Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: amincd on July 02, 2011, 12:11:05 PM

Title: Open source bitcoin software development fund
Post by: amincd on July 02, 2011, 12:11:05 PM
I believe a fund, administered by a trusted member of the bitcoin community, and that would be used to give out bounties for developing open-source software related to bitcoin, would be good.

People could donate bitcoins directly to this fund, or use a web-based GPU miner to contribute hashing power to it, like through One option could be to have a link to this fund advertised on the bitcoin forum, or even integrate the web-based GPU miner directly into the forum, and give visitors an option to donate their hashing power to the fund while visiting.

Any thoughts? Apologies if this has already been proposed.

Title: Re: Open source bitcoin software development fund
Post by: lemonginger on July 02, 2011, 04:57:40 PM
I think a "bitcoin development fund" would be great - I'd happily through 10% of all my mined bitcoins into such a fund. I think the question is how is it administered and who makes decisions about what to prioritize. Would love to see individual developers have access to a kickstarter like platform where they can make the case for what they want to code, how many resources it will take to fund that coding, and people can both fund it and follow the progress.

Title: Re: Open source bitcoin software development fund
Post by: Elwar on July 02, 2011, 05:00:20 PM
There are web sites out there that post freelance jobs and have people bid on those jobs.

The donors could always either create a freelance job or donate to a job already created and then the freelancers can bid on those projects.

Title: Re: Open source bitcoin software development fund
Post by: amincd on July 02, 2011, 05:15:24 PM
Quote from: lemonginger
I think the question is how is it administered and who makes decisions about what to prioritize.

That's the tricky part.. I would be happy with any one from the core development team doing it.

Would love to see individual developers have access to a kickstarter like platform where they can make the case for what they want to code, how many resources it will take to fund that coding, and people can both fund it and follow the progress.

It looks like this site is trying it:

Quote from: Elwar
The donors could always either create a freelance job or donate to a job already created and then the freelancers can bid on those projects.

I'm thinking a lot of people would like to passively contribute to bitcoin, by doing something as simple as opening the bitcoin forum, and clicking a button that says 'donate GPU hashs to the bitcoin development fund', and this would be a way to get their contributions.

Title: Re: Open source bitcoin software development fund
Post by: Spacy on July 02, 2011, 05:29:19 PM
Why not funding the different projects directly? I think there is no need for a central organisation distributing the money, maybe they don't it distribute it the way the donators wanted.

Title: Re: Open source bitcoin software development fund
Post by: amincd on July 02, 2011, 06:13:07 PM
^ So give individuals a list of projects to donate to? That would work too. Or given them an option to donate to the general fund, or a specific project.

With multiple options, having a general fund as one of them would be good because you would need a default if you want to make it one-click (e.g. click a button on the forum saying 'donate GPU hashs to X').

Title: Re: Open source bitcoin software development fund
Post by: iElectric on November 06, 2012, 12:14:52 PM
I wrote that can be a way to fund OSS for bitcoin projects.

Basically you pledge bitcoins on a ticket/issue that you want to be fixed or implemented. And the person that does the job collects bitcoins.

Title: Re: Open source bitcoin software development fund
Post by: kangasbros on November 06, 2012, 03:54:48 PM
I wrote that can be a way to fund OSS for bitcoin projects.

Basically you pledge bitcoins on a ticket/issue that you want to be fixed or implemented. And the person that does the job collects bitcoins.

I love the idea, and I think it is much better idea than any kind of fund :)

Also the founder has been interested about integrating bitcoin with their system. It is open source project, so anyone can participate.

Personally I like the fundhub-model more, but the process has to be very smooth/fluid so that people can start using it. And it should allow "passive" donations - eg. I can give bitcoins to someone who doesn't even have any knowledge about bitcoins, just a github account. Then he/she could easily redeem the bitcoins via