 30, 2013, 05:21:33 AM

    Next Wednesday, 4 September, is the next edition of Bitcoin Wednesday.

    If you're in Amsterdam, the gig starts at 20:00 in the cafe of the City Theater on the Leidseplein (renamed for the occasion Satoshiplein).

    This is the last Bitcoin Wednesday before the big international conference held on 26, 27 and 28 September in the "Rose Theater".  It looks like it will be a big event.  One of the organizers of the event will be on hand to talk about the 3-day show that they are putting together.

    It should be interesting, so look forward to seeing you there.

    Title: Re: Bitcoin Wednesday - First Wednesday of the Month
    Post by: Tuxavant on August 30, 2013, 12:41:47 PM continues to sponsor Bitcoin Lunch Mobs each wednesday at noon at various merchants around town. Check the website for meetup details.

    Title: Re: Bitcoin Wednesday - First Wednesday of the Month
    Post by: pikapay on August 31, 2013, 11:36:53 AM

    Bitcoin Wednesday Lunch Mobs!  Nice idea.

    Title: Re: Bitcoin Wednesday - First Wednesday of the Month
    Post by: Tuxavant on August 31, 2013, 01:02:12 PM
    If you can get together a regular group of people to attend, I can offer some tips to help convince merchants to give Bitcoin a try.

    Set a regular schedule for your lunch mob so it is easy for members to set time aside and participate.

    A few days before the lunch mob, visit the merchant and offer to "pre pay for a lunch party". Offer then $200 in cash to hold to get their attention long enough to tell them they need to spend a few minutes to learn about bitcoin wallets and how bitcoin works. Tell them your group wants to pay in bitcoin to them so they need to know how to use it. Then, after the lunch is over, you'll settle up with them on the bitcoin/cash - basically, you'll be buying the bitcoins back and they will want to keep the cash.

    Sometimes they go for it. If they do, or if they don't, offer them a bitcoin tip jar for their register(s). Basically, a piece of paper that says "we are experimenting with bitcoins" and a verify url and tipping address for each register. If they are not interested in accepting bitcoins for meals, the tip jar is a solid fall back with zero risk to them as tips are never expected. Watch the address as your memeber so in to visit (encourage them to do so over the next couple weeks). When the tip jar gets $20 or so, pay them a visit again and show them the tips. Offer to buy those bitcoins for cash, but make sure you make them understand they have to do some work to get it like install a wallet, import the key, and spend it to you.

    Title: Re: Bitcoin Wednesday - First Wednesday of the Month
    Post by: pikapay on August 31, 2013, 04:03:46 PM
    That's an excellent approach.  What are the most common objections you hear?

    Title: Re: Bitcoin Wednesday - First Wednesday of the Month
    Post by: MWNinja on August 31, 2013, 04:31:05 PM
    The Arizona Bitcoin Meetup group participates in Bitcoin Wednesday

    Next Phoenix Bitcoin meetup will be the meetup at Cafe Altura (in the food court of the Fiesta Mall, near US 60 and Alma School) on September 4th, 7-9 PM. Our speaker with be Drew Phillips who will will discuss BitcoinNotBombs.

    Cafe Altura is accepting BTC for payments generally, and during this event a 20% discount to all members, as well as free brewed coffee. Please join us.

    Title: Re: Bitcoin Wednesday - First Wednesday of the Month
    Post by: Tuxavant on August 31, 2013, 04:40:32 PM

    That's an excellent approach.  What are the most common objectives you hear?

    They are a captive audience and don't want to be "sold" anything.

    Title: Re: Bitcoin Wednesday - First Wednesday of the Month
    Post by: CompNsci on August 31, 2013, 09:37:44 PM
    Next Bitcoin Wednesday in Phoenix will have a meetup at Altura Cafe in the Fiesta Mall, 7-9 PM.

    More details at

    Title: Re: Bitcoin Wednesday - First Wednesday of the Month
    Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on August 31, 2013, 10:31:23 PM
    cool man wednesday my favorite today... and todays a wednesday :o :D :p

    Either somebody stole my avatar or theymos added it to the availability list on this forum.;u=133799

    Title: Re: Bitcoin Wednesday - First Wednesday of the Month
    Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on August 31, 2013, 10:39:15 PM

    That's an excellent approach.  What are the most common objectives you hear?

    They are a captive audience and don't want to be "sold" anything.

    Useless they're clueless, you're selling them repeat business. I suggest informing them that because of their fine establishment, you thought it best to approach them first with the near zero risk proposal, also informing them in almost the same breath that if they respectfully decline the offer, you're prepare to go to their direct competition with the exact same offer.

    Title: Re: Bitcoin Wednesday - First Wednesday of the Month
    Post by: Mitchell on August 31, 2013, 10:41:16 PM
    I would be interested to join one in the state "Overijsel, The Netherlands". Preferably in the east, near the German border. Somewhere near "Hengelo" for example.

    Title: Re: Bitcoin Wednesday - First Wednesday of the Month
    Post by: Tuxavant on August 31, 2013, 10:43:35 PM
    I think it's because I'm in vegas and everyone is use to scam attempts. They don't want to hear anything you have to say because bitcoin "sounds too good to be true".

    Free payment processing? Uh huh, what's the catch.

    No hardware to purchase or maintain? No subscription fees?

    No chargebacks? yea right.

    Oh, AND you're going to set me up for free? Get the fuck out of here, scammer, I have a business to run.

    Useless they're clueless, you're selling them repeat business. I suggest informing them that because of their fine establishment, you thought it best to approach them first with the near zero risk proposal, also informing them in almost the same breath that if they respectfully decline the offer, you're prepare to go to their direct competition with the exact same offer.

    Title: Re: Bitcoin Wednesday - First Wednesday of the Month
    Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 01, 2013, 12:10:07 AM
    I think it's because I'm in vegas and everyone is use to scam attempts. They don't want to hear anything you have to say because bitcoin "sounds too good to be true".

    Free payment processing? Uh huh, what's the catch.

    No hardware to purchase or maintain? No subscription fees?

    No chargebacks? yea right.

    Oh, AND you're going to set me up for free? Get the fuck out of here, scammer, I have a business to run.

    Useless they're clueless, you're selling them repeat business. I suggest informing them that because of their fine establishment, you thought it best to approach them first with the near zero risk proposal, also informing them in almost the same breath that if they respectfully decline the offer, you're prepare to go to their direct competition with the exact same offer.

    If memory serves me, isn't there a slew of B&M in Germany that could be referenced to?

    Title: Re: Bitcoin Wednesday - First Wednesday of the Month
    Post by: pikapay on September 30, 2013, 12:47:57 PM
    The 4th Bitcoin Wednesday in Amsterdam will have a new location:

    Cafe Brandstof, Marnixstraat 431 on the corner of the Rozengracht and right down the street from the Rosentheater -- the theater where Bitcoin Europe was held.

    We meet on 2 October, Wednesday night at 20:00

    This time we'll have a semi-official After Party for the Bitcoin Europe Conference.  Some of us are still hanging around Amsterdam, and we'll get together.

    Time: 20:00, Wednesday, 2 october

    Location: Cafe Brandstof, Marnixstraat 431 (corner of Rozengracht, across from the Fire Station)

    Thanks to the dedicated work of some Bitcoiners, Amsterdam now has its (I think first) restaurant that accepts Bitcoin.  A small Thai restaurant called Warie's, right across the street from Cafe Brandstof.  Food there is both delicious and affordable.  See

    Register for Bitcoin Wednesday here ( and we'll know you're joining us.

    Title: 1 Year Anniversary Celebration: Bitcoin Wednesday - First Wednesday of the Month
    Post by: pikapay on June 22, 2014, 01:06:54 PM

    We made it!

    On 2 July 2014 Bitcoin Wednesday will be celebrating their 1st year anniversary with the 13th edition of Bitcoin Wednesday.

    Just like Bitcoin itself, Bitcoin Wednesday just keeps on going: We have held a Bitcoin event on every first Wednesday of the month for a full year.

    At the first one, a year ago, we were glad when about a dozen people came to meet us.  Today we've got a list of about 400 strong and are the largest monthly meetup group in the country.

    Come and join the celebration on 2 July in Amsterdam if you can:

    Register free until 30 June:

    Even if you can't make it, you can still tip us!

    Title: Re: Bitcoin Wednesday - 1st Wednesday of the Month with Andreas M. Antonopoulo
    Post by: pikapay on March 29, 2015, 01:28:58 PM
    We are still going strong here in Amsterdam.

    The 22nd consecutive monthly edition of ( will be held this Wednesday:

    Date: Wednesday, April 1st, 2015
    Time: 19:00 - 22:00
    Place: Amsterdam

    Featuring Andreas M. Antonopoulos

    Mr. Antonopoulos has been invited by the Dutch Bitcoin Foundation to talk with Dutch authorities on improving the legal landscape for the digital currency revolution.

    For the full program, see (

    Registration is open and free, but places are limited.  Register now to reserve your place!

    Check out our new video trailer: (

    Title: Re: Bitcoin Wednesday - First Wednesday of the Month
    Post by: pikapay on March 30, 2015, 07:17:42 PM
    The complete schedule for this Wednesday night ( is now online.

    @aantonop's latest Tweet: (

    Registration is free.  We have just a few tickets left.

    See you there.

    Title: Re: Bitcoin Wednesday - First Wednesday of the Month
    Post by: pikapay on June 20, 2018, 01:06:13 AM
    Bitcoin Wednesday celebrates its 5-year anniversary with a 2-day conference on 4-5 July 2018.

    We have not missed a single first Wednesday of the month for this event going all the way back to our "genesis event" in 2013.  (See the beginning of this thread to find out about when it all started.)

    To mark this unbroken chain of events we'll have 2 full days of presentations and will feature talks about Lightning Network, smart contracts, tokens for enterprise and industry, the investment case for Bitcoin and much more.


    Some of the milestones we've reached in our 5-year journey:

    More than 60 events with guests and speakers from more than 35 countries.  One of the largest Meetup groups in this part of the world.  Join here:

    For program details see


    Early Bird Tickets

    Registration has started with an early-bird ticket price of 99 EUR (Bitcoin accepted only), although they will increase later this week.

    (Tickets will not come close to covering the venue expenses, hence the need for corporate sponsors.)

    Call For Proposals, Papers and Presentations

    If you have any research relevant to issues surrounding blockchain technology and the digital currency revolution, your proposal for a presentation at the Amsterdam conference would be most welcome.

    Please see for details.