Bitcoin Forum

Local => Trading und Spekulation => Topic started by: topvmax on July 23, 2013, 05:51:26 AM

Title: CloudHashing zahlt nicht [zahlt 10%]
Post by: topvmax on July 23, 2013, 05:51:26 AM
Hallo hat jemand Erfahrung mit CloudHashing?

CloudHashing startet die Auszahlungen der July 2013 Verträge nicht, weiß jemand was da vorgeht?    ???

Title: Re: CloudHashing zahlt nicht
Post by: ASICMining on July 23, 2013, 06:36:28 AM
Cloudhashing hat gerade Hashing für Juli Verträge begonnen! Schauen Sie sich diesen Link auf der Bitminter Bergbau Pool.

Cloudhashing #1/2 - BitMinter

Title: Re: CloudHashing zahlt nicht
Post by: topvmax on July 24, 2013, 05:50:35 AM
Cloudhashing hat gerade Hashing für Juli Verträge begonnen! Schauen Sie sich diesen Link auf der Bitminter Bergbau Pool.

Cloudhashing #1/2 - BitMinter


Dear ,
July marks an exciting month for us as we begin the first phase of large scale hashing that we intend to bring online over the next several months and beyond. We know many of you have been chomping at the proverbial 'bit' to see us in full motion, and we are excited to say we're officially hashing! While we are not at our full capacity of where we had hoped to be, we are taking unprecedented steps to bringing you closer to your long sought after Bitcoin returns on Cloudhashing contract purchases.
Let's begin by answering a few questions that some of you have posed and talking about where we are, where we're headed and why we believe there to be a bright future at Cloudhashing for you and for Bitcoin.
For May, June & July Contract Holders - you asked: "why had mining not started yet?"
We've taken measures into our own hands and are pleased to announce.... Mining has officially begun!!!!
Starting today, every May, June & July contract holder is now hashing with 10% of their purchased capacity. Expect your first payment in 2 weeks from today. We are working on the stats for the site front-end, but using a well organized database we are able to attribute all mining earnings to the correct users.
This feat of mining starting was made possible only because we recently made purchases on the open market for mining hardware on behalf of our customers. We simply got tired of waiting.
Please also ensure you visit our website and log onto the dashboard. From there, please make sure we have your correct bitcoin wallet address stored in your profile. This is the only way we can ensure that you are paid properly.
If you don't know how to create a Bitcoin wallet address, try visiting and registering one, it's free. We will maintain constant communication with Butterfly Labs and assess these delays on a weekly basic. We will also assess on a bi-weekly basis whether further open market hardware purchases are necessary. We want all customers hashing at 100% capacity as soon as possible.

We have shifted to using a European hardware manufacturer for September. Everything is on schedule for a splendid September start. We do anticipate that like July, the timing of exactly when in September will be at the discretion of hardware shipments and our data centers ability to bring on many many Terrahashes of mining hardware.
You will receive more hashing power via a September contract. You have up until 1st of August 2013 to make a switch.
We are working tirelessly to ensure you have the best quality service and support from Cloudhashing. We acknowledge the challenges that all new companies in the Bitcoin space face, and are beyond impressed by the professionalism of our clients, as well as their helpful feedback and encouraging words.

Und das bedeutet jetzt 10 % und später ?
In welche Verträge kann man wechseln?

Title: Re: CloudHashing zahlt nicht [zahlt 10%]
Post by: cloudhasher on August 10, 2013, 12:39:42 PM
The gears are slowing turning and oiled as we have recently reached 1.2 terahash. We will be running at 30 percent capacity shortly.
We are not responsible for hardware delays however we didn't just sit down and complain, we acted for our customers. This is why they are now mining and receiving bitcoins from us today.

We will be bringing some serious hashing fire-power in September, unlike everyone else that comes on the forums to boast, we just get our head down and work!!

Our goal is to get the mainstream into bitcoin and we are one of the first bitcoin businesses to advertise our services to the mass media. 70 percent of our customers are absolutely new to bitcoin so I guess we are winning a good battle there. We want hashing power into the common man's hands and not a large pool of wealthy dudes.

Expect great things from us in the next few weeks and months.
