Bitcoin Forum

Local => Trading und Spekulation => Topic started by: marlo1001 on December 08, 2017, 12:56:38 AM

Title: Bitfinex Auszahlung seit stunden pending
Post by: marlo1001 on December 08, 2017, 12:56:38 AM
wie ist es bei euch ?

Title: Re: Bitfinex Auszahlung seit stunden pending
Post by: chino1337 on December 08, 2017, 01:04:13 AM
same shit bei mir.

meine gelesen zu haben das die aktuell aufgrund irgendwelcher probleme alles manuell machen müssen.

Title: Re: Bitfinex Auszahlung seit stunden pending
Post by: marlo1001 on December 08, 2017, 01:33:42 AM
ok danke

Title: Re: Bitfinex Auszahlung seit stunden pending
Post by: Dead_M on December 08, 2017, 09:35:30 AM
Ja momentan geht allen Börsen der Arsch auf Grundeis was Ein und Auszahlungen und Serverstabilität usw angeht.

Abwarten und Tee trinken auch wenn es schwer fällt.

Title: Re: Bitfinex Auszahlung seit stunden pending
Post by: marlo1001 on December 08, 2017, 10:33:28 AM
pending pending und pending

Title: Re: Bitfinex Auszahlung seit stunden pending
Post by: Silber on December 08, 2017, 02:06:46 PM
Das war bei mir heute nacht das selbe. Ich wollte ETH versenden, könnte daher auch an dem Kadsen Hype liegen.

Title: Re: Bitfinex Auszahlung seit stunden pending
Post by: marlo1001 on December 08, 2017, 03:15:44 PM
konntest du auszahlen?

Title: Re: Bitfinex Auszahlung seit stunden pending
Post by: marlo1001 on December 08, 2017, 06:28:58 PM
pending.... pending......pendingbetrügerfinex....

Title: Re: Bitfinex Auszahlung seit stunden pending
Post by: Silber on December 09, 2017, 03:28:06 AM
konntest du auszahlen?
Nein, zwei mal hat es gestern nicht funktioniert. Ich versuche es jetzt nochmals.

Title: Re: Bitfinex Auszahlung seit stunden pending
Post by: nasenbart on December 09, 2017, 06:03:42 AM
Nachdem ich über 24h auf meine BTC Auszahlung wartete hab ich sie gecancelt und LTC gekauft. Diese ging sehr zügig durch. Und der Kurs hat seit dem um 30% zugelegt. :D

Title: Re: Bitfinex Auszahlung seit stunden pending
Post by: Bizzler on December 09, 2017, 01:15:25 PM
Also, ich hatte auch einige ETH-withdrawals, die seit 05.12. auf processing "standen".

Heute Nacht ging eine endlich durch. Also ich glaube die sind echt überlastet, angeblich standen

sie auch unter Ddos und viele Mikrotrasnaktionen wurden vorgenommen, um ihnen das Leben schwer zu machen.

Durch den Trick mit Litecoins auscashen ist denke ich wirklich der Kurs angestiegen  :D

Also keine Panik, wird schon noch klappen, aber würde für die Zukunft überlegen ob ich nicht

alles über eigene Wallets machen.

Die Zukunft werden eh dezentralisierte Märkte werden, damit auch niemand auf dumme Gedanken kommt.

Title: Re: Bitfinex Auszahlung seit stunden pending
Post by: micaxel on December 10, 2017, 03:14:21 PM
ist jetzt wieder alles gut? Hab noch ein wenig auf FNiex liegen und mache mir Sorgen.

Title: Re: Bitfinex Auszahlung seit stunden pending
Post by: ArmorySegWit on December 10, 2017, 04:26:23 PM
ist jetzt wieder alles gut? Hab noch ein wenig auf FNiex liegen und mache mir Sorgen.

Also ich hab umgerechnet ne 7stellige Summe in USD da liegen (steinigt mich, ich mag das Risiko :D ) und hatte auch echt Panik.
Hab ne relativ kleine Summe im Verhältnis zu meinem Gesamt-Account-Guthaben auszahlen lassen. Hab auch 2 Tage gewartet, aber wurde letztendlich processed.

Ich denke mal, die sind wirklich absolut überlastet. Für uns BTC-Hodler könnte es aber schlimmeres als das geben ;)

Title: Re: Bitfinex Auszahlung seit stunden pending
Post by: el_rlee on December 10, 2017, 04:36:15 PM
How long does it take for a cryptocurrency withdrawal to be processed?

Withdrawals can take up to 12 hours. We always do our very best to have your withdrawals sent to the blockchain as fast as possible; however, we cannot guarantee instant withdrawals. If you have time-sensitive withdrawals to perform, we advise you to set up a local wallet on your computer or mobile device. Time-sensitive payments should not be made from your Bitfinex wallets.

If you can meet all of the security requirements of one of the two condition sets that are listed on this page, withdrawals will be processed faster.

These requirements are:

Condition Set One

    SMS 2FA, Google Auth 2FA, or IP Address whitelisting has been enabled for at least 5 days
    Withdrawal addresses for all cryptocurrencies (and Tethers if you are verified) have been locked for at least 5 days

Condition Set Two

    SMS 2FA or Google Auth 2FA has been enabled for at least 5 days
    IP Address whitelisting or Withdrawal addresses for all cryptocurrencies (and Tethers if you are verified) have been locked for at least 5 days
    The "Send Email on Login" security setting is enabled
    The "Monitor Withdrawals by IP" security setting is enabled and your current IP Address is not ne (has been used before, more than 24 hours ago)

If any of these requirements are undesirable or not possible for you, withdrawals will still be processed, but the processing time can be slightly longer. Also, you will receive an email with a confirmation link to approve the withdrawal. In addition to these rules, sometimes large or unusual withdrawals will require direct administrative approval.

Most automatically processed cryptocurrency withdrawals will be processed within a few minutes; however, processing may take longer if a manual approval is required or if our "hot wallet" (special wallet used to process withdrawals) is empty and needs to be refilled by manual intervention. The funds kept in our hot wallet are kept to a minimum as a security measure and are refilled periodically.

We encourage all users to review our Greenlane Conditions which significantly increase personal security, reduce the required number of confirmations for cryptocurrency deposits, and prioritize withdrawals through automatic processing.

If an account does not have any of 2FA options we offer enabled, every withdrawal for this account will be manually reviewed, resulting in long processing times.

Trift auf irgendjemand "Condition Set One" oder "Two" zu?

Title: Re: Bitfinex Auszahlung seit stunden pending
Post by: marlo1001 on December 10, 2017, 04:57:08 PM
auszahlung ist durch warte aber immernoch auf mein ticket

Title: Re: Bitfinex Auszahlung seit stunden pending
Post by: ArmorySegWit on December 10, 2017, 05:12:18 PM
How long does it take for a cryptocurrency withdrawal to be processed?

Withdrawals can take up to 12 hours. We always do our very best to have your withdrawals sent to the blockchain as fast as possible; however, we cannot guarantee instant withdrawals. If you have time-sensitive withdrawals to perform, we advise you to set up a local wallet on your computer or mobile device. Time-sensitive payments should not be made from your Bitfinex wallets.

If you can meet all of the security requirements of one of the two condition sets that are listed on this page, withdrawals will be processed faster.

These requirements are:

Condition Set One

    SMS 2FA, Google Auth 2FA, or IP Address whitelisting has been enabled for at least 5 days
    Withdrawal addresses for all cryptocurrencies (and Tethers if you are verified) have been locked for at least 5 days

Condition Set Two

    SMS 2FA or Google Auth 2FA has been enabled for at least 5 days
    IP Address whitelisting or Withdrawal addresses for all cryptocurrencies (and Tethers if you are verified) have been locked for at least 5 days
    The "Send Email on Login" security setting is enabled
    The "Monitor Withdrawals by IP" security setting is enabled and your current IP Address is not ne (has been used before, more than 24 hours ago)

If any of these requirements are undesirable or not possible for you, withdrawals will still be processed, but the processing time can be slightly longer. Also, you will receive an email with a confirmation link to approve the withdrawal. In addition to these rules, sometimes large or unusual withdrawals will require direct administrative approval.

Most automatically processed cryptocurrency withdrawals will be processed within a few minutes; however, processing may take longer if a manual approval is required or if our "hot wallet" (special wallet used to process withdrawals) is empty and needs to be refilled by manual intervention. The funds kept in our hot wallet are kept to a minimum as a security measure and are refilled periodically.

We encourage all users to review our Greenlane Conditions which significantly increase personal security, reduce the required number of confirmations for cryptocurrency deposits, and prioritize withdrawals through automatic processing.

If an account does not have any of 2FA options we offer enabled, every withdrawal for this account will be manually reviewed, resulting in long processing times.

Trift auf irgendjemand "Condition Set One" oder "Two" zu?

Yup, wieso?

Title: Re: Bitfinex Auszahlung seit stunden pending
Post by: el_rlee on December 10, 2017, 06:12:36 PM
How long does it take for a cryptocurrency withdrawal to be processed?

Withdrawals can take up to 12 hours. We always do our very best to have your withdrawals sent to the blockchain as fast as possible; however, we cannot guarantee instant withdrawals. If you have time-sensitive withdrawals to perform, we advise you to set up a local wallet on your computer or mobile device. Time-sensitive payments should not be made from your Bitfinex wallets.

If you can meet all of the security requirements of one of the two condition sets that are listed on this page, withdrawals will be processed faster.

These requirements are:

Condition Set One

    SMS 2FA, Google Auth 2FA, or IP Address whitelisting has been enabled for at least 5 days
    Withdrawal addresses for all cryptocurrencies (and Tethers if you are verified) have been locked for at least 5 days

Condition Set Two

    SMS 2FA or Google Auth 2FA has been enabled for at least 5 days
    IP Address whitelisting or Withdrawal addresses for all cryptocurrencies (and Tethers if you are verified) have been locked for at least 5 days
    The "Send Email on Login" security setting is enabled
    The "Monitor Withdrawals by IP" security setting is enabled and your current IP Address is not ne (has been used before, more than 24 hours ago)

If any of these requirements are undesirable or not possible for you, withdrawals will still be processed, but the processing time can be slightly longer. Also, you will receive an email with a confirmation link to approve the withdrawal. In addition to these rules, sometimes large or unusual withdrawals will require direct administrative approval.

Most automatically processed cryptocurrency withdrawals will be processed within a few minutes; however, processing may take longer if a manual approval is required or if our "hot wallet" (special wallet used to process withdrawals) is empty and needs to be refilled by manual intervention. The funds kept in our hot wallet are kept to a minimum as a security measure and are refilled periodically.

We encourage all users to review our Greenlane Conditions which significantly increase personal security, reduce the required number of confirmations for cryptocurrency deposits, and prioritize withdrawals through automatic processing.

If an account does not have any of 2FA options we offer enabled, every withdrawal for this account will be manually reviewed, resulting in long processing times.

Trift auf irgendjemand "Condition Set One" oder "Two" zu?

Yup, wieso?

Bei dir als Multimillionär war mir das eh klar.