Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Services => Topic started by: Uao on November 30, 2017, 12:49:57 AM

Title: ✍ [FREE/PAID] Uao's community graphic design services
Post by: Uao on November 30, 2017, 12:49:57 AM

STATUS: Finished.

UPDATE 2020: No more community work currently.

UPDATE 10/2019: you can now also request infographics. Recent: 0xD Project ANN ( & Promotion thread (


Hello world!

I'm Uao and I will be designing professional logos & graphics for some of your startups, blockchain businesses, ICO's, orgs, YouTube channels (and even forum avatars).


- pro bono projects, effectively for free.
- paid projects.


- unique graphics, designed from scratch, per your specifications (without using any premade graphics or templates)
- exclusively designed for you (your business/or personal brand)
- you can use it anywhere in commercial or non-commercial projects (your full copyright)
- you can print it on anything (use it offline with the files we provide)
- delivery of any resolutions and files you might need, including the source vector file


In order to apply for a design project, please post your specifications in this thread by answering the following:

#1 - What type of graphics do you need?
(ie. logo design/infographics/ANN or promotion thread design/branding/etc)
#2 - What text should be present in the design?
(your business name/website/org/forum name; ie. "SatoshiN98" or "")
#3 - Describe your business/brand/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word
(ie. "innovation")
#4 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
(could also be an image/sketch/existing logo that you like, for reference)
#5 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
(ie. blue & white, or leave it to the designer to choose)
#6 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
#7 - (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?

Example of an ACCEPTABLE post:

#1 - Logo design only
#2 - GatorCoin
#3 - Innovation
#4 - A coin with an alligator head on it
#5 - Green & black
#6 - Saving animals with blockchain tech
#7 - B. Symbol/Icon-based


- it's nice to give back to the community (long-time forum lurker myself)
- you CAN pay with crypto / Bitcoin for logo design services (what better way to showcase design skills)
- we can potentially make a difference in design quality standards (crypto businesses) which in turn might lead to increased adoption
- can't say no to a challenge really, love to buidl


Here are a few past clients:

Lost Hire

PK Auth

Pixel Critics


- Posting your design specifications early in the thread does not mean your logo will be designed and I may or may not select to work on projects in chronological order.
- This is a limited promotion and work may stop at any point so there is no guarantee I will design your logo for free.
- Not posting your design specifications in the format specified in this post will probably mean I ignore your post.

Uao  ;)


#1 Agrawalgroup for WritingG123;u=1062084

#2 Zenpact for semajy;u=1366685

Hello!  Just joined the forum because of this post! :D

#1 - Zenpact
#2 - Contracts
#3 - Sorry no idea!  I'm currently using svg text of the name as a placeholder.....
#4 - black, maybe some dark blue
#5 - Making contract creation, negotiation, and (digital) signing as easy as possible (not blockchain based)
#6 - A. Font-based

Thanks so much!

#3 CryptoX for WritingG123;u=1062084

Can I request another one?  ;)
I am not reselling these just have tons of idea.

#1 - CryptoX
#2 - Innovation
#3 - Sleek and modern
#4 - Your discretion
#5 - Customers paying with crypto in regular life
#6 - No clue

#4 Teddy5145 for teddy5145;u=513960

Is it Ok if I request an avatar for my steam account?

#1 Teddy5145
#2 Simple
#3 I don't really have an idea, but something colorful would be nice
#4 I'll leave that to you
#5 none
#5 Font based

Thanks :)

#5 Bountify for CryptoBeefy;u=1139774

First off ... Great work and a lovely gesture of free, some awesome logos there.

1. Bountify
2. BountyTracking
3. No idea
4. Logo will be sat on a bright blue background. We use, white, grey and the odd splash of green, yellow and occasionally red. All in a 'flat' style.
5. When bounty hunting, it gets difficult managing all in a spreadsheet when you have many ongoing projects, we aim to create a piece of software which modernises this.
6. Either a symbol with simple wording next to it or a combination where the symbol is in the word.

Thanks in advance

#6 TagaMungkahi for TagaMungkahi;u=1121143

#1 - TagaMungkahi
#2 - Management Services
#3 - more of a banner/Avatar for my campaign services?
#4 - I really like this kind of powdered color explosion but more on the mix of pastel light pink and blue
#5 - To provide transparent Campaign Management Services.
#6 -  B. Symbol/Icon-based
I hope you can make one, Thank you

#7 rjbtc2017 for rjbtc2017;u=1011165

#1 - rjbtc2017
#2 - Bounty Campaign Management Services
#3 - Avatar and banner if it is okay.
#4 - i would like to have this kind of feel
#5 - HQ/Low rates Bounty Campaign Management Services
#6 -  B. Symbol/Icon-based
Is it still available? I hope i'm still eligible for the free graphics, Thank you so much.

#8 Bitcoin Antics for DirtyMartini;u=1048603

Hi Uao - If your very generous offer is still open, I'm after a logo for a blogsite if you're up for it..

#1 Bitcoin Antics
#2 Newbie-friendly edu-tainment (sorry that's more than one word)  ;)
#3 Clean text, Bitcoin logo as the 'B'
#4 Maybe Black, White and Bitcoin logo.. (Rest of blog styling is brightly coloured, pop art inspired)
#5 Newbie-friendly, female-friendly, one-stop guide to all things Bitcoin
#6 Font Based

Let me know what you think..  ;D :D

#9 PanamaShopping for UnknownTechGuy;u=1005733

Wow, really impressed with the work, and without a cost? Amazing.

#1 - What text should be present in the design?
#2 - Describe your business/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word
Shopping Online in Panama
#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
Sorry, no idea here
#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
Not really
#5 - Making online shopping, finally a reality in my country

Thanks a lot.
Any donations wallet?

#10 Coiniverse for yogg;u=140827

Hey Uao,

I need a logo for a project, please. :)
If you are still doing them, I'd love to have one !  ;D

#1 - What text should be present in the design?

#2 - Describe your business/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word

#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
Having the BTC logo with a yellow or green line (for a price chart - same colour as the BTC logo) skyrocketting and next to it, have a red line crashing with a red $ sign, same for € and £ etc ...

#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
Simple colors. Green, yellow, blue, red.

#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
Help non-tech people buy and sell bitcoin.

#6 - (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?

#11 Bali Parwa for;u=1055953

Bali Parwa
#1 - Bali Parwa
#2 - Travel
#3 - Holiday, Traveling, Art, Culture, Sea, Temple, or Coconut Tree
#4 - Color that make you excited
#5 - Explore and DIscover New Things in Bali
#6 - Symbol/Icon-based

#12 Goosebit for;u=1055953

#1 - Goosebit
#2 - Cryptocurrency
#3 - A goose
#4 - #f19400 (orange)
#5 - Cryptocurrency Zone
#6 - Symbol/Icon-based

#13 for component9;u=1055953
#1 - What text should be present in the design?

#2 - Describe your business/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word

#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
(suggestion only) Something with wings on it - could be as simple as a circle with wings with letters following in the air

#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
Blue should be in it somewhere

#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
High quality content

#6 - (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?
Mascot (see #3)? I'm open to suggestions

Thank you

#14 Bitcoin MXN for LilibethSantos;u=917541
#1 - Bitcoin MXN
#2 - News Website
#3 - Perhaps a combination of the Mexican flag with the BTC symbol.
#4 - Green, white, red
#5 - It's for an upcoming Spanish-speaking news website.

#15 for examplens;u=314792
Interesting service offer.
Here is mine request if still available

#1 - What text should be present in the design?

#2 - Describe your business/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word

#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
artistic freedom

#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
i give you free hand for choice

#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
SEO Tools is a free bundled collection of best seo tools website

#6 - (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?


#16 Blockwear   for differential350;u=146532
I love your designs, you're great!

#1 - Blockwear

#2 - Anonymity/Cryptocurrencies clothing

#3 - Something crypto related

#5 - Dunno, don't put anything as motto/subtitle

#6 - Font or icon based or both

Thank you!

#17 Anyobsss for Anyobsss;u=1030587
Hello :) please create a logo for me
#1 Anyobsss
#2 Creative or artistic
#3 i don't really know how i want it to look like.
#4 i dont know
#5 signature design service
#6 B

I dont really know what i want it to look like, i just want you to create me a logo, i would be happy if you will be able to create me an awesome logo

Thanks in advance :)

#18 STT for STT;u=124876
>  (or even forum avatars):

Can you do a forum avatar for me, something with a tiger perhaps or whatever combination of STT you find striking.   I'll put your text/website underneath so no need for text on it, not even my name as thats just an idea whatever designer likes.   If I like it I'll wear whenever not otherwise engaged on a campaign :)

  • STT
  • Verve
  • STT or an animal maybe combination of the two
  • I like the cyan on black in my current avatar or whatever designer finds especially a highlight

#19 The Quiz Portal for shamzblueworld;u=858892
#1 - The Quiz Portal
#2 - Quizzes for preparing for Tests and Exams
#3 - Gateway to MCQs Success is our tagline, gateway = portal. MCQ Quizzes are our main thing. (You can be creative when it comes to designing it)
#4 - Yes, you can take a look at the current style and theme at (
#5 - Preparing students for MCQ exams, a portal to practice quizzes to learn subjective knowledge.
#6 - Something Symbolic along with the text. But you can decide what will be best keeping the project in mind.

#20 for Kema;u=1047291
If this offer is still open, I could use some help with a logo.

- Pillage and plunder!
- Faucetviking
- A viking pillaging cryptocurrency.
- Designer's choice
- Like Robin Hood, I bring earnings back to the people (users).
- Banner design, "Viking  mascot" + text

#21 Signature Designer for hugeblack;u=1059082
#1 - What text should be present in the design?
Hugeblack Signature Designer or Signature Designer.
#2 - Describe your business/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word
Signature Designer
#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
I'm not Professional in designing logo it’s my try
#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
check (
#6 - (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?

# I like your Designs check my Signature Designing service if you interested can make teamwork.

#22 ProCoded for se150401317;u=1015967

Superb Designs! Please accept my request too.

#1 - ProCoded
#2 - Programming & Coding exercises, tutorials, assignments etc. are build, coded, explained and shared. (Its an upcoming project of us University Students)
#3 - ProCoded stands for CODE done by Pro Programmers. This is the base idea behind it.
#4 - No. We are yet to work on the website, so you can choose whichever suits you about the subject, and we may build our website style selecting those colors. You can pick any, but do consider our subject in selecting the colors if appropriate.
#5 - The vision is to build a database of Programming and Coding exercises for students as well as people with the interest to learn, understand coding and programming and also share their own creativity in Coding and Programming.
#6 - Symbol/Icon based with the readable font too.

Would really appreciate your effort.
Thank you

This is already too long. Not including newest projects in OP.

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (free)
Post by: Uao on November 30, 2017, 01:58:25 AM
#1 - Agrawalgroup
#2 - Marketing
#3 - No idea
#4 - No idea
#5 - No idea
#6 - No Idea

I'm working on your project currently. Even though you provided very few specifications, you are #1 post itt so I had to honor it.

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (free)
Post by: Uao on November 30, 2017, 02:47:57 AM
#1 - Agrawalgroup
#2 - Marketing
#3 - No idea
#4 - No idea
#5 - No idea
#6 - No Idea

Just finished work.

Here's the mockup:

PM for files.

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on November 30, 2017, 04:01:26 AM
Wow that's great work! Thanks so much.

Great to hear that!

I'm sending the files momentarily. Emailed.

PS: Also including one 120x80 version so you can use it as a forum avatar if you want to.

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on November 30, 2017, 08:25:37 PM
Alright, I'm taking new projects today.

(Please read OP before replying)

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: semajy on December 01, 2017, 03:21:01 AM
Hello!  Just joined the forum because of this post! :D

#1 - Zenpact
#2 - Contracts
#3 - Sorry no idea!  I'm currently using svg text of the name as a placeholder.....
#4 - black, maybe some dark blue
#5 - Making contract creation, negotiation, and (digital) signing as easy as possible (not blockchain based)
#6 - A. Font-based

Thanks so much!

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 01, 2017, 03:33:29 AM
Hello!  Just joined the forum because of this post! :D

#1 - Zenpact
#2 - Contracts
#3 - Sorry no idea!  I'm currently using svg text of the name as a placeholder.....
#4 - black, maybe some dark blue
#5 - Making contract creation, negotiation, and (digital) signing as easy as possible (not blockchain based)
#6 - A. Font-based

Thanks so much!

Welcome to the forum, glad to hear that my post is the reason you've joined!

I'm already working on your design.

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 01, 2017, 04:47:34 AM
Hello!  Just joined the forum because of this post! :D

#1 - Zenpact
#2 - Contracts
#3 - Sorry no idea!  I'm currently using svg text of the name as a placeholder.....
#4 - black, maybe some dark blue
#5 - Making contract creation, negotiation, and (digital) signing as easy as possible (not blockchain based)
#6 - A. Font-based

Thanks so much!

Finished work.



Post your feedback here if you want and PM me for the files.

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 01, 2017, 05:11:02 PM

I'm available for new projects today.

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: semajy on December 01, 2017, 06:41:47 PM
Much thanks and impressed with the speed!

If you don't mind doing another pass on the logo, I have some feedback on the logo:

1) Not a fan of using the document icon.  It feels too generic.....
2) Putting the document icon in the C makes the C look like an O which could be very confusing
3) I just had an idea of doing something with the idea of "Zen" and the goal of two parties coming to a harmonious agreement that both sides are happy with
4) I'm using mostly 'Open Sans' font in my website, so I think the font used in the logo should complement the Open Sans style.
5) The logo should look good on both white and black backgrounds (maybe via inverting the colors).

If you decide not to do another pass I understand.  Thanks either way!

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 01, 2017, 07:20:02 PM
Much thanks and impressed with the speed!

If you don't mind doing another pass on the logo, I have some feedback on the logo:

1) Not a fan of using the document icon.  It feels too generic.....
2) Putting the document icon in the C makes the C look like an O which could be very confusing
3) I just had an idea of doing something with the idea of "Zen" and the goal of two parties coming to a harmonious agreement that both sides are happy with
4) I'm using mostly 'Open Sans' font in my website, so I think the font used in the logo should complement the Open Sans style.
5) The logo should look good on both white and black backgrounds (maybe via inverting the colors).

If you decide not to do another pass I understand.  Thanks either way!

You're welcome!

Sure, I will design an additional concept per your new specifications.

Before I begin any work though, do you mind clarifying this statement:

3) I just had an idea of doing something with the idea of "Zen" and the goal of two parties coming to a harmonious agreement that both sides are happy with

Rephrasing this or being more specific might help the final design.

I just want to make sure I understand your idea and that we're on the same page.

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: semajy on December 01, 2017, 08:55:20 PM

About 3)

Just thinking in terms of the overall design of the logo and how the graphics on the logo can utilize the concepts of "zen" and a "harmonious agreement" but at the same time maintaining a professional feel.  I was impressed by the designs on PkAuth and PixelCritic and how the graphics on the logo really complemented the text.  I hope that clarifies!

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 02, 2017, 12:21:22 AM

About 3)

Just thinking in terms of the overall design of the logo and how the graphics on the logo can utilize the concepts of "zen" and a "harmonious agreement" but at the same time maintaining a professional feel.  I was impressed by the designs on PkAuth and PixelCritic and how the graphics on the logo really complemented the text.  I hope that clarifies!

Thanks for clarifying that. I'm working on your logo right now.

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: retampan on December 02, 2017, 01:25:07 AM
I'll request a favicon logo.
#1 - The logo looks like this
#2 - A software download website
#3 - Circle with the text I mentioned before:
#4 - The R and T will have a separate color. For the R on the right, I'll choose teal, #25a186 (Hex code). For the T on the left, I'll choose white. For the circle, I'll choose black.
#5 - -
#6 - -

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 02, 2017, 02:00:29 AM
Much thanks and impressed with the speed!

If you don't mind doing another pass on the logo, I have some feedback on the logo:

1) Not a fan of using the document icon.  It feels too generic.....
2) Putting the document icon in the C makes the C look like an O which could be very confusing
3) I just had an idea of doing something with the idea of "Zen" and the goal of two parties coming to a harmonious agreement that both sides are happy with
4) I'm using mostly 'Open Sans' font in my website, so I think the font used in the logo should complement the Open Sans style.
5) The logo should look good on both white and black backgrounds (maybe via inverting the colors).

If you decide not to do another pass I understand.  Thanks either way!

Just finished work on the new concept.



Let me know of your feedback once more.

Can I request another one?  ;)
I am not reselling these just have tons of idea.

#1 - CryptoX
#2 - Innovation
#3 - Sleek and modern
#4 - Your discretion
#5 - Customers paying with crypto in regular life
#6 - No clue

Sure, you're up next.

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 02, 2017, 05:16:26 AM
Can I request another one?  ;)
I am not reselling these just have tons of idea.

#1 - CryptoX
#2 - Innovation
#3 - Sleek and modern
#4 - Your discretion
#5 - Customers paying with crypto in regular life
#6 - No clue

Your design is ready:


Next Up:

I'll request a favicon logo.
#1 - The logo looks like this
#2 - A software download website
#3 - Circle with the text I mentioned before:
#4 - The R and T will have a separate color. For the R on the right, I'll choose teal, #25a186 (Hex code). For the T on the left, I'll choose white. For the circle, I'll choose black.
#5 - -
#6 - -

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: semajy on December 02, 2017, 05:54:02 PM
The new Zenpact logo is definitely an improvement but it still doesn't feel quite right...It looks more like a sports logo than a logo for a business.  Kinda reminds me of an olympics, or fifa logo...  I think maybe something simpler but more elegant?

Here's a few examples that invoke that feel I'm going for:

Thanks again!

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: teddy5145 on December 02, 2017, 06:16:38 PM
Is it Ok if I request an avatar for my steam account?

#1 Teddy5145
#2 Simple
#3 I don't really have an idea, but something colorful would be nice
#4 I'll leave that to you
#5 none
#5 Font based

Thanks :)

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 02, 2017, 07:15:02 PM
I'll request a favicon logo.
#1 - The logo looks like this
#2 - A software download website
#3 - Circle with the text I mentioned before:
#4 - The R and T will have a separate color. For the R on the right, I'll choose teal, #25a186 (Hex code). For the T on the left, I'll choose white. For the circle, I'll choose black.
#5 - -
#6 - -

retampan, finished work on your design:

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 03, 2017, 04:42:37 AM
Is it Ok if I request an avatar for my steam account?

#1 Teddy5145
#2 Simple
#3 I don't really have an idea, but something colorful would be nice
#4 I'll leave that to you
#5 none
#5 Font based

Thanks :)

teddy5145: Of course, I'd be glad to design a personal logo/avatar for your Steam account. Y
ou're up next.

The new Zenpact logo is definitely an improvement but it still doesn't feel quite right...It looks more like a sports logo than a logo for a business.  Kinda reminds me of an olympics, or fifa logo...  I think maybe something simpler but more elegant?

Here's a few examples that invoke that feel I'm going for:

Thanks again!

semajy: I will see what I can do, queued.

Uao can you email me the CryptoX files? Nice job!

WritingG123: The files will be sent shortly. Sent via email. You're welcome!

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 03, 2017, 08:29:49 AM
Is it Ok if I request an avatar for my steam account?

#1 Teddy5145
#2 Simple
#3 I don't really have an idea, but something colorful would be nice
#4 I'll leave that to you
#5 none
#5 Font based

Thanks :)

teddy5145 - your logo is ready!


Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: teddy5145 on December 03, 2017, 08:40:31 AM

Hey, that's great.
I love the colours you chose for the avatar
Is it possible for revision? If its possible I would like to add some kind of silhoutte on the background so it doesn't feel to empty to me :)

P.S please leave your Bitcoin address, I would like to tip you for the design

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 03, 2017, 09:58:36 AM
Hey, that's great.
I love the colours you chose for the avatar
Is it possible for revision? If its possible I would like to add some kind of silhoutte on the background so it doesn't feel to empty to me Smiley

What do you mean by "silhouette"? Like we've done for the logos in our portfolio with the logo-in-background effect ?

Also, which color scheme would you like? I assume you will need that in 184x184 Steam resolution.

P.S please leave your Bitcoin address, I would like to tip you for the design


Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: teddy5145 on December 03, 2017, 10:13:36 AM
Hey, that's great.
I love the colours you chose for the avatar
Is it possible for revision? If its possible I would like to add some kind of silhoutte on the background so it doesn't feel to empty to me Smiley

What do you mean by "silhouette"? Like we've done for the logos in our portfolio with the logo-in-background effect ?

Also, which color scheme would you like? I assume you will need that in 184x184 Steam resolution.

P.S please leave your Bitcoin address, I would like to tip you for the design

Maybe a city silhoutte or something similar for the background

I'd take the red and blue color :)

Tip sent, thanks for your design!

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 03, 2017, 04:42:59 PM
Hey, that's great.
I love the colours you chose for the avatar
Is it possible for revision? If its possible I would like to add some kind of silhoutte on the background so it doesn't feel to empty to me Smiley

What do you mean by "silhouette"? Like we've done for the logos in our portfolio with the logo-in-background effect ?

Also, which color scheme would you like? I assume you will need that in 184x184 Steam resolution.

P.S please leave your Bitcoin address, I would like to tip you for the design

Maybe a city silhoutte or something similar for the background

I'd take the red and blue color :)

Tip sent, thanks for your design!

Like this? Note that it's not very visible on smaller resolutions (Steam profile) but I assume you wanted a subtle effect.

Thanks for the tip!

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: teddy5145 on December 03, 2017, 05:53:31 PM
Perfect, can you send me the file via PM?
Thanks :)

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Izymac on December 03, 2017, 07:38:14 PM

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 03, 2017, 08:42:09 PM
Perfect, can you send me the file via PM?
Thanks :)

PM me your email, I will send the files shortly. Sent.

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: CryptoBeefy on December 04, 2017, 12:20:29 AM
First off ... Great work and a lovely gesture of free, some awesome logos there.

1. Bountify
2. BountyTracking
3. No idea
4. Logo will be sat on a bright blue background. We use, white, grey and the odd splash of green, yellow and occasionally red. All in a 'flat' style.
5. When bounty hunting, it gets difficult managing all in a spreadsheet when you have many ongoing projects, we aim to create a piece of software which modernises this.
6. Either a symbol with simple wording next to it or a combination where the symbol is in the word.

Thanks in advance

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 04, 2017, 05:55:04 AM
First off ... Great work and a lovely gesture of free, some awesome logos there.

1. Bountify
2. BountyTracking
3. No idea
4. Logo will be sat on a bright blue background. We use, white, grey and the odd splash of green, yellow and occasionally red. All in a 'flat' style.
5. When bounty hunting, it gets difficult managing all in a spreadsheet when you have many ongoing projects, we aim to create a piece of software which modernises this.
6. Either a symbol with simple wording next to it or a combination where the symbol is in the word.

Thanks in advance

CryptoBeefy - added #2 in queue.

I will design your logo today so you can expect a reply soon.

PS: Thanks, I appreciate the feedback!

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: mmonton on December 04, 2017, 07:15:09 AM
Would you also accept graphic works which is not for this forum? A school project let's say.

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: TagaMungkahi on December 04, 2017, 07:32:31 AM
#1 - TagaMungkahi
#2 - Management Services
#3 - more of a banner/Avatar for my campaign services?
#4 - I really like this kind of powdered color explosion but more on the mix of pastel light pink and blue
#5 - To provide transparent Campaign Management Services.
#6 -  B. Symbol/Icon-based

I hope you can make one, Thank you

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 04, 2017, 08:12:38 AM
Would you also accept graphic works which is not for this forum? A school project let's say.

mmonton yes, post your specifications. Make sure you read OP.

#1 - TagaMungkahi
#2 - Management Services
#3 - more of a banner/Avatar for my campaign services?
#4 - I really like this kind of powdered color explosion but more on the mix of pastel light pink and blue
#5 - To provide transparent Campaign Management Services.
#6 -  B. Symbol/Icon-based

I hope you can make one, Thank you

TagaMungkahi added to queue #3.

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 04, 2017, 08:46:12 AM
The new Zenpact logo is definitely an improvement but it still doesn't feel quite right...It looks more like a sports logo than a logo for a business.  Kinda reminds me of an olympics, or fifa logo...  I think maybe something simpler but more elegant?

Here's a few examples that invoke that feel I'm going for:

Thanks again!

semajy just finished work:


Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: rjbtc2017 on December 04, 2017, 09:13:12 AM
#1 - rjbtc2017
#2 - Bounty Campaign Management Services
#3 - Avatar and banner if it is okay.
#4 - i would like to have this kind of feel
#5 - HQ/Low rates Bounty Campaign Management Services
#6 -  B. Symbol/Icon-based

Is it still available? I hope i'm still eligible for the free graphics, Thank you so much.

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 04, 2017, 09:45:39 AM
#1 - rjbtc2017
#2 - Bounty Campaign Management Services
#3 - Avatar and banner if it is okay.
#4 - i would like to have this kind of feel
#5 - HQ/Low rates Bounty Campaign Management Services
#6 -  B. Symbol/Icon-based

Is it still available? I hope i'm still eligible for the free graphics, Thank you so much.

rjbtc2017 - entry accepted @ #3.

#1 Bountify
#2 TagaMungkahi
#3 rjbtc2017

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: rjbtc2017 on December 04, 2017, 09:46:26 AM
#1 - rjbtc2017
#2 - Bounty Campaign Management Services
#3 - Avatar and banner if it is okay.
#4 - i would like to have this kind of feel
#5 - HQ/Low rates Bounty Campaign Management Services
#6 -  B. Symbol/Icon-based

Is it still available? I hope i'm still eligible for the free graphics, Thank you so much.

rjbtc2017 - entry accepted @ #3.

#1 Bountify
#2 TagaMungkahi
#3 rjbtc2017

Thank you so much!

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: yogg on December 04, 2017, 12:32:16 PM
Hey Uao,

I need a logo for a project, please. :)
If you are still doing them, I'd love to have one !  ;D

#1 - What text should be present in the design?

#2 - Describe your business/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word

#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
Having the BTC logo with a yellow or green line (for a price chart - same colour as the BTC logo) skyrocketting and next to it, have a red line crashing with a red $ sign, same for € and £ etc ...

#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
Simple colors. Green, yellow, blue, red.

#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
Help non-tech people buy and sell bitcoin.

#6 - (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: DirtyMartini on December 04, 2017, 12:59:44 PM
Hi Uao - If your very generous offer is still open, I'm after a logo for a blogsite if you're up for it..

#1 Bitcoin Antics
#2 Newbie-friendly edu-tainment (sorry that's more than one word)  ;)
#3 Clean text, Bitcoin logo as the 'B'
#4 Maybe Black, White and Bitcoin logo.. (Rest of blog styling is brightly coloured, pop art inspired)
#5 Newbie-friendly, female-friendly, one-stop guide to all things Bitcoin
#6 Font Based

Let me know what you think..  ;D :D

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 04, 2017, 04:57:17 PM
First off ... Great work and a lovely gesture of free, some awesome logos there.

1. Bountify
2. BountyTracking
3. No idea
4. Logo will be sat on a bright blue background. We use, white, grey and the odd splash of green, yellow and occasionally red. All in a 'flat' style.
5. When bounty hunting, it gets difficult managing all in a spreadsheet when you have many ongoing projects, we aim to create a piece of software which modernises this.
6. Either a symbol with simple wording next to it or a combination where the symbol is in the word.

Thanks in advance

CryptoBeefy - logo is ready:


PM me with your email and I will send over the files.

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 04, 2017, 05:10:59 PM
Hey Uao,

I need a logo for a project, please. :)
If you are still doing them, I'd love to have one !  ;D

#1 - What text should be present in the design?

#2 - Describe your business/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word

#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
Having the BTC logo with a yellow or green line (for a price chart - same colour as the BTC logo) skyrocketting and next to it, have a red line crashing with a red $ sign, same for € and £ etc ...

#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
Simple colors. Green, yellow, blue, red.

#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
Help non-tech people buy and sell bitcoin.

#6 - (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?

yogg - accepted, #3 in queue.

Hi Uao - If your very generous offer is still open, I'm after a logo for a blogsite if you're up for it..

#1 Bitcoin Antics
#2 Newbie-friendly edu-tainment (sorry that's more than one word)  ;)
#3 Clean text, Bitcoin logo as the 'B'
#4 Maybe Black, White and Bitcoin logo.. (Rest of blog styling is brightly coloured, pop art inspired)
#5 Newbie-friendly, female-friendly, one-stop guide to all things Bitcoin
#6 Font Based

Let me know what you think..  ;D :D

DirtyMartini - added to #4 spot.

#1 TagaMungkahi
#2 rjbtc2017
#3 Coiniverse
#4 Bitcoin Antics

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: yogg on December 04, 2017, 05:20:52 PM
yogg - accepted, #3 in queue.

Sweeet ! Thank you very much. It's much appreciated.  :D
The paperwork will look way more professional thanks to you.  :)

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: on December 04, 2017, 06:33:23 PM
Nice work.
If you dont mind, I want to request a logo too.
I prefer to have a new logo for Bali Parwa. But if you can do both, I will be happy.

#1 - Bali Parwa
#2 - Bali (which is a best travel destination)
#3 - Parwa (means "story")
#4 - Holiday
#5 - Tour and Guide
#6 - Explore and Discover New Things in Bali
#7 - Simple
#8 - Culture

#1 - Goosebit
#2 - Cryptocurrency Zone
#3 - Modern and simple
#4 - Flat design
#5 - Goose
#6 - Wise

Thank you in advance

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 04, 2017, 08:19:14 PM
#1 - TagaMungkahi
#2 - Management Services
#3 - more of a banner/Avatar for my campaign services?
#4 - I really like this kind of powdered color explosion but more on the mix of pastel light pink and blue
#5 - To provide transparent Campaign Management Services.
#6 -  B. Symbol/Icon-based

I hope you can make one, Thank you

TagaMungkahi - your logo is ready:


Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: UnknownTechGuy on December 04, 2017, 08:22:57 PM
Wow, really impressed with the work, and without a cost? Amazing.

#1 - What text should be present in the design?
#2 - Describe your business/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word
Shopping Online in Panama
#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
Sorry, no idea here
#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
Not really
#5 - Making online shopping, finally a reality in my country

Thanks a lot.
Any donations wallet?

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 04, 2017, 09:47:04 PM
#1 - rjbtc2017
#2 - Bounty Campaign Management Services
#3 - Avatar and banner if it is okay.
#4 - i would like to have this kind of feel
#5 - HQ/Low rates Bounty Campaign Management Services
#6 -  B. Symbol/Icon-based

Is it still available? I hope i'm still eligible for the free graphics, Thank you so much.

rjbtc2017 - just finished work on your design:


Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 04, 2017, 10:00:46 PM
Hey Uao,

I need a logo for a project, please. :)
If you are still doing them, I'd love to have one !  ;D

#1 - What text should be present in the design?

#2 - Describe your business/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word

#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
Having the BTC logo with a yellow or green line (for a price chart - same colour as the BTC logo) skyrocketting and next to it, have a red line crashing with a red $ sign, same for € and £ etc ...

#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
Simple colors. Green, yellow, blue, red.

#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
Help non-tech people buy and sell bitcoin.

#6 - (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?

yogg - removed from queue (check PM).

Nice work.
If you dont mind, I want to request a logo too.
I prefer to have a new logo for Bali Parwa. But if you can do both, I will be happy.

#1 - Bali Parwa
#2 - Bali (which is a best travel destination)
#3 - Parwa (means "story")
#4 - Holiday
#5 - Tour and Guide
#6 - Explore and Discover New Things in Bali
#7 - Simple
#8 - Culture

#1 - Goosebit
#2 - Cryptocurrency Zone
#3 - Modern and simple
#4 - Flat design
#5 - Goose
#6 - Wise

Thank you in advance - rejected (pending brief).

Did you read OP? If so, I'm unsure what is #7 & #8 as my design brief only has #6 total points/questions.

Furthermore, the answers don't make any sense.

Please review this before applying for a design:

#1 - What text should be present in the design?
(your business name/website/org/forum name; ie. "SatoshiN98" or "")
#2 - Describe your business/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word
(ie. "innovation")
#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
(could also be an image/sketch/existing logo that you like, for reference)
#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
(ie. blue & white, or leave it to the designer to choose)
#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
#6 - (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?

Wow, really impressed with the work, and without a cost? Amazing.

#1 - What text should be present in the design?
#2 - Describe your business/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word
Shopping Online in Panama
#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
Sorry, no idea here
#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
Not really
#5 - Making online shopping, finally a reality in my country

UnknownTechGuy - thanks, doing my best to serve the community! Added #2 in queue currently.

#1 Bitcoin Antics
#2 PanamaShopping

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: CryptoBeefy on December 04, 2017, 10:12:58 PM
First off ... Great work and a lovely gesture of free, some awesome logos there.

1. Bountify
2. BountyTracking
3. No idea
4. Logo will be sat on a bright blue background. We use, white, grey and the odd splash of green, yellow and occasionally red. All in a 'flat' style.
5. When bounty hunting, it gets difficult managing all in a spreadsheet when you have many ongoing projects, we aim to create a piece of software which modernises this.
6. Either a symbol with simple wording next to it or a combination where the symbol is in the word.

Thanks in advance

CryptoBeefy - logo is ready:


PM me with your email and I will send over the files.

Love it thanks, will pm you email!

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 04, 2017, 10:41:50 PM

Love it thanks, will pm you email!

Great to hear it! Email sent.

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: TagaMungkahi on December 05, 2017, 12:54:35 AM
#1 - TagaMungkahi
#2 - Management Services
#3 - more of a banner/Avatar for my campaign services?
#4 - I really like this kind of powdered color explosion but more on the mix of pastel light pink and blue
#5 - To provide transparent Campaign Management Services.
#6 -  B. Symbol/Icon-based

I hope you can make one, Thank you

TagaMungkahi - your logo is ready:


WOW I LOVE IT!!!, can i ask for the psd file? if there is any, thank you so much for this, wonderful! Great design!

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: rjbtc2017 on December 05, 2017, 01:38:28 AM
#1 - rjbtc2017
#2 - Bounty Campaign Management Services
#3 - Avatar and banner if it is okay.
#4 - i would like to have this kind of feel
#5 - HQ/Low rates Bounty Campaign Management Services
#6 -  B. Symbol/Icon-based

Is it still available? I hope i'm still eligible for the free graphics, Thank you so much.

rjbtc2017 - just finished work on your design:


I love the RJ design, but can i ask if u can change the bg color to white and the color of black and red into this "feel" of color
Thank you so much, sorry if i am asking too much, but if you can't grant my request i can also settle to the current design. Thank you Uao.

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 05, 2017, 07:45:10 AM
WOW I LOVE IT!!!, can i ask for the psd file? if there is any, thank you so much for this, wonderful! Great design!


Note that all logos are designed in a vector software - Adobe Illustrator (not Photoshop) and thus you will receive the .AI (source vector file) for your design. Check PM.

I love the RJ design, but can i ask if u can change the bg color to white and the color of black and red into this "feel" of color
Thank you so much, sorry if i am asking too much, but if you can't grant my request i can also settle to the current design. Thank you Uao.

Awesome, glad to hear it!

Is this the "feel" you were aiming for?

If so, PM me your email and I will have the files sent over shortly.

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: on December 05, 2017, 10:15:11 AM - rejected (pending brief).

Did you read OP? If so, I'm unsure what is #7 & #8 as my design brief only has #6 total points/questions.

Furthermore, the answers don't make any sense.

Please review this before applying for a design:

#1 - What text should be present in the design?
(your business name/website/org/forum name; ie. "SatoshiN98" or "")
#2 - Describe your business/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word
(ie. "innovation")
#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
(could also be an image/sketch/existing logo that you like, for reference)
#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
(ie. blue & white, or leave it to the designer to choose)
#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
#6 - (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?

I am really sorry. I didn't read it before.
I typed as fast as I can so I can get on the line.
My mistake.

Bali Parwa
#1 - Bali Parwa
#2 - Travel
#3 - Holiday, Traveling, Art, Culture, Sea, Temple, or Coconut Tree
#4 - Color that make you excited
#5 - Explore and DIscover New Things in Bali
#6 - Symbol/Icon-based

#1 - Goosebit
#2 - Cryptocurrency
#3 - A goose
#4 - #f19400 (orange)
#5 - Cryptocurrency Zone
#6 - Symbol/Icon-based

Thank you in advance

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 05, 2017, 11:38:09 AM
Bali Parwa
#1 - Bali Parwa
#2 - Travel
#3 - Holiday, Traveling, Art, Culture, Sea, Temple, or Coconut Tree
#4 - Color that make you excited
#5 - Explore and DIscover New Things in Bali
#6 - Symbol/Icon-based

#1 - Goosebit
#2 - Cryptocurrency
#3 - A goose
#4 - #f19400 (orange)
#5 - Cryptocurrency Zone
#6 - Symbol/Icon-based

Thank you in advance - thanks for taking the time to read OP and post in the appropriate format. Added #4 & #5 in queue.

#1 Bitcoin Antics
#2 PanamaShopping
#3 Coiniverse
#4 Bali Parwa
#5 Goosebit

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 05, 2017, 02:28:41 PM
Hi Uao - If your very generous offer is still open, I'm after a logo for a blogsite if you're up for it..

#1 Bitcoin Antics
#2 Newbie-friendly edu-tainment (sorry that's more than one word)  ;)
#3 Clean text, Bitcoin logo as the 'B'
#4 Maybe Black, White and Bitcoin logo.. (Rest of blog styling is brightly coloured, pop art inspired)
#5 Newbie-friendly, female-friendly, one-stop guide to all things Bitcoin
#6 Font Based

Let me know what you think..  ;D :D

DirtyMartini - your design is ready:


Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: component9 on December 05, 2017, 04:42:20 PM
#1 - What text should be present in the design?

#2 - Describe your business/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word

#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
(suggestion only) Something with wings on it - could be as simple as a circle with wings with letters following in the air

#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
Blue should be in it somewhere

#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
High quality content

#6 - (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?
Mascot (see #3)? I'm open to suggestions

Thank you

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: LilibethSantos on December 05, 2017, 05:12:51 PM
#1 - Bitcoin MXN
#2 - News Website
#3 - Perhaps a combination of the Mexican flag with the BTC symbol.
#4 - Green, white, red
#5 - It's for an upcoming Spanish-speaking news website.

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: examplens on December 05, 2017, 08:40:33 PM
Interesting service offer.
Here is mine request if still available

#1 - What text should be present in the design?

#2 - Describe your business/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word

#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
artistic freedom

#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
i give you free hand for choice

#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
SEO Tools is a free bundled collection of best seo tools website

#6 - (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?


Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: differential350 on December 05, 2017, 09:37:11 PM
I love your designs, you're great!

#1 - Blockwear

#2 - Anonymity/Cryptocurrencies clothing

#3 - Something crypto related

#5 - Dunno, don't put anything as motto/subtitle

#6 - Font or icon based or both

Thank you!

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: rjbtc2017 on December 06, 2017, 01:22:22 AM
WOW I LOVE IT!!!, can i ask for the psd file? if there is any, thank you so much for this, wonderful! Great design!


Note that all logos are designed in a vector software - Adobe Illustrator (not Photoshop) and thus you will receive the .AI (source vector file) for your design. Check PM.

I love the RJ design, but can i ask if u can change the bg color to white and the color of black and red into this "feel" of color
Thank you so much, sorry if i am asking too much, but if you can't grant my request i can also settle to the current design. Thank you Uao.

Awesome, glad to hear it!

Is this the "feel" you were aiming for?

If so, PM me your email and I will have the files sent over shortly.

THIS IS IT WHAT I AM LOOKING FOR! This is so Beautiful Uao! Thank you so much.

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 06, 2017, 03:52:51 AM
Wow, really impressed with the work, and without a cost? Amazing.

#1 - What text should be present in the design?
#2 - Describe your business/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word
Shopping Online in Panama
#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
Sorry, no idea here
#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
Not really
#5 - Making online shopping, finally a reality in my country

Thanks a lot.
Any donations wallet?

UnknownTechGuy - just finished designing the logo for PanamaShopping:


THIS IS IT WHAT I AM LOOKING FOR! This is so Beautiful Uao! Thank you so much.

You're quite welcome!

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 06, 2017, 04:50:18 AM
#1 - What text should be present in the design?

#2 - Describe your business/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word

#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
(suggestion only) Something with wings on it - could be as simple as a circle with wings with letters following in the air

#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
Blue should be in it somewhere

#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
High quality content

#6 - (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?
Mascot (see #3)? I'm open to suggestions

Thank you

component9 - accepted (#4).

#1 - Bitcoin MXN
#2 - News Website
#3 - Perhaps a combination of the Mexican flag with the BTC symbol.
#4 - Green, white, red
#5 - It's for an upcoming Spanish-speaking news website.

LilibethSantos - Bitcoin MXN accepted (#5).

Interesting service offer.
Here is mine request if still available

#1 - What text should be present in the design?

#2 - Describe your business/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word

#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
artistic freedom

#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
i give you free hand for choice

#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
SEO Tools is a free bundled collection of best seo tools website

#6 - (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?


examplens - accepted (#6).

I love your designs, you're great!

#1 - Blockwear

#2 - Anonymity/Cryptocurrencies clothing

#3 - Something crypto related

#5 - Dunno, don't put anything as motto/subtitle

#6 - Font or icon based or both

Thank you!

differential350 - Blockwear accepted (#7).


#1 Coiniverse
#2 Bali Parwa
#3 Goosebit
#5 Bitcoin MXN
#7 Blockwear

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 06, 2017, 05:43:18 PM
Hey Uao,

I need a logo for a project, please. :)
If you are still doing them, I'd love to have one !  ;D

#1 - What text should be present in the design?

#2 - Describe your business/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word

#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
Having the BTC logo with a yellow or green line (for a price chart - same colour as the BTC logo) skyrocketting and next to it, have a red line crashing with a red $ sign, same for € and £ etc ...

#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
Simple colors. Green, yellow, blue, red.

#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
Help non-tech people buy and sell bitcoin.

#6 - (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?

- finished work on your Coiniverse logo:

Note that I didn't include all the fiat symbols since those would clutter the design. It's an abstract representation. If you need more of an illustration that concretely shows the distinct graphs with all the tickers just let me know.


Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Anyobsss on December 06, 2017, 06:34:28 PM
Hello :) please create a logo for me
#1 Anyobsss
#2 Creative or artistic
#3 i don't really know how i want it to look like.
#4 i dont know
#5 signature design service
#6 B

I dont really know what i want it to look like, i just want you to create me a logo, i would be happy if you will be able to create me an awesome logo

Thanks in advance :)

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 07, 2017, 07:49:05 AM
I am really sorry. I didn't read it before.
I typed as fast as I can so I can get on the line.
My mistake.

Bali Parwa
#1 - Bali Parwa
#2 - Travel
#3 - Holiday, Traveling, Art, Culture, Sea, Temple, or Coconut Tree
#4 - Color that make you excited
#5 - Explore and DIscover New Things in Bali
#6 - Symbol/Icon-based

#1 - Goosebit
#2 - Cryptocurrency
#3 - A goose
#4 - #f19400 (orange)
#5 - Cryptocurrency Zone
#6 - Symbol/Icon-based

Thank you in advance
- finished work on your Bali Parwa logo:


Next up: Goosebit

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 07, 2017, 12:18:28 PM
Hello :) please create a logo for me
#1 Anyobsss
#2 Creative or artistic
#3 i don't really know how i want it to look like.
#4 i dont know
#5 signature design service
#6 B

I dont really know what i want it to look like, i just want you to create me a logo, i would be happy if you will be able to create me an awesome logo

Thanks in advance :)

Anyobsss - accepted (#7).

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 08, 2017, 05:28:19 PM
#1 - Goosebit
#2 - Cryptocurrency
#3 - A goose
#4 - #f19400 (orange)
#5 - Cryptocurrency Zone
#6 - Symbol/Icon-based

Thank you in advance - your logo is ready:


Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Jemzx00 on December 08, 2017, 05:31:30 PM
Hope I get a free logo on you though I think it might be a hard one but please do try. Thanks  :)
#1 Jemzx00
#2 Indorse my Bitcoin Management Service
#3 I'm thinking of having a similar avatar that I'm using right now but something flashy and GIF type of logo so it will have animation
#4 I don't know about the colors but if you have something in mind that you think is good then it might be it.
#5 Signature and Translation Services (not a motto sorry)
#6 Something flashy and has animation

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 08, 2017, 07:13:42 PM
Hope I get a free logo on you though I think it might be a hard one but please do try. Thanks  :)
#1 Jemzx00
#2 Indorse my Bitcoin Management Service
#3 I'm thinking of having a similar avatar that I'm using right now but something flashy and GIF type of logo so it will have animation
#4 I don't know about the colors but if you have something in mind that you think is good then it might be it.
#5 Signature and Translation Services (not a motto sorry)
#6 Something flashy and has animation

Jemzx00 - the promotion is only valid for logos. I'll add you to the queue if you are asking for a logo design (or redesign). Let me know.

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: STT on December 08, 2017, 07:22:03 PM
>  (or even forum avatars):

Can you do a forum avatar for me, something with a tiger perhaps or whatever combination of STT you find striking.   I'll put your text/website underneath so no need for text on it, not even my name as thats just an idea whatever designer likes.   If I like it I'll wear whenever not otherwise engaged on a campaign :)

In order to participate to this promotion, please post your design specifications in this thread by answering the following:

#1 - What text should be present in the design?
(your business name/website/org/forum name; ie. "SatoshiN98" or "")
#2 - Describe your business/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word
(ie. "innovation")
#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
(could also be an image/sketch/existing logo that you like, for reference)
#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
(ie. blue & white, or leave it to the designer to choose)
#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
#6 - (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?

  • STT
  • Verve
  • STT or an animal maybe combination of the two
  • I like the cyan on black in my current avatar or whatever designer finds especially a highlight

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 08, 2017, 07:35:33 PM
>  (or even forum avatars):

Can you do a forum avatar for me, something with a tiger perhaps or whatever combination of STT you find striking.   I'll put your text/website underneath so no need for text on it, not even my name as thats just an idea whatever designer likes.   If I like it I'll wear whenever not otherwise engaged on a campaign :)

In order to participate to this promotion, please post your design specifications in this thread by answering the following:

#1 - What text should be present in the design?
(your business name/website/org/forum name; ie. "SatoshiN98" or "")
#2 - Describe your business/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word
(ie. "innovation")
#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
(could also be an image/sketch/existing logo that you like, for reference)
#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
(ie. blue & white, or leave it to the designer to choose)
#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
#6 - (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?

  • STT
  • Verve
  • STT or an animal maybe combination of the two
  • I like the cyan on black in my current avatar or whatever designer finds especially a highlight

STT - accepted (#6).

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 09, 2017, 03:34:54 PM
#1 - What text should be present in the design?

#2 - Describe your business/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word

#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
(suggestion only) Something with wings on it - could be as simple as a circle with wings with letters following in the air

#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
Blue should be in it somewhere

#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
High quality content

#6 - (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?
Mascot (see #3)? I'm open to suggestions

Thank you

- finished work on your GiveYourMessageWings logo:


Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: d4bl0ckch41n3r2 on December 09, 2017, 04:56:03 PM
It's this offer still available? I need a logo for a cryptocurrency project that will be launched early 2018.
Thanks if you can contribute.

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 09, 2017, 07:41:54 PM
It's this offer still available? I need a logo for a cryptocurrency project that will be launched early 2018.
Thanks if you can contribute.

Yes, it's still available. Post your project (read OP first please) but note that there is a queue so you will go at the end of that, if I accept it.

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: yogg on December 09, 2017, 08:12:40 PM
Hello Uao !

Thank you very much for the logo ! :D
I really like it. Thanks for your service, it helps the community a lot.

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: d4bl0ckch41n3r2 on December 09, 2017, 08:23:27 PM
It's this offer still available? I need a logo for a cryptocurrency project that will be launched early 2018.
Thanks if you can contribute.

Yes, it's still available. Post your project (read OP first please) but note that there is a queue so you will go at the end of that, if I accept it.

Thats not a problem for the queue, as we could get something valued for free.
I can ask if i could send you a PM? I still cannot release anything about name or project.

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 09, 2017, 09:02:47 PM
Hello Uao !

Thank you very much for the logo ! :D
I really like it. Thanks for your service, it helps the community a lot.

yogg you're very welcome! PM me with your email and what files (resolutions, color schemes) you need.

It's this offer still available? I need a logo for a cryptocurrency project that will be launched early 2018.
Thanks if you can contribute.

Yes, it's still available. Post your project (read OP first please) but note that there is a queue so you will go at the end of that, if I accept it.

Thats not a problem for the queue, as we could get something valued for free.
I can ask if i could send you a PM? I still cannot release anything about name or project.

d4bl0ckch41n3r2 private projects are beyond the scope of this promotion. You can get a paid plan instead at by submitting the form with your design specifications.

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: d4bl0ckch41n3r2 on December 09, 2017, 10:38:04 PM
Understood UAO, thanks a lot for your free service to the community  ;)

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 09, 2017, 10:54:25 PM
Understood UAO, thanks a lot for your free service to the community  ;)

Glad to be of service. Good luck!

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 10, 2017, 09:50:34 AM
#1 - Bitcoin MXN
#2 - News Website
#3 - Perhaps a combination of the Mexican flag with the BTC symbol.
#4 - Green, white, red
#5 - It's for an upcoming Spanish-speaking news website.

LilibethSantos - your Bitcoin MXN logo is ready:


Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: LilibethSantos on December 10, 2017, 02:56:50 PM
#1 - Bitcoin MXN
#2 - News Website
#3 - Perhaps a combination of the Mexican flag with the BTC symbol.
#4 - Green, white, red
#5 - It's for an upcoming Spanish-speaking news website.

LilibethSantos - your Bitcoin MXN logo is ready:


I like it. Thanks a lot!

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: shamzblueworld on December 10, 2017, 05:08:31 PM
#1 - The Quiz Portal
#2 - Quizzes for preparing for Tests and Exams
#3 - Gateway to MCQs Success is our tagline, gateway = portal. MCQ Quizzes are our main thing. (You can be creative when it comes to designing it)
#4 - Yes, you can take a look at the current style and theme at (
#5 - Preparing students for MCQ exams, a portal to practice quizzes to learn subjective knowledge.
#6 - Something Symbolic along with the text. But you can decide what will be best keeping the project in mind.

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: DirtyMartini on December 11, 2017, 05:12:44 AM
Hi Uao - If your very generous offer is still open, I'm after a logo for a blogsite if you're up for it..

#1 Bitcoin Antics
#2 Newbie-friendly edu-tainment (sorry that's more than one word)  ;)
#3 Clean text, Bitcoin logo as the 'B'
#4 Maybe Black, White and Bitcoin logo.. (Rest of blog styling is brightly coloured, pop art inspired)
#5 Newbie-friendly, female-friendly, one-stop guide to all things Bitcoin
#6 Font Based

Let me know what you think..  ;D :D

DirtyMartini - your design is ready:


Thankyou SO MUCH Uao.. You've really done a great job with all of these..
I'd love to refer some work your way to say thanks  ;D

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 11, 2017, 08:51:47 AM
#1 - Bitcoin MXN
#2 - News Website
#3 - Perhaps a combination of the Mexican flag with the BTC symbol.
#4 - Green, white, red
#5 - It's for an upcoming Spanish-speaking news website.

LilibethSantos - your Bitcoin MXN logo is ready:


I like it. Thanks a lot!

LilibethSantos great! PM me with your email and what files you need and I will send them shortly.

#1 - The Quiz Portal
#2 - Quizzes for preparing for Tests and Exams
#3 - Gateway to MCQs Success is our tagline, gateway = portal. MCQ Quizzes are our main thing. (You can be creative when it comes to designing it)
#4 - Yes, you can take a look at the current style and theme at (
#5 - Preparing students for MCQ exams, a portal to practice quizzes to learn subjective knowledge.
#6 - Something Symbolic along with the text. But you can decide what will be best keeping the project in mind.

shamzblueworld - The Quiz Portal added (#5).

Hi Uao - If your very generous offer is still open, I'm after a logo for a blogsite if you're up for it..

#1 Bitcoin Antics
#2 Newbie-friendly edu-tainment (sorry that's more than one word)  ;)
#3 Clean text, Bitcoin logo as the 'B'
#4 Maybe Black, White and Bitcoin logo.. (Rest of blog styling is brightly coloured, pop art inspired)
#5 Newbie-friendly, female-friendly, one-stop guide to all things Bitcoin
#6 Font Based

Let me know what you think..  ;D :D

DirtyMartini - your design is ready:


Thankyou SO MUCH Uao.. You've really done a great job with all of these..
I'd love to refer some work your way to say thanks  ;D

DirtyMartini you're quite welcome, PM me with your email to get your files (you can ask for any resolutions/file types). Feel free to direct any clients to the website - thanks!

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 11, 2017, 09:45:33 AM
Interesting service offer.
Here is mine request if still available

#1 - What text should be present in the design?

#2 - Describe your business/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word

#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
artistic freedom

#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
i give you free hand for choice

#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
SEO Tools is a free bundled collection of best seo tools website

#6 - (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?


- finished work on the logo for


#1 Blockwear
#2 Anyobsss
#3 STT
#4 The Quiz Portal

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: component9 on December 11, 2017, 05:24:25 PM

component9 - finished work on your GiveYourMessageWings logo:

Thank looks really nice!

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 11, 2017, 07:55:19 PM
I love your designs, you're great!

#1 - Blockwear

#2 - Anonymity/Cryptocurrencies clothing

#3 - Something crypto related

#5 - Dunno, don't put anything as motto/subtitle

#6 - Font or icon based or both

Thank you!

differential350 - your Blockwear logo is ready!


Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 11, 2017, 08:08:57 PM

component9 - finished work on your GiveYourMessageWings logo:

Thank looks really nice!

Great to hear! PM me your email and what resolutions/color schemes and files you need the logo delivered in.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Kema on December 11, 2017, 10:48:20 PM
If this offer is still open, I could use some help with a logo.

- Pillage and plunder!
- Faucetviking
- A viking pillaging cryptocurrency.
- Designer's choice
- Like Robin Hood, I bring earnings back to the people (users).
- Banner design, "Viking  mascot" + text

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 12, 2017, 08:24:38 AM
If this offer is still open, I could use some help with a logo.

- Pillage and plunder!
- Faucetviking
- A viking pillaging cryptocurrency.
- Designer's choice
- Like Robin Hood, I bring earnings back to the people (users).
- Banner design, "Viking  mascot" + text

Kema - rejected.

Reason: read OP and answer questions in the appropriate format. You can't answer #1 with "Pillage and plunder!". #6 s also wrong. See below.

#1 - What text should be present in the design?
(your business name/website/org/forum name; ie. "SatoshiN98" or "")
#2 - Describe your business/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word
(ie. "innovation")
#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
(could also be an image/sketch/existing logo that you like, for reference)
#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
(ie. blue & white, or leave it to the designer to choose)
#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
#6 - (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Kema on December 12, 2017, 08:31:55 AM
6. C. Mascot (A cute stylized viking)
If this offer is still open, I could use some help with a logo.

- Pillage and plunder!
- Faucetviking
- A viking pillaging cryptocurrency.
- Designer's choice
- Like Robin Hood, I bring earnings back to the people (users).
- Banner design, "Viking  mascot" + text

Kema - rejected.

Reason: read OP and answer questions in the appropriate format. You can't answer #1 with "Pillage and plunder!". #6 s also wrong. See below.

#1 - What text should be present in the design?
(your business name/website/org/forum name; ie. "SatoshiN98" or "")
#2 - Describe your business/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word
(ie. "innovation")
#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
(could also be an image/sketch/existing logo that you like, for reference)
#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
(ie. blue & white, or leave it to the designer to choose)
#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
#6 - (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 12, 2017, 09:05:06 AM
6. C. Mascot (A cute stylized viking)
If this offer is still open, I could use some help with a logo.

- Pillage and plunder!
- Faucetviking
- A viking pillaging cryptocurrency.
- Designer's choice
- Like Robin Hood, I bring earnings back to the people (users).
- Banner design, "Viking  mascot" + text

Kema - rejected.

Reason: read OP and answer questions in the appropriate format. You can't answer #1 with "Pillage and plunder!". #6 s also wrong. See below.

#1 - What text should be present in the design?
(your business name/website/org/forum name; ie. "SatoshiN98" or "")
#2 - Describe your business/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word
(ie. "innovation")
#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
(could also be an image/sketch/existing logo that you like, for reference)
#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
(ie. blue & white, or leave it to the designer to choose)
#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
#6 - (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?

Kema - added (#4).

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: examplens on December 12, 2017, 11:56:58 PM
Interesting service offer.
Here is mine request if still available

#1 - What text should be present in the design?

#2 - Describe your business/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word

#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
artistic freedom

#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
i give you free hand for choice

#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
SEO Tools is a free bundled collection of best seo tools website

#6 - (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?


- finished work on the logo for


#1 Blockwear
#2 Anyobsss
#3 STT
#4 The Quiz Portal

Great job mate. I really like your design style.
I sent you on PM my email address, I would get these design on highest resolution.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Kema on December 13, 2017, 10:13:03 PM

Kema - added (#4).

Awesome, I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with.  ;D

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: differential350 on December 14, 2017, 11:43:04 AM

differential350 - your Blockwear logo is ready!

Wow. You're really talented

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: nickmayhem on December 14, 2017, 12:12:11 PM
#1 - GAMMA
#2 - CryptoCurrency
#3 - Sleek and modern
#4 - Your discretion
#5 - No Idea
#6 - No Idea


Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 14, 2017, 03:24:32 PM
Hello :) please create a logo for me
#1 Anyobsss
#2 Creative or artistic
#3 i don't really know how i want it to look like.
#4 i dont know
#5 signature design service
#6 B

I dont really know what i want it to look like, i just want you to create me a logo, i would be happy if you will be able to create me an awesome logo

Thanks in advance :)

Anyobsss your logo is ready:


Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: hugeblack on December 14, 2017, 04:09:13 PM
#1 - What text should be present in the design?
Hugeblack Signature Designer or Signature Designer.
#2 - Describe your business/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word
Signature Designer
#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
I'm not Professional in designing logo it’s my try
#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
check (
#6 - (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?

# I like your Designs check my Signature Designing service if you interested can make teamwork.

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 14, 2017, 09:20:52 PM
>  (or even forum avatars):

Can you do a forum avatar for me, something with a tiger perhaps or whatever combination of STT you find striking.   I'll put your text/website underneath so no need for text on it, not even my name as thats just an idea whatever designer likes.   If I like it I'll wear whenever not otherwise engaged on a campaign :)

In order to participate to this promotion, please post your design specifications in this thread by answering the following:

#1 - What text should be present in the design?
(your business name/website/org/forum name; ie. "SatoshiN98" or "")
#2 - Describe your business/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word
(ie. "innovation")
#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
(could also be an image/sketch/existing logo that you like, for reference)
#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
(ie. blue & white, or leave it to the designer to choose)
#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
#6 - (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?

  • STT
  • Verve
  • STT or an animal maybe combination of the two
  • I like the cyan on black in my current avatar or whatever designer finds especially a highlight

STT your logo is ready:


Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 14, 2017, 09:24:16 PM
#1 - What text should be present in the design?
Hugeblack Signature Designer or Signature Designer.
#2 - Describe your business/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word
Signature Designer
#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
I'm not Professional in designing logo it’s my try
#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
check (
#6 - (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?

# I like your Designs check my Signature Designing service if you interested can make teamwork.

hugeblack - accepted (#3).

Do note that the logo will not be animated. Any other graphics but logos are not within the scope of this promotion.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: STT on December 15, 2017, 12:43:26 AM

STT your logo is ready:

Awesome, I love it.  So many types and I like how that font type is standing out so striking as well.   I'll use all of them I'm thinking most likely and when I do I'll put your website as my personal text if thats ok , for the people who ask where I got it :)  Many thanks

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 15, 2017, 09:08:07 PM
#1 - The Quiz Portal
#2 - Quizzes for preparing for Tests and Exams
#3 - Gateway to MCQs Success is our tagline, gateway = portal. MCQ Quizzes are our main thing. (You can be creative when it comes to designing it)
#4 - Yes, you can take a look at the current style and theme at (
#5 - Preparing students for MCQ exams, a portal to practice quizzes to learn subjective knowledge.
#6 - Something Symbolic along with the text. But you can decide what will be best keeping the project in mind.

shamzblueworld - just finished work on your logo The Quiz Portal:


Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: shamzblueworld on December 16, 2017, 03:50:10 AM
#1 - The Quiz Portal
#2 - Quizzes for preparing for Tests and Exams
#3 - Gateway to MCQs Success is our tagline, gateway = portal. MCQ Quizzes are our main thing. (You can be creative when it comes to designing it)
#4 - Yes, you can take a look at the current style and theme at (
#5 - Preparing students for MCQ exams, a portal to practice quizzes to learn subjective knowledge.
#6 - Something Symbolic along with the text. But you can decide what will be best keeping the project in mind.

shamzblueworld - just finished work on your logo The Quiz Portal:


WOW! What an amazing work you've done. Love it. Will definitely be bookmarking Norderly and will recommend to everyone in the circle.
Great work man.
Sending you a PM with my email to receive the files.
Bravo to you!

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: se150401317 on December 16, 2017, 06:03:54 AM
Superb Designs! Please accept my request too.

#1 - ProCoded
#2 - Programming & Coding exercises, tutorials, assignments etc. are build, coded, explained and shared. (Its an upcoming project of us University Students)
#3 - ProCoded stands for CODE done by Pro Programmers. This is the base idea behind it.
#4 - No. We are yet to work on the website, so you can choose whichever suits you about the subject, and we may build our website style selecting those colors. You can pick any, but do consider our subject in selecting the colors if appropriate.
#5 - The vision is to build a database of Programming and Coding exercises for students as well as people with the interest to learn, understand coding and programming and also share their own creativity in Coding and Programming.
#6 - Symbol/Icon based with the readable font too.

Would really appreciate your effort.
Thank you

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 19, 2017, 04:21:56 PM
If this offer is still open, I could use some help with a logo.

- Pillage and plunder!
- Faucetviking
- A viking pillaging cryptocurrency.
- Designer's choice
- Like Robin Hood, I bring earnings back to the people (users).
- Banner design, "Viking  mascot" + text

Kema your logo for is ready:


Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 19, 2017, 04:25:52 PM

STT your logo is ready:

Awesome, I love it.  So many types and I like how that font type is standing out so striking as well.   I'll use all of them I'm thinking most likely and when I do I'll put your website as my personal text if thats ok , for the people who ask where I got it :)  Many thanks

STT - great! PM me with your email to get the files.

#1 - The Quiz Portal
#2 - Quizzes for preparing for Tests and Exams
#3 - Gateway to MCQs Success is our tagline, gateway = portal. MCQ Quizzes are our main thing. (You can be creative when it comes to designing it)
#4 - Yes, you can take a look at the current style and theme at (
#5 - Preparing students for MCQ exams, a portal to practice quizzes to learn subjective knowledge.
#6 - Something Symbolic along with the text. But you can decide what will be best keeping the project in mind.

shamzblueworld - just finished work on your logo The Quiz Portal:


WOW! What an amazing work you've done. Love it. Will definitely be bookmarking Norderly and will recommend to everyone in the circle.
Great work man.
Sending you a PM with my email to receive the files.
Bravo to you!

shamzblueworld thanks for the feedback. Files sent.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Kema on December 19, 2017, 07:42:45 PM

Awesome, I love it!  ;D

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 19, 2017, 08:31:25 PM
Superb Designs! Please accept my request too.

#1 - ProCoded
#2 - Programming & Coding exercises, tutorials, assignments etc. are build, coded, explained and shared. (Its an upcoming project of us University Students)
#3 - ProCoded stands for CODE done by Pro Programmers. This is the base idea behind it.
#4 - No. We are yet to work on the website, so you can choose whichever suits you about the subject, and we may build our website style selecting those colors. You can pick any, but do consider our subject in selecting the colors if appropriate.
#5 - The vision is to build a database of Programming and Coding exercises for students as well as people with the interest to learn, understand coding and programming and also share their own creativity in Coding and Programming.
#6 - Symbol/Icon based with the readable font too.

Would really appreciate your effort.
Thank you

se150401317 thanks! ProCoded accepted (#2).

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 21, 2017, 07:50:56 PM
#1 - What text should be present in the design?
Hugeblack Signature Designer or Signature Designer.
#2 - Describe your business/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word
Signature Designer
#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
I'm not Professional in designing logo it’s my try
#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
check (
#6 - (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?

# I like your Designs check my Signature Designing service if you interested can make teamwork.

hugeblack your logo Signature Designer is ready:


PM your email for files.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 21, 2017, 07:52:41 PM
#1 - GBIT
#2 - CryptoCurrency
#3 - Sleek and modern
#4 - Your discretion
#5 - No Idea
#6 - No Idea


nickmayhem - GBIT project accepted.

Next up: ProCoded

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: nickmayhem on December 22, 2017, 12:21:37 PM
#1 - GAMMA
#2 - CryptoCurrency
#3 - Sleek and modern
#4 - Your discretion
#5 - No Idea
#6 - No Idea


nickmayhem - GAMMA project accepted.

Next up: ProCoded

Thanks a lot brother.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: se150401317 on December 26, 2017, 03:58:29 AM
Superb Designs! Please accept my request too.

#1 - ProCoded
#2 - Programming & Coding exercises, tutorials, assignments etc. are build, coded, explained and shared. (Its an upcoming project of us University Students)
#3 - ProCoded stands for CODE done by Pro Programmers. This is the base idea behind it.
#4 - No. We are yet to work on the website, so you can choose whichever suits you about the subject, and we may build our website style selecting those colors. You can pick any, but do consider our subject in selecting the colors if appropriate.
#5 - The vision is to build a database of Programming and Coding exercises for students as well as people with the interest to learn, understand coding and programming and also share their own creativity in Coding and Programming.
#6 - Symbol/Icon based with the readable font too.

Would really appreciate your effort.
Thank you

se150401317 thanks! ProCoded accepted (#2).

Thank you very much, waiting anxiously.
I know it will be awesome.

Title: Re: I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Jemzx00 on December 29, 2017, 10:42:15 AM
Hope I get a free logo on you though I think it might be a hard one but please do try. Thanks  :)
#1 Jemzx00
#2 Indorse my Bitcoin Management Service
#3 I'm thinking of having a similar avatar that I'm using right now but something flashy and GIF type of logo so it will have animation
#4 I don't know about the colors but if you have something in mind that you think is good then it might be it.
#5 Signature and Translation Services (not a motto sorry)
#6 Something flashy and has animation

Jemzx00 - the promotion is only valid for logos. I'll add you to the queue if you are asking for a logo design (or redesign). Let me know.
Sorry this maybe a little too late response but can I ask a logo design. I prefer black and white in color and I don't know any preference about the design so can you make me one.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: retampan on December 31, 2017, 05:48:24 AM
Can I use your service again? Anyway, thanks for your earlier logo design, I really appreciate it.
Well, I want to request a profile logo for my twitter & header logo for my twitter account.

#1 - What text should be present in the design?
Crypto Interest
#2 - Describe your business/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word
Is about cryptocurrency news
#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
For profile logo color, just put the icon.
For the header logo, put "Crypto Interest" right after the icon and put "Cryptocurrency News Up to Date 24/7" with smaller font size and use right align text, put it below "Crypto Interest" Background color = some bright color that fit the icon, your choice.
#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
For the profile logo color, I prefer to use Teal, White, and the last color that fit the icon, your choice.
For the header text color, your choice.
#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
#6 - (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?

Thanks before.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Trofo on December 31, 2017, 11:19:20 AM

If it is still available I would like you to design a logo/avatar for my bitcointalk account.

#1 - What text should be present in the design?
(your business name/website/org/forum name; ie. "SatoshiN98" or "")
"Trofo" or "TROFO"
#2 - Describe your business/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word
(ie. "innovation")
cryptocurencies; but not really applicable
#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
(could also be an image/sketch/existing logo that you like, for reference)
Just my nickname on transparent background, or maybe big stylish T(symbol) with or without Trofo written below/around
#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
(ie. blue & white, or leave it to the designer to choose)
Your choice, keep in mind I would transparent background, so colors should be complementary to bitcointalk background
#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
#6 - (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?
Font based, see #3

Thank you anyway. I wish you a happy and prosperous New Year.

Best regards, Trofo

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: bitcoinvest on January 01, 2018, 06:56:01 PM
I'd like to give my wishes for a happy new year to our community and to you.

If you can i'd like a logo for "TrainingKiev" can be one word together or 2 i think 2 words is better.
I'd like to mary this with an owl since it is believed to be the animal of wisdom. (just a random photo of owl i found)

I have idea the 2 eyes to somehow represent 2 of the 3 "i" letters that are inside the 2 words.

Thanks in advance!

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on January 08, 2018, 05:32:51 PM
Superb Designs! Please accept my request too.

#1 - ProCoded
#2 - Programming & Coding exercises, tutorials, assignments etc. are build, coded, explained and shared. (Its an upcoming project of us University Students)
#3 - ProCoded stands for CODE done by Pro Programmers. This is the base idea behind it.
#4 - No. We are yet to work on the website, so you can choose whichever suits you about the subject, and we may build our website style selecting those colors. You can pick any, but do consider our subject in selecting the colors if appropriate.
#5 - The vision is to build a database of Programming and Coding exercises for students as well as people with the interest to learn, understand coding and programming and also share their own creativity in Coding and Programming.
#6 - Symbol/Icon based with the readable font too.

Would really appreciate your effort.
Thank you

se150401317 - your logo ProCoded is ready!


PS: Stopped designing due to New Year & holidays. The promo is still ongoing until further notice.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: nickmayhem on January 09, 2018, 02:28:14 AM
Any idea on this one please

#1 - GAMMA
#2 - CryptoCurrency
#3 - Sleek and modern
#4 - Your discretion
#5 - No Idea
#6 - No Idea


nickmayhem - GAMMA project accepted.

Next up: ProCoded

 ;D Can't wait to see the logo for it.

Thanks a lot.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on January 15, 2018, 01:05:42 PM
Any idea on this one please

#1 - GBIT
#2 - CryptoCurrency
#3 - Sleek and modern
#4 - Your discretion
#5 - No Idea
#6 - No Idea


nickmayhem - GBIT project accepted.

Next up: ProCoded

 ;D Can't wait to see the logo for it.

Thanks a lot.

nickmayhem - just finished work on your logo for GBIT:

PM me with your email to get the files.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: SafeCoins on February 19, 2018, 02:54:26 AM
We have a logo contest, if interested.   Very generous bounty:

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 09, 2018, 08:18:59 PM

STATUS UPDATE: Taking on new pro bono/free projects until the end of 2018. To apply please follow the already established format itt please/read OP post or see below.

#1 - What text should be present in the design?
(your business name/website/org/forum name; ie. "SatoshiN98" or "")
#2 - Describe your business/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word
(ie. "innovation")
#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
(could also be an image/sketch/existing logo that you like, for reference)
#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
(ie. blue & white, or leave it to the designer to choose)
#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
#6 - (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?

Example of an ACCEPTABLE post:

#1 - GatorCoin
#2 - Innovation
#3 - A coin with an alligator head on it
#4 - Green & black
#5 - Saving animals with blockchain tech
#6 - B. Symbol/Icon-based

For paid projects please visit:

We have a logo contest, if interested.   Very generous bounty:

Not interested in any contests.

I work:

a) pro bono, for the projects I choose


b) paid projects on Norderly


Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 10, 2018, 06:21:20 PM
Don't message me offering to pay with X ICO token, I will not accept it.

Also, for paid projects: all payments are upfront, I don't do SPEC work. Reference:

And for pro bono/free projects: still reviewing and accepting submissions.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 11, 2018, 03:21:50 PM

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: FaucetKING on December 11, 2018, 07:17:19 PM
#1 - FaucetKING
#2 - BTCLover
#3 - Something related to bitcoin and cryptocurrency integrated with the text above.
#4 - Nope, you're free to be creative :)
#5 - It's a forum avatar and not realted to business.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 12, 2018, 04:52:00 PM
#1 - FaucetKING
#2 - BTCLover
#3 - Something related to bitcoin and cryptocurrency integrated with the text above.
#4 - Nope, you're free to be creative :)
#5 - It's a forum avatar and not realted to business.

FaucetKING - accepted, currently #3 in queue.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: crwth on December 13, 2018, 12:41:26 AM
If this would be accepted, it would really be appreciated. My username please

#1 - Crwth
#2 - Tech enthusiast
#3 - Automation
#4 - Black and Green or whichever is better

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 16, 2018, 01:28:46 AM
#1 - FaucetKING
#2 - BTCLover
#3 - Something related to bitcoin and cryptocurrency integrated with the text above.
#4 - Nope, you're free to be creative :)
#5 - It's a forum avatar and not realted to business.

FaucetKING- just finished work on your logo:

PM me your email address and I will have the files sent shortly.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 16, 2018, 01:32:39 AM
If this would be accepted, it would really be appreciated. My username please

#1 - Crwth
#2 - Tech enthusiast
#3 - Automation
#4 - Black and Green or whichever is better

Crwth - accepted (#2).

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: crwth on December 16, 2018, 02:48:01 AM
If this would be accepted, it would really be appreciated. My username please

#1 - Crwth
#2 - Tech enthusiast
#3 - Automation
#4 - Black and Green or whichever is better

Crwth - accepted (#2).
Thank you for accepting my request. Your designs are very elegant and minimalistic. Both are very good characteristics of a great logo.

I cannot wait to receive mine. :)

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: ankit10 on December 16, 2018, 04:09:36 AM

#1 - Texochat
#2 - Chat application
#3 - Includes Text below the logo
#4 -
#5 - Chat app integrated with Crypto wallt and marketplace.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 17, 2018, 06:23:02 PM
If this would be accepted, it would really be appreciated. My username please

#1 - Crwth
#2 - Tech enthusiast
#3 - Automation
#4 - Black and Green or whichever is better

Crwth - accepted (#2).
Thank you for accepting my request. Your designs are very elegant and minimalistic. Both are very good characteristics of a great logo.

I cannot wait to receive mine. :)

Thanks for the kind words! It should be ready soon.

#1 - Texochat
#2 - Chat application
#3 - Includes Text below the logo
#4 -
#5 - Chat app integrated with Crypto wallt and marketplace.

ankit10 - Texochat accepted (#2).

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: FaucetKING on December 17, 2018, 07:09:20 PM
#1 - FaucetKING
#2 - BTCLover
#3 - Something related to bitcoin and cryptocurrency integrated with the text above.
#4 - Nope, you're free to be creative :)
#5 - It's a forum avatar and not realted to business.

FaucetKING- just finished work on your logo:

PM me your email address and I will have the files sent shortly.
I will surely leave you a nice feedback on your account cuz you deserve that ❤️👍
I really felt in love with your work, liked that work very much!
Good job and well done, i'll reply to your PM.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 18, 2018, 09:10:49 PM
If this would be accepted, it would really be appreciated. My username please

#1 - Crwth
#2 - Tech enthusiast
#3 - Automation
#4 - Black and Green or whichever is better

Crwth - your design is ready:

PM me your email address and I will have the files sent over shortly.

I will surely leave you a nice feedback on your account cuz you deserve that ❤️👍
I really felt in love with your work, liked that work very much!
Good job and well done, i'll reply to your PM.

Thanks, glad you loved it! Files sent. <3

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 19, 2018, 06:28:09 PM
Crwth - files sent!

#1 - Texochat
#2 - Chat application
#3 - Includes Text below the logo
#4 -
#5 - Chat app integrated with Crypto wallt and marketplace.

Next in line: Texochat.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on December 23, 2018, 02:07:17 AM

#1 - Texochat
#2 - Chat application
#3 - Includes Text below the logo
#4 -
#5 - Chat app integrated with Crypto wallt and marketplace.

Texochat logo design is ready.

PM me your email to get the rest of the files.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Kema on January 12, 2019, 12:58:24 PM
Did I just miss the train?

I'll go ahead and post my submission anyway, just in case you're feeling generous. (Not taking anything for granted, just hoping to get lucky.)
#1 - No Text
#2 - Optimize
#3 - Iconic Cartoon'ish Guru in "lotus position" (levitating over "short links").
#4 - Designer's choice.
#5 - Maximize short link profits.
#6 - C. Mascot
(#6b - Bonus if Mascot is suitable source for creating icon.)

Happy belated New Year.


Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on May 13, 2019, 05:50:33 PM
Update: I will design a new round of logos during the following weeks. To apply please follow the already established format itt please/read OP post or see below.

Note: Don't PM unless it's for a paid project. All pro bono work will be settled itt.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on May 17, 2019, 06:18:15 AM
Did I just miss the train?

I'll go ahead and post my submission anyway, just in case you're feeling generous. (Not taking anything for granted, just hoping to get lucky.)
#1 - No Text
#2 - Optimize
#3 - Iconic Cartoon'ish Guru in "lotus position" (levitating over "short links").
#4 - Designer's choice.
#5 - Maximize short link profits.
#6 - C. Mascot
(#6b - Bonus if Mascot is suitable source for creating icon.)

Happy belated New Year.


Kema - your design is ready:

PM me your email address and I will have the files sent over shortly.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Kema on May 17, 2019, 02:07:27 PM
Wow, I’d completely forgot about this.
Awesome. :D

Thank you so much.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: roosbit on May 17, 2019, 02:53:51 PM
#2 - Investments
#3 - some sort of stripes with a circle around or a leaf growing out of a coin....maybe dev can surprise me :)
#4 - white and Variations of BLue but open to new suggestions
#5 -
#6 - B. Symbol/Icon-based

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on May 18, 2019, 08:57:20 AM
Wow, I’d completely forgot about this.
Awesome. :D

Thank you so much.

You're quite welcome, Kema!

You will receive the files later today via email.

EDIT: Sent.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Parodium on May 19, 2019, 11:19:08 AM
1 - What text should be present in the design?
#2 - Describe your business/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word
#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
A cloud with rain formed of different project tokens, e.g. ethereum, USDT, BTC saying Bountycloud next to it
#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
Your choice
#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
Using the marketing power of thousands of bounty hunters to spread the word about a project
#6 - (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?
Icon based

Much appreciated :D

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on May 19, 2019, 02:24:04 PM
#2 - Investments
#3 - some sort of stripes with a circle around or a leaf growing out of a coin....maybe dev can surprise me :)
#4 - white and Variations of BLue but open to new suggestions
#5 -
#6 - B. Symbol/Icon-based

Hi roosbit -- ARCUS INVESTMENT project accepted.

Expect a PM when the design is ready!


Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on May 25, 2019, 05:26:52 PM
#2 - Investments
#3 - some sort of stripes with a circle around or a leaf growing out of a coin....maybe dev can surprise me :)
#4 - white and Variations of BLue but open to new suggestions
#5 -
#6 - B. Symbol/Icon-based

roosbit, your design is ready!

PM me your email and I will send over the files.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on May 26, 2019, 09:49:52 AM
1 - What text should be present in the design?
#2 - Describe your business/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word
#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
A cloud with rain formed of different project tokens, e.g. ethereum, USDT, BTC saying Bountycloud next to it
#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
Your choice
#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
Using the marketing power of thousands of bounty hunters to spread the word about a project
#6 - (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?
Icon based

Much appreciated :D

Parodium - Bountycloud added.

I will post the design when ready.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: babo on May 26, 2019, 01:51:12 PM
Very nice logos dude, i merit you for your gifts
I can ask a logo too?
For my personal website

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on May 26, 2019, 05:29:03 PM
Very nice logos dude, i merit you for your gifts
I can ask a logo too?
For my personal website


Anyone can apply for a free logo. Just follow the model itt.

For paid projects visit ( or PM me.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: babo on May 26, 2019, 05:32:48 PM


Anyone can apply for a free logo. Just follow the model itt.

For paid projects visit ( or PM me.

Good to know. :)

Thank you for your reply and your contacts, if any of my customers need your service they will surely advise you.
I have a list of 'sellers' and propose them to my customers when they need specific service

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on May 27, 2019, 02:26:58 PM


Anyone can apply for a free logo. Just follow the model itt.

For paid projects visit ( or PM me.

Good to know. :)

Thank you for your reply and your contacts, if any of my customers need your service they will surely advise you.
I have a list of 'sellers' and propose them to my customers when they need specific service

Thanks babo, sounds good!

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Tsunade69 on May 27, 2019, 02:35:17 PM
#Request Community Logo

#Uchiha Clan
#VIP Community


Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on May 27, 2019, 05:58:10 PM
#Request Community Logo

#Uchiha Clan
#VIP Community


Tsunade69: application rejected. Please use the correct format - you can find it both in OP and itt:

#1 - What text should be present in the design?
(your business name/website/org/forum name; ie. "SatoshiN98" or "")
#2 - Describe your business/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word
(ie. "innovation")
#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
(could also be an image/sketch/existing logo that you like, for reference)
#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
(ie. blue & white, or leave it to the designer to choose)
#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
#6 - (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: r_victory on May 28, 2019, 03:10:53 AM
#1 - What text should be present in the design?
#2 - Describe your business/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word
#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
Something that unites entrepreneurship, investments, and education.
#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
I wish it had yellow (gold), the rest you choose.
#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
Transformation through financial education.
#6 - (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Tsunade69 on May 28, 2019, 03:22:49 AM
#1 - What text should be present in the design?
#2 - Describe your business/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word
#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
Something that unites entrepreneurship, investments, and education.
#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
I wish it had yellow (gold), the rest you choose.
#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
Transformation through financial education.
#6 - (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?

2. Cryptocurrency
3. People power

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on May 28, 2019, 10:34:13 AM
#1 - What text should be present in the design?
#2 - Describe your business/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word
#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
Something that unites entrepreneurship, investments, and education.
#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
I wish it had yellow (gold), the rest you choose.
#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
Transformation through financial education.
#6 - (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?

r_victory accepted.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on May 28, 2019, 04:35:00 PM
2. Cryptocurrency
3. People power

UCHIHA - accepted (#2).

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: goldenpay on May 28, 2019, 11:56:00 PM
what is your price and how long for deliver?

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on May 29, 2019, 10:49:57 AM
1 - What text should be present in the design?
#2 - Describe your business/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word
#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
A cloud with rain formed of different project tokens, e.g. ethereum, USDT, BTC saying Bountycloud next to it
#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
Your choice
#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
Using the marketing power of thousands of bounty hunters to spread the word about a project
#6 - (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?
Icon based

Much appreciated :D

Parodium - Bountycloud added.

I will post the design when ready.

Parodium, your "Bountycloud" design is ready.

PM me to get the files.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on May 29, 2019, 10:52:14 AM
what is your price and how long for deliver?

Prices and delivery times for each plan are listed on the website: (

You can order directly from the site using the contact form or PM me.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on May 30, 2019, 05:52:49 PM
#1 - What text should be present in the design?
#2 - Describe your business/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word
#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
Something that unites entrepreneurship, investments, and education.
#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
I wish it had yellow (gold), the rest you choose.
#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
Transformation through financial education.
#6 - (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?

r_victory, your design is ready:

PM me to get the files.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Opening on May 31, 2019, 06:35:42 AM
Your design looks simple but very delicate, modern and very beautiful.
You learn Photoshop by yourself or through a training center.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: DaCryptoRaccoon on May 31, 2019, 10:57:16 AM
Hello I would love a logo and thank you for offering such a fantastic service to the community.
There are not enough good members like yourself who offer things for free.

#1 - CoinCrypt
#2 - Bitcoin Mixer
#3 - Coins, Encryption, Mixing, Secure, Privacy
#4 - Dark theme, Black, Yellow, Green, Matrix style
#5 - Ensure Your Privacy
#6 - Unsure surprise me.

Best Regards.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on May 31, 2019, 05:03:22 PM
Your design looks simple but very delicate, modern and very beautiful.
You learn Photoshop by yourself or through a training center.


Yes, 100% self taught.

For logos I use Adobe Illustrator and Inkscape because Photoshop is not a vector software.

I use PS for banners and other extra graphics but never for logo design.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on June 01, 2019, 07:53:39 AM
Hello I would love a logo and thank you for offering such a fantastic service to the community.
There are not enough good members like yourself who offer things for free.

#1 - CoinCrypt
#2 - Bitcoin Mixer
#3 - Coins, Encryption, Mixing, Secure, Privacy
#4 - Dark theme, Black, Yellow, Green, Matrix style
#5 - Ensure Your Privacy
#6 - Unsure surprise me.

Best Regards.

Hi MagicByt3! Thanks for the kind words.

CoinCrypt accepted.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Opening on June 01, 2019, 08:59:57 AM
Your design looks simple but very delicate, modern and very beautiful.
You learn Photoshop by yourself or through a training center.


Yes, 100% self taught.

For logos I use Adobe Illustrator and Inkscape because Photoshop is not a vector software.

I use PS for banners and other extra graphics but never for logo design.
Can you show me some address where I can learn it?

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on June 01, 2019, 06:18:19 PM
Your design looks simple but very delicate, modern and very beautiful.
You learn Photoshop by yourself or through a training center.


Yes, 100% self taught.

For logos I use Adobe Illustrator and Inkscape because Photoshop is not a vector software.

I use PS for banners and other extra graphics but never for logo design.
Can you show me some address where I can learn it?

Not really. Try some free tutorials online or enroll in a paid course like Lynda's. Note that those will only teach you the basics.

The rest is practice. Take on pro bono clients and experiment a lot.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: r_victory on June 01, 2019, 06:24:16 PM
#1 - What text should be present in the design?
#2 - Describe your business/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word
#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
Something that unites entrepreneurship, investments, and education.
#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
I wish it had yellow (gold), the rest you choose.
#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
Transformation through financial education.
#6 - (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?

r_victory, your design is ready:

Thank you very much, my friend, as you can see I'm already using it. Whenever I can I will promote your site, I wish you success with your work ...

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on June 02, 2019, 10:44:17 AM
Thank you very much, my friend, as you can see I'm already using it. Whenever I can I will promote your site, I wish you success with your work ...

You're very welcome!

Thanks for your support, I appreciate it.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on June 02, 2019, 06:33:13 PM
2. Cryptocurrency
3. People power

Tsunade69, your UCHIHA design is ready:

PM me to get the files.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Tsunade69 on June 02, 2019, 06:40:52 PM
2. Cryptocurrency
3. People power

Tsunade69, your UCHIHA design is ready:

PM me to get the files.

Awesome, Thanks Verymuch

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on June 03, 2019, 07:14:45 PM
Awesome, Thanks Verymuch

You're welcome! Files sent.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on June 06, 2019, 01:36:30 PM
Hello I would love a logo and thank you for offering such a fantastic service to the community.
There are not enough good members like yourself who offer things for free.

#1 - CoinCrypt
#2 - Bitcoin Mixer
#3 - Coins, Encryption, Mixing, Secure, Privacy
#4 - Dark theme, Black, Yellow, Green, Matrix style
#5 - Ensure Your Privacy
#6 - Unsure surprise me.

Best Regards.

MagicByt3 - CoinCrypt logo is ready:

PM me to get the files.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Congvananh on June 06, 2019, 01:44:05 PM
Hello I would love a logo and thank you for offering such a fantastic service to the community.
There are not enough good members like yourself who offer things for free.

#1 - CoinCrypt
#2 - Bitcoin Mixer
#3 - Coins, Encryption, Mixing, Secure, Privacy
#4 - Dark theme, Black, Yellow, Green, Matrix style
#5 - Ensure Your Privacy
#6 - Unsure surprise me.

Best Regards.

Hello I would love a logo and thank you for offering such a fantastic service to the community.
There are not enough good members like yourself who offer things for free.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on June 06, 2019, 02:33:28 PM
Hello I would love a logo and thank you for offering such a fantastic service to the community.
There are not enough good members like yourself who offer things for free.

Thanks! Just post your logo specs using the format in OP or itt, same as all other users.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: projectbtcc on June 06, 2019, 06:08:36 PM
PM me please

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on June 06, 2019, 06:32:28 PM
PM me please

If you're looking for a paid design and can't PM, just use the contact form on the website to submit your specifications

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Gloxinia on June 06, 2019, 06:50:42 PM
#1 - What text should be present in the design?

#2 - Describe your business/brand/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word

#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
 Coin + Airdrop + Bounty

4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
Lighter Colors, surprise me

#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
aim to create a community of cryptocurrency information (such as ICO, Airdrop, Bounty Programs, Giveaways, News, Price Signal,...etc ) through my forum.

#6 - (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?
Surprise me

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on June 08, 2019, 02:07:11 PM
#1 - What text should be present in the design?

#2 - Describe your business/brand/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word

#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
 Coin + Airdrop + Bounty

4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
Lighter Colors, surprise me

#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
aim to create a community of cryptocurrency information (such as ICO, Airdrop, Bounty Programs, Giveaways, News, Price Signal,...etc ) through my forum.

#6 - (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?
Surprise me

CryptoForumTalk accepted.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on June 14, 2019, 02:30:57 PM
#1 - What text should be present in the design?

#2 - Describe your business/brand/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word

#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
 Coin + Airdrop + Bounty

4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
Lighter Colors, surprise me

#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
aim to create a community of cryptocurrency information (such as ICO, Airdrop, Bounty Programs, Giveaways, News, Price Signal,...etc ) through my forum.

#6 - (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?
Surprise me

CryptoForumTalk is ready:

PM me to get the files.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: thesmallgod on June 15, 2019, 01:02:58 PM
Hi, I really appreciate your effort as regards to giving us the opportunity to have your services freely. more power to your elbow.
please help with the design of logo for my blog
#1 SolutionTram
#2 Free
#3 Textbooks solution manuals
#4 Surprise me
#5 To develop an educational blog to provide access to free solution manuals
#6 Surprise me

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Overdrive141 on June 15, 2019, 03:05:20 PM
#1 - OverDrive
#2 - Steam/Forums Avatar Logo
#3 - Surprise me honestly. I have no ideas whatsoever
#4 - I like Red, Black colors. But it can change if you think it's better
#6 - Can be Font or Symbol based. Again, feel free to change it.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on June 16, 2019, 01:39:30 PM
Hi, I really appreciate your effort as regards to giving us the opportunity to have your services freely. more power to your elbow.
please help with the design of logo for my blog
#1 SolutionTram
#2 Free
#3 Textbooks solution manuals
#4 Surprise me
#5 To develop an educational blog to provide access to free solution manuals
#6 Surprise me

Thanks for the kind words, doing my best!

SolutionTram accepted.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Overdrive141 on June 19, 2019, 05:26:02 PM
Thanks for the amazing work man, would be grateful if I got accepted :)

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Nihal6443 on June 19, 2019, 06:50:32 PM

STATUS: Operational.


Hello world!

I'm Uao from ( and I will be designing professional logos for some of your startups, blockchain businesses, ICO's, orgs, YouTube channels (and even forum avatars):

pro bono, effectively for free.


- a unique logo designed from scratch, per your specifications (without using any premade graphics)
- it's exclusively designed for you (your business/brand)
- you can use it anywhere in commercial or non-commercial projects (your full copyright)
- you can print it on anything (use it offline with the files we provide)
- we deliver any resolutions and files you might need, including the source vector file .AI

For more info, see Features on (


In order to participate to this promotion, please post your design specifications in this thread by answering the following:

#1 - What text should be present in the design?
(your business name/website/org/forum name; ie. "SatoshiN98" or "")
#2 - Describe your business/brand/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word
(ie. "innovation")
#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
(could also be an image/sketch/existing logo that you like, for reference)
#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
(ie. blue & white, or leave it to the designer to choose)
#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
#6 - (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?

Example of an ACCEPTABLE post:

#1 - GatorCoin
#2 - Innovation
#3 - A coin with an alligator head on it
#4 - Green & black
#5 - Saving animals with blockchain tech
#6 - B. Symbol/Icon-based


- it's nice to give back to the community (long-time forum lurker myself)
- just started to accept BTC for our design services (what better way to announce this)
- we can potentially make a difference in design quality standards (crypto businesses)
- can't say no to a challenge really

Our Clients

Here are a few of our past clients:
Lost Hire
PK Auth
Pixel Critics

For more, check our Portfolio:


- Posting your design specifications early in the thread does not mean your logo will be designed and I may or may not select to work on projects in chronological order.
- This is a limited promotion and work may stop at any point so there is no guarantee I will design your logo for free.
- Not posting your design specifications in the format specified in this post will probably mean I ignore your post.
- If you'd like to purchase a paid plan, you can do so by visiting our website and submitting the form.


Q: How do I receive the logo?
A: I first reply to your post by quoting it and inserting a mockup of your logo. Then you PM me with your email address. The files will be delivered at that address as soon as possible.

Here's an example of a mockup:

Q: Can I also purchase a logo or get in touch with you?
A: Yes, just submit the form on our website here and include your design specifications.

Q: What's your design process for paid projects?
A: Here's a blog post about our workflow:

Q: What software are you using to design logos?
A: Adobe Illustrator & Inkscape.

Q: Do you also design other graphics?
A: Yes, get in touch via the website contact form.

Edits: I will update this post frequently to include new designs as I create them for you guys.

Uao  ;)


#1 Agrawalgroup for WritingG123;u=1062084

#2 Zenpact for semajy;u=1366685

Hello!  Just joined the forum because of this post! :D

#1 - Zenpact
#2 - Contracts
#3 - Sorry no idea!  I'm currently using svg text of the name as a placeholder.....
#4 - black, maybe some dark blue
#5 - Making contract creation, negotiation, and (digital) signing as easy as possible (not blockchain based)
#6 - A. Font-based

Thanks so much!

#3 CryptoX for WritingG123;u=1062084

Can I request another one?  ;)
I am not reselling these just have tons of idea.

#1 - CryptoX
#2 - Innovation
#3 - Sleek and modern
#4 - Your discretion
#5 - Customers paying with crypto in regular life
#6 - No clue

#4 Teddy5145 for teddy5145;u=513960

Is it Ok if I request an avatar for my steam account?

#1 Teddy5145
#2 Simple
#3 I don't really have an idea, but something colorful would be nice
#4 I'll leave that to you
#5 none
#5 Font based

Thanks :)

#5 Bountify for CryptoBeefy;u=1139774

First off ... Great work and a lovely gesture of free, some awesome logos there.

1. Bountify
2. BountyTracking
3. No idea
4. Logo will be sat on a bright blue background. We use, white, grey and the odd splash of green, yellow and occasionally red. All in a 'flat' style.
5. When bounty hunting, it gets difficult managing all in a spreadsheet when you have many ongoing projects, we aim to create a piece of software which modernises this.
6. Either a symbol with simple wording next to it or a combination where the symbol is in the word.

Thanks in advance

#6 TagaMungkahi for TagaMungkahi;u=1121143

#1 - TagaMungkahi
#2 - Management Services
#3 - more of a banner/Avatar for my campaign services?
#4 - I really like this kind of powdered color explosion but more on the mix of pastel light pink and blue
#5 - To provide transparent Campaign Management Services.
#6 -  B. Symbol/Icon-based
I hope you can make one, Thank you

#7 rjbtc2017 for rjbtc2017;u=1011165

#1 - rjbtc2017
#2 - Bounty Campaign Management Services
#3 - Avatar and banner if it is okay.
#4 - i would like to have this kind of feel
#5 - HQ/Low rates Bounty Campaign Management Services
#6 -  B. Symbol/Icon-based
Is it still available? I hope i'm still eligible for the free graphics, Thank you so much.

#8 Bitcoin Antics for DirtyMartini;u=1048603

Hi Uao - If your very generous offer is still open, I'm after a logo for a blogsite if you're up for it..

#1 Bitcoin Antics
#2 Newbie-friendly edu-tainment (sorry that's more than one word)  ;)
#3 Clean text, Bitcoin logo as the 'B'
#4 Maybe Black, White and Bitcoin logo.. (Rest of blog styling is brightly coloured, pop art inspired)
#5 Newbie-friendly, female-friendly, one-stop guide to all things Bitcoin
#6 Font Based

Let me know what you think..  ;D :D

#9 PanamaShopping for UnknownTechGuy;u=1005733

Wow, really impressed with the work, and without a cost? Amazing.

#1 - What text should be present in the design?
#2 - Describe your business/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word
Shopping Online in Panama
#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
Sorry, no idea here
#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
Not really
#5 - Making online shopping, finally a reality in my country

Thanks a lot.
Any donations wallet?

#10 Coiniverse for yogg;u=140827

Hey Uao,

I need a logo for a project, please. :)
If you are still doing them, I'd love to have one !  ;D

#1 - What text should be present in the design?

#2 - Describe your business/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word

#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
Having the BTC logo with a yellow or green line (for a price chart - same colour as the BTC logo) skyrocketting and next to it, have a red line crashing with a red $ sign, same for € and £ etc ...

#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
Simple colors. Green, yellow, blue, red.

#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
Help non-tech people buy and sell bitcoin.

#6 - (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?

#11 Bali Parwa for;u=1055953

Bali Parwa
#1 - Bali Parwa
#2 - Travel
#3 - Holiday, Traveling, Art, Culture, Sea, Temple, or Coconut Tree
#4 - Color that make you excited
#5 - Explore and DIscover New Things in Bali
#6 - Symbol/Icon-based

#12 Goosebit for;u=1055953

#1 - Goosebit
#2 - Cryptocurrency
#3 - A goose
#4 - #f19400 (orange)
#5 - Cryptocurrency Zone
#6 - Symbol/Icon-based

#13 for component9;u=1055953
#1 - What text should be present in the design?

#2 - Describe your business/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word

#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
(suggestion only) Something with wings on it - could be as simple as a circle with wings with letters following in the air

#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
Blue should be in it somewhere

#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
High quality content

#6 - (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?
Mascot (see #3)? I'm open to suggestions

Thank you

#14 Bitcoin MXN for LilibethSantos;u=917541
#1 - Bitcoin MXN
#2 - News Website
#3 - Perhaps a combination of the Mexican flag with the BTC symbol.
#4 - Green, white, red
#5 - It's for an upcoming Spanish-speaking news website.

#15 for examplens;u=314792
Interesting service offer.
Here is mine request if still available

#1 - What text should be present in the design?

#2 - Describe your business/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word

#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
artistic freedom

#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
i give you free hand for choice

#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
SEO Tools is a free bundled collection of best seo tools website

#6 - (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?


#16 Blockwear   for differential350;u=146532
I love your designs, you're great!

#1 - Blockwear

#2 - Anonymity/Cryptocurrencies clothing

#3 - Something crypto related

#5 - Dunno, don't put anything as motto/subtitle

#6 - Font or icon based or both

Thank you!

#17 Anyobsss for Anyobsss;u=1030587
Hello :) please create a logo for me
#1 Anyobsss
#2 Creative or artistic
#3 i don't really know how i want it to look like.
#4 i dont know
#5 signature design service
#6 B

I dont really know what i want it to look like, i just want you to create me a logo, i would be happy if you will be able to create me an awesome logo

Thanks in advance :)

#18 STT for STT;u=124876
>  (or even forum avatars):

Can you do a forum avatar for me, something with a tiger perhaps or whatever combination of STT you find striking.   I'll put your text/website underneath so no need for text on it, not even my name as thats just an idea whatever designer likes.   If I like it I'll wear whenever not otherwise engaged on a campaign :)

  • STT
  • Verve
  • STT or an animal maybe combination of the two
  • I like the cyan on black in my current avatar or whatever designer finds especially a highlight

#19 The Quiz Portal for shamzblueworld;u=858892
#1 - The Quiz Portal
#2 - Quizzes for preparing for Tests and Exams
#3 - Gateway to MCQs Success is our tagline, gateway = portal. MCQ Quizzes are our main thing. (You can be creative when it comes to designing it)
#4 - Yes, you can take a look at the current style and theme at (
#5 - Preparing students for MCQ exams, a portal to practice quizzes to learn subjective knowledge.
#6 - Something Symbolic along with the text. But you can decide what will be best keeping the project in mind.

#20 for Kema;u=1047291
If this offer is still open, I could use some help with a logo.

- Pillage and plunder!
- Faucetviking
- A viking pillaging cryptocurrency.
- Designer's choice
- Like Robin Hood, I bring earnings back to the people (users).
- Banner design, "Viking  mascot" + text

#21 Signature Designer for hugeblack;u=1059082
#1 - What text should be present in the design?
Hugeblack Signature Designer or Signature Designer.
#2 - Describe your business/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word
Signature Designer
#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
I'm not Professional in designing logo it’s my try
#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
check (
#6 - (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?

# I like your Designs check my Signature Designing service if you interested can make teamwork.

#22 ProCoded for se150401317;u=1015967

Superb Designs! Please accept my request too.

#1 - ProCoded
#2 - Programming & Coding exercises, tutorials, assignments etc. are build, coded, explained and shared. (Its an upcoming project of us University Students)
#3 - ProCoded stands for CODE done by Pro Programmers. This is the base idea behind it.
#4 - No. We are yet to work on the website, so you can choose whichever suits you about the subject, and we may build our website style selecting those colors. You can pick any, but do consider our subject in selecting the colors if appropriate.
#5 - The vision is to build a database of Programming and Coding exercises for students as well as people with the interest to learn, understand coding and programming and also share their own creativity in Coding and Programming.
#6 - Symbol/Icon based with the readable font too.

Would really appreciate your effort.
Thank you

Please create logo for me
#1 BusinessesFund
#2ICO marketing Services
#3 no idea
#4no idea
#5no idea
#6no idea

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Nihal6443 on June 19, 2019, 06:53:36 PM
Please create logo for me
#1 BusinessesFund
#2ICO marketing Services
#3 no idea
#4no idea
#5no idea
#6no idea

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on June 19, 2019, 08:23:57 PM
Hi, I really appreciate your effort as regards to giving us the opportunity to have your services freely. more power to your elbow.
please help with the design of logo for my blog
#1 SolutionTram
#2 Free
#3 Textbooks solution manuals
#4 Surprise me
#5 To develop an educational blog to provide access to free solution manuals
#6 Surprise me

SolutionTram is ready:

PM me to get the rest of the files.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Nihal6443 on June 20, 2019, 02:55:47 AM
#2ICO marketing services

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: thesmallgod on June 20, 2019, 04:51:54 AM
Hi, I really appreciate your effort as regards to giving us the opportunity to have your services freely. more power to your elbow.
please help with the design of logo for my blog
#1 SolutionTram
#2 Free
#3 Textbooks solution manuals
#4 Surprise me
#5 To develop an educational blog to provide access to free solution manuals
#6 Surprise me

SolutionTram is ready:

PM me to get the rest of the files.

Thank you. I already sent you pm

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on June 20, 2019, 05:51:44 PM
#1 - OverDrive
#2 - Steam/Forums Avatar Logo
#3 - Surprise me honestly. I have no ideas whatsoever
#4 - I like Red, Black colors. But it can change if you think it's better
#6 - Can be Font or Symbol based. Again, feel free to change it.

OverDrive accepted.

#2ICO marketing services

BusinessesFund rejected. You posted the same thing 3 times. No need to spam.

Also try and learn some basic forum functionality (ie. don't quote the OP when it is a massive post -- it only clutters the thread and makes it less readable for others).

Thank you. I already sent you pm

You're welcome! Files will be sent later today.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Nihal6443 on June 20, 2019, 07:14:01 PM
Sorry for this.
I am new here i don't know about bitcointalk

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Overdrive141 on June 20, 2019, 07:54:20 PM
#1 - OverDrive
#2 - Steam/Forums Avatar Logo
#3 - Surprise me honestly. I have no ideas whatsoever
#4 - I like Red, Black colors. But it can change if you think it's better
#6 - Can be Font or Symbol based. Again, feel free to change it.

OverDrive accepted.

Thank you so much for doing this man. I am so excited :P

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on June 22, 2019, 06:14:59 PM
#1 - OverDrive
#2 - Steam/Forums Avatar Logo
#3 - Surprise me honestly. I have no ideas whatsoever
#4 - I like Red, Black colors. But it can change if you think it's better
#6 - Can be Font or Symbol based. Again, feel free to change it.

OverDrive accepted.

Thank you so much for doing this man. I am so excited :P

OverDrive logo is ready:

You're welcome! PM me to get the files.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Overdrive141 on June 22, 2019, 06:51:40 PM
#1 - OverDrive
#2 - Steam/Forums Avatar Logo
#3 - Surprise me honestly. I have no ideas whatsoever
#4 - I like Red, Black colors. But it can change if you think it's better
#6 - Can be Font or Symbol based. Again, feel free to change it.

OverDrive accepted.

Thank you so much for doing this man. I am so excited :P

OverDrive logo is ready:

You're welcome! PM me to get the files.

Wow wow, thank you so much man. I cant thank you enough.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Bros_3 on June 24, 2019, 07:57:57 AM
we have launched a new startup this is the first startup of our life currently we have not prepared any logo. please make one for us.

#2Digital marketing
#3Growth and Graph related
#4Red and black
#5To Digitalized Advertisement world
#6No idea

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: CoinLov3r on June 24, 2019, 09:58:30 AM
Thanks for your generous offer to BTCT community. I would love to have one too if it's still available.

#1 - Go Green Educational Consultancy 
#2 - Educational Consultancy
#3 - No idea
#4 - I'll leave that to you
#5 - Counseling students wanting study abroad
#6 - Symbol/Icon-based


Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on June 24, 2019, 09:10:16 PM
Wow wow, thank you so much man. I cant thank you enough.

You're very welcome! Files sent.

Please create logo for me
#1 BusinessesFund
#2ICO marketing Services
#3 no idea
#4no idea
#5no idea
#6no idea
Sorry for this.
I am new here i don't know about bitcointalk

It's alright, just make sure you read the stickies and learn from others with more experience here.

BusinessesFund accepted.

we have launched a new startup this is the first startup of our life currently we have not prepared any logo. please make one for us.

#2Digital marketing
#3Growth and Graph related
#4Red and black
#5To Digitalized Advertisement world
#6No idea

CRX accepted.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Nihal6443 on June 25, 2019, 02:45:17 AM
Wow wow, thank you so much man. I cant thank you enough.

You're very welcome! Files sent.

Please create logo for me
#1 BusinessesFund
#2ICO marketing Services
#3 no idea
#4no idea
#5no idea
#6no idea
Sorry for this.
I am new here i don't know about bitcointalk

It's alright, just make sure you read the stickies and learn from others with more experience here.

BusinessesFund accepted.

we have launched a new startup this is the first startup of our life currently we have not prepared any logo. please make one for us.

#2Digital marketing
#3Growth and Graph related
#4Red and black
#5To Digitalized Advertisement world
#6No idea

CRX accepted.

Thank you so much i am grateful to you

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on June 25, 2019, 12:53:55 PM
CRX accepted.
Thank you so much i am grateful to you

Sure, no problem.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on June 25, 2019, 08:09:05 PM
Thanks for your generous offer to BTCT community. I would love to have one too if it's still available.

#1 - Go Green Educational Consultancy 
#2 - Educational Consultancy
#3 - No idea
#4 - I'll leave that to you
#5 - Counseling students wanting study abroad
#6 - Symbol/Icon-based


Go Green Educational Consultancy accepted.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on June 26, 2019, 01:23:09 PM
Please create logo for me
#1 BusinessesFund
#2ICO marketing Services
#3 no idea
#4no idea
#5no idea
#6no idea

BusinessesFund design is ready:

PM me to get the files.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: CoinLov3r on June 26, 2019, 03:02:05 PM
Thank you so much for accepting my logo request. I'm so excited.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on June 27, 2019, 11:55:02 AM
Thank you so much for accepting my logo request. I'm so excited.

You're very welcome!

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on June 29, 2019, 10:39:20 AM
we have launched a new startup this is the first startup of our life currently we have not prepared any logo. please make one for us.

#2Digital marketing
#3Growth and Graph related
#4Red and black
#5To Digitalized Advertisement world
#6No idea

CRX logo is ready:

PM me to get the files.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on July 01, 2019, 09:32:21 AM
Thanks for your generous offer to BTCT community. I would love to have one too if it's still available.

#1 - Go Green Educational Consultancy 
#2 - Educational Consultancy
#3 - No idea
#4 - I'll leave that to you
#5 - Counseling students wanting study abroad
#6 - Symbol/Icon-based


Go Green Educational Consultancy logo design is ready!

PM me your email to get the files.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on July 02, 2019, 08:49:03 AM
we have launched a new startup this is the first startup of our life currently we have not prepared any logo. please make one for us.
#2Digital marketing
#3Growth and Graph related
#4Red and black
#5To Digitalized Advertisement world
#6No idea
PM me to get the files.

Files sent!

Thanks for your generous offer to BTCT community. I would love to have one too if it's still available.
#1 - Go Green Educational Consultancy 
#2 - Educational Consultancy
#3 - No idea
#4 - I'll leave that to you
#5 - Counseling students wanting study abroad
#6 - Symbol/Icon-based
PM me your email to get the files.

Sending files later today. Sent.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on August 29, 2019, 01:25:47 PM
Now reviewing new applications. Please use the OP format if you wish to apply.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on August 30, 2019, 11:26:00 AM
For paid projects just PM me or use the contact form on the Norderly website.

Note: don't PM for free projects, just post ITT.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Darker45 on August 30, 2019, 12:52:39 PM
Just in case you have some extra time to spare for a free bitcointalk avatar, here's my application. Thank you very much in advance!

#1 - What text should be present in the design?
#2 - Describe your business/brand/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word
#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
I'm thinking of a compass, boot marks, mountains, beach/sea/ocean representing my being a traveler, newbie mountaineer, and beach lover.
#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
Reggae colors: green, yellow, and red
#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
love and peace

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on August 31, 2019, 08:26:41 AM
Just in case you have some extra time to spare for a free bitcointalk avatar, here's my application. Thank you very much in advance!

#1 - What text should be present in the design?
#2 - Describe your business/brand/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word
#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
I'm thinking of a compass, boot marks, mountains, beach/sea/ocean representing my being a traveler, newbie mountaineer, and beach lover.
#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
Reggae colors: green, yellow, and red
#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
love and peace

Darker45 accepted.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on September 04, 2019, 07:46:37 PM
Just in case you have some extra time to spare for a free bitcointalk avatar, here's my application. Thank you very much in advance!

#1 - What text should be present in the design?
#2 - Describe your business/brand/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word
#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
I'm thinking of a compass, boot marks, mountains, beach/sea/ocean representing my being a traveler, newbie mountaineer, and beach lover.
#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
Reggae colors: green, yellow, and red
#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
love and peace

Darker45 logo design is ready.

PM me to get the files.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: TrustNodeOrg on September 04, 2019, 08:49:13 PM
Trusted platform that retains assets
Color's (open)

I want you to work your artistic magic. What you envision when you think of

I know it is pro bono but I am willing to compensate accordingly.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on September 05, 2019, 01:11:43 PM
Trusted platform that retains assets
Color's (open)

I want you to work your artistic magic. What you envision when you think of

I know it is pro bono but I am willing to compensate accordingly. accepted.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: TrustNodeOrg on September 05, 2019, 03:22:54 PM
Trusted platform that retains assets
Color's (open)

I want you to work your artistic magic. What you envision when you think of

I know it is pro bono but I am willing to compensate accordingly. accepted.

We appreciate the consideration and look forward to your design!

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on September 05, 2019, 10:03:07 PM
We appreciate the consideration and look forward to your design!

You're quite welcome!

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: CryptoSparks on September 06, 2019, 10:29:51 AM
Hello mate nice initiative you have in here!

#1 - What text should be present in the design?

#2 - Describe your business/brand/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word

#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
I'd like to blend a cool spider similar to the one i have in here ( with the trading world. I'm actually arachnophobic  ;D so it shouldn't be too gross .. the idea is that the bot behaves just like a spider.. it builds its trap and patiently waits for the pray to fall into then it eats it alive.

#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
Not really, but i like green/white or green/black. Take a look at my thread design for reference

#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
Our Bot, Your Profit.

#6 - (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?
I guess ... C  ? I actually need more the spider "icon" or "sprite" than the font based logo

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on September 07, 2019, 06:33:09 PM
Trusted platform that retains assets
Color's (open)

I want you to work your artistic magic. What you envision when you think of

I know it is pro bono but I am willing to compensate accordingly. logo design is ready.

PM me to get the files.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on September 08, 2019, 12:30:16 PM
Hello mate nice initiative you have in here!

#1 - What text should be present in the design?

#2 - Describe your business/brand/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word

#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
I'd like to blend a cool spider similar to the one i have in here ( with the trading world. I'm actually arachnophobic  ;D so it shouldn't be too gross .. the idea is that the bot behaves just like a spider.. it builds its trap and patiently waits for the pray to fall into then it eats it alive.

#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
Not really, but i like green/white or green/black. Take a look at my thread design for reference

#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
Our Bot, Your Profit.

#6 - (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?
I guess ... C  ? I actually need more the spider "icon" or "sprite" than the font based logo

ARAKNE FUND accepted.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Overdrive141 on September 11, 2019, 08:47:44 AM
1. The Garden Eatery
2. A restaurant and place to hangout and have meetings
3. I want a unique logo that catches customers. Like somehow depicts Garden and Food
4. Green for garden and any other color you like.
5. Open. Please add Steaks and Burgers along with any other text you want.
6. I guess B or whatever your magic works out

Thank you for doing this. Keep up the work.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: goldade on September 11, 2019, 02:56:50 PM
1. Nimi's Kloset
2. Fashion
3. Your idea should do
4. Blue and any color
5. Meeting your fashion needs
6. Font based

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on September 11, 2019, 04:32:23 PM
1. The Garden Eatery
2. A restaurant and place to hangout and have meetings
3. I want a unique logo that catches customers. Like somehow depicts Garden and Food
4. Green for garden and any other color you like.
5. Open. Please add Steaks and Burgers along with any other text you want.
6. I guess B or whatever your magic works out

Thank you for doing this. Keep up the work.

The Garden Eatery accepted.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: TwoCorn on September 12, 2019, 02:47:51 PM
For your consideration please:

#2 Adept
#3 No pre-conceived idea, I trust your judgement
#4 Sky Blue, something between #266484 and #708DCC
#5 Quality copywriting for the crypto and blockchain industry
#6 Font-based

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on September 12, 2019, 03:01:47 PM
For your consideration please:

#2 Adept
#3 No pre-conceived idea, I trust your judgement
#4 Sky Blue, something between #266484 and #708DCC
#5 Quality copywriting for the crypto and blockchain industry
#6 Font-based accepted.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: CryptoSparks on September 12, 2019, 08:30:14 PM
Hello mate nice initiative you have in here!

#1 - What text should be present in the design?

#2 - Describe your business/brand/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word

#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
I'd like to blend a cool spider similar to the one i have in here ( with the trading world. I'm actually arachnophobic  ;D so it shouldn't be too gross .. the idea is that the bot behaves just like a spider.. it builds its trap and patiently waits for the pray to fall into then it eats it alive.

#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
Not really, but i like green/white or green/black. Take a look at my thread design for reference

#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
Our Bot, Your Profit.

#6 - (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?
I guess ... C  ? I actually need more the spider "icon" or "sprite" than the font based logo

ARAKNE FUND accepted.

Thanks!  ;D

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on September 13, 2019, 11:43:00 AM
Hello mate nice initiative you have in here!

#1 - What text should be present in the design?

#2 - Describe your business/brand/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word

#3 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
I'd like to blend a cool spider similar to the one i have in here ( with the trading world. I'm actually arachnophobic  ;D so it shouldn't be too gross .. the idea is that the bot behaves just like a spider.. it builds its trap and patiently waits for the pray to fall into then it eats it alive.

#4 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
Not really, but i like green/white or green/black. Take a look at my thread design for reference

#5 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
Our Bot, Your Profit.

#6 - (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?
I guess ... C  ? I actually need more the spider "icon" or "sprite" than the font based logo

ARAKNE FUND is ready!

PM me to get the files.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on September 13, 2019, 08:08:45 PM
1. Nimi's Kloset
2. Fashion
3. Your idea should do
4. Blue and any color
5. Meeting your fashion needs
6. Font based

Nimi's Kloset accepted.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: goldade on September 15, 2019, 09:56:13 AM
1. Nimi's Kloset
2. Fashion
3. Your idea should do
4. Blue and any color
5. Meeting your fashion needs
6. Font based

Nimi's Kloset accepted.

Thank you so much

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on September 15, 2019, 12:44:46 PM

Nimi's Kloset accepted.

Thank you so much

You're quite welcome!

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Overdrive141 on September 15, 2019, 06:33:17 PM
1. The Garden Eatery
2. A restaurant and place to hangout and have meetings
3. I want a unique logo that catches customers. Like somehow depicts Garden and Food
4. Green for garden and any other color you like.
5. Open. Please add Steaks and Burgers along with any other text you want.
6. I guess B or whatever your magic works out

Thank you for doing this. Keep up the work.

The Garden Eatery accepted.

Thanks man

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: TwoCorn on September 16, 2019, 12:53:08 AM
For your consideration please:

#2 Adept
#3 No pre-conceived idea, I trust your judgement
#4 Sky Blue, something between #266484 and #708DCC
#5 Quality copywriting for the crypto and blockchain industry
#6 Font-based accepted.

Great, thank you!

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on September 16, 2019, 12:04:09 PM
1. Nimi's Kloset
2. Fashion
3. Your idea should do
4. Blue and any color
5. Meeting your fashion needs
6. Font based

Nimi's Kloset logo design is ready:'s-kloset.png's-kloset-mockup.png

Let me know of your feedback and PM for files.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on September 16, 2019, 04:02:12 PM accepted.
Great, thank you!

The Garden Eatery accepted.
Thanks man

You're welcome!

Your projects are up next in the queue.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on September 17, 2019, 05:37:49 PM
1. The Garden Eatery
2. A restaurant and place to hangout and have meetings
3. I want a unique logo that catches customers. Like somehow depicts Garden and Food
4. Green for garden and any other color you like.
5. Open. Please add Steaks and Burgers along with any other text you want.
6. I guess B or whatever your magic works out

Thank you for doing this. Keep up the work.

The Garden Eatery logo design is ready:

PM me to get the files.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Overdrive141 on September 18, 2019, 06:11:59 AM
1. The Garden Eatery
2. A restaurant and place to hangout and have meetings
3. I want a unique logo that catches customers. Like somehow depicts Garden and Food
4. Green for garden and any other color you like.
5. Open. Please add Steaks and Burgers along with any other text you want.
6. I guess B or whatever your magic works out

Thank you for doing this. Keep up the work.

The Garden Eatery logo design is ready:

PM me to get the files.

Perfect. Thank you so much

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on September 19, 2019, 03:33:52 AM
For your consideration please:

#2 Adept
#3 No pre-conceived idea, I trust your judgement
#4 Sky Blue, something between #266484 and #708DCC
#5 Quality copywriting for the crypto and blockchain industry
#6 Font-based logo design is ready!

PM me for files.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: TwoCorn on September 19, 2019, 01:49:27 PM
Thank You! Exactly what I needed.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: jamalaezaz on September 19, 2019, 03:14:18 PM
I need a logo and a favicon for my website

#1 - or Share4Likes
#2 - A digital Marketing Blog
#3 - I don't have anything in mind.
#4 - leave it to designer to decide

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on September 19, 2019, 10:42:31 PM
I need a logo and a favicon for my website
#1 - or Share4Likes
#2 - A digital Marketing Blog
#3 - I don't have anything in mind.
#4 - leave it to designer to decide
Share4Likes accepted.

Thank You! Exactly what I needed.
Great! Files sent.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on September 25, 2019, 02:28:27 PM
I need a logo and a favicon for my website

#1 - or Share4Likes
#2 - A digital Marketing Blog
#3 - I don't have anything in mind.
#4 - leave it to designer to decide

Share4Likes design is ready!

PM me to get the files.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: jamalaezaz on September 25, 2019, 03:12:29 PM
I need a logo and a favicon for my website

#1 - or Share4Likes
#2 - A digital Marketing Blog
#3 - I don't have anything in mind.
#4 - leave it to designer to decide

Share4Likes design is ready!

PM me to get the files.

wow. that's awesome. I'll PM you now for the files.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on September 26, 2019, 02:11:04 PM
wow. that's awesome. I'll PM you now for the files.

Great to hear that you love it! Replied to your PM.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: UmerIdrees on September 26, 2019, 05:11:06 PM
Are you designing these logo for free ? or do you take money when you send the full versions of the files ?

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on September 26, 2019, 07:15:50 PM
Are you designing these logo for free ? or do you take money when you send the full versions of the files ?

Yes, it's free (pro bono service). I don't charge for the source files either.

Title: Re: ✍Uao's Bitcointalk community graphic design thread (pro bono & paid projects)
Post by: Uao on October 15, 2019, 04:30:04 PM
Updated OP ( you can now also request infographics.

Please use the appropriate post format in order to apply for a free design.

For private paid projects please PM/email or use the website contact form.

Title: Re: ✍Uao's Bitcointalk community graphic design thread (pro bono & paid projects)
Post by: Uao on October 17, 2019, 06:04:08 PM

Title: Re: ✍ [FREE/PAID] Uao's community graphic design services
Post by: abel1337 on October 17, 2019, 08:06:40 PM
#1 - abel1337
#2 - A believer of bitcoin
#3 - contains bitcoin logo
#4 - black and pink plus the regular color of bitcoin
#5 - Font and symbol based

Thank you OP for this pro bono service  :D

Title: Re: ✍ [FREE/PAID] Uao's community graphic design services
Post by: Uao on October 18, 2019, 02:08:53 PM
#1 - abel1337
#2 - A believer of bitcoin
#3 - contains bitcoin logo
#4 - black and pink plus the regular color of bitcoin
#5 - Font and symbol based

Thank you OP for this pro bono service  :D

abel1337 accepted. (logo only)

You're welcome!

Title: Re: ✍ [FREE/PAID] Uao's community graphic design services
Post by: Uao on October 19, 2019, 04:34:01 PM
Still taking projects.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: UmerIdrees on October 21, 2019, 05:23:26 PM
Are you designing these logo for free ? or do you take money when you send the full versions of the files ?

Yes, it's free (pro bono service). I don't charge for the source files either.

Can you design a logo for me which contains my name as well as my country flag in it.
You may search Pakistan Flag in the google and embed any one of it in the logo.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on October 21, 2019, 10:06:12 PM
Can you design a logo for me which contains my name as well as my country flag in it.
You may search Pakistan Flag in the google and embed any one of it in the logo.

Yes, of course. Please fill in the brief using the format in OP.


#1 - What type of graphics do you need?
(ie. logo design/infographics/ANN or promotion thread design/branding/etc)
#2 - What text should be present in the design?
(your business name/website/org/forum name; ie. "SatoshiN98" or "")
#3 - Describe your business/brand/org/ICO/yourself in exactly one single word
(ie. "innovation")
#4 - What's your logo idea in exactly one sentence?
(could also be an image/sketch/existing logo that you like, for reference)
#5 - Are there any pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo?
(ie. blue & white, or leave it to the designer to choose)
#6 - (optional) What's your (business) vision or motto?
#7 - (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?

Example of an ACCEPTABLE post:

#1 - Logo design only
#2 - GatorCoin
#3 - Innovation
#4 - A coin with an alligator head on it
#5 - Green & black
#6 - Saving animals with blockchain tech
#7 - B. Symbol/Icon-based

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: UmerIdrees on October 22, 2019, 03:56:40 AM
Can you design a logo for me which contains my name as well as my country flag in it.
You may search Pakistan Flag in the google and embed any one of it in the logo.

Yes, of course. Please fill in the brief using the format in OP.

#1 - Logo design only
#2 - Umer Idrees
#3 - Innovation / Myself
#4 - My name along with my country flag
#5 - leave it to the designer to choose
#6 - Patriotism . Love for the country
#7 - B. Symbol/Icon-based

Title: Re: ✍ [FREE/PAID] Uao's community graphic design services
Post by: Uao on October 22, 2019, 07:52:45 PM
#1 - abel1337
#2 - A believer of bitcoin
#3 - contains bitcoin logo
#4 - black and pink plus the regular color of bitcoin
#5 - Font and symbol based

Thank you OP for this pro bono service  :D

abel1337 logo design is ready:

Let me know of your feedback.

Title: Re: ✍ [FREE/PAID] Uao's community graphic design services
Post by: abel1337 on October 23, 2019, 02:48:56 PM
#1 - abel1337
#2 - A believer of bitcoin
#3 - contains bitcoin logo
#4 - black and pink plus the regular color of bitcoin
#5 - Font and symbol based

Thank you OP for this pro bono service  :D

abel1337 logo design is ready:

Let me know of your feedback.
Thank you!! May I know if I can get an HD version? I will make this as my avatar  ;D

Very quality work!!

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: UmerIdrees on October 23, 2019, 04:05:19 PM
Can you design a logo for me which contains my name as well as my country flag in it.
You may search Pakistan Flag in the google and embed any one of it in the logo.

Yes, of course. Please fill in the brief using the format in OP.

#1 - Logo design only
#2 - Umer Idrees
#3 - Innovation / Myself
#4 - My name along with my country flag
#5 - leave it to the designer to choose
#6 - Patriotism . Love for the country
#7 - B. Symbol/Icon-based

Any update on my request as i have not seen any Accepted reply from your side.

Title: Re: ✍ [FREE/PAID] Uao's community graphic design services
Post by: Uao on October 23, 2019, 07:23:39 PM
Thank you!! May I know if I can get an HD version? I will make this as my avatar  ;D
Very quality work!!

You're welcome!

Sure, I will send you everything, including the source/scalable vector (.SVG) for your design.

Let me know where to send the files. You can PM me.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on October 23, 2019, 07:26:37 PM
Can you design a logo for me which contains my name as well as my country flag in it.
You may search Pakistan Flag in the google and embed any one of it in the logo.

Yes, of course. Please fill in the brief using the format in OP.

#1 - Logo design only
#2 - Umer Idrees
#3 - Innovation / Myself
#4 - My name along with my country flag
#5 - leave it to the designer to choose
#6 - Patriotism . Love for the country
#7 - B. Symbol/Icon-based

Any update on my request as i have not seen any Accepted reply from your side.


Umer Idrees project accepted.

PS: been busy with other projects, hence the delay.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on October 24, 2019, 12:45:55 PM
#1 - Logo design only
#2 - Umer Idrees
#3 - Innovation / Myself
#4 - My name along with my country flag
#5 - leave it to the designer to choose
#6 - Patriotism . Love for the country
#7 - B. Symbol/Icon-based

Umer Idrees logo design is ready:

Let me know if you like it.

Title: Re: ✍ [FREE/PAID] Uao's community graphic design services
Post by: abel1337 on October 24, 2019, 02:21:49 PM
Thank you!! May I know if I can get an HD version? I will make this as my avatar  ;D
Very quality work!!

You're welcome!

Sure, I will send you everything, including the source/scalable vector (.SVG) for your design.

Let me know where to send the files. You can PM me.
PMed you, Thank you for this wonderful pro bono service  ;D

Title: Re: ✍ [FREE/PAID] Uao's community graphic design services
Post by: Uao on October 24, 2019, 08:06:10 PM
PMed you, Thank you for this wonderful pro bono service  ;D

You're welcome! Sent.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: UmerIdrees on October 25, 2019, 01:20:32 PM
#1 - Logo design only
#2 - Umer Idrees
#3 - Innovation / Myself
#4 - My name along with my country flag
#5 - leave it to the designer to choose
#6 - Patriotism . Love for the country
#7 - B. Symbol/Icon-based

Umer Idrees logo design is ready:

Let me know if you like it.

This is great. I never expected it to be so beautiful.  
Thanks a lot

Edit: Can i get the Original version of it ?

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on October 26, 2019, 09:04:53 AM
This is great. I never expected it to be so beautiful.  
Thanks a lot

Edit: Can i get the Original version of it ?

Awesome, sure! Let me know where to send the files (PM me).

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: UmerIdrees on October 27, 2019, 03:25:17 AM
This is great. I never expected it to be so beautiful.  
Thanks a lot

Edit: Can i get the Original version of it ?

Awesome, sure! Let me know where to send the files (PM me).

I have send you the PM.
Thanks once again.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on October 28, 2019, 04:55:04 AM
This is great. I never expected it to be so beautiful.  
Thanks a lot

Edit: Can i get the Original version of it ?

Awesome, sure! Let me know where to send the files (PM me).

I have send you the PM.
Thanks once again.


Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: UmerIdrees on October 28, 2019, 04:18:31 PM
This is great. I never expected it to be so beautiful.  
Thanks a lot

Edit: Can i get the Original version of it ?

Awesome, sure! Let me know where to send the files (PM me).

I have send you the PM.
Thanks once again.


There is some problem in the link. If you can upload and send me again.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on October 29, 2019, 10:22:52 AM
There is some problem in the link. If you can upload and send me again.

Check PM. Let me know if that worked!

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: UmerIdrees on October 29, 2019, 04:11:31 PM
There is some problem in the link. If you can upload and send me again.

Check PM. Let me know if that worked!

Yeah, now i am able to download it. Big thanks again for this master piece.

Title: Re: ✍I'm designing professional logos for the Bitcointalk community, pro bono (FREE)
Post by: Uao on October 30, 2019, 07:56:32 AM
There is some problem in the link. If you can upload and send me again.

Check PM. Let me know if that worked!

Yeah, now i am able to download it. Big thanks again for this master piece.

You're welcome, glad you liked it!