Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: tuandung1439 on July 08, 2013, 04:35:40 PM

Title: What coin is the most powerfull in the next 2 year
Post by: tuandung1439 on July 08, 2013, 04:35:40 PM
Can anyone guess ??

Title: Re: What coin is the most powerfull in the next 2 year
Post by: St.Bit on July 08, 2013, 04:52:25 PM
I don't know what you consider powerful, but I hardly doubt that it won't be bitcoin.

Maybe there will be another also-established crypto in that timeframe, but it's not so likely at all. Nevertheless I belive bitcoin has far too many flaws to be THE mayor crypto for the next 10years or so. I don't see that potential in todays altcoins either (exept maybe YAC) so I think there will be at least one more big crypto to come.

Title: Re: What coin is the most powerfull in the next 2 year
Post by: SirMintALot on July 08, 2013, 05:35:33 PM
I only can currently think of four coins that might become big, but I guess none will steal the crown of bitcoin:
  • Litecoin - Currently the most popoular altcoin, with now lots of GPU miners because the ASICs drove difficulty to an insane level for bitcoin. Also looks promising because Mt.Gox will trade it and more shops will accept it soon too.
  • PPCoin - nice coin with a combination of Proof of Work and Proof of Stake. Proof of Work is suffering because of the ASICs (it's also a SHA256 coin like Bitcoin) but Proof of Stake (holding coins for a longer time) makes it a wanted coin. Just mine whatever altcoin is most profitable, sell it for PPCoins and those PPCoins will generate you extra PPCoins when you hold them for a longer time.
  • YACoin - probably the most ASIC proof coin. This means you can mine it on CPU or GPU for a very long time. I guess it will be mined by lots of people in the future (because of the rising difficulty of Litecoin and all SHA256 coins), which means it will become interresting for shops and exchanges.
  • Copper Lark - A new coin using only Keccak 512 (SHA 3). Mining is very profitable ATM, and economy is building quickly. Sadly lots of stuff is currently in russian language only, but when this changes there is a big chance of becoming one of the major coins.

Title: Re: What coin is the most powerfull in the next 2 year
Post by: St.Bit on July 09, 2013, 03:08:14 PM
Copper Lark - there is a big chance of becoming one of the major coins.
Could you provide some details why you belive that ...

I've looked around, but there wasn't much english info aviable. It uses a new hash algo, but that's all I found out and just a different algorithm wouldn't make it worth mentioning at all.

Title: Re: What coin is the most powerfull in the next 2 year
Post by: villanfonsDC on July 09, 2013, 03:40:54 PM
PXC will be most powerfull.

Title: Re: What coin is the most powerfull in the next 2 year
Post by: 11danman11 on July 09, 2013, 04:15:54 PM
Feathercoin shall prevail and become the best

Title: Re: What coin is the most powerfull in the next 2 year
Post by: whalezy on July 09, 2013, 04:47:30 PM
Ripples may be concerned.

Title: Re: What coin is the most powerfull in the next 2 year
Post by: transcoder on July 10, 2013, 04:27:11 AM
XRP looks interesting, especially with the financial backing from the valley.

Title: Re: What coin is the most powerfull in the next 2 year
Post by: tehvix on July 10, 2013, 06:44:42 AM
WTB KranskyCoin to go with my BBQCoin!

Title: Re: What coin is the most powerfull in the next 2 year
Post by: scarsbergholden on July 10, 2013, 07:00:54 AM
XRP has serious flaws regarding supply. It is far too easily manipulated, and even based on Open Coin's plans, too much of the supply is held by too few people. Anyone see the massive manipulation that started a couple days ago? Huge XRP wall placed 12-15% above highest asks, singlehandedly drove the price of XRP down 23% and counting. Ripple is great, but don't hold the bag with XRP. If you see manipulation, you better exit quicker than the masses...

Title: Re: What coin is the most powerfull in the next 2 year
Post by: thy on July 10, 2013, 10:42:07 AM
I'm sure bitcoin will continue on the throne for the next 2 years, but there will probably be lots of changes under it, coins will die and new coins will come, maby not that many that it has been popping up now for a while thou.

Title: Re: What coin is the most powerfull in the next 2 year
Post by: Birdy on July 10, 2013, 10:49:36 AM
YACoin - probably the most ASIC proof coin. This means you can mine it on CPU or GPU for a very long time. I guess it will be mined by lots of people in the future (because of the rising difficulty of Litecoin and all SHA256 coins), which means it will become interresting for shops and exchanges.
Why should it be interesting for shops, when a lot of people mine it?
Those want to get rid of the coins for money, but you need people that want the coin.

@topic: Bitcoin, obviously. It already got a lot of infrastructure and there is way more in development.

Title: Re: What coin is the most powerfull in the next 2 year
Post by: Tifa1066 on July 10, 2013, 10:52:52 AM
I don't see why bitcoin won't stop being the most powerful, it's the backbone for all other coins.

Title: Re: What coin is the most powerfull in the next 2 year
Post by: favdesu on July 10, 2013, 10:53:39 AM

Title: Re: What coin is the most powerfull in the next 2 year
Post by: zeroday on July 10, 2013, 10:57:00 AM

Without doubt

Title: Re: What coin is the most powerfull in the next 2 year
Post by: jonoiv on July 10, 2013, 10:57:34 AM
Personally, i think that it will be similar to this

Bitcoin BTC: used predominantly as a store of wealth and big purchases, (anonymous) - the first ever

Litecoin LTC:  for smaller purchases (anonymous) and also as a store of wealth.  - the first scrypt

Bottlecaps CAP/BOT:   as an everyday currency (not anonymous) like novacoin - scrypt  PoW and Pos but unlike novacoin bottlecaps has no premined coins.

I don't see how copycat coins without something new can make it. A clone of bitcoin needs to offer something different.   Hence why Bitbytes will fail and why feathercoins will find it hard.

Title: Re: What coin is the most powerfull in the next 2 year
Post by: worldinacoin on July 10, 2013, 11:01:56 AM
It is a no brainer, Bitcoin!

Title: Re: What coin is the most powerfull in the next 2 year
Post by: adamas on July 10, 2013, 11:11:29 AM
It is a no brainer, Bitcoin!
and Litecoin!

Title: Re: What coin is the most powerfull in the next 2 year
Post by: hany103 on July 10, 2013, 11:12:20 AM
Bitcoin and Litecoin

Title: Re: What coin is the most powerfull in the next 2 year
Post by: ch4rts on July 10, 2013, 11:20:09 AM
1 - BTC
2 - LTC

Title: Re: What coin is the most powerfull in the next 2 year
Post by: mnyonpa on July 10, 2013, 11:47:18 AM

Most adopted, most protected against double spending with new ASIC-enforced mining infrastructure.

Maybe PPCoin will rise too, because it is now 3rd widely recognised and PoS makes it resistant to 51% attack.

Title: Re: What coin is the most powerfull in the next 2 year
Post by: Fedrico on July 10, 2013, 03:25:08 PM
BitCoin and LiteCoin.

Title: Re: What coin is the most powerfull in the next 2 year
Post by: dirtscience on July 10, 2013, 03:28:53 PM
LTC ( litecoin ) in my opinion

Title: Re: What coin is the most powerfull in the next 2 year
Post by: cix888 on July 10, 2013, 04:11:28 PM
1) Bitcoin
2) Litecoin
3) Primecoin (might even surpass all others)

Title: Re: What coin is the most powerfull in the next 2 year
Post by: azenor on July 11, 2013, 03:50:57 PM
BitCoin and LiteCoin (I hope  :D)

Title: Re: What coin is the most powerfull in the next 2 year
Post by: SirMintALot on July 11, 2013, 04:15:29 PM
Copper Lark - there is a big chance of becoming one of the major coins.
Could you provide some details why you belive that ...

I've looked around, but there wasn't much english info aviable. It uses a new hash algo, but that's all I found out and just a different algorithm wouldn't make it worth mentioning at all.
There is much progression (from CPU solomining to GPU poolmining in a short time, traded on two exchanges after a very short time) and it's a very profitable coin ATM.

Title: Re: What coin is the most powerfull in the next 2 year
Post by: SirMintALot on July 11, 2013, 04:36:37 PM
YACoin - probably the most ASIC proof coin. This means you can mine it on CPU or GPU for a very long time. I guess it will be mined by lots of people in the future (because of the rising difficulty of Litecoin and all SHA256 coins), which means it will become interresting for shops and exchanges.
Why should it be interesting for shops, when a lot of people mine it?
Those want to get rid of the coins for money, but you need people that want the coin.
Because people spend their mined coins in cryptocoin shops. I buy stuff from bitcoinpride or bitmit with my mined bitcoins, but when the difficulty gets to high I can't mine a useable amount anymore without buying ASICS (which I won't do, as I never could reach ROI). That's why lots of people are now mining Litecoins instead. But it is too much trouble to mine Litecoins, transfer it to an exchange, trade them for bitcoins, pay a fee for transactions, transfer it back to your wallet just to buy a shirt at bitcoinpride. With the reducing number of bitcoin miners, the number of customers in the shops will go down. That's why more and more shops also accept Litecoins now. And if you are a smart trader then you add Yacoin too, as it will always be mineable on CPU for everyone (GPU mining is a bit nerdish for Yacoin, you have to try a lot to find the right parameters).

Title: Re: What coin is the most powerfull in the next 2 year
Post by: dualsmp on July 11, 2013, 05:14:53 PM
Bitcoin will probably be the strongest in 2 years, but I'm thinking LTC could start to gain value since there are so many GPU miners out there.

Title: Re: What coin is the most powerfull in the next 2 year
Post by: BTCHazeller on July 11, 2013, 05:51:23 PM
I think LTC will be The cryptocoin after BTC, I also have more Litecoin than bitcoin (in fiat money)
Hope Gox will accept it soon!

I also have some namecoins, since I think that's the most promising after BTC and LTC, but what do I know :-)

Title: Re: What coin is the most powerfull in the next 2 year
Post by: rigelugh on July 11, 2013, 06:11:44 PM
I think LTC may give BTC a good competition. Whoever wins that may be dethroned by an unknown contender.

We may end up with many different crypto currencies each with a strong enough network of support to outlast our individual lives.

Different cryptos excel in differing areas like anonymity, speed, security, stability, usefulness of "work" etc. We have hardly scraped the surface of possibility.

Title: Re: What coin is the most powerfull in the next 2 year
Post by: Shatteredzen on July 11, 2013, 06:33:24 PM
I think Bitcoin will have some ups and downs but it will remain on top, point in case is if you look at alot of the transactions for other virtual currencies it is apparent that people are shuffling their other odd currencies "up" into BTC for holding.

Litecoin is great, I think the best analogy I heard was comparing bitcoins to "gold" and Litecoin to "silver" more volatile, but still valuable.

Feathercoin impresses me but it almost looks like the "wave" of people chasing the next big thing has moved there, upping the difficulty and thereby decreasing rewards.

I'm interested in some of the smaller currencies, it will be interesting to see if any "businesses" create their own currency, the Amazon coin announcement made me think for a second, until it became obvious it was just a token system. A large operation like Amazon could further legitimize the currency model and would have a large enough selection of saleable goods to make it work for the general public.

Title: Re: What coin is the most powerfull in the next 2 year
Post by: sd1973 on July 11, 2013, 06:54:43 PM
NVC has been a steady riser these past months while most other alt's have been fluctuating wildly, it's my dark horse pick.

Title: Re: What coin is the most powerfull in the next 2 year
Post by: St.Bit on July 11, 2013, 06:57:03 PM
I'm interested in some of the smaller currencies, it will be interesting to see if any "businesses" create their own currency, the Amazon coin announcement made me think for a second, until it became obvious it was just a token system. A large operation like Amazon could further legitimize the currency model and would have a large enough selection of saleable goods to make it work for the general public.
I really doubt that we will see a coperate crypto at all.

They could easily launch a coupon system, but a crypto currency would need to be defented in an expensive lawsuit. Bitcoin can't be sued just outlawed, but that company would be an easy target. There is no benefits for a company in comparison so why take the huge risks and a guranteed lawsuit. In my jurisdiction they can devalue coupons after 3years and that is a nice additional reward since some people are idiots and forget about them.

Title: Re: What coin is the most powerfull in the next 2 year
Post by: BitCoiner2012 on July 11, 2013, 06:57:36 PM
Bitcoin will be the most powerful I expect.

Title: Re: What coin is the most powerfull in the next 2 year
Post by: Shatteredzen on July 11, 2013, 07:02:11 PM

I really doubt that we will see a coperate crypto at all.

They could easily launch a coupon system, but a crypto currency would need to be defented in an expensive lawsuit. Bitcoin can't be sued just outlawed, but that company would be an easy target. There is no benefits for a company in comparison so why take the huge risks and a guranteed lawsuit. In my jurisdiction they can devalue coupons after 3years and that is a nice additional reward since some people are idiots and forget about them.

Good point, I guess part of what is making this whole thing "work" is the distributed nature of the architecture, a single company would incur a ton of liability if the currency "crashed" or was manipulated.