Title: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: ankurguta87 on December 19, 2017, 05:20:56 AM Hi,
I read some articles on Bitcoin Super and Bitcoin Ultimate. Is there further any fork of Bitcoin coming soon? When will we get Bitcoin super? Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: nskendrovic on December 19, 2017, 05:23:05 AM Hi, I read some articles on Bitcoin Super and Bitcoin Ultimate. Is there further any fork of Bitcoin coming soon? When will we get Bitcoin super? There are always goign to be Bitcoin forks. 99% of them will amount to nothing, though. Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: mafostedu on December 19, 2017, 05:40:06 AM Super Bitcoin has already been distributed more than one week ago, but honestly, why are you trying to claim all those shitty forks? Those are not even worth $100 each.
They are a waste of time, money, and energy, because if you have 0.10, you will just receive 0.10 of a coin that is worth less than $100 or $50. Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: Turkish88 on December 19, 2017, 05:59:58 AM I am read what super is testing fork, he maybe not trading on exchanges. BU want to pay only for active wallets.
And we wait one more bitcoin next year brilliant or diamond i forgot name. I dont claim 1- 10x fork - also forgot their name Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: BillyTalent on December 19, 2017, 06:07:00 AM Hi, Basically, the forks are worthless and not very spread out. So most likely it's fork as a mechanism to reduce the total price of bitcoins by sharing it, but for some reason it does not work yet.I read some articles on Bitcoin Super and Bitcoin Ultimate. Is there further any fork of Bitcoin coming soon? When will we get Bitcoin super? Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: Ck1234 on December 19, 2017, 06:19:36 AM I heard Bitcoin God is coming up at some point on Christmas day. It actually looks like a pretty good combination of features, but seems oddly dogmatic. It will surely be downplayed by the saturation of upcoming BTC forks. I kind of hope they all hold some value... we all like free crypto.
Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: btccointalk on December 19, 2017, 06:24:38 AM Did not here any news about it . I will be interested too if any fork come up.
Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: JohnHero on December 19, 2017, 06:26:42 AM Hi, I read some articles on Bitcoin Super and Bitcoin Ultimate. Is there further any fork of Bitcoin coming soon? When will we get Bitcoin super? I think Bitcoin Super is tradable on some exchanges. It came out in the same day with BitcoinX. I bought from Huobi exchange. It was rather cheap as it got released just then. Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: MingLee on December 19, 2017, 06:31:00 AM Hi, People can keep on trying to fork but you have to realize that the forks have basically 0 power if you simply ignore them and don't trade them. Sure if you want to make money they you can look into trading them but that gives them legitimacy.I read some articles on Bitcoin Super and Bitcoin Ultimate. Is there further any fork of Bitcoin coming soon? When will we get Bitcoin super? Bitcoin "super" is probably going to be another pile of shit that won't be worth the electricity it's using but people will mine and trade it anyways. Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: AjithBtc on December 19, 2017, 06:33:42 AM We cannot say in a precise manner that there is no more fork. Everything is interlinked to a common network, so when congestion happens automatically there will be an fork to sought the issues that arise. Upon this I believe fork will continue to happen, but very few stay popular.
Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: seaqrioy on December 19, 2017, 06:43:42 AM I think at any time is the best time to buy bitcoin. As for the bifurcation of bitcoin, I think it is no longer controllable by any community, and everything is for profit.
Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: Kakmakr on December 19, 2017, 06:43:59 AM Super Bitcoin has already been distributed more than one week ago, but honestly, why are you trying to claim all those shitty forks? Those are not even worth $100 each. They are a waste of time, money, and energy, because if you have 0.10, you will just receive 0.10 of a coin that is worth less than $100 or $50. Let them waste their time/money and energy. Every time they fork, we get free coins to sell and in return we buy BTC again. These LeechCoins are just increasing our Bitcoin <BTC> ownership. The people buying these LeechCoins are the competition and mostly speculators and they are not interrsted in supporting Bitcoin <BTC> Take their FREE money and buy BTC to make it even stronger. ^smile^ Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: Ck1234 on December 19, 2017, 06:52:27 AM Hi, I read some articles on Bitcoin Super and Bitcoin Ultimate. Is there further any fork of Bitcoin coming soon? When will we get Bitcoin super? You must mean United Bitcoin, not ultimate... I get it, it's not easy to keep them all straight. Here are some and their price on coin market cap (https://coinmarketcap.com/) as of this writing. Bitcoin Gold $335 Bitcoin Cash $2248 Super Bitcoin $258 (futures) United Bitcoin $419 BitcoinX $.07 (futures) Bitcoin Diamond $45 Bitcoin Unlimited $229 Bitcoin Platinum Dec. 12 ? Bitcoin Cash Plus Jan 2 2018 Bitcoin Silver ? Bitcoin Uranium ? Bitcoin God Dec. 25 2017 Bitcoin Atom ? Total Value of forks = $3534 . not too shabby. Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: Vannie12 on December 19, 2017, 06:58:32 AM Forks will not disappear at all. But many are aware of the current scaling problem which results in giving more attentions to it as well as devs initiating possible interventions for bitcoins to survive Its current state and to avoid comparing it to alts that could make everything worst.
Forks are never useful, it only confuses many adaptors and investors nowadays. Hopefully bitcoins could be convenient again. Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: mathiaslivis on December 19, 2017, 06:59:08 AM In the future, it is possible that only a few individual forks have an effect on the perfection of the bitcoin function, and the other forks will eventually disappear.
Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: NorrisK on December 19, 2017, 07:00:38 AM Just consider all new bitcoin forks altcoin junk from now on..
The good devs have already made their fork. Now it is the scammers time to do it. Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: dillpicklechips on December 19, 2017, 07:13:23 AM Super Bitcoin has already been distributed more than one week ago, but honestly, why are you trying to claim all those shitty forks? Those are not even worth $100 each. They are a waste of time, money, and energy, because if you have 0.10, you will just receive 0.10 of a coin that is worth less than $100 or $50. Let them waste their time/money and energy. Every time they fork, we get free coins to sell and in return we buy BTC again. These LeechCoins are just increasing our Bitcoin <BTC> ownership. The people buying these LeechCoins are the competition and mostly speculators and they are not interrsted in supporting Bitcoin <BTC> Take their FREE money and buy BTC to make it even stronger. ^smile^ Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: Pan Troglodytes on December 19, 2017, 07:20:29 AM Super Bitcoin has already been distributed more than one week ago, but honestly, why are you trying to claim all those shitty forks? Those are not even worth $100 each. They are a waste of time, money, and energy, because if you have 0.10, you will just receive 0.10 of a coin that is worth less than $100 or $50. Wow what a change of perspective. There used to be times when bitcoin was worth like that - less than 100. Even after it hit 1000 it went down to 200 for almost a year. But at those times people used have many bitcoins. Now they own 0.1 so you are right that when they receive 0.1 of another coin worth 100, it amounts to 10 dollars. But again, maybe with time it will be like 10 or 100 times more ? Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: bug.lady on December 19, 2017, 07:25:26 AM Hi, I read some articles on Bitcoin Super and Bitcoin Ultimate. Is there further any fork of Bitcoin coming soon? When will we get Bitcoin super? You must mean United Bitcoin, not ultimate... I get it, it's not easy to keep them all straight. Here are some and their price on coin market cap (https://coinmarketcap.com/) as of this writing. Bitcoin Gold $335 Bitcoin Cash $2248 Super Bitcoin $258 (futures) United Bitcoin $419 BitcoinX $.07 (futures) Bitcoin Diamond $45 Bitcoin Unlimited $229 Bitcoin Platinum Dec. 12 ? Bitcoin Cash Plus Jan 2 2018 Bitcoin Silver ? Bitcoin Uranium ? Bitcoin God Dec. 25 2017 Bitcoin Atom ? Total Value of forks = $3534 . not too shabby. Question: how can you claim those (at least the ones worth say > 50USD) using a trezor or ledger and not having the access to private keys and NOT wanting to compromise your security word list? Is there an easy way? Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: pawanjain on December 19, 2017, 07:27:05 AM There was supposed to be a Lightning fork today. Yes the fork is actually called the Lightning fork which will give the equivalent amount of forked coin on the second chain. The symbol for the coin will be LBTC and yobit will be the first to credit the coins to its users. Yobit already has an Altcoin with the name LBTC and hence yobit will change the name of the Altcoin from LBTC to LBTCX and then credit the forked coin with the symbol LBTC to it's users. Make sure you are selling the right coin as users may get confused as to which coin they are holding and selling.
Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: Pan Troglodytes on December 19, 2017, 08:20:35 AM Hi, I read some articles on Bitcoin Super and Bitcoin Ultimate. Is there further any fork of Bitcoin coming soon? When will we get Bitcoin super? You must mean United Bitcoin, not ultimate... I get it, it's not easy to keep them all straight. Here are some and their price on coin market cap (https://coinmarketcap.com/) as of this writing. Bitcoin Gold $335 Bitcoin Cash $2248 Super Bitcoin $258 (futures) United Bitcoin $419 BitcoinX $.07 (futures) Bitcoin Diamond $45 Bitcoin Unlimited $229 Bitcoin Platinum Dec. 12 ? Bitcoin Cash Plus Jan 2 2018 Bitcoin Silver ? Bitcoin Uranium ? Bitcoin God Dec. 25 2017 Bitcoin Atom ? Total Value of forks = $3534 . not too shabby. Question: how can you claim those (at least the ones worth say > 50USD) using a trezor or ledger and not having the access to private keys and NOT wanting to compromise your security word list? Is there an easy way? Actually it is a good question. I think that if they do not build in the support for the new coins, you cannot get the free money (not compromising your security). They already support BTC, BCH and BTG and there are the instructions on how to split your coins, I have never done it though. So with those 3 coins you are good to go. But if they don't support a given coin, then my gues is you cannot claim that free money, but I would prefer you get a second opinion on that issue. Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: keykey1 on December 19, 2017, 11:43:47 AM Hi, I read some articles on Bitcoin Super and Bitcoin Ultimate. Is there further any fork of Bitcoin coming soon? When will we get Bitcoin super? I think that Bitcoin super appeared already. Check it out. Yeah I am seeing it is trading now. At last some days this coin showed high sharply growth. Maybe this could be interesting. We’ll see. Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: ajmapalo22 on December 19, 2017, 12:16:28 PM Surely there are more upcomming hard fork in the coming years especially that bitcoin continously increasing because the supply will experience difficulties in providing demand for bitcoin alt coins must be introduce to divert the market and sustain the development of crypto currencies. I think hard fork will become part of the cycle of bitcoin
Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: ankurguta87 on December 20, 2017, 05:32:30 PM Bitfinex is not providing SBTC and few other forks. Hope they will provide all in future
Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: zentdex on December 20, 2017, 05:35:36 PM Hi, I read some articles on Bitcoin Super and Bitcoin Ultimate. Is there further any fork of Bitcoin coming soon? When will we get Bitcoin super? I think you are bit late for the news, those coins is currently in circulation. And if you are talking about further bitcoin fork, I think there will be a lot more. That is some developer says the curse of the open source. Once a program and its entire code is open to the public and have permission to improve it, it could reach to the point that the new improve version are more proffered by the peopl rather than the original one; just what like happen in linux. But for me I am still loyal to bitcoin. Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: virtualhero on December 20, 2017, 05:36:38 PM Hi, Yes, there will always be a fork as long as there are greedy people, and they will find the way to replace bitcoin so they could get bigger profit. I read some articles on Bitcoin Super and Bitcoin Ultimate. Is there further any fork of Bitcoin coming soon? When will we get Bitcoin super? Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: sopromat on December 20, 2017, 05:38:23 PM Hi I read some articles on Bitcoin Super and Bitcoin Ultimate. Is there further any fork of Bitcoin coming soon? When will we get Bitcoin super? They happened a few days ago, superbitcoin was released on Deceber the 15th, it has already been distributede on bitfinex if i am not wrong. You can still claim it on their own wallet, but it is very risky because you need to export your private key, i wouldnt do it. Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: rx7yt on December 20, 2017, 05:43:56 PM Hi, I read some articles on Bitcoin Super and Bitcoin Ultimate. Is there further any fork of Bitcoin coming soon? When will we get Bitcoin super? Over the next month or so (December – January) there will potentially be as many as six Bitcoin forks. That means Bitcoin holders could get “free coins” six times (or if all turn out to be fake, zero times). Super Bitcoin (SBTC): A smart contract (like Ethereum) based Bitcoin. Block 498888. NOTE: Snapshot already occurred; futures are trading on Binance, no coin has been released yet. Bitcoin Platinum (BTP): According to the site, “Satoshi’s original vision of Decentralized Electronic Cash.” Around December 12th. Blocks 497757 / 498533. TIP: Bitcoin Platinum is rumored to be fake see: Bitcoin Platinum Created By South Korean Teenager As a Scam, Local Market Erupts. Bitcoin Cash Plus (BCP): According to the site, “fulfilling the original promise of Bitcoin.” Around January 2nd, 2018. Block 501407. Bitcoin Silver (BTCS): According to a BitcoinTalk forum, the coin aims to “Make Bitcoin Decentralized Again.” Apparently it occurs “in December.” The site was up, but now its down. That doesn’t bode well. Bitcoin Uranium (BUM): According to a BitcoinTalk forum, the coin aims to “Make Bitcoin Great Again.” Apparently it occurs “in December.” Bitcoin God: No premining, it’s apparently a Christmas Present from Chinese Angel Investor Chandler Guo. Occurs Dec. 25. Bitcoin Atom (BCA): Bitcoin Atom is a SegWit enabled Bitcoin fork with atomic swaps, hybrid consensus, and lightning network. Exact fork block/date TBA. Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: stryker on December 20, 2017, 06:11:33 PM Hi, You know, for the most part, such forks are nothing more than an opportunity to get a little extra money for bitcoin holders. In fact, I'm pleasantly surprising Bitcoin Cash, but it is clear that it would be with him if the growth of his rate was not supported artificially.I read some articles on Bitcoin Super and Bitcoin Ultimate. Is there further any fork of Bitcoin coming soon? When will we get Bitcoin super? Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: lite on December 20, 2017, 06:41:12 PM Hi, I read some articles on Bitcoin Super and Bitcoin Ultimate. Is there further any fork of Bitcoin coming soon? When will we get Bitcoin super? You must mean United Bitcoin, not ultimate... I get it, it's not easy to keep them all straight. Here are some and their price on coin market cap (https://coinmarketcap.com/) as of this writing. Bitcoin Gold $335 Bitcoin Cash $2248 Super Bitcoin $258 (futures) United Bitcoin $419 BitcoinX $.07 (futures) Bitcoin Diamond $45 Bitcoin Unlimited $229 Bitcoin Platinum Dec. 12 ? Bitcoin Cash Plus Jan 2 2018 Bitcoin Silver ? Bitcoin Uranium ? Bitcoin God Dec. 25 2017 Bitcoin Atom ? Total Value of forks = $3534 . not too shabby. Question: how can you claim those (at least the ones worth say > 50USD) using a trezor or ledger and not having the access to private keys and NOT wanting to compromise your security word list? Is there an easy way? Actually it is a good question. I think that if they do not build in the support for the new coins, you cannot get the free money (not compromising your security). They already support BTC, BCH and BTG and there are the instructions on how to split your coins, I have never done it though. So with those 3 coins you are good to go. But if they don't support a given coin, then my gues is you cannot claim that free money, but I would prefer you get a second opinion on that issue. Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: saedasda on December 20, 2017, 06:43:47 PM There will be a many hard forks this month. i dont like forking our btc ;D because unconfirmed transaction is coming before forks happen
Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: rudox on December 20, 2017, 06:52:51 PM There should be more forks for the Bitcoin because of the mining fees are now becoming high which is against the norms of bitcoin and also mining time is now becoming everlasting. Definitely more forks will come to resolve the issue of high cost of transfer and time for the transfer.
Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: dotbitme on December 25, 2017, 09:21:18 AM I have created a website to track all forks and airdrops giving "dividends" to Bitcoin owners.
You can find it at btcdiv.com (http://btcdiv.com), I hope it will prove useful. Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: ausbit on December 28, 2017, 07:46:39 AM Hi, I read some articles on Bitcoin Super and Bitcoin Ultimate. Is there further any fork of Bitcoin coming soon? When will we get Bitcoin super? I think that Bitcoin super appeared already. Check it out. Yeah I am seeing it is trading now. At last some days this coin showed high sharply growth. Maybe this could be interesting. We’ll see. Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: buwaytress on December 28, 2017, 08:09:25 AM If this was the year of forks, any other move for forks in 2018 will have had a lot of lessons to learn:
1. No fork attempting to "split" the main fork communities is going to work, not without a concerted attempt that requires a lot of willpower, money and time from personalities that should already have a big following. Even then, as Bitcoin Cash shows, it will only attract a certain demographic of supporters. They made money and profit their mantra, with a dabble of "original Bitcoin principles" to look legitimate. Going to be hard for future forks to replicate their success(?), much less achieve more. 2. It's not as easy as it sounds. Bitcoin Gold and their never-ending problems. You've already got the some of the best devs committed to Bitcoin or some other project. I think BTG devs now have a lot of reputational damage to recover from. Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: Pursuer on December 28, 2017, 08:11:32 AM there are always more bitcoin forks!
so far we have schedule for at least 10 bitcoin forks, or in other words 10 useless altcoins which will get pumped and dumped. and I am expecting to keep seeing a lot more forks like this in the future. something around 10-20 forks each month seems about a good speculation. things will become hectic for a while and then they will stop a soon as people stop paying attention to them. Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: rafzalan on December 28, 2017, 08:13:13 AM B2X is programmed to be a new fork 28 dec
http://b2x-segwit.io/ Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: Lesiana on December 28, 2017, 08:46:00 AM Hi, Today Segwit2X fork. They provide really promising features, like adding smart contracts, algorithm X11, high speed and low cost transactions, offline codes, etc. Here the link: https://b2x-segwit.io/I read some articles on Bitcoin Super and Bitcoin Ultimate. Is there further any fork of Bitcoin coming soon? When will we get Bitcoin super? Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: tarpa07 on December 28, 2017, 08:52:16 AM Hi, Yes in a short time came to Bitcoin fork after fork bitcoin aging growing very faster.I read some articles on Bitcoin Super and Bitcoin Ultimate. Is there further any fork of Bitcoin coming soon? When will we get Bitcoin super? Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: Lesiana on December 28, 2017, 10:04:54 AM Hi, Yes in a short time came to Bitcoin fork after fork bitcoin aging growing very faster.I read some articles on Bitcoin Super and Bitcoin Ultimate. Is there further any fork of Bitcoin coming soon? When will we get Bitcoin super? Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: adzino on December 28, 2017, 10:10:11 AM I used to keep track of forks, but with the current conditions we can see tons of shitty forks going on. All of them are so shit that they shouldn't even exist in the first place. It has become a total joke starting from bitcoin gold.
Today Segwit2X fork. They provide really promising features, like adding smart contracts, algorithm X11, high speed and low cost transactions, offline codes, etc. Here the link: https://b2x-segwit.io/ This isn't the real segwit2x which was supposed to take place but got suspended. Some shaddy new developer using this name for their own advantage!Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: bigdude on December 28, 2017, 10:44:53 AM We're suppose to have B2X in next hour.
Snapshot will happen in about one hour if its real fork And here are list of Exchange always support all Bitcoin fork. Just hold your coin here and you will recieve it auto. But for exchange it will depend on its demand List of Exchange supporting Segwit2x (and future fork too): 1. Bitfinex 2. Bithumb 3. Bittrex 4. Binance 5. OKEx 6. Poloniex 7. Bitstamp 8. Huobi 9. Kraken 10. EXX Segwit2x was cancel some times already. Let's wait and see what will be happen today in just under 1 hour! Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: konfuci on December 28, 2017, 11:18:34 AM History has shown that, any time there's been a future fork, that people get more tokens – and those tokens become tradeable somewhere.
Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: BabyBoss on December 28, 2017, 11:26:17 AM Hi, As long as bitcoin run there are always fork in side that are going to be there if it's really want. We need to consider than in the first place that bitcoin marketing pattern has always come with some trouble of ups and downs. Fork is just a part of bitcoin where som of them are the reason why sometimes we can also predict the price weather it will go up or it will go down. Sometimes forks are the reason why we have the opportunity to buy bitcoin because it will drop.I read some articles on Bitcoin Super and Bitcoin Ultimate. Is there further any fork of Bitcoin coming soon? When will we get Bitcoin super? Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: icanscript on December 28, 2017, 01:02:00 PM To my regret, today's bitcoin fork is not the last.
In 2018, their number will increase. I think that in every month we will see not one fork. Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: Aminmon on December 28, 2017, 01:16:08 PM There are so many forks in bitcoin, but these forks are of little value, so exchange them for bitcoins in due course.
Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: wittmann007 on December 28, 2017, 01:28:20 PM Does anybody know if Bitcoin in the Exodus wallet will get B2x coins? I heard because replay had been invoked then Exodus would support the new coin. Has the snapshot happened yet?
Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: filharvey on December 28, 2017, 01:41:02 PM Yes.A huge number of hard forks is yet to come.
1.Super bitcoin 2.Bitcoin cash plus. 3.Bitcoin god 4.Bitcoin platinum 5.Bitcoin uranium For claiming these forked coins,we should stare our bitcoins in a wallet which supports forks like coinomi. Even exchanges like binance,hitbtc are also well known for their support of forked coins. Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: rafzalan on December 28, 2017, 05:47:38 PM Is there a fork from core devs on the way? I meen somthing that enable segwith2x or ln on bitcoin core and makes it a real payment tool.
Why a transaction should cost more than $130? Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: bug.lady on January 09, 2018, 07:48:52 AM Hi, what about my question guys, can't you really help here? How can you claim those new coins using a hardware wallet IF YOU DO NOT want to compromise your security word list importing it into some other wallet supporting the new coins? Is there an easy way?
Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: Netnox on January 09, 2018, 08:20:54 AM There are dozens of forks coming out every month, and no one is even keeping track of it. I am having an account in YoBit and they have deposited some of these forked coins in my account. They include Super Bitcoin, Bitcoin United, Bitcoin Unlimited, and Bitcoin Hot.
Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: bug.lady on January 09, 2018, 09:46:13 AM There are dozens of forks coming out every month, and no one is even keeping track of it. I am having an account in YoBit and they have deposited some of these forked coins in my account. They include Super Bitcoin, Bitcoin United, Bitcoin Unlimited, and Bitcoin Hot. Yes but if I choose to keep my bitcoins in bitcoin HARDWARE wallet for safety reasons, is there a way to get those forked coins without compromising the backuped 24 words? I am assuming the hardware wallet provider WILL NOT include those forked coins in the wallet software Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: redhondaxrm125 on January 09, 2018, 11:22:44 AM Hi, I read some articles on Bitcoin Super and Bitcoin Ultimate. Is there further any fork of Bitcoin coming soon? When will we get Bitcoin super? Lol. Obviously, bitcoin forks will never stop. People are greedy. Which is why a lot will really create forks to fatten up their own pockets. But who knows, maybe some fork that has a genuine and great ideology will come. But till then, i still see forks as useless trash. Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: paolo099 on January 09, 2018, 11:24:36 AM i don't know where to check but did it happen the last December fork? Not that i'm very much interested but would be nice to know a site where we can check the incoming forks.
Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: Bezobraznike on January 09, 2018, 11:41:50 AM Hi, I read some articles on Bitcoin Super and Bitcoin Ultimate. Is there further any fork of Bitcoin coming soon? When will we get Bitcoin super? Yes there will be many forks in near future, looks like it is popular this days. Or people do not have their own ideas, and they make forks to earn from them, on other people ideas. I know for this two forks: -Jan 2, 2018 - Bitcoin Cash Plus (#BCP) -Jan 28, 2018 0 B2X reattempt by the community (#B2X) Probably there will be more forks, price of this forked alt-coins are high, probably that is why we have so many forks, people earn from them. Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: khaled0111 on January 09, 2018, 01:19:04 PM Personally, I don't care about those stupid forks, each day we hear that there will be a new fork but with zeo innovation!! just an ugly copy of the original Bitcoin.
A fork aims to improve Bitcoin services and not to be an investment for greedy developers. Till now, we haven't seen any serious fork that propose real solutions. Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: Granxis on January 15, 2018, 08:18:06 PM I think Bitcoin's maximum fork limit has been reached, so maybe those who want to make free money for Bitcoin at a lower price for this reason left Bitcoin. I think it's a very good development, Bitcoin will find its worthy investor over time.
Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: dotbitme on February 19, 2018, 09:42:20 PM I am currently listing close to 60 forks and airdrops giving dividents to Bitcoin holders, please check it out:
https://btcdiv.com (https://btcdiv.com) Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: Pan Troglodytes on February 20, 2018, 11:11:12 AM I think Bitcoin's maximum fork limit has been reached, so maybe those who want to make free money for Bitcoin at a lower price for this reason left Bitcoin. I think it's a very good development, Bitcoin will find its worthy investor over time. They started to do the same with litecoin now and it even starts the same: with litecoin cash. What will be next? Litecoin gold and diamond, supposedly. It is all open source and they can do whatever they like, it is only regretable that they hijack the recognizable and honorable names, like bitcoin and litecoin Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: shulio on February 20, 2018, 11:22:03 AM Forking Bitcoin is like a game now. People forking Bitcoin and make others think that they are fixing some parts of Bitcoin. In fact all they do is filling their own pockets.
Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: Pan Troglodytes on February 26, 2018, 02:44:12 PM I am currently listing close to 60 forks and airdrops giving dividents to Bitcoin holders, please check it out: Thank you mate. It is a useful webpage. I like it and use it.https://btcdiv.com (https://btcdiv.com) Also, I want to ask a question about United Bitcoins. Maybe you'll know. I verified one of the addresses that I knew I owned for Bitcoin and it had a balance preceding Dec 12th on United Bitcoins too, but on Dec 12th there was a transaction from my address (and from hundreds of other addresses) to some other address. How is that even possible (I know I control the private key and it was NOT compromised)? The final balance is 0 now.... And it happened only on UBTC chain, there is no outgoing transaction on BTC chain. Title: Re: Is there any further Bitcoin fork? Post by: damrianto on March 05, 2018, 01:32:38 PM yes there are from all branches of bitcoin that bring all traders to show progress in progress to achieve terget. And now we are not talking about noble forks like lightcoin, which has its own name and nothing because of its relationship with the main crypto currency . The active Forks start appearing in 2017, and intend to continue this 2018 trend, is an honest effort of the developers to make money from that famous coin.