Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Project Development => Topic started by: cmoltisanti on July 16, 2013, 12:27:22 AM

Title: Seeking a Programmer to build a Website. Ownership opportunity with no $ needed
Post by: cmoltisanti on July 16, 2013, 12:27:22 AM
I have a good idea for a BTC based website.  There are already a few very successful USD websites like this but ZERO sites that accept BTC.  I believe there is a big opportunity to be the first site into this market that uses BTC as its form of currency.  The downside is that I am not proficient enough at programming/it to do this on my own.

I am seeking an experienced programmer who would be willing to help me build this website in exchange for an ownership stake in the business.  It is also a plus if you are a sports enthusiast. I would handle the marketing/management/and bankroll the operation.

If you are interested in discussing this opportunity further please PM me with your skype info.

Title: Re: Seeking a Programmer to build a Website. Ownership opportunity with no $ needed
Post by: cmoltisanti on July 16, 2013, 12:52:14 AM
It is not a sportsbook.  Also I am not offering a small portion of profits.

Title: Re: Seeking a Programmer to build a Website. Ownership opportunity with no $ needed
Post by: tronsom on July 16, 2013, 02:10:49 AM
I have a web design and development company and would be interested in some more info about your idea.

Title: Re: Seeking a Programmer to build a Website. Ownership opportunity with no $ needed
Post by: gweedo on July 16, 2013, 02:14:02 AM
It is not a sportsbook.  Also I am not offering a small portion of profits.

Your offering ownership stake and last time I check that is a portion of profits. Unless you are giving like 49% and keeping 51% I don't see how someone wouldn't be getting a small portion of the profits.

Title: Re: Seeking a Programmer to build a Website. Ownership opportunity with no $ needed
Post by: Logik on July 16, 2013, 02:47:49 AM
There is potential for good programmers to be involved, but if you really want to attract them you need to watch how you frame your offer.

Some tips:

  • Don't say you have an 'idea' and want programming. It's like the worst thing ever to hear as a programmer. Please consider 'idea' like a swear word. That's instant back button material. That's not a personal judgement on you, just the wording.
  • What you're really creating is a startup, so make sure to mention that word since programmers will be much more receptive that way
  • It helps to emphasise what you have done already in setting up your startup. Programming is important but it's not the only thing that needs to be 'done'. Think about it like this: what do programmers lack? They usually lack any sort of comprehension of the market, and they especially lack any kind of customer development. They usually leave that 'till last, then fall flat on their faces. So, play up the industry knowledge you have, and if you've got  a contact list of potential users, or some other sort of list (you can purchase those), that would be very valuable.

Title: Re: Seeking a Programmer to build a Website. Ownership opportunity with no $ needed
Post by: abourget on July 16, 2013, 04:14:53 AM
What's the idea ?

All entrepreneurs already have their ideas.. you don't need to hide yours.. you just need to be faster than anyone at implementing it.

I think it would be better for you to get a reality check by sharing your idea and having people comment on it.  You could get constructive feedback from that.

Also, anything related to Bitcoin will most probably not be a "web site", but rather a web app.. and probably more involved than you think.

So, shell it out.. what is it ?

Title: Re: Seeking a Programmer to build a Website. Ownership opportunity with no $ needed
Post by: matmar10 on July 21, 2013, 10:16:48 PM
What's the idea ?

All entrepreneurs already have their ideas.. you don't need to hide yours.. you just need to be faster than anyone at implementing it.


Ideas are timeless and cheap. Execution is time-sensitive and expensive.

The more people you pitch your idea to, the more you'll refine the idea. Building a successful business is more about team and execution than the idea or even the technology.

Title: Re: Seeking a Programmer to build a Website. Ownership opportunity with no $ needed
Post by: axilla on July 22, 2013, 05:29:50 PM
Fantasy sports.. Easy to read between his lines... Draft day, etc.. Lots of work when one o these sites with millions would crush you I they add btc

Title: Re: Seeking a Programmer to build a Website. Ownership opportunity with no $ needed
Post by: codesuela on July 23, 2013, 08:13:44 AM
sure, I'd love to do all of the work for you

Title: Re: Seeking a Programmer to build a Website. Ownership opportunity with no $ needed
Post by: threeip on July 23, 2013, 04:45:52 PM
sure, I'd love to do all of the work for you

I too would do all the work, for all the money. (Well, maybe not all).

Title: Re: Seeking a Programmer to build a Website. Ownership opportunity with no $ needed
Post by: kostagr33k on July 24, 2013, 02:33:11 AM
i don't necessarily think those site would crush him . . he just needs to get bought by them ;p

id suggest building your service in such a way that other sites could use you or buy you in a way that you could easily integrate with their system.

my 2 cents.

Title: Re: Seeking a Programmer to build a Website. Ownership opportunity with no $ needed
Post by: ruletheworld on July 24, 2013, 03:18:37 AM
So you have a good idea. You want a programmer to do all the work so you can reap half the profits? Where's the real plan for business growth? I'd suggest coming up with your skillset and what you bring to the table. Your brilliant idea isn't going to cut it.