Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Mining support => Topic started by: NR3000 on July 20, 2013, 02:18:00 PM

Title: [Tutorial] Mac Os X + GeekTool = bitcoin monitoring on your desktop!
Post by: NR3000 on July 20, 2013, 02:18:00 PM

Download GeekTool from

Drag and drop shell icon to your desktop:

Go to properties -> command -> …

Enter script and save changes. Also you can change font and color in properties

*** Some scripts ***

Show MtGox rates:


import json
import urllib2

def parse(json_data):
    json_data = json.loads(json_data)

    # get to where the days are listed with the data we want.
    high = json_data['data']['high']['display_short']
    low = json_data['data']['low']['display_short']
    avg = json_data['data']['avg']['display_short']

    return high, low, avg

def fetch():
    # url with API code intact.............TTTHHHIIIISSSSSS
    url = ''

        # gets the data from the url and reads it like a file
        response = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
    except urllib2.URLError:

    return response

if __name__ == '__main__':
    response = fetch()
    high, low, avg = parse(response)
    print "High: %s" % (high)
    print "Low : %s" % (low)
    print "Avg : %s" % (avg)

Show network difficulty
import urllib2
def get_info(url):
    info = urllib2.urlopen(url)
    ats =
next = int(float(get_info('')))
now = int(float(get_info('')))
perc = 100 - (100 * now / next)

print "Now ", now
print "Next ", next
print "Difference %s (%s%%)" % ((next - now), perc)

Please share your own scripts!

Working with btcguild statistics - completed
Working with slush pool statistics

If you like this tutorial, you can buy some beer for me ;D 1DXuRTFTJXpQBKKmcXjvy6nYRhNGTFJap6

Title: Re: [Tutorial] Mac Os X + GeekTool = bitcoin monitoring on your desktop!
Post by: NR3000 on July 21, 2013, 01:52:44 PM
Script for BTC Guild!


import urllib2
import json


my_json = json.loads(urllib2.urlopen('' + API_KEY).read())

total_rewards = my_json['user']['total_rewards']
paid_rewards = my_json['user']['paid_rewards']
unpaid_rewards = my_json['user']['unpaid_rewards']
past_24h_rewards = my_json['user']['past_24h_rewards']
pool_speed = my_json['pool']['pool_speed']

print " -- BTC Guild Pool Stats --"
print "Total rewards : %.8f" % total_rewards
print "Paid rewards  : %.8f" % paid_rewards
print "Unpaid rewards: %.8f" % unpaid_rewards
print "24h rewards   : %.8f" % past_24h_rewards
print "Pool speed    : %s" % pool_speed
print "---------------------------"

for worker in my_json['workers']:
  workerhashrate = my_json['workers'][worker]['hash_rate']
  workershares = my_json['workers'][worker]['valid_shares']
  workerstales = my_json['workers'][worker]['stale_shares']
  if(workershares > 0 and workerstales > 0) :
      workerstale_perc = float(workerstales)/float(workershares) * 100
      workerstale_perc = 0.0
  print "Worker name: %s" % (my_json['workers'][worker]['worker_name'])
  print "Worker Hashrate %.2f  Shares %d  Stales %d Stale %.2f %%" % (workerhashrate,  workershares, workerstales, workerstale_perc)
  print " ----- "

Title: Re: [Tutorial] Mac Os X + GeekTool = bitcoin monitoring on your desktop!
Post by: grobbes on July 23, 2013, 03:48:05 PM
EDIT: NVM figured it out