Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: bitfools on December 08, 2017, 07:36:18 AM

Title: Is BITCOIN left or right? Is it female or male? Yin or Yang? Dem or Repug?
Post by: bitfools on December 08, 2017, 07:36:18 AM

This is probably too abstract for many to understand so let it sink in before you react.  If people are really scared of war, they are better off pulling cash out of their banks and putting it in a foreign investment account.

A CIVIL WAR, a war brought on because USA bombs your country into the stone age, ...

A war by definition, means there are NO banks, besides the banks in SK, are USA controlled like JAPAN post ww2

Post war this time the banks in asia will be AIIB controlled, thus anybody who leaves their money in CIA-IMF  banks will be a loser, BITCOIN is the only POLITICAL NEUTRAL CURRENCY on earth.

BITCOIN doesn't care about country's, gov, or politics

This is why ppl put their money into BITCOIN, because nobody trusts any GOV or COUNTRY or PARTY


Lastly, its called FATCA, and back in 2009 the USA-GOV banned foriegn accounts, no place on earth will let a USA citizen open a bank account, I highly suggest you go travel and learn about the real world.