Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: ashmoran on July 03, 2011, 04:51:50 PM

Title: Silver Petition (say no to VAT on silver)
Post by: ashmoran on July 03, 2011, 04:51:50 PM
Just wondered if anyone here has signed the Say No to VAT on Silver ( petition?

My first Bitcoin purchase was a Canadian silver maple, and I would like to be able to trade Bitcoin<->silver freely. Sadly, the EU classifying silver as "consumption" damages its investment potential.

The petition only has a few signatories so far, maybe a few Bitcoin users would be interesting in adding their name.

Title: Re: Silver Petition (say no to VAT on silver)
Post by: Rage on July 03, 2011, 05:07:36 PM
My first Bitcoin purchase was a Canadian silver maple, and I would like to be able to trade Bitcoin<->silver freely. Sadly, the EU classifying silver as "consumption" damages its investment potential.

Since I am not in the EU, I can't sign. But if you want to buy silver with bitcoin freely, why not do a person to person transaction?

Title: Re: Silver Petition (say no to VAT on silver)
Post by: ashmoran on July 03, 2011, 05:53:42 PM
There's a non-EU version on there for people to show their support, but it hasn't attracted many names.

Yes, person-to-person transfers are possible, but have much less liquidity than trading with dealers. And ultimately, at some point VAT will have been paid on it.

Title: Re: Silver Petition (say no to VAT on silver)
Post by: Vandroiy on July 03, 2011, 07:23:16 PM
The petition states "we pledge that we will NOT deliver your details to any Third Party what so ever other than your First Name, Surname, Email Address and Country of residence."

Erm. My email to third party is a massive no-go. Also, the wording is close to fraud. They might as well have written "we will disclose everything except your IP address to a third party."

Title: Re: Silver Petition (say no to VAT on silver)
Post by: ashmoran on July 04, 2011, 01:25:01 PM
I can understand anyone reluctant to give away an email address. As my email is plastered over most of the internet it doesn't bother me personally, but everyone is different.

I'm not sure that the way it is worded implies they will give away anything other than the listed information though.

They may have made a marketing error in choosing to disclose email addresses. But applying Hanlon's Razor, I don't (personally) see any reason to suspect malice.

Title: Re: Silver Petition (say no to VAT on silver)
Post by: JBDive on July 04, 2011, 01:31:29 PM
You are all slaves to the machine. Go to work, earn your pittance so you can fund your own Police State. Your freedoms are a farce and only there to give the naive an imaginary world in which to work, otherwise they would all off themselves before they had provided for the state.

Title: Re: Silver Petition (say no to VAT on silver)
Post by: killer2021 on July 04, 2011, 02:08:05 PM
It definitely sux. In my state they charge sales tax. So its whatever you buy in silver plus 8% sales tax. Fricken sucks!

Title: Re: Silver Petition (say no to VAT on silver)
Post by: JBDive on July 04, 2011, 10:34:29 PM
Again your the slaves, your masters will decide what you will and will not pay and if you decide not to pay they will use their attack dogs on you:

Cop To Citizen: "If You Take My Picture Again, I'm Going To F***ing Break Your Face".