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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: chacharot on December 18, 2017, 08:57:28 AM

Title: Have you suffered from discrimination?
Post by: chacharot on December 18, 2017, 08:57:28 AM
Have you suffered from discrimination?

Title: Re: Have you suffered from discrimination?
Post by: beonline on December 18, 2017, 09:41:09 AM
I know many men experienced a so called reversed discrimination in daily life, but in general I think the army matter is where the discrimination against men is most vivid. Also, men are almost universally treated more harshly by the criminal justice system. This is at all levels.

Title: Re: Have you suffered from discrimination?
Post by: chacharot on December 19, 2017, 02:27:29 AM
In our country, most of the time, if your not so good looking, people may look down on you and if your good looking, people are nice to you. Simple act but totally discriminating.

Title: Re: Have you suffered from discrimination?
Post by: Pintasak on December 19, 2017, 02:34:44 AM
Have you suffered from discrimination?
No not yet but this happen into others.discrimanation is not a good thing.everyone should deserve respect.we live in an open country.we should learn good values what makes an individual have their right is being a truely human

Title: Re: Have you suffered from discrimination?
Post by: aimey on December 26, 2017, 07:00:01 PM
Yes many times, Missionaries of different nationalities looked at us a inferior in race and uneducated.

Title: Re: Have you suffered from discrimination?
Post by: gelli on December 26, 2017, 07:17:24 PM
Every third person faces discrimination. It is everywhere: at work, at school, in a house, on the street and in public transport. And the worst thing is, that we are taught from the very childhood, that this is normal and so it should be :( We are taught that the boys are strong, they will go to the army and must support the family, and the girls are weak and must cook borsch, give birth to children and wait for the husband at home. It's awful... :-[

Title: Re: Have you suffered from discrimination?
Post by: lagoon88 on December 26, 2017, 07:23:01 PM
Yes, My family and I have suffered discrimination. I think it is a worst thing. We should treat all human beings equal.

Title: Re: Have you suffered from discrimination?
Post by: reginalkri on December 26, 2017, 11:52:42 PM
Kind of. When I was 14 a guy kicked me out of place I usually frequent using the excuse that I was 14. It sucked. The old heads hated me.

Title: Re: Have you suffered from discrimination?
Post by: Vod on December 26, 2017, 11:59:54 PM
I get all kinds of discrimination from my avatar.  :(    Even though I am in shape, most people on here still won't play with me. 

Title: Re: Have you suffered from discrimination?
Post by: covfefe_ on December 27, 2017, 12:05:17 AM
Discrimination is the feeling you get when you think you are important to someone but aren't as important as you think.
Everybody have preferences, if someone kisses another one in a room, the person doesn't necessarily have to kiss all.

Title: Re: Have you suffered from discrimination?
Post by: automail on December 27, 2017, 02:45:35 AM
Have you suffered from discrimination?
Yes. Everybody experienced it but it depends on how you handle the situatuon. Some of us just ignore it and be ourselves while others take it the hard way. I know someone who become depressed about discrimination, she need a shrink to help her out. The only advise that she was given is to just be herself and don't live life the way others want it for you (that's what she says, but I think theres more). Discrimination happens everyday, we just need to be proud of who we are, its our life anyway.

Title: Re: Have you suffered from discrimination?
Post by: rainmaximo on January 19, 2018, 11:08:02 PM
YES I believed that everyone or everybody experience or suffered discrimination but in differend way even in the simple way of discrimination. Like example your fat, I have a friend that is fat her story is come with this, she ride a tricycle and the driver told her that she should pay for two person because she is fat and and the space that she consume or sit for two person. I believe and hoping that someday the discrimination of every man is being erase and live in a fair society.

Title: Re: Have you suffered from discrimination?
Post by: santiagomaicon on February 19, 2018, 12:44:57 PM
Racial or sexual? Or what kind of? Where I come from they take social status very dearly, so it was hard to realize you're coming from a non-priviledged family

Title: Re: Have you suffered from discrimination?
Post by: fcf1081 on February 19, 2018, 01:45:41 PM
Experiencing discrimination is not quite good to have, sometimes it's traumatic especially when you experienced it really bad, and you may think... what's in a world happening?.. is it crime to be you and not be like thwm having different skin color, status in life and not too smart, and not too I have to change just to be accepted?.

Title: Re: Have you suffered from discrimination?
Post by: patarfweefwee on February 19, 2018, 01:57:42 PM
Have you suffered from discrimination?

Yes, and frankly it sucks. It greatly amplifies your countrymen's weaknesses and puts a certain race's traditions and culture in a negative scrutiny and therefore puts down morale and greatly alienate a person. I've been on both receiving and giving ends of this and both times sucks and leaves you feeling dirty. It is never a great feeling to insult a person, worse yet to insult the whole race that you don't understand. Let's stop this and try to understand one another

Title: Re: Have you suffered from discrimination?
Post by: Strongball on February 19, 2018, 02:41:16 PM
Yeah I believe all of us suffered from some form of discrimination if not recently maybe at some point
in our lives. If I recall it right, when I was younger and still studying I experienced discrimination
because of my nationality. It made me feel bad and powerless, and that feeling sticks
and stays with you all throughout your life. At work I also experienced it because
of the hierarchy in the field. Discrimination is a form of bullying, it's happening
everywhere and all the time. Something has to be done. We either need to
stand up to it or completely ignore it. We should respect each other.

Title: Re: Have you suffered from discrimination?
Post by: Jexjatto on February 19, 2018, 02:51:06 PM
Have you suffered from discrimination?

I know when i was growing up, i was close to an "ALBINO", growing up in a black neighborhood and it all seems like i am an abomination, the kids will make fun of me and my color, it wasn't easy,
But as i grew older, i understood that it was jealousy, they wish they were me,....

yes i have suffered discrimination, and i am over it now...

Title: Re: Have you suffered from discrimination?
Post by: gabmen on February 19, 2018, 03:35:33 PM
Experiencing discrimination is not quite good to have, sometimes it's traumatic especially when you experienced it really bad, and you may think... what's in a world happening?.. is it crime to be you and not be like thwm having different skin color, status in life and not too smart, and not too I have to change just to be accepted?.

That's one thing that you should never do. Give in to those that discriminate. I feel like people who like to single out a person's color or race are they themselves suffering from lownself esteem. That's why they feel good when they feel they're above somebody

Title: Re: Have you suffered from discrimination?
Post by: bernashka on February 19, 2018, 06:00:05 PM
Discrimination is very dangerous for society, the state, the individual. Discriminated
people experience emotional suffering, their belief in themselves, their belief in
state and society, they are not fully involved in the life of society and, accordingly,
can not fully contribute to the welfare and economy of society, they can
behave negatively in relation to society and the state.

Title: Re: Have you suffered from discrimination?
Post by: justin86 on February 19, 2018, 08:06:53 PM
Discrimination is in everything actually in life, people understand discrimination as general like sex, race disc. etc. but for every little difference we discriminate people without even knowing that.

Title: Re: Have you suffered from discrimination?
Post by: Sithara007 on February 20, 2018, 04:22:14 AM
I don't complain that often. There were a lot of occasions where I was discriminated on the basis of language, hair color, and physical appearance. But I don't bother much about those instances. I usually ignore those who discriminate against me.

I get all kinds of discrimination from my avatar.  :(    Even though I am in shape, most people on here still won't play with me. 

I am not surprised. You probably have the most disgusting avatar in this forum, and I am noticing it ever since 2014.  ;D

Title: Re: Have you suffered from discrimination?
Post by: UNOE on February 20, 2018, 06:02:54 AM
Have you suffered from discrimination?

If you are short you will experience that atleast once in your life. So yeah. I did. If you didn't consider yourself a happy person.

Title: Re: Have you suffered from discrimination?
Post by: hugoworld on February 20, 2018, 08:05:27 AM
Of course yes. It is pretty obvious that people who do not accept to live according to  the society's so-called universal consents are being discriminated by the so -called normal people. For that reason, Because of my diffirent ideas, I have been discriminated by my collegues. However, I do not care about this horrible behaviours towards me. I just live my life to the full .

Title: Re: Have you suffered from discrimination?
Post by: PilosopongTacio on February 20, 2018, 08:38:11 AM
Have you suffered from discrimination?

Yes,when i was a kid. Other kids would gather around me and made fun of me,sometimes hurt me physically. Discrimination is a worse human traits. It is one of the reasons why we are at war at each other for thousands of years ago. Discrimation can be about sex,marital status,disability,race,sexual preference,medical record,criminal record, physical appearance.. Anything that insults,harrass or name call a person base on what they appear,believe,status etc. People who hate other people is a form of discrimination. I discriminated others too. But i realized that it was wrong later in life and its also not cool being racists and mean to others.

Title: Re: Have you suffered from discrimination?
Post by: ApocalypseNow on March 05, 2018, 02:31:03 AM
Yes and other countries treat as low life and they think that we don't deserve to have a higher pay or higher position jobs. They question us on  why they should pay us the average amount when they know that we a are from a poor country so the cost of our service should be very cheap.

Title: Re: Have you suffered from discrimination?
Post by: CARrency on March 05, 2018, 03:11:16 AM
Have you suffered from discrimination?

I think the discrimination I've experienced is not that bad but I did experienced it. It is bad and it is really depressing when people talk to you like that especially your countrymen. Never thought that even people that is close to you living in the same country will be discriminating you for what and who you are.

Title: Re: Have you suffered from discrimination?
Post by: El Il-mythos on March 05, 2018, 04:09:19 PM
Have you suffered from discrimination?
Discrimination is always there to try your petience, courage and persistence. We can't avoid it or resit it but we can fight it in a positive way. If you give up because of this there is nothing you can get but if you fight by making it as an stepping stone, these persons will bow down at your feet as you are putting them into shame by abolishing their insult through your positiveness.

Title: Re: Have you suffered from discrimination?
Post by: NadiaHel on March 05, 2018, 04:44:10 PM
Have you suffered from discrimination?
Many times, for I´ve lived in several countries in my life. The most difficult to me was Mexico, there are too many people who discriminate others, for you are white, because you are brown because you are rich, poor, whatever. But Mexico has a lot of other magical stuff, it is just talking about discrimination... well, it is difficult in that sense, and sometimes.
Another place I found difficult was London. I was discriminated too many times, but, at the same times, london is full of foreign people, so you can be discriminated by Turkish people, Chinese... jajaja... it is crazy.

 But I believe everywhere there are shit persons wh discriminate others just because of their ignorance. And, at the same time, there are too many nice persons in the world, so, this is just how you take it.

Title: Re: Have you suffered from discrimination?
Post by: princess.tyche on March 05, 2018, 05:12:26 PM
No, not really. I mean i do feel discriminated sometimes but never been too far. But there was a time, 28 years back when i was a little, discrimination cause so much pain. It was a terrible things that happened i can't even imagine. Discrimination is never a good thing. There are people suffer, people in pain, people in deep depression.

Title: Re: Have you suffered from discrimination?
Post by: neliawesome on March 05, 2018, 09:39:15 PM
Yes i experienced being discriminated.I think its not just me experienced those things but most of us encountered of being discriminated.Mostly people are discriminated because of their life status and physical features.We cannot pleased everyone because sad to say thats part of life.The important is you know how to handle or carry yourself in those situation.

Title: Re: Have you suffered from discrimination?
Post by: Omnipotent1 on March 05, 2018, 09:47:43 PM
Yes. Discrimination is not just racial. It's from someone who has differences from you. Say and older person discriminating against a younger one and so on.

Title: Re: Have you suffered from discrimination?
Post by: basyang on March 05, 2018, 10:05:47 PM
Have you suffered from discrimination?

     As far as I know, I experience discrimination. All of us can feel discriminate in many ways in school, office, classroom everywhere we can experience it. As long as some people look down to us they always can discriminate us. Nevertheless, we can used this to courage and to fight against it. Because if you let someone discriminate you, it will eat you up and lead to depression.

Title: Re: Have you suffered from discrimination?
Post by: c.ristos on March 12, 2018, 08:04:49 AM
This is when you are treated less well or put at a disadvantage for a reason that relates to your disability in one of the situations that are covered by the Equality Act. The treatment could be a one-off action, the application of a rule or policy or the existence of physical or communication barriers which make access difficult or impossible.

Title: Re: Have you suffered from discrimination?
Post by: squog on March 12, 2018, 08:26:56 AM
Have you suffered from discrimination?

Yes i have, to some extent, experienced discrimination. I've been on both the receiving (which sucks) and the giving (which sucks even more) end of racial prejudice. Discrimination is a mind set that a race or s social strata whether religious or otherwise is actually better than another and of course vice versa. Discrimination really hinders advancement as a community and destroys cooperation. This narrow view of society should stop.

Title: Re: Have you suffered from discrimination?
Post by: 1BTC EQUALS 1CAR on March 12, 2018, 01:22:37 PM
Too many times. I get afraid of going to the malls or checking out stores because people always judge me like I'm there to steal things. I'm always alone and that also makes them suspect me more so it's really not comfortable when they look at me that way.

Title: Re: Have you suffered from discrimination?
Post by: fairytale on March 12, 2018, 02:30:22 PM
yes. due to my gender. i belong to the third sex and people discriminate,criticize and judge me. but who cares? as long as i don't hurt or harm anybody this is me and the author of my life should be me.

Title: Re: Have you suffered from discrimination?
Post by: joebrook on March 12, 2018, 04:25:54 PM
yes. due to my gender. i belong to the third sex and people discriminate,criticize and judge me. but who cares? as long as i don't hurt or harm anybody this is me and the author of my life should be me.
There are two sex in the world and that either female or male, when did there ever become a third sex at all. I am not discriminating but this is really absurd.

Title: Re: Have you suffered from discrimination?
Post by: Ems30 on March 12, 2018, 06:15:06 PM
they are so many kind of discrimination some of them it really affect though mentally and emotionally,,experience of discrimination should be worst for me during my childhood  ages,, because of my skin color some of my classmate told me as a black duckling ugly..