Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Development & Technical Discussion => Topic started by: DeathAndTaxes on July 18, 2013, 09:38:49 PM

Title: Docs on the structure and format of the wallet database
Post by: DeathAndTaxes on July 18, 2013, 09:38:49 PM
Title says it all, any documentation (other than the code) on the structure and format of the wallet database?

Title: Re: Any documentation (other than the code) on the format of the wallet.dat file?
Post by: jackjack on July 18, 2013, 09:55:13 PM
I don't think so.
It's a berkeley db file.

Look at the pywallet code ( if you want more than one point of view.
kds is the key and vds is the value.

For example, the (key, value) pair for an unencrypted private key would be:
('\x03key\x21\x03\x01\x01\x01...\x01', '\x20\x54\xfd...\x31')
If the public key is '03010101...01' and the private key is '54fd...31'

Title: Re: Any documentation (other than the code) on the format of the wallet.dat file?
Post by: DeathAndTaxes on July 18, 2013, 10:21:54 PM
I don't think so.
It's a berkeley db file.

Look at the pywallet code ( if you want more than one point of view.
kds is the key and vds is the value.

For example, the (key, value) pair for an unencrypted private key would be:
('\x03key\x21\x03\x01\x01\x01...\x01', '\x20\x54\xfd...\x31')
If the public key is '03010101...01' and the private key is '54fd...31'

Thanks I can follow the python code a lot easier than the reference client.

Still the lack of documentation is kinda sad.  It just means countless hours wasted "relearning" the same thing by each developer.

Title: Re: Any documentation (other than the code) on the format of the wallet.dat file?
Post by: piotr_n on July 19, 2013, 10:43:04 AM
Still the lack of documentation is kinda sad.  It just means countless hours wasted "relearning" the same thing by each developer.
I guess the best entity to address your concerns would be Oracle, since they own the development of this db.
But I believe there might be a doc with the format of these files, somewhere.

Inside the DB itself, there are satoshi specific "key-value" records, which indeed would be nice to have somewhere on the wiki, but AFAIK there is no such page.
And moreover it's getting changed as we speak - a new type of "keymeta" records are coming...

Up to v.0.8.3, the possible key-types were: name, tx, acentry, key, wkey, mkey, ckey, defaultkey, pool, version, cscript, orderposnext
Most of the key-types are followed with additional data (i.e. tx is followed by its hash). The key-type plus this additional data is the actual DB key.
As for the format of the value, you'd need to analyze the source code. Check ReadKeyValue in walletdb.cpp

Title: Re: Any documentation (other than the code) on the format of the wallet.dat file?
Post by: jgarzik on July 19, 2013, 01:33:15 PM
Title says it all, any documentation (other than the code) on the format of the wallet.dat file?


The file format is Oracle Berkeley DB.  A quick google did not find any file format specification.  (help requested!)

The key-value pairs are encoded using standard serialization (binary encoding) found elsewhere in the bitcoin protocol.

Title: Re: Any documentation (other than the code) on the format of the wallet.dat file?
Post by: DeathAndTaxes on July 19, 2013, 02:12:39 PM
Title says it all, any documentation (other than the code) on the format of the wallet.dat file?


The file format is Oracle Berkeley DB.  A quick google did not find any file format specification.  (help requested!)

The key-value pairs are encoded using standard serialization (binary encoding) found elsewhere in the bitcoin protocol.

So doing some code spelunking in both pywallet and QT client I think I have figured most of it out.

version = version which last updated the wallet.
minversion = minimum version required to read wallet (throws error in older clients).
tx = transaction record involving a key in the wallet.
name = user entered label of a key (possibly a tx/account as well? or just keys?)
acc & acentry = used in QT accounting system (not really interested)
bestblock = highest block height seen/scanned by client
mkey = has nothing to do w/ Bitcoin keys, it contains info on encrypting/decrypting the wallet.
pool = list of public keys in keypool with their order (seems redundant by ok)

so that leaves "key", "wkey", and "ckey" which appear to all be related to bitcoin keypairs (addresses).

Why three different key-types for handling Bitcoin keypairs?
What is the difference?

Then there is "orderpostnext" and "cscript" which I can't make heads or tails of.

Title: Re: Any documentation (other than the code) on the format of the wallet.dat file?
Post by: jackjack on July 19, 2013, 02:13:51 PM
"key" is an uncrypted key
"ckey" is an encrypted key

Title: Re: Any documentation (other than the code) on the format of the wallet.dat file?
Post by: kjj on July 19, 2013, 02:23:04 PM
You really shouldn't mess with the file directly.  Treat it like a black box and use the proper tools (bdb).

+1 to anyone making proper documentation of the key/value pairs though.  I can think of a number of useful utilities that could be made more easily if people knew how.

Title: Re: Any documentation (other than the code) on the format of the wallet.dat file?
Post by: piotr_n on July 19, 2013, 02:38:29 PM
You really shouldn't mess with the file directly.  Treat it like a black box and use the proper tools (bdb).
It's a good advise. Though it sucks that the bdb lib is so big - probably even bigger than openssl.

May I ask, do you guys plan to remove bdb dependency from satoshi client one day?
I mean, switching to HD wallets seems like a reasonable moment to drop it, especially since UTXO moved to leveldb.

Title: Re: Any documentation (other than the code) on the format of the wallet.dat file?
Post by: piotr_n on July 19, 2013, 02:54:00 PM
bestblock = highest block height seen/scanned by client
BTW, I don't think this bestblock works.
Unless it got fixed recently.. or unless I don't understand what it should do.

I used to use satoshi client for my cold storage and each time after updating the blocks+chainstate in this cold PC, I always had to do the -rescan.
Without explicit rescan, it was never able to notice the new txs that came to the addresses from my cold wallet - even if there was only one new block added to the chain.

Title: Re: Any documentation (other than the code) on the format of the wallet.dat file?
Post by: jgarzik on July 19, 2013, 03:27:57 PM
You really shouldn't mess with the file directly.  Treat it like a black box and use the proper tools (bdb).

This is true for most people (but I am not most people <evil grin>)

+1 to anyone making proper documentation of the key/value pairs though.  I can think of a number of useful utilities that could be made more easily if people knew how.


Title: Re: Any documentation (other than the code) on the format of the wallet.dat file?
Post by: jackjack on July 19, 2013, 04:55:56 PM
Sorry for the ugly formatting
##### Element: key

The final value is value1+value2+..., where + means concatenation

##### Transaction: VS(tx)+VS(32bytes(txid[::-1]))

##### Label: VS(name)+VS(address)

##### Version: VS(version)

##### Minversion: VS(minversion)

##### Setting: VS(setting)+VS(settingname)
If settingname starts with "f":
If settingname starts with "addr"
If settingname == "nTransactionFee":
If settingname == "nLimitProcessors":

##### Unencrypted private key: VS(key)+VS(public
VS(private key)

##### Wkey(?): VS(wkey)+VS(public
VS(private key)

##### Default address: VS(defaultkey)

##### Pool address: VS(pool)+int64(index)

##### Account: VS(acc)+VS(account)

##### Account entry: VS(acentry)+VS(account)+int64(n)

##### Best block: VS(bestblock)
VI(number of hashes)
for(hash in hashes){

##### Encrypted private key: VS(ckey)+VS(publickey)
VS(encrypted private key)

##### Encryption settings: VS(mkey)+VS(nID)
VS(encrypted key)

VI (, VS (, intN=(N/8 bytes), [::-1]=ReverseEndianness

Title: Re: Any documentation (other than the code) on the format of the wallet.dat file?
Post by: DeathAndTaxes on July 19, 2013, 05:35:10 PM
You really shouldn't mess with the file directly.  Treat it like a black box and use the proper tools (bdb).

+1 to anyone making proper documentation of the key/value pairs though.  I can think of a number of useful utilities that could be made more easily if people knew how.

Agreed.  Maybe "file" was the wrong word I don't really care how bdb is structuring it on disk.  I am more interested in the structure and format of the various key value pairs which make up the wallet database.  So when bdb returns the next key as "XXXX" one knows what the hell it is and how to parse the stored value.  

Updated OP for clarity.