Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Project Development => Topic started by: uMMcQxCWELNzkt on July 17, 2013, 05:29:42 PM

Title: Bitcoin Innovators Social Network
Post by: uMMcQxCWELNzkt on July 17, 2013, 05:29:42 PM
Yesterday I registered and launched [ ( ]. I already have a Google+ community established called 'Bitcoin Innovators' which is where I had the idea to start up this new Bitcoin social platform. There are no ads, no fees and I am looking forward to adding new features and Bitcoin related content as the project grows. The site is not 100% finished however it is functional and well worth a look. You can check us out here.

Forum section
Groups section
User created forums/groups [Public/Private/Hidden]
Administrate your own forum/groups
In Depth Profiles
Private messaging
No adverts
Modern Design
Member Activity Stream
User posts to blog [Coming soon]
User product listings [Coming soon]
Bitcoin Business Directory [Coming soon]
Earn 'coins' by posting etc... Not real coins but I do plan on making them redeemable in the future. :)

Forum Moderation:
Scammers will be banned
Spammers will be banned
Trolls will be banned
Profanity allowed however insults and idiotic posts could result warnings on ban
Basically as long as you contribute in a positive manor to the community you wont have an issue

I recommend you register and take a look around, I will eventually get around to make a guide as there are a lot of features. I will be hosting this site myself and all support is welcome. Thanks. :)

Screenshot: July 18th

Title: Re: Bitcoin Innovators [NEW] Social Network - Forum - Merchant Store
Post by: uMMcQxCWELNzkt on July 17, 2013, 07:39:30 PM
We now have a Portugal forum  :o, great to see the first few members and a new group forum already. As a result I have also added a translator which should make the site more accessible for non English speakers.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Innovators [NEW] Social Network - Forum - Merchant Store
Post by: pedrog on July 17, 2013, 08:37:33 PM
We now have a Portugal forum  :o, great to see the first few members and a new group forum already. As a result I have also added a translator which should make the site more accessible for non English speakers.

I like the idea of a social network were we are n the product being sold, and if we are going to be, at least we can make some money buy being it. :)

Do you have a monetization strategy, or is it to early?

Great design btw.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Innovators [NEW] Social Network - Forum - Merchant Store
Post by: uMMcQxCWELNzkt on July 17, 2013, 09:49:05 PM
We now have a Portugal forum  :o, great to see the first few members and a new group forum already. As a result I have also added a translator which should make the site more accessible for non English speakers.

I like the idea of a social network were we are n the product being sold, and if we are going to be, at least we can make some money buy being it. :)

Do you have a monetization strategy, or is it to early?

Great design btw.

I have ideas for monetization however I will only bother with unobtrusive options that actually add value, I wont be adding ads or anything. A good example is the directory page I added recently, in the future I might charge a small free for members to list their commercial project/service/store on the page. This keeps promotions out of the way unless of-course members are actively searching for Bitcoin services in the directory. Listings are free at the moment though for those reading this who might want to add content there.

Making money is not my priority for this project and I am happy to host and run at my own expense to be honest. I want Bitcoin to succeed because I am tiered of FIAT, and before I go into a rant, basically I want to grow the Bitcoin community and maybe even support new projects from the platform.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Innovators [NEW] Social Network - Forum - Merchant Store
Post by: paraipan on July 17, 2013, 09:57:03 PM
Nice design!

A few kinks: not working

I like it how it lets me login with google, facebook or any other account I already have, not.

"Thanks, best regards Owen Prescott.
Donations: 1PBKZXGbqKLxKSHLqn349zDEizooKWnMMV" - You are the only person behind "Bitcoin innovators"

Title: Re: Bitcoin Innovators [NEW] Social Network - Forum - Merchant Store
Post by: uMMcQxCWELNzkt on July 17, 2013, 10:16:56 PM
Nice design!

A few kinks: not working

I like it how it lets me login with google, facebook or any other account I already have, not.

"Thanks, best regards Owen Prescott.
Donations: 1PBKZXGbqKLxKSHLqn349zDEizooKWnMMV" - You are the only person behind "Bitcoin innovators"

Bitcoin Innovators is a title from my Google+ group which is already established and has over 200 members. I created for all of those members so I am not just referencing myself who I would consider far from being an innovator  ;D. Also thanks for pointing out the "about us" issue, I was not aware there was still a link to it. I will sort that out soon.

I only registered the domain name yesterday remember lol.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Innovators Social Network
Post by: uMMcQxCWELNzkt on July 18, 2013, 12:50:55 PM
Some updates:

Social Login
New users can now register and login with their existing social profiles including Google, Twitter, Disqus and more…

Coin System
Daily Points - Points for visiting your site everyday or every fixed interval.
Donation - You can now donate your coins to each other
Notifications - A pop up will appear each time you earn new  points.
Points Multiplier – Earn more coins during certain time periods. [NEW: Current 1.5x ends July]
Post Author Points - You will earn more coins if other users leave comments on your post
It is now possible to translate text, useful for any non-English speakers

Directory Page
If you are a non-profit, developer, merchant or company owner you can now submit your project to our directory for exposure.

News Page
We now have a new page for quick access and posting on related Bitcoin news

Add Bitcoin & Litecoin Addresses
Become a valuable contributor and member’s can leave donations to your preferred address.