Bitcoin Forum

Local => Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia) => Topic started by: azisjesika on December 12, 2017, 09:53:24 AM

Title: Jual alat mining altcoin di bandung
Post by: azisjesika on December 12, 2017, 09:53:24 AM
Salam Agan semua
nama saya azis tinggal di bandung .
saya newbie di dunia bitcoin (terutama mining)
pada thread ini saya mohon bantuan agan agan semua info tentang cara mining altcoin menggunakan GPU
apa saja yg di butuhkan untuk hasil terbaik .
dan terutama saya ingin merakit sendiri PC yg "ngebut" buat mining altcoin.
saya juga mohon info tempat jual beli online/offline(toko) yg spesial dan terpercaya  menjual atau merakit alat alat beginian
atas info nya saya ucapkan terima kasih .

Title: Re: Jual alat mining altcoin di bandung
Post by: Vann on December 12, 2017, 09:59:48 AM
No bueno, amigo.

Title: Re: Jual alat mining altcoin di bandung
Post by: m.vina on December 12, 2017, 10:09:09 AM
So i've translated what the OP said using google translate. Apparently he's Indonesian and he's just asking for basic info like all the other newbies.
This is his translated message:

Best regards all
my name azis live in bandung.
my newbie in bitcoin world (mainly mining)
in this thread please help me all info about altcoin mining using GPU
what is needed for the best results.
and especially I want to assemble my own PC who "speeding" for altcoin mining.
I also ask for info where to buy online / offline (store) special and trusted sell or assemble tools of this tool
for the info I thank you.

My response is:

selamat datang azis

tolong gunakan dulu google untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang mining cryptocurrency. ada banyak panduan yang tersedia sudah online. kembali saat Anda memiliki pertanyaan yang lebih spesifik.

tolong bicara bahasa inggris disini supaya kami bisa mengerti kamu ada forum indonesian jika anda ingin berbicara di sana.


welcome azis!

please first use google to learn more about cryptocurrency mining. there are lots of guides available already online. come back when you have more specific questions.

also please speak in english here so we can understand you. there is an indonesian forum if you'd like to talk there.

Title: Re: Jual alat mining altcoin di bandung
Post by: azisjesika on December 13, 2017, 02:27:54 AM
So i've translated what the OP said using google translate. Apparently he's Indonesian and he's just asking for basic info like all the other newbies.
This is his translated message:

Best regards all
my name azis live in bandung.
my newbie in bitcoin world (mainly mining)
in this thread please help me all info about altcoin mining using GPU
what is needed for the best results.
and especially I want to assemble my own PC who "speeding" for altcoin mining.
I also ask for info where to buy online / offline (store) special and trusted sell or assemble tools of this tool
for the info I thank you.

My response is:

selamat datang azis

tolong gunakan dulu google untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang mining cryptocurrency. ada banyak panduan yang tersedia sudah online. kembali saat Anda memiliki pertanyaan yang lebih spesifik.

tolong bicara bahasa inggris disini supaya kami bisa mengerti kamu ada forum indonesian jika anda ingin berbicara di sana.


welcome azis!

please first use google to learn more about cryptocurrency mining. there are lots of guides available already online. come back when you have more specific questions.

also please speak in english here so we can understand you. there is an indonesian forum if you'd like to talk there.

Dear Vina
Thanks for your response for my thread apparently im not only asking about how to start mining here .
im asking to all my local fellow who lives near my area .
indonesia is huge so i put bandung (my hometown) on the title  which i prefer .
btw im making this thread also in local as you can see
Bitcoin Forum > Local > Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) > Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
and thank you for your suggestion

Title: Re: Jual alat mining altcoin di bandung
Post by: wadonsiji on December 13, 2017, 02:55:01 AM
Di tread mining banyak gan yang mengupas permasahan  ini. Atau agan search di google banyak kok.
 Mulai yang paling murah sampai yang paling mahal.

Title: Re: Jual alat mining altcoin di bandung
Post by: ramonsaffar on December 13, 2017, 03:20:50 AM
wah iya gan ... ane juga kebetulan di bandung dan punya masalah yg sama
ane newbie banget di dunia tarik suara ini