Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: mrtrueman on July 22, 2013, 09:17:12 PM

Title: Newbie notification
Post by: mrtrueman on July 22, 2013, 09:17:12 PM
Hi All,

Just a quick note to admins, it took me a couple of visits before I realized why I could not post or reply.

I thought my profile was faulty.

I think it would be handy for some extra notification to the fact you have no permissions etc.  I have used lots of forums but the whole newbie thing here is not that obvious really.


Mr T

Title: Re: Newbie notification
Post by: mrtrueman on July 22, 2013, 10:23:19 PM
Maybe a banner at the top of the page....I have seen this on other forums :D

Title: Re: Newbie notification
Post by: RangerTwentyTwo on July 22, 2013, 10:28:52 PM
Indeed, it took me ages to figure it out, I finally found this forum and noticed that I could post here...  :-\

Title: Re: Newbie notification
Post by: DannyHamilton on July 23, 2013, 04:35:09 AM
I'm generally inclined to believe that if a person doesn't see this message clearly placed in front of them when they create an account, then they aren't likely to see any other similar message placed in front of them regardless of how it's done:



After registering, you will be unable to post in any section except "newbies" until you have spent some time on the forum and have published a few posts.

If you are registering to ask a question, please ask it in the newbies section. Do not wait to ask it just because you must post it in "newbies": the question is very likely to have already been asked. If you don't end up getting good responses, you can ask it again elsewhere after you are established, or you can move the entire topic.

If you are commenting on Bitcoin, use your newbie wait time to read more about Bitcoin. If you are criticizing Bitcoin, find similar criticism using the search tool to see which points have already been covered. A good use of your newbie wait time is reading Satoshi's old posts.

Pyccкий (Russian)


Пocлe peгиcтpaции Bы нe cмoжeтe oтпpaвлять cooбщeния в любыe paздeлы
кpoмe paздeлa "Hoвички". Для cнятия этoгo oгpaничeния cлeдyeт пpoвecти
нeкoтopoe вpeмя нa фopyмax и oтпpaвить нecкoлькo пoлeзныx cooбщeний.

Ecли Bы зapeгиcтpиpoвaлиcь, чтoбы зaдaть вoпpoc, пoжaлyйcтa, зaдaйтe
eгo в paздeлe "Hoвички". Haибoлee вepoятнo, чтo тaм Bы пoлyчитe oтвeт.

Ecли Bы xoтитe cтaть чacтью cooбщecтвa, тo извлeкитe из oгpaничeния
пoльзy, пpoчтитe yжe cyщecтвyющиe cooбщeния. Пoльзyйтecь пoиcкoм.

Español (Spanish)


Despues del registro no tendras la posibilidad de postear en ninguna otra sección que "Novatos", solo podras hacerlo despues de pasar un tiempo en el foro y publicar algunos posts en la misma.

Si te registras para hacer una pregunta, por favor hazlo en la sección "Novatos". No esperes preguntar solo porque tienes que hacerlo en "Novatos": es muy probable que tu pregunta haya sido hecha anteriormente. A cabo de un tiempo si no recibes buenas respuestas podras preguntar en otra sección en cuanto tu cuenta ya no esta limitada, o podras mover el hilo entero en la sección adecuada.

Si comentas sobre Bitcoin, usa tu tiempo de novato para leer algo mas sobre Bitcoin. Si criticas Bitcoin encuentra criticas similares usando la herramienta de busqueda para averiguar que puntos han sido ya cubiertos. Un buen uso para tu tiempo de novato seria leer los posts antiguos de Satoshi.

Português (Portuguese)


Depos de se registrar, você não poderá postar nada em nenhuma seção exceto "newbies" até que você tenha gasto algum tempo no fórum
e publicado alguns postsos

Se vocẽ for registrado e fazer uma pergunta, por favor pergunte na área de newbies. Não fique sem perguntar só por que você estará
postando somente na sessão de newbies: é muito comum a questão já ter sido feita. Se você não conseguiu obter uma boa resposta, você pode perguntar novamente em outro lugar depois que estiver passado pelo período de 'newbie', ou você pode mover o tópico inteiro para outro lugar.

Se você está comentando sobre Bitcoin, use seu tempo de novato para ler mais sobre Bitcoin. Se você está criticando o Bitcoin, encontre críticas semelhantes, usando a ferramenta de busca para ver quais os pontos que já foram abordados. Um bom uso do seu tempo de espera como novato poderia ser bem gasto lendo as mensagens antigas de Satoshi.

If I remember correctly, you can't even create the account without first clicking the checkbox in front of the sentence that says:

I understand that I will initially be unable to post to most forum sections, as explained above.

Title: Re: Newbie notification
Post by: mrtrueman on July 23, 2013, 08:55:06 AM
The thing is nobody reads T&C etc…they just click especially when it’s in the same colour text.

A large Red Message at the top of the forum would do.  I am sure it would be possible to only show it to “newbie” users/permissions.  We did it like this on one of our forums and it worked well.

Title: Re: Newbie notification
Post by: fildza on July 23, 2013, 09:00:25 AM
I'm generally inclined to believe that if a person doesn't see this message clearly placed in front of them when they create an account, then they aren't likely to see any other similar message placed in front of them regardless of how it's done:



After registering, you will be unable to post in any section except "newbies" until you have spent some time on the forum and have published a few posts.

If you are registering to ask a question, please ask it in the newbies section. Do not wait to ask it just because you must post it in "newbies": the question is very likely to have already been asked. If you don't end up getting good responses, you can ask it again elsewhere after you are established, or you can move the entire topic.

If you are commenting on Bitcoin, use your newbie wait time to read more about Bitcoin. If you are criticizing Bitcoin, find similar criticism using the search tool to see which points have already been covered. A good use of your newbie wait time is reading Satoshi's old posts.

Pyccкий (Russian)


Пocлe peгиcтpaции Bы нe cмoжeтe oтпpaвлять cooбщeния в любыe paздeлы
кpoмe paздeлa "Hoвички". Для cнятия этoгo oгpaничeния cлeдyeт пpoвecти
нeкoтopoe вpeмя нa фopyмax и oтпpaвить нecкoлькo пoлeзныx cooбщeний.

Ecли Bы зapeгиcтpиpoвaлиcь, чтoбы зaдaть вoпpoc, пoжaлyйcтa, зaдaйтe
eгo в paздeлe "Hoвички". Haибoлee вepoятнo, чтo тaм Bы пoлyчитe oтвeт.

Ecли Bы xoтитe cтaть чacтью cooбщecтвa, тo извлeкитe из oгpaничeния
пoльзy, пpoчтитe yжe cyщecтвyющиe cooбщeния. Пoльзyйтecь пoиcкoм.

Español (Spanish)


Despues del registro no tendras la posibilidad de postear en ninguna otra sección que "Novatos", solo podras hacerlo despues de pasar un tiempo en el foro y publicar algunos posts en la misma.

Si te registras para hacer una pregunta, por favor hazlo en la sección "Novatos". No esperes preguntar solo porque tienes que hacerlo en "Novatos": es muy probable que tu pregunta haya sido hecha anteriormente. A cabo de un tiempo si no recibes buenas respuestas podras preguntar en otra sección en cuanto tu cuenta ya no esta limitada, o podras mover el hilo entero en la sección adecuada.

Si comentas sobre Bitcoin, usa tu tiempo de novato para leer algo mas sobre Bitcoin. Si criticas Bitcoin encuentra criticas similares usando la herramienta de busqueda para averiguar que puntos han sido ya cubiertos. Un buen uso para tu tiempo de novato seria leer los posts antiguos de Satoshi.

Português (Portuguese)


Depos de se registrar, você não poderá postar nada em nenhuma seção exceto "newbies" até que você tenha gasto algum tempo no fórum
e publicado alguns postsos

Se vocẽ for registrado e fazer uma pergunta, por favor pergunte na área de newbies. Não fique sem perguntar só por que você estará
postando somente na sessão de newbies: é muito comum a questão já ter sido feita. Se você não conseguiu obter uma boa resposta, você pode perguntar novamente em outro lugar depois que estiver passado pelo período de 'newbie', ou você pode mover o tópico inteiro para outro lugar.

Se você está comentando sobre Bitcoin, use seu tempo de novato para ler mais sobre Bitcoin. Se você está criticando o Bitcoin, encontre críticas semelhantes, usando a ferramenta de busca para ver quais os pontos que já foram abordados. Um bom uso do seu tempo de espera como novato poderia ser bem gasto lendo as mensagens antigas de Satoshi.

If I remember correctly, you can't even create the account without first clicking the checkbox in front of the sentence that says:

I understand that I will initially be unable to post to most forum sections, as explained above.
Good job

Title: Re: Newbie notification
Post by: deepceleron on July 23, 2013, 09:01:48 AM
When you register for a new account, the very first paragraph says:


After registering, you will be unable to post in any section except "newbies" until you have spent some time on the forum and have published a few posts.

If you are registering to ask a question, please ask it in the newbies section. Do not wait to ask it just because you must post it in "newbies": the question is very likely to have already been asked. If you don't end up getting good responses, you can ask it again elsewhere after you are established, or you can move the entire topic.

If you are commenting on Bitcoin, use your newbie wait time to read more about Bitcoin. If you are criticizing Bitcoin, find similar criticism using the search tool to see which points have already been covered. A good use of your newbie wait time is reading Satoshi's old posts.

Then the checkbox you must check at the bottom to register says:

I understand that I will initially be unable to post to most forum sections, as explained above.

Then there is a sticky note at the top of the newbie forum. It is impossible to make people read, apparently.

You can't make people read. Or search.

Maybe the new member captcha should be that they have to type the phrase in the box: "I can only post in the newbie forum".

Title: Re: Newbie notification
Post by: ngenko on July 23, 2013, 09:06:22 AM
Here we are, I'm experiencing similar problem, because I couldn't find the newbies section.
You could maybe add a link to the newbies section in the initial notification for newbies...
Cheers, Nicolas.

Hi All,

Just a quick note to admins, it took me a couple of visits before I realized why I could not post or reply.

I thought my profile was faulty.

I think it would be handy for some extra notification to the fact you have no permissions etc.  I have used lots of forums but the whole newbie thing here is not that obvious really.


Mr T

Title: Re: Newbie notification
Post by: OnkelPaul on July 23, 2013, 09:14:25 AM
Here we are, I'm experiencing similar problem, because I couldn't find the newbies section.
You could maybe add a link to the newbies section in the initial notification for newbies...
Cheers, Nicolas.

The link to the Newbies section is right there in the open on the starting page of the forum (you admittedly need to scroll a little).
If a newbie can't be bothered to scroll down to find it most people here are very likely not interested in what he wants to say.
Newbies can still read forum posts, and if they "accidentally" find the newbie section they have hopefully read enough to write meaningful posts themselves.

Onkel Paul

Title: Re: Newbie notification
Post by: mrtrueman on July 23, 2013, 11:44:59 AM
Yes maybe the current system is keeping out all but the most determined people…so maybe it’s a good thing :D

Title: Re: Newbie notification
Post by: Gabi on July 23, 2013, 11:57:07 AM
Hi All,

Just a quick note to admins, it took me a couple of visits before I realized why I could not post or reply.

I thought my profile was faulty.

I think it would be handy for some extra notification to the fact you have no permissions etc.  I have used lots of forums but the whole newbie thing here is not that obvious really.


Mr T

So you are unable to read the T&C you accepted? But you are able to happily and quickly open a thread where you whine and cry about that.  ::)

Oh and yes, the newbie section is exactly for that: to avoid people like you to freely roam the forum and spam everywhere

the current system is keeping out all but the most determined people
Anyone with more brain than a cockroach have no problem dealing with the current system and understanding how the newbie rules work.

Title: Re: Newbie notification
Post by: californiablue on July 23, 2013, 12:02:15 PM
I agree. I searched my inbox thinking I had not confirmed registration or something....  I Googled "why can't I post a reply on" to discover the answer. Very confusing and perhaps discouraging to new members. ???

Title: Re: Newbie notification
Post by: Frankton on July 23, 2013, 12:02:43 PM
I had the same problem as everybody else here, very confusing to be honest!  ::)

Title: Re: Newbie notification
Post by: iampingu on July 23, 2013, 12:03:52 PM
I had the same problem as everybody else here, very confusing to be honest!  ::)

Or you could read the terms and conditions, or even pay attention to the tick boxes!

Title: Re: Newbie notification
Post by: shandafa on July 23, 2013, 12:05:17 PM
Wow, so happy to discover this thread.
Been lurking around and wondering where the "reply" button is...

Title: Re: Newbie notification
Post by: Gabi on July 23, 2013, 12:06:13 PM
Poor newbies, it is VERY CONFUSING to actually HAVE TO READ  :(  

Title: Re: Newbie notification
Post by: californiablue on July 23, 2013, 12:15:54 PM
Poor newbies, it is VERY CONFUSING to actually HAVE TO READ  :(  

Where was it for me to read? Was it in the giant box of terms & conditions when I signed up?

I don't see why a little notification for newbies ("Newbies: Read this to post and reply") is a bad idea. I came here today and didn't even remember when I had created an account, but there I was, logged in. When you visit multiple forums every few weeks or every couples months it's not easy to remember something like that. Why not give new visitors a little extra welcome?

Title: Re: Newbie notification
Post by: gweedo on July 23, 2013, 12:36:11 PM
The thing is nobody reads T&C etc…they just click especially when it’s in the same colour text.

A large Red Message at the top of the forum would do.  I am sure it would be possible to only show it to “newbie” users/permissions.  We did it like this on one of our forums and it worked well.

So you are just stupid, thank you for letting us know.

Title: Re: Newbie notification
Post by: iampingu on July 23, 2013, 12:54:09 PM
Poor newbies, it is VERY CONFUSING to actually HAVE TO READ  :(  

Sooo Confusing :(

Title: Re: Newbie notification
Post by: Svennisen on July 23, 2013, 01:17:50 PM
Poor newbies, it is VERY CONFUSING to actually HAVE TO READ  :(  

Where was it for me to read? Was it in the giant box of terms & conditions when I signed up?

I don't see why a little notification for newbies ("Newbies: Read this to post and reply") is a bad idea. I came here today and didn't even remember when I had created an account, but there I was, logged in. When you visit multiple forums every few weeks or every couples months it's not easy to remember something like that. Why not give new visitors a little extra welcome?

If interested in bitcoin, I would advise you to start reading all terms & conditions. Bitcoin is all about anonymity and security, a person who does not read the terms for an account that you sign up for and use online is not very aware of his own security.

Don't get how you all could miss the rules. They get thrown in your face like 4 times when you register.

Title: Re: Newbie notification
Post by: mrtrueman on July 23, 2013, 09:43:12 PM
Don't tell me you lot read EULA. You lot are funny!
I think the amount of new peeps stating the same says something.

Title: Re: Newbie notification
Post by: mrtrueman on July 23, 2013, 09:46:50 PM
Hi All,

Just a quick note to admins, it took me a couple of visits before I realized why I could not post or reply.

I thought my profile was faulty.

I think it would be handy for some extra notification to the fact you have no permissions etc.  I have used lots of forums but the whole newbie thing here is not that obvious really.


Mr T

So you are unable to read the T&C you accepted? But you are able to happily and quickly open a thread where you whine and cry about that.  ::)

Oh and yes, the newbie section is exactly for that: to avoid people like you to freely roam the forum and spam everywhere

the current system is keeping out all but the most determined people
Anyone with more brain than a cockroach have no problem dealing with the current system and understanding how the newbie rules work.

No crying, complaining or spamming here.

Title: Re: Newbie notification
Post by: DannyHamilton on July 23, 2013, 09:51:03 PM
I think the amount of new peeps stating the same says something.

Perhaps you need a lesson in statistics.

If there are 100 newbies complaining, and 10,000,000 newbies that figured it out just fine, is it really worth anybody's time and effort to try and force the 0.001% to see something that the other 99.999% didn't have a problem with?

The amount of new peeps stating the same thing is meaningless without knowing the amount of new peeps NOT stating the same thing.

Title: Re: Newbie notification
Post by: mrtrueman on July 23, 2013, 09:59:23 PM
I think the amount of new peeps stating the same says something.

Perhaps you need a lesson in statistics.

If there are 100 newbies complaining, and 10,000,000 newbies that figured it out just fine, is it really worth anybody's time and effort to try and force the 0.001% to see something that the other 99.999% didn't have a problem with?

The amount of new peeps stating the same thing is meaningless without knowing the amount of new peeps NOT stating the same thing.
I make it 137004, perhaps you need to brush up on your maths.

Anyhow I have better things to do than to pick holes with you full members that hangout in the newbie section giving newbies a hard time...seeya!

Title: Re: Newbie notification
Post by: DannyHamilton on July 23, 2013, 10:24:43 PM
I think the amount of new peeps stating the same says something.

Perhaps you need a lesson in statistics.

If there are 100 newbies complaining, and 10,000,000 newbies that figured it out just fine, is it really worth anybody's time and effort to try and force the 0.001% to see something that the other 99.999% didn't have a problem with?

The amount of new peeps stating the same thing is meaningless without knowing the amount of new peeps NOT stating the same thing.
I make it 137004, perhaps you need to brush up on your maths.

Anyhow I have better things to do than to pick holes with you full members that hangout in the newbie section giving newbies a hard time...seeya!

100 / 10,000,000 = 0.00001 = 0.001%

My maths seems ok.  How do you get 137004?

Perhaps you are saying that there are 137004 newbies that figured it out (which requires no maths at all, so I don't understand what you are getting at)?

Note that I was making a point that "the amount of new peeps stating the same" doesn't necessarily "say something" unless you compare it to the total number NOT stating the same.

I'm not stating that there actually are 10,000,000 users of this forum, that would be silly.  Only using the number as an example to prove a point about ratios.

Fine, we'll use your actual numbers if you like.

137004 users.
7 newbies have complained so far in this thread.

7 / 137004 = 0.00005109 = 0.005109%

A bit more than 5 times my example, and yet still a ridiculously small number.

Honestly, the forum tries to shove it in the face of the newbies at least 3 distinct times.  Most of us had no difficulty figuring it out.  Those who can't be bothered to notice aren't going to notice any other efforts anyhow, and those who can't be bothered to notice seem to have a high probability of contributing worthless drivel until they've read a bit about what's already been said anyhow.

Title: Re: Newbie notification
Post by: iampingu on July 24, 2013, 01:14:17 PM
I think the amount of new peeps stating the same says something.

Perhaps you need a lesson in statistics.

If there are 100 newbies complaining, and 10,000,000 newbies that figured it out just fine, is it really worth anybody's time and effort to try and force the 0.001% to see something that the other 99.999% didn't have a problem with?

The amount of new peeps stating the same thing is meaningless without knowing the amount of new peeps NOT stating the same thing.
I make it 137004, perhaps you need to brush up on your maths.

Anyhow I have better things to do than to pick holes with you full members that hangout in the newbie section giving newbies a hard time...seeya!

Hardly giving newbies a hard time lol. I'm new and I managed to use my apparently superior intelligence to read a line of text saying I could only post in the newbies section.

Stephen Hawkins over and out.

Oh wait. It's not that hard.