Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Fog Fence on January 01, 2011, 08:02:58 AM

Title: Mass Awakening Documentary, featuring Bitcoin. Intro, Rough Cut.
Post by: Fog Fence on January 01, 2011, 08:02:58 AM
OK well it's obviously micro-budget but it'll improve over the next 6 months. Gotta fix the sound especially.

Looking for constructive crit on these rough drafts. I figure the intro's too slow, do you agree?


Sorry I haven't repsonded to some of the replies on my other threads. Been very busy.

Happy New Year!

Title: Re: Mass Awakening Documentary, featuring Bitcoin. Intro, Rough Cut.
Post by: FreeMoney on January 01, 2011, 10:49:32 AM
Interesting for sure. The bitcoin extranormal is a place holder I'm guessing?

I like the shared urban garden thing. The guy says strange things though. "If we decide it's a good idea" Getting permission from the nonexistant "we" means nothing ever happens. "Everyone should get the same amount of food" That's awful. We don't all need or want the same amount of food or water or clothes or houses. And having that as a goal sets you up for needing a hell of a lot of guns and rules.

I would expect a lot of places that need water can't get a lot from the air. But the fog machine is cool for where there is fog.

These problems have one source that will be clear if anyone takes action to solve them directly. It's the idea that people can legitimately rule over each other. It will be cool if the video will say so explicitly.

I'm happy to keep giving feedback as you make it. Or to stop if you want  :)

Title: Re: Mass Awakening Documentary, featuring Bitcoin. Intro, Rough Cut.
Post by: Fog Fence on January 01, 2011, 02:42:17 PM
Thanks for the detailed feedback... that's pretty valuable at this early stage. Feel free to add comments.

"We"+permission- yes you are right about delegation of inititative, but on the other hand it points out our collective nature and the fact we have control over our destiny. We deal with blame culture + apathy in the second half.

We have permission to use the Bitcoin clip, last time I checked. We'll probably leave it in as it's a lot quirkier and engaging than most other alt currency overview clips we looked at.

"Everybody should get the same amount of food" is kind of wrong and sounds neo-communist, which isn't the idea, but 'everyone should have adequate food and the means to do so" is sound.

You might not agree with everything the guy says but he's a visionary and the general plan is good, plus he's an engaging, charismatic and energetic speaker.

Why would more food mean more guns and rules? To my mind, if it was done grassroots, it would mean less of both, as tension, poverty and lack are decreased.

Water from air in dry places? A standard atmospheric water generator generates 25 litres per 24 hours in a humid environment, but stil a respectable 12 per day in an arid setting. There's still a lot of water even in a place that feels dry.

There are so many new water technologies, and each place can pick whats best suited to their situation and budget.

Thanks for helping us sharpen the argument. Using a computer narrator means its really easy to add sentences here and there as we need them.

Second half in about 2 weeks.


Title: Re: Mass Awakening Documentary, featuring Bitcoin. Intro, Rough Cut.
Post by: kiba on January 01, 2011, 02:56:05 PM
The extranormal bitcoin video is just bad IMHO.

If you have somebody narrating it instead of a computer voice, you would do it a lot better.

Title: Re: Mass Awakening Documentary, featuring Bitcoin. Intro, Rough Cut.
Post by: fabianhjr on January 01, 2011, 04:26:39 PM
This is awesome! Would you mind a donation? Give me your BTC address. This is to encourage you to improve the Bitcoin part. :)

Title: Re: Mass Awakening Documentary, featuring Bitcoin. Intro, Rough Cut.
Post by: FreeMoney on January 01, 2011, 08:58:53 PM
The extranormal bitcoin video is just bad IMHO.

If you have somebody narrating it instead of a computer voice, you would do it a lot better.

This is what I meant. I thought maybe you just used Xtranormal to show your script.

Title: Re: Mass Awakening Documentary, featuring Bitcoin. Intro, Rough Cut.
Post by: FreeMoney on January 01, 2011, 09:10:11 PM

You might not agree with everything the guy says but he's a visionary and the general plan is good, plus he's an engaging, charismatic and energetic speaker.

Why would more food mean more guns and rules? To my mind, if it was done grassroots, it would mean less of both, as tension, poverty and lack are decreased.

He said equal food. Maybe he meant more and equal, but that's not possible. The drag of the equality bureaucracy guarantees insufficiency. 

Guns and rules don't get us more food, they equalize our food by reducing it by limiting who can make food because if people are just making food all over the place it is hard to control and measure and standardize and tax and charge monopoly prices.

If people are free they will eat it is as simple as that. 

Title: Re: Mass Awakening Documentary, featuring Bitcoin. Intro, Rough Cut.
Post by: Cryptoman on January 01, 2011, 09:15:56 PM
My only criticism is that you ask the question "Who controls the economy?" followed by an introduction to Bitcoin.  It's almost as if you are saying Bitcoin currently controls the economy.  You should talk about the banksters first, followed by Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Mass Awakening Documentary, featuring Bitcoin. Intro, Rough Cut.
Post by: Anonymous on January 01, 2011, 11:00:13 PM
The extranormal bitcoin video is just bad IMHO.

If you have somebody narrating it instead of a computer voice, you would do it a lot better.

This is what I meant. I thought maybe you just used Xtranormal to show your script.

He got it from the xtranormal video I created  :D

I basically just took the site at and added it to xtranormal.

I agree having it narrated by a hotty would be advantageous but hey its a free service....what more can you expect?

Title: Re: Mass Awakening Documentary, featuring Bitcoin. Intro, Rough Cut.
Post by: Anonymous on January 01, 2011, 11:01:07 PM
This is awesome! Would you mind a donation? Give me your BTC address. This is to encourage you to improve the Bitcoin part. :)

I agree ...add a bitcoin address to the description on youtube  :)

Title: Re: Mass Awakening Documentary, featuring Bitcoin. Intro, Rough Cut.
Post by: Fog Fence on January 02, 2011, 02:21:51 PM
Thanks for your encouraging comments you all. Currently recutting it, already much improved. We'll be in Beta for a while.

The extranormal bitcoin video is just bad IMHO.

I love that video!  :D


If you want a robot hottie go to and pick Emma. She's the one who narrated our water section.

My only criticism is that you ask the question "Who controls the economy?" followed by an introduction to Bitcoin.  It's almost as if you are saying Bitcoin currently controls the economy.  You should talk about the banksters first, followed by Bitcoin.

I'll take this on board. Yes, I agree there are some continuity issues here.

The drag of the equality bureaucracy guarantees insufficiency. 

I guess it didn't come across in the short vid, but we are not advocating some sort of socialist nightmare. Far from it. Agriculture wise, we all just need to start growing more food on a grassroots level. Anyway, these points help us anticipate the kind of assumptions a wider audience might make so keep them coming.

I agree the whole argument isn't there.


If you've got any better Bitcoin vids you want stuck in there, please say... Open to everything.

Title: Re: Mass Awakening Documentary, featuring Bitcoin. Intro, Rough Cut.
Post by: Fog Fence on January 02, 2011, 02:22:36 PM
Oh and we'll add a BC address soon.

Title: Re: Mass Awakening Documentary, featuring Bitcoin. Intro, Rough Cut.
Post by: MoonShadow on January 02, 2011, 02:31:07 PM
I'm sorry, but I don't share the enthusiasm of others.  This is full of errors & misinformation.  Viewers are going to watch it and many are going to notice b.s. somewhere and assume b.s. elsewhere.  For example, air-water extraction isn't mentioned by media in the middle east or Australia because these places are very dry climates, meaning these devices either don't work or are inefficient.  Also, hemp is a wonderful product, but the claim that it's widespread use could solve pollution problems is false.  It's not magic.

Title: Re: Mass Awakening Documentary, featuring Bitcoin. Intro, Rough Cut.
Post by: kiba on January 02, 2011, 02:57:03 PM

I guess it didn't come across in the short vid, but we are not advocating some sort of socialist nightmare. Far from it. Agriculture wise, we all just need to start growing more food on a grassroots level. Anyway, these points help us anticipate the kind of assumptions a wider audience might make so keep them coming.

I think that negate the benefit that come from division of labor.

Title: Re: Mass Awakening Documentary, featuring Bitcoin. Intro, Rough Cut.
Post by: genjix on January 02, 2011, 04:09:11 PM
I'll mention that 95% of this forum are libertarians. Take all political posts with the biases of the writers.

Far more important than everything in that video (Bitcoin included), is free software. The web is a product of it. Future ramifications are huge. Think of something like the reprap easily available to all.

Mention Esperanto. The whole thing was dying, but since the advent of the internet it's been showing sharp growth. There's a chance yet for a global neutral easy-to-use expressive lingua franca.

Nowhere was crowd-sourcing to be found. First we had the industrial age. After the electronic age. We are now in the information age. The biggest impact of free access to information is self-reliance, independent of ruling masters. We can function in informal communities.

It is too narrow focused on environment issues. The environment matters, but not too the exclusion of every connected issue of this modern age. It feels as though the documentary fails to place it within context of a bigger picture.

As an aside (separate from above), you could mention the possibility of Mars missions. Missions that would place men on Mars for 6 months using landers that make use of local resources (NASA plans this for mid 2030s). Subsequent missions plan to place men there for longer periods each time extending by 6 months. The reason for going to Mars is eventual human habitation which is a definite possibility. Mars holds many valuable resources and would be a boon to Earth economy. Remaining on Earth running our resources dry condemns us to a rascist future where economy is a zero sum game in which we see our neighbouring races as competitors for dwindling resources. Should we go to Mars, we would be prosperous and trading in the currency of ideas not valuables.

Title: Re: Mass Awakening Documentary, featuring Bitcoin. Intro, Rough Cut.
Post by: kiba on January 02, 2011, 04:53:38 PM
I'll mention that 95% of this forum are libertarians. Take all political posts with the biases of the writers.

Hey, it clashes with our fundamental understanding of economic and reality! We're going to point out certain things that doesn't make sense to us.

Title: Re: Mass Awakening Documentary, featuring Bitcoin. Intro, Rough Cut.
Post by: Fog Fence on January 03, 2011, 08:44:14 AM
I'm sorry, but I don't share the enthusiasm of others.  This is full of errors & misinformation.  Viewers are going to watch it and many are going to notice b.s. somewhere and assume b.s. elsewhere.

A ten minute video is too short to lay out a proper argument for each technology. You've got to cut bits and pieces here and there. Having said that, we're taking all comments on board and version two will be tighter.

We have longer sections prepared, it's just a question of time to get them ready. We have received zero funding so are just doing the whole thing ourselves.

For example, air-water extraction isn't mentioned by media in the middle east or Australia because these places are very dry climates, meaning these devices either don't work or are inefficient. 

They go from 100 per cent efficiency to 50 per cent. The companies are honest about that. There's a lot of interest in this techology in Dubai, check it out if you like.

Also, hemp is a wonderful product, but the claim that it's widespread use could solve pollution problems is false.  It's not magic.

You got a source for that? 25,000 uses seems enough for me. It's not magic but it's close to a miracle.

Each to his own though, I appreciate the comments and will look closer at the viability of AW in Oz and the Middle East. I know there are some operational companies.

Remember this is only part one.

Title: Re: Mass Awakening Documentary, featuring Bitcoin. Intro, Rough Cut.
Post by: S3052 on January 03, 2011, 08:51:21 AM
I think your video is overall quite good, it;s going into the right direction.

Make sure you don't get discouraged by all the criticism, and keep going.
By the way, all the criticism is intended to be positive for making the videos more robust.

One comment from my side is that for the Bitcoin part, it would be great to avoid cartoons, but have someone real talking (in an interview style). I think cartoons are not helping the bitcoin credibility. Cartoon = funny, bitcoin = serious!

Title: Re: Mass Awakening Documentary, featuring Bitcoin. Intro, Rough Cut.
Post by: Fog Fence on January 03, 2011, 09:00:35 AM
Genjix: There's section called: "The open source revolution" in development. We're looking forward to all sorts of advice.

Yes, crowd-sourcing is exciting and the potential is *huge.

Re: "Things not being mentioned." -  Remember everyone that this is just a snippet of what will ultimately be a much bigger project. Don't expect it to fully get into gear for another 6 months or so.

We're hoping to get advice as we go along.  

Esperanto may get a mention if we can prove it's being used on a wider scale nowadays.

Nowhere was crowd-sourcing to be found. First we had the industrial age. After the electronic age. We are now in the information age. The biggest impact of free access to information is self-reliance, independent of ruling masters. We can function in informal communities.

Absolutely. If you can give me a list of the ten most exciting open source programs, ideas or websites we'll check them out. The cutting edge moves so fast it's hard to keep track. We prefer programs that are in open alpha right now. We really want to give a voice to all the amazing things going on.

As you can see, giving a comprehensive overview of so many subjects is a big mission. We have a half decent jack-of-all-trades knowledge of each field but need to go deeper into each one. The only way to do that is contact the experts. Slowly slowly.

Secondly, if you can point us to high quality vids of cutting edge software commentators we'd love to have a look.

It is too narrow focused on environment issues. The environment matters, but not too the exclusion of every connected issue of this modern age. It feels as though the documentary fails to place it within context of a bigger picture.

The big picture is exactly what we're aiming for. Hopefully as the whole project unfolds it'll develop more clarity and become more comprehensive.


The Bitcoin discussion is currently the most productive and helpful.

We're not looking for praise or back-slapping, we don't deserve it yet. Just decent advice, criticism and weak-spot testing.

Keep it coming if you like...

Title: Re: Mass Awakening Documentary, featuring Bitcoin. Intro, Rough Cut.
Post by: Fog Fence on January 03, 2011, 09:07:00 AM
I think your video is overall quite good, it;s going into the right direction.

Exactly dude, its a direction not a finished product. By releasing earlier cuts we get a buzz going and get to refine things. Just like bug testing for software. A documentary is just a piece of viral mental software, right?

Make sure you don't get discouraged by all the criticism, and keep going.
By the way, all the criticism is intended to be positive for making the videos more robust.

lol not at all. The atmosphere is good here. Exactly, tighten the argument. Better hear it now than after we release the final cut and it's too late.

One comment from my side is that for the Bitcoin part, it would be great to avoid cartoons, but have someone real talking (in an interview style). I think cartoons are not helping the bitcoin credibility. Cartoon = funny, bitcoin = serious!

I love that vid but I see your point. It'd be better to balance it with something.

Hey, if you guys get something better together, by all means give me the link.

Or the founder could write a 2 minute overview in his own words and we'll stick it in. Give me some jpgs too.


Title: Re: Mass Awakening Documentary, featuring Bitcoin. Intro, Rough Cut.
Post by: Fog Fence on January 03, 2011, 09:47:35 AM
Update: A couple of people were asking for a BC address.

We just got one, it's in the vid description:


"A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history." --Gandhi

Just quoting this so I remember to stick it in the film at some point.

Title: Re: Mass Awakening Documentary, featuring Bitcoin. Intro, Rough Cut.
Post by: MoonShadow on January 03, 2011, 07:13:22 PM
For example, air-water extraction isn't mentioned by media in the middle east or Australia because these places are very dry climates, meaning these devices either don't work or are inefficient. 

They go from 100 per cent efficiency to 50 per cent. The companies are honest about that. There's a lot of interest in this techology in Dubai, check it out if you like.

I am familiar with the technology, and it doesn't come close to 100% efficient in *any* context.  Perhaps if one is judging efficiency on the amount of water in the air that the system can extract, but even that isn't ever 100%.  Dubai has a lot of interests in many things that will turn up turkey.  That's not an argument in favor.  Air-water extraction isn't new technology; and although these companies have done wonders for improving the efficiency, the fact of the matter is that these technologies still require large energy inputs, and the production of these devices are resource intensive as well.

Also, hemp is a wonderful product, but the claim that it's widespread use could solve pollution problems is false.  It's not magic.

You got a source for that?

First off, I'm not the one who needs references, but yes I could come up with such a source if I was inclined to do so.  Regardless, it's an intuitive result that hemp cannot be all things in the chemical industries.  It can replace 95%+ of the hydrocarbon inputs into manufacturing (many consumer forms of plastic, most petrol based products, etc) as well as many other things.  However, there is nothing that says that hemp can do all of these things cost effectively, nor can hemp replace many of the (other than hydrocarbon based) toxic chemicals in use in industry today.  There are very sound reasons why most of these things are used, presently, that simply cannot be replaced by other processes.


 25,000 uses seems enough for me. It's not magic but it's close to a miracle.

Each to his own though, I appreciate the comments and will look closer at the viability of AW in Oz and the Middle East. I know there are some operational companies.

25K uses, but those uses are generally in related chemical classes.  All of them are hydrocarbons, no exceptions.  Hemp wouldn't do anything to reduce the toxic nature of the manufacture of electronics; at least not beyond the plastic cases.

Nor would I recommend investing in any of those companies trying to make a buck from air-water extraction in the Middle East.


Remember this is only part one.

Fair enough.  Remember that you asked for commentary.

Title: Re: Mass Awakening Documentary, featuring Bitcoin. Intro, Rough Cut.
Post by: fabianhjr on January 03, 2011, 11:43:28 PM
I don't like the on-video captions. They are hard to read. See 1:11 for instance.

Also, DON"T TYPE WITH CAPS! It is like shouting.
Technologies and ideas for a positive future!
Our Bitcoin address: 1Bz4TsHocRzb2nVgL3EmLK1VurND3pV61w

You might want to give a shot at the Bitcoin Animated Movie pledge. It is near the 14K BTC. :D

Title: Re: Mass Awakening Documentary, featuring Bitcoin. Intro, Rough Cut.
Post by: FairUser on January 04, 2011, 05:22:06 AM
OK well it's obviously micro-budget but it'll improve over the next 6 months. Gotta fix the sound especially.

Looking for constructive crit on these rough drafts. I figure the intro's too slow, do you agree?


Sorry I haven't repsonded to some of the replies on my other threads. Been very busy.

Happy New Year!

Your fuzzy text is killing my eyes.  Make the text crisp and clean plz.

Good work.

Title: Re: Mass Awakening Documentary, featuring Bitcoin. Intro, Rough Cut.
Post by: Fog Fence on January 04, 2011, 11:12:04 AM
I don't like the on-video captions. They are hard to read. See 1:11 for instance.

Someone else mentioned that, I'll change that for the next cut. Seems we're still making elementary mistakes.

Your fuzzy text is killing my eyes.  Make the text crisp and clean plz.

OK will do, prolly no more than 2% gaussian blur in future...



I don't have the time to debate every angle but the points you make will be dealt with in the video so thanks a lot.
Quickly: By 100 per cent, or 50 per cent 'efficiency'- I meant that a free standing room AWG can generate 25 liters per 24 hours in a humid environment, this goes down to 12 liters per 24 hours in dry climates. I understand that wasn't a scientific use of the word efficiency. I suppose I meant: Output drops to 50% in dry climates.

It can replace 95%+ of the hydrocarbon inputs into manufacturing (many consumer forms of plastic, most petrol based products, etc) as well as many other things.

Thats good enough for me... Even if there are other factors such as expense and processing its still worth looking at.

I guess we'll have to let the public decide.

Thanks for the commentary and I'll read any further posts you make with interest, even though I can't respond in full.

Title: Re: Mass Awakening Documentary, featuring Bitcoin. Intro, Rough Cut.
Post by: mizerydearia on January 04, 2011, 11:58:48 AM
Excellent video!

These problems have one source that will be clear if anyone takes action to solve them directly. It's the idea that people can legitimately rule over each other. It will be cool if the video will say so explicitly.

Title: Re: Mass Awakening Documentary, featuring Bitcoin. Intro, Rough Cut.
Post by: genjix on January 04, 2011, 12:02:49 PM
Other things for you to look into:

New Urbanism/New Pedestrianism

The squatting movement

Mars Direct



Also see my writings. This is probably most relevant for you:
And I have other snippets in the works that may be useful:

Good luck

Title: Re: Mass Awakening Documentary, featuring Bitcoin. Intro, Rough Cut.
Post by: kwukduck on January 04, 2011, 06:43:52 PM
Maybe we can get HotForWords to explain to the people what a bitcoin is :)


I'm prety sure that will boost our audience massively.


I sent a request, we'll see if it gets a reply...


Title: Re: Mass Awakening Documentary, featuring Bitcoin. Intro, Rough Cut.
Post by: Fog Fence on March 07, 2011, 10:56:53 AM
Hi Everyone,

Been very busy working on a Kickstarter fundraiser... Genjix, thanks a lot for all those links. Some of them fall under our mission statement, others don't. For example, Mars Direct is interesting but Mass Awakening wants to inspire direct local action, so Space falls outside of our area of interest, although I'm personally fascinated by the subject. Squatting is cool but I want something that can work large scale.


Haha thanks for contacting hotforwords. Did she ever respond?

Here's a new version of the intro for yr viewing pleasure. The project is still a work-in-progress, and will continue to be one for months. Watch in 480 if you can.

Title: Re: Mass Awakening Documentary, featuring Bitcoin. Intro, Rough Cut.
Post by: hazek on March 07, 2011, 11:10:18 PM
I look at these kind of "know it all" documentaries as only mere distraction from the real problem which is:

Our freedom and our rights to private property.

None of the problems would exists if we had complete freedom and absolute rights to private property. Also I don't ever pretend I know the answers to problems, no one does for that matter but the free market. That's what we need to focus on if we ever want to have a prosperous world and a bright future.

Title: Re: Mass Awakening Documentary, featuring Bitcoin. Intro, Rough Cut.
Post by: The Script on March 08, 2011, 03:22:52 AM
Maybe we can get HotForWords to explain to the people what a bitcoin is :)


I'm prety sure that will boost our audience massively.


I sent a request, we'll see if it gets a reply...


OMG, why didn't we think of this before?!? If enough of us request it she'll probably do it and it would be MASSIVE publicity for BitCoins.

Title: Re: Mass Awakening Documentary, featuring Bitcoin. Intro, Rough Cut.
Post by: mizerydearia on March 30, 2011, 07:53:10 AM
Fog Fence - Also see

Title: Re: Mass Awakening Documentary, featuring Bitcoin. Intro, Rough Cut.
Post by: MoonShadow on March 30, 2011, 01:13:41 PM
Fog Fence - Also see

That's the biggest example of corporatism that I have ever seen. 

Title: Re: Mass Awakening Documentary, featuring Bitcoin. Intro, Rough Cut.
Post by: hazek on March 30, 2011, 02:42:17 PM
OK well it's obviously micro-budget but it'll improve over the next 6 months. Gotta fix the sound especially.

Looking for constructive crit on these rough drafts. I figure the intro's too slow, do you agree?


Sorry I haven't repsonded to some of the replies on my other threads. Been very busy.

Happy New Year!

Nothing but idiotic Marxism. I suggest people get in touch with the reality and empirical evidence: John A. Allison(chairman and CEO of BB&T Corporation), "Leadership and Values" (

And remember wishing things were one way does not make them so.

Title: Re: Mass Awakening Documentary, featuring Bitcoin. Intro, Rough Cut.
Post by: Fog Fence on May 08, 2013, 07:30:20 PM
Nothing but idiotic Marxism. I suggest people get in touch with the reality and empirical evidence: John A. Allison(chairman and CEO of BB&T Corporation), "Leadership and Values"

And remember wishing things were one way does not make them so.

Thanks for your input. Marxism? That couldnt be further from the truth, but a ten minute vid wont get the point across. I helped write a PDF which gets free market ideas across a lot better.

Title: Re: Mass Awakening Documentary, featuring Bitcoin. Intro, Rough Cut.
Post by: aquarius on May 08, 2013, 07:35:34 PM
My only criticism is that you ask the question "Who controls the economy?" followed by an introduction to Bitcoin.  It's almost as if you are saying Bitcoin currently controls the economy.  You should talk about the banksters first, followed by Bitcoin.


Title: Re: Mass Awakening Documentary, featuring Bitcoin. Intro, Rough Cut.
Post by: Fog Fence on September 06, 2014, 07:14:24 AM
My only criticism is that you ask the question "Who controls the economy?" followed by an introduction to Bitcoin.  It's almost as if you are saying Bitcoin currently controls the economy.  You should talk about the banksters first, followed by Bitcoin.


That's a good point. We're updating things now...

Title: Re: Mass Awakening Documentary, featuring Bitcoin. Intro, Rough Cut.
Post by: iCrypt on September 06, 2014, 07:36:18 AM
Sharing food? This sounds like socialism. A North Korean bitcoin economy is a fun thought though.