Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: JohnyBigs on July 14, 2013, 05:00:26 PM

Post by: JohnyBigs on July 14, 2013, 05:00:26 PM
I heard some users saying they were using GPU to mine it anyone know how?

Post by: GSnak on July 14, 2013, 05:03:34 PM
I heard that too.

Post by: oroqen on July 14, 2013, 05:05:21 PM
I heard some users saying they were using GPU to mine it anyone know how?
You must have good ear too hear that. Source or it's bull

Post by: cryptohunter on July 14, 2013, 05:15:26 PM
it's probably happening but you won't hear about it until those already mining with gpu decide it's time release the information that time is quite a way off i should think.

Post by: shinkicker on July 14, 2013, 05:32:36 PM
I actually have an ASIC mining primecoin right now.

I am currently getting 13.9 million PPS.

Post by: PoolMinor on July 14, 2013, 05:52:12 PM
I actually have an ASIC mining primecoin right now.

I am currently getting 13.9 million PPS.

That's funny I am mining on my 9100A @ 23 PPS.   ;D

Post by: GpuJedi on July 14, 2013, 06:01:48 PM
I can cofirm this! Rewrote and modified Cgminer code myself a week ago and currently mining at about 100k pps with my 4 x 7950 cards. Dont wanna share or sell this yet, because I want to have about 20k of prime coins first.  8)

Post by: markm on July 14, 2013, 06:05:42 PM
I can cofirm this! Rewrote and modified Cgminer code myself a week ago and currently mining at about 100k pps with my 4 x 7950 cards. Dont wanna share or sell this yet, because I want to have about 20k of prime coins first.  8)

Wow that sounds like some really poor GPU-code you got there.


Post by: shinkicker on July 14, 2013, 06:09:58 PM
I actually have an ASIC mining primecoin right now.

I am currently getting 13.9 million PPS.

That's funny I am mining on my 9100A @ 23 PPS.   ;D

My ASIC is a modified ZX81

The only issue is having to load the miner software from cassette tape.

Post by: eule on July 14, 2013, 06:18:05 PM

Post by: GpuJedi on July 14, 2013, 06:35:40 PM
I can cofirm this! Rewrote and modified Cgminer code myself a week ago and currently mining at about 100k pps with my 4 x 7950 cards. Dont wanna share or sell this yet, because I want to have about 20k of prime coins first.  8)

Wow that sounds like some really poor GPU-code you got there.


I didnt say its optimized to the max! I just enabled it to work...

Post by: Aggrophobia on July 14, 2013, 06:39:53 PM
I can cofirm this! Rewrote and modified Cgminer code myself a week ago and currently mining at about 100k pps with my 4 x 7950 cards. Dont wanna share or sell this yet, because I want to have about 20k of prime coins first.  8)

Wow that sounds like some really poor GPU-code you got there.


I didnt say its optimized to the max! I just enabled it to work...

you have enabled BS

Post by: shakezula on July 14, 2013, 06:50:16 PM
Amazingly enough, 50MHz TI SPARC processors, long thought dead as nails by everyone but me and the CDE crew are PERFECT for XPM, you just need a cluster:

Post by: GpuJedi on July 14, 2013, 07:09:38 PM
Yepppp  ;D I am full of BS! But am still mining Primecoin with GPUs, lots of orphans though, but sure am finding a block 10x faster than with CPU!

Post by: sevenseals on July 14, 2013, 08:10:10 PM
how does it work with gpu?

Post by: oroqen on July 14, 2013, 09:02:57 PM
how does it work with gpu?
something with unicorns and smiling rainbows

Post by: notlist3d on July 14, 2013, 09:09:16 PM
I bet someone has it going.  The question is when anything will be released.... i do not predict soon.

Post by: oroqen on July 14, 2013, 09:36:49 PM
I bet someone has it going.  The question is when anything will be released.... i do not predict soon.
All the more too put up a bounty for it

Post by: markm on July 14, 2013, 11:01:35 PM
Don't mess around with crappy old GPU tech, lets just build an ASIC and be done with it!

Group pre-order, anyone? Lets be honest, it will take at least two weeks, but hey, worth it, right?


Post by: craslovell on July 14, 2013, 11:04:31 PM
Don't mess around with crappy old GPU tech, lets just build an ASIC and be done with it!

Group pre-order, anyone? Lets be honest, it will take at least two weeks, but hey, worth it, right?


I'm in  ::)

Post by: innovation on July 16, 2013, 03:40:37 AM
From  Sunny King.

I am buying XPM. If you made a large stash consider selling some to me as your appreciation of my work. Note there is no premine or tax with primecoin nor do I want donations. But I like to have a stash as well of my creation  We can negotiate at market price. PM me.

Post by: craslovell on July 16, 2013, 03:42:01 AM
From  Sunny King.

I am buying XPM. If you made a large stash consider selling some to me as your appreciation of my work. Note there is no premine or tax with primecoin nor do I want donations. But I like to have a stash as well of my creation  We can negotiate at market price. PM me.


Post by: azwccc on July 16, 2013, 03:47:35 AM
I am curious whether the OpenCL or CUDA miner will be out first.

Post by: craslovell on July 16, 2013, 03:51:01 AM
I am curious whether the OpenCL or CUDA miner will be out first.

I'm hoping for OpenCL. I'm sure most people are since we are all sitting on AMD GPUs  ::)

Post by: Anduck on July 16, 2013, 05:11:10 AM
Of course there are a GPU miner for primecoin. Who knows how much better it hashes.

Post by: 96redformula on July 16, 2013, 05:12:06 AM
Of course there are a GPU miner for primecoin. Who knows how much better it hashes.

I am just waiting for them to show their face publicly.

Post by: litecoin_messiah on July 16, 2013, 05:15:10 AM
i already tried my best to persuade conman, (his nick is conman) who is the lead dev for cgminer to add primecoin support.

Here is the IRC Log:

<litepool> conman can you add primecoin please

<conman> no

<litepool> why?

<conman> no more coin support, I regret adding litecoin support

<litepool> how come, not enough donations?

<conman> it's a maintenance burden and supports something I don't really care about

<litepool> i understand, it is something you don't benifit much from i guess.

<Alpha> conman, your Con Kolivas?

<conman> yes I am

<Alpha> nice to meet you

<litepool> be careful he is a conman

<conman> though I happen to be travelling in Europe at the moment so can't really do anything for another 5 weeks

<conman> thanks

<conman> litepool, if I were to support another coin, it would be done as a standalone fork for a large fee and I probably would not keep the code in mainline cgminer any more

<conman> you may or may not know I added scrypt support for 100BTC

<litepool> conman, why not support it, "test" mine and collect quiet a lot of coins before the next person

<litepool> and have a fair share in that coin

<conman> because I'm here not for profit only but because I support bitcoin as a concept

<litepool> you just said you want money

<conman> I'm not here to mine the most profitable spin off

<conman> no, I want bitcoin, and that helps the bitcoin economy too

<conman> because you pay me in bitcoin

<conman> there's a big difference

<litepool> i don't understand, You can take the capita out of the alt coin by exchanging it for bitcoin anyway conman

<litepool> it is pretty strait forward

<conman> that directly supports the altcoin chains

<conman> which I dont want to do

<litepool> it doesn't really, you empty the buy walls

<litepool> and take the capita/buying power out

<litepool> especially with something simple as prime.ccp

<conman> well I say this at regular intervals but if you really want me to

<litepool> i think you can use the same methodology

<conman> altcoins are for butthurt miners who missed out on early mining on bitcoin and fail to impress in any other way to me

<litepool> You can think of it that way, but some offer a fair advantage over bitcoin. It just makes bitcoin supporters look "buthert" whilst they can't accept another coin to exist alongside

<conman> so yeah you can pay me to code on something I dont care about, but not in altcoin currency

<litepool> They see it as a threat

<litepool> all you may do is delay it, but i wouldn't miss the opportunity if i were you

<conman> nah it's not a thread, the bitcoin cosmos is far too big to give a fuck about them

<conman> threat*

<conman> for me it's effort wasted on something I could be spending better time on, but I can be paid to work on something for sure

<litepool> ok what i was trying to say conman is, if you want to benifit from it you can use this as an advantage, as long as you don't plan on doing any malicious attacks it seems pretty fair. There are no GPU Miners for primecoin yet, only cpu and

<litepool> as you already done scrypt, i believe you can use a similiar method to implement prime
<conman> litepool, while the prospect of making a lot by being the first miner is mildly appealing, it's not at all what drives me
<conman> I'm one of the few "miners" that doesn't need any of the profit I make off mining, I'm here because I support the bitcoin concept
<Alpha> Yes thats the disadvantages to the GPU. However, we are working on durability, and those are just preliminary speeds, in two week ill be able to come up with the proper configuration of board to fpga.
<conman> hmm
<litepool> Alpha will you open source your work
<conman> Alpha, normally I'd support hardware if I was given access to it if the hardware itself is quite profitable , or was paid a fee for it
<litepool> publicise
<Alpha> conman, we would like to work with you yes
* rav3n_pl (~rav3n_pl@ has joined #cgminer
<Alpha> Any place we can talk privately, via e-mail?
<conman> sure but as I said, I'm on holiday
<conman> my email is in the cgminer readme
<Alpha> Okay, enjoy your holidays. We are a few weeks off in development anyway so itll be good timing
<conman> Alpha, note that quite a few btc asic manufacturers are expected to start having development boards soon so if they come first I will be prioritising them
* illpoet ( has joined #cgminer
<conman> however we know from experience that there are always delays
<Alpha> Yes, its a very long process getting  ASIC's made.
<conman> I just wish they wouldn't make a mess of the final part
<conman> decent fpga, interface, buffers, queues, callbacks etc
<Alpha> I think BFL especially, should have just taken batch orders
<conman> the avalon is such a steaming pile of crap in design
<conman> but they were first, nothing can take that away...
<Alpha> They are far too many orders, and i dont think they can fulfill them. And they are the most legitimate
<conman> bfl's design is half decent but they're just hopeless
<Alpha> So yes i agree
<conman> a year late is ridiculous
* daedo ( has joined #cgminer
<conman> though there's a combination of fail and planned lateness as well
<Alpha> A LOT of people have profited from their pre-orders though, including myself.
<conman> heh
<conman> anyway I don't mind making my opinions known in the main channel even if you're not planning on negotiating here
* JWU42 (~JW@unaffiliated/subpar) has joined #cgminer
<conman> if it's a lowly performing device, I'd rather get sponsored to work on it than just be given the device as payment
<Alpha> Conman, i assure you everything will be high performing. Its not like the other litecoin fpga's being developed by 2 people, we have electronic engineers and software engineers with 5+ years of experience
<Alpha> I state 500-800 but thats the minimum speed requirement. What's more important is at what cost we can get to that speed per unit, if its siginificantly lower then we can amp it up. Or even sell it as that becuase people can then stack up on them. As i know not everyone has 1000s to spend on per unit. Which could arise the matter of having more than 1 unit down the line
* Subo1978_ (~Subo1978@gateway/tor-sasl/subo1978) has joined #cgminer
* Subo1978 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
<Alpha> But considering what profits we are aiming towards. We would rather have you both sponsored and also be given the device anyway as a complimentary
<illpoet> lol using a guy named conman to vouch for the validity of your product, only in crypto...
<Alpha> illpoet, I believe conman is the developer of CGMINER
<illpoet> alpha: no i know, i'd trust his judgement/opinion im just saying its ironic
<Alpha> lol
<conman> right, I earn my trust, I don't expect people to trust me based on a stupid IRC handle
<conman> and I'm brutally honest if I don't like something
<conman> like ltc mining
<conman> that was pure mercenary work
<Alpha> Anyway, i know its early, but follow us on , itll keep you up to date on progress so far, and when more info will be launched on our website along with video/images of the prototype.
<conman> no offense, but won't be following
<conman> I have a billion things trying to take my focus
<conman> once there's something to work on, I'll be on it like a piranha
<Alpha> Okay understood as your a developer. It was for the onlookers/miners
<conman> nod
<conman> and as a vague indication, for paid (non btc) work, I charge $155/hr
<Alpha> Not looking for followers at the moment if i was i would put the post on bitcoin forum. I believe we need to showcase a cost efficient working product before giving out claims.
<Alpha> Okay Conman, that sounds perfect, with your skills we wont need A LOT of hours :P
<conman> that's what I like to hear
<conman> sick of vapourware
<conman> sweet
<conman> just remember, queue, buffer, non-polling, direct usb
<conman> though queue isn't so important at only 700kh since one work item can still go a long way
<conman> oh and ability to abort quickly
* jddebug has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
<Alpha> Thanks for the reccomendations
* jddebug ( has joined #cgminer
<conman> supporting higher diff internally would also be nice for low power front ends to run the hardware
<Alpha> Thanks, anything else? its good to have more information, as we know overall USB connection etc would be better. However, were a group of experienced engineers but not much knowledge in mining or crypto-currency, if you get my drift
<conman> hmm
* milone_ ( has joined #cgminer
<conman> well
<conman> the things above I listed are the common mistakes
* jondow has quit ()
<conman> ability to abort and flush work while queueing new work in one go would be very helpful
<conman> asynchronous submit work  / return results would be nice, but that also requires supporting some work ID system for return results
<conman> temperature settings
<conman> fan control if any involved
<conman> ability to idle the device
<conman> data on safe operating temperatures
* abracadabra suggests a software spec document :p
<conman> ability to dynamically control speed
* milone has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
<Alpha> Ok, ive forwarded this all to the team
<conman> mk
* [\\\] (~imsaguy@unaffiliated/imsaguy) has joined #cgminer
* EasyAt (~EasyAt@unaffiliated/easyat) has left #cgminer
* milone ( has joined #cgminer
<conman> the issues are the same but (not so) surprisingly, most manufacturers have never done anything mining related and don't realise how important these things are
<conman> whereas miners have been dealing with the same issues for 4 years now, they're the same regardless of what the hardware is
<conman> cpu, gpu, fpga, asics, (quantum)
<illpoet> or what the coin is, for that matter
<Alpha> Exactly, i always want to look from the miner/consumers point of view, to make the best possible fpga.
* Megaf has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
* milone_ has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
<conman> you tackle all of the above and you've made better custom hardware than exists for btc even
<Alpha> Thanks. Would be great to have CGMINER powering our hardware. Do you post on the bitcoin forum?
<conman> lots
<conman> litepool, just as an aside, despite the fact I added scrypt opencl mining to cgminer, I did NOT write the scrypt code so don't think I'm necessarily an opencl expert that can do "anything"

Post by: deadp00l on July 16, 2013, 11:26:02 AM
Amazingly enough, 50MHz TI SPARC processors, long thought dead as nails by everyone but me and the CDE crew are PERFECT for XPM, you just need a cluster:

+1 for OpenBSD stickers. I ran my companies firewalls of it for 10+ years. Never had a single problem.

Post by: dego on July 16, 2013, 12:29:48 PM
Forget ASICs for primecoin. I mine at 50'000 pps with my rebuilt Zuse Z3:

Anyone up for a Z3? Groupbuy?

Post by: heigua on July 16, 2013, 12:46:01 PM
seems someone want develop FPGA for LTC??
i already tried my best to persuade conman, (his nick is conman) who is the lead dev for cgminer to add primecoin support.

Here is the IRC Log:

<litepool> conman can you add primecoin please

<conman> no

<litepool> why?

<conman> no more coin support, I regret adding litecoin support

<litepool> how come, not enough donations?

<conman> it's a maintenance burden and supports something I don't really care about

<litepool> i understand, it is something you don't benifit much from i guess.

<Alpha> conman, your Con Kolivas?

<conman> yes I am

<Alpha> nice to meet you

<litepool> be careful he is a conman

<conman> though I happen to be travelling in Europe at the moment so can't really do anything for another 5 weeks

<conman> thanks

<conman> litepool, if I were to support another coin, it would be done as a standalone fork for a large fee and I probably would not keep the code in mainline cgminer any more

<conman> you may or may not know I added scrypt support for 100BTC

<litepool> conman, why not support it, "test" mine and collect quiet a lot of coins before the next person

<litepool> and have a fair share in that coin

<conman> because I'm here not for profit only but because I support bitcoin as a concept

<litepool> you just said you want money

<conman> I'm not here to mine the most profitable spin off

<conman> no, I want bitcoin, and that helps the bitcoin economy too

<conman> because you pay me in bitcoin

<conman> there's a big difference

<litepool> i don't understand, You can take the capita out of the alt coin by exchanging it for bitcoin anyway conman

<litepool> it is pretty strait forward

<conman> that directly supports the altcoin chains

<conman> which I dont want to do

<litepool> it doesn't really, you empty the buy walls

<litepool> and take the capita/buying power out

<litepool> especially with something simple as prime.ccp

<conman> well I say this at regular intervals but if you really want me to

<litepool> i think you can use the same methodology

<conman> altcoins are for butthurt miners who missed out on early mining on bitcoin and fail to impress in any other way to me

<litepool> You can think of it that way, but some offer a fair advantage over bitcoin. It just makes bitcoin supporters look "buthert" whilst they can't accept another coin to exist alongside

<conman> so yeah you can pay me to code on something I dont care about, but not in altcoin currency

<litepool> They see it as a threat

<litepool> all you may do is delay it, but i wouldn't miss the opportunity if i were you

<conman> nah it's not a thread, the bitcoin cosmos is far too big to give a fuck about them

<conman> threat*

<conman> for me it's effort wasted on something I could be spending better time on, but I can be paid to work on something for sure

<litepool> ok what i was trying to say conman is, if you want to benifit from it you can use this as an advantage, as long as you don't plan on doing any malicious attacks it seems pretty fair. There are no GPU Miners for primecoin yet, only cpu and

<litepool> as you already done scrypt, i believe you can use a similiar method to implement prime
<conman> litepool, while the prospect of making a lot by being the first miner is mildly appealing, it's not at all what drives me
<conman> I'm one of the few "miners" that doesn't need any of the profit I make off mining, I'm here because I support the bitcoin concept
<Alpha> Yes thats the disadvantages to the GPU. However, we are working on durability, and those are just preliminary speeds, in two week ill be able to come up with the proper configuration of board to fpga.
<conman> hmm
<litepool> Alpha will you open source your work
<conman> Alpha, normally I'd support hardware if I was given access to it if the hardware itself is quite profitable , or was paid a fee for it
<litepool> publicise
<Alpha> conman, we would like to work with you yes
* rav3n_pl (~rav3n_pl@ has joined #cgminer
<Alpha> Any place we can talk privately, via e-mail?
<conman> sure but as I said, I'm on holiday
<conman> my email is in the cgminer readme
<Alpha> Okay, enjoy your holidays. We are a few weeks off in development anyway so itll be good timing
<conman> Alpha, note that quite a few btc asic manufacturers are expected to start having development boards soon so if they come first I will be prioritising them
* illpoet ( has joined #cgminer
<conman> however we know from experience that there are always delays
<Alpha> Yes, its a very long process getting  ASIC's made.
<conman> I just wish they wouldn't make a mess of the final part
<conman> decent fpga, interface, buffers, queues, callbacks etc
<Alpha> I think BFL especially, should have just taken batch orders
<conman> the avalon is such a steaming pile of crap in design
<conman> but they were first, nothing can take that away...
<Alpha> They are far too many orders, and i dont think they can fulfill them. And they are the most legitimate
<conman> bfl's design is half decent but they're just hopeless
<Alpha> So yes i agree
<conman> a year late is ridiculous
* daedo ( has joined #cgminer
<conman> though there's a combination of fail and planned lateness as well
<Alpha> A LOT of people have profited from their pre-orders though, including myself.
<conman> heh
<conman> anyway I don't mind making my opinions known in the main channel even if you're not planning on negotiating here
* JWU42 (~JW@unaffiliated/subpar) has joined #cgminer
<conman> if it's a lowly performing device, I'd rather get sponsored to work on it than just be given the device as payment
<Alpha> Conman, i assure you everything will be high performing. Its not like the other litecoin fpga's being developed by 2 people, we have electronic engineers and software engineers with 5+ years of experience
<Alpha> I state 500-800 but thats the minimum speed requirement. What's more important is at what cost we can get to that speed per unit, if its siginificantly lower then we can amp it up. Or even sell it as that becuase people can then stack up on them. As i know not everyone has 1000s to spend on per unit. Which could arise the matter of having more than 1 unit down the line
* Subo1978_ (~Subo1978@gateway/tor-sasl/subo1978) has joined #cgminer
* Subo1978 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
<Alpha> But considering what profits we are aiming towards. We would rather have you both sponsored and also be given the device anyway as a complimentary
<illpoet> lol using a guy named conman to vouch for the validity of your product, only in crypto...
<Alpha> illpoet, I believe conman is the developer of CGMINER
<illpoet> alpha: no i know, i'd trust his judgement/opinion im just saying its ironic
<Alpha> lol
<conman> right, I earn my trust, I don't expect people to trust me based on a stupid IRC handle
<conman> and I'm brutally honest if I don't like something
<conman> like ltc mining
<conman> that was pure mercenary work
<Alpha> Anyway, i know its early, but follow us on , itll keep you up to date on progress so far, and when more info will be launched on our website along with video/images of the prototype.
<conman> no offense, but won't be following
<conman> I have a billion things trying to take my focus
<conman> once there's something to work on, I'll be on it like a piranha
<Alpha> Okay understood as your a developer. It was for the onlookers/miners
<conman> nod
<conman> and as a vague indication, for paid (non btc) work, I charge $155/hr
<Alpha> Not looking for followers at the moment if i was i would put the post on bitcoin forum. I believe we need to showcase a cost efficient working product before giving out claims.
<Alpha> Okay Conman, that sounds perfect, with your skills we wont need A LOT of hours :P
<conman> that's what I like to hear
<conman> sick of vapourware
<conman> sweet
<conman> just remember, queue, buffer, non-polling, direct usb
<conman> though queue isn't so important at only 700kh since one work item can still go a long way
<conman> oh and ability to abort quickly
* jddebug has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
<Alpha> Thanks for the reccomendations
* jddebug ( has joined #cgminer
<conman> supporting higher diff internally would also be nice for low power front ends to run the hardware
<Alpha> Thanks, anything else? its good to have more information, as we know overall USB connection etc would be better. However, were a group of experienced engineers but not much knowledge in mining or crypto-currency, if you get my drift
<conman> hmm
* milone_ ( has joined #cgminer
<conman> well
<conman> the things above I listed are the common mistakes
* jondow has quit ()
<conman> ability to abort and flush work while queueing new work in one go would be very helpful
<conman> asynchronous submit work  / return results would be nice, but that also requires supporting some work ID system for return results
<conman> temperature settings
<conman> fan control if any involved
<conman> ability to idle the device
<conman> data on safe operating temperatures
* abracadabra suggests a software spec document :p
<conman> ability to dynamically control speed
* milone has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
<Alpha> Ok, ive forwarded this all to the team
<conman> mk
* [\\\] (~imsaguy@unaffiliated/imsaguy) has joined #cgminer
* EasyAt (~EasyAt@unaffiliated/easyat) has left #cgminer
* milone ( has joined #cgminer
<conman> the issues are the same but (not so) surprisingly, most manufacturers have never done anything mining related and don't realise how important these things are
<conman> whereas miners have been dealing with the same issues for 4 years now, they're the same regardless of what the hardware is
<conman> cpu, gpu, fpga, asics, (quantum)
<illpoet> or what the coin is, for that matter
<Alpha> Exactly, i always want to look from the miner/consumers point of view, to make the best possible fpga.
* Megaf has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
* milone_ has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
<conman> you tackle all of the above and you've made better custom hardware than exists for btc even
<Alpha> Thanks. Would be great to have CGMINER powering our hardware. Do you post on the bitcoin forum?
<conman> lots
<conman> litepool, just as an aside, despite the fact I added scrypt opencl mining to cgminer, I did NOT write the scrypt code so don't think I'm necessarily an opencl expert that can do "anything"