Title: Looking for hard-working and fast responsive people Post by: dhanamlaxmi on December 16, 2017, 11:28:42 AM Hey guys,
I need people who wish to make money as fast as they can! Have a simple job to be done which can earn you good amount, but the conditions are applied! - you can be a newbie or any rank, not a matter to me! - require just 2 to 3 people for this task - you need to be fast and responsive , pls if you are a person who delays then donot contact me and dont waste my time as well yours! If you think you can do the job, then PM me to know more details! As i cannot reply to any of you, guys telegram me at @Dhanam0831 Regards Title: Re: Looking for hard-working and fast responsive people Post by: Matt9301 on December 16, 2017, 11:53:05 AM I think you need to post more details here.
Title: Re: Looking for hard-working and fast responsive people Post by: Whitly on December 16, 2017, 11:58:56 AM Interested, sent pm
Title: Re: Looking for hard-working and fast responsive people Post by: elrippo on December 16, 2017, 12:01:49 PM You should include the details in the main post instead of asking for them in PMs. Makes it easier.
Send you a PM. Title: Re: Looking for hard-working and fast responsive people Post by: Text on December 16, 2017, 12:28:25 PM Count me in OP, I want to get involve but please let me know what kind of job it is first? Just sent you a private message now, thank you.
I think I meet the requirements you needed. Done contacting you also in telegram. Title: Re: Looking for hard-working and fast responsive people Post by: azaid18 on December 17, 2017, 03:53:21 AM Count me in i already pm you in telegram sir. Hope you get me. :D
Title: Re: Looking for hard-working and fast responsive people Post by: cpfreeplz on December 17, 2017, 03:55:32 AM Could you give some details as to how much you're paying and what you'd like someone to do? I may be interested but if you're expecting us to be a live chat agent 24/7 for $5 an hour I'm not interested.