Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: gjbloom on July 04, 2011, 05:25:35 PM

Title: Bitcoin used to run, now crashes on launch even after re-install
Post by: gjbloom on July 04, 2011, 05:25:35 PM
My bitcoin client no longer launches.  Instead, it throws an exception dialog that reads:

EXCEPTION: NSt8ios_base7failureE
ReadCompactSize() : size too large
D:\Program Files (x86)\Bitcoin\bitcoin.exe in AppInit()

This is unacceptable.  Can anyone tell me what I can do to access my bitcoins now?  Does anyone of any authority even read the newbie forum?

Title: Re: Bitcoin used to run, now crashes on launch even after re-install
Post by: jdebunt on July 04, 2011, 05:28:50 PM
when you deinstalled the client, did you also make sure all registry files were deleted properly? by rescanning with regedit of regcleaner?

Perhaps its just a registry error.

Not too sure tho, but its the first thing that came to mind.

Title: Re: Bitcoin used to run, now crashes on launch even after re-install
Post by: Meni Rosenfeld on July 04, 2011, 05:30:35 PM
Did you try deleting Bitcoin's application data folder?

Title: Re: Bitcoin used to run, now crashes on launch even after re-install
Post by: Dolphin on July 04, 2011, 06:14:01 PM
Hope you backuped you wallet.dat file before trying to fix the problem. I read a thread about someone who accidently killed his wallet.dat and lost all his BTCs this way not too long ago.
My first guess for the cause of the problem would be that a bitcoin client data file got damaged and causes this error.

A fast search revealed the following thread, maybe it can help you out: (

Title: Re: Bitcoin used to run, now crashes on launch even after re-install
Post by: RodeoX on July 04, 2011, 06:30:02 PM
I would second the suggestion that you check your registry files and clean out your app data. And, yes start by backing up your wallet.DAT file.
It is also very helpful if you tell us your OS; i.e. Windows Vista.