Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: alspas on December 19, 2017, 03:04:37 PM

Title: Real small Russian goat farm officially acceptyng crypto
Post by: alspas on December 19, 2017, 03:04:37 PM
Hello, guys!

Sorry for bad english, we are russian farmers, it's a bit different then usual ICO nano spaceships launchers.

So. We have goats (around 100) and we producing awesome 100% goat milk cheese, yogurts etc.

We are working 2 years so far and now we accepting crypto-currencies (Bitcoin, Blackcoin, Bytecoin, Dash, Dogecoin, Emercoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Monero, Primecoin, Zcash). If you plan to visit Russia someday, you always can get our products for crypto :D

Crypto world is a bit new for us but we think that blockchain technology will change the world like the wheel or internet did it before.

We don't have english version of our website but you can use Google translate or try to learn russian a bit :D - our website - products - my favorite cheese''/%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BA%D1%81%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B4%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B2%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B9+%D1%81%D0%BF%D0%B0%D1%81/@55.6545454,35.6108314,12z/data=!4m8!4m7!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x46b54af02549bed3:0xd15438da10e5c537!2m2!1d35.6808708!2d55.6545653- google maps

Thank you for attention and always welcome!

Title: Re: Real small Russian goat farm officially acceptyng crypto
Post by: ismart1 on December 19, 2017, 03:45:49 PM
Seems pretty nice that you´re accepting crypto, but it looks crypto is becoming commonplace in Russia, LavkaLavka especially is doing a really good job bringing the acceptance between framers like you guys and that use of digital coin will make the crypto more common and usable in daily life. Look at this you may find it useful.
It´s in Russian!

Sucess, cheers

Title: Re: Real small Russian goat farm officially acceptyng crypto
Post by: alspas on December 19, 2017, 03:58:05 PM
Seems pretty nice that you´re accepting crypto, but it looks crypto is becoming commonplace in Russia, LavkaLavka especially is doing a really good job bringing the acceptance between framers like you guys and that use of digital coin will make the crypto more common and usable in daily life. Look at this you may find it useful.
It´s in Russian!

Sucess, cheers

Thank you very much! LavkaLavka made cashout after they got some crypto and their tokens dropped down so hard... They a bit failed and they are not interested in supporting farmers in any cases. Only big farms with producs for retail etc..

Title: Re: Real small Russian goat farm officially acceptyng crypto
Post by: Sundark on December 19, 2017, 04:19:07 PM
guys, take a chance and start ICO or create crypto called Goatcoin :) i'd invest in you with pleasure!

Title: Re: Real small Russian goat farm officially acceptyng crypto
Post by: ss890 on December 19, 2017, 04:29:25 PM
Wow this is really cool to see that even the locals are now accepting the bitcoin and many other coins for running the business. This is really nice to see you guys are even talking the crypto in fields of farm now. Never thought we will be able to buy the milk at crypto cost and well everything is happening so fast now a days. :-)

If this becomes the successful business and you really start getting community response then you should really be launching your own crypto ICO and with he funds raised you can actual build more advance goat farm and even you can launch your dairy products with the branding techniques. You know very well how much money you can actually raise with #ICO! This would be enough for your successful launch. Try it. Good luck.

Title: Re: Real small Russian goat farm officially acceptyng crypto
Post by: Jet Cash on December 19, 2017, 04:32:07 PM
Well done - Russia has changed dramatically, and I understand you have some of the healthiest food in the world. Once we ( The UK ) have thrown off the shackles of the Keiser Reich, and are no longer forced to accept their low quality food products, I hope we will be able to import some of your non-GM and organic food.

Title: Re: Real small Russian goat farm officially acceptyng crypto
Post by: CrowdFunder on December 19, 2017, 04:39:05 PM
guys, take a chance and start ICO or create crypto called Goatcoin :) i'd invest in you with pleasure!

Oh god please not anymore useless ICOs. They should be used to develop blockchain tech not for random businesses.

It is great however to see increasing bitcoin and general crypto acceptance from small businesses all around the globe. Altcoins in particular since bitcoin fees are a bit high at the moment.

Title: Re: Real small Russian goat farm officially acceptyng crypto
Post by: Prem.Soorajpaul on December 19, 2017, 04:54:58 PM
I appreciate Russian effort to prompt crypto currency to change our future world currency. It is the only way which could reduced the dominance of country regularize currency. EURO and US dollar dominance could come down in coming year, if crypoto currency general use increase in future.

Title: Re: Real small Russian goat farm officially acceptyng crypto
Post by: alspas on December 19, 2017, 06:50:59 PM
Thank you very much guys!

You can not imagine how pleased we are  :o :o

Can't say anything about ICO, this is something high for us. We are not a corporation or financial speculators. We are simple farmers, working on the ground and loving our labor, goats and cheese :-*

We just trying to produce 100% healthy food and make a small contribution in providing a real value for crypto currency. In our case - cheese, cottage cheese, milk etc.

We think that not only crypto but blockchain technology will change the world.

And you can't even imagine how difficult in Russia to be a honest farmer...

We will try to keep this updated and with great attention will follow all comments, criticism and wishes. Blockchain can unites if not states, then people.

Thank you! And welcome to our farm anytime! :D

Title: Re: Real small Russian goat farm officially acceptyng crypto
Post by: Hobo66 on December 19, 2017, 08:56:27 PM
This post got me laughing so hard, ;D howdy to yal! farmers.
It must be the bitcoin christmas spirit kicking in for you to
accept crypto currency for your goat farm. sorry I lived so far away
or else I would get ma self one em goat for sure.

Title: Re: Real small Russian goat farm officially acceptyng crypto
Post by: criticoflife on December 19, 2017, 09:33:34 PM
i think a brand spanking new goat coin may be in need here! What you think my russian farming friends, an erc20 goatcoin to take over the worldwide goat industry.  Here's the tutorial for the beginning of the 4 mins to goatcoin road to the top. :

Title: Re: Real small Russian goat farm officially acceptyng crypto
Post by: Raist on December 19, 2017, 09:38:07 PM
This is really positive New Year post-))). Also sorry that I am too far away for buying some and sending this type of goods abroad is really hard. But really - look at the possibility of small ICO if you ever have REAL plans on how to make your farm more profitable in modern Russian conditions (if there are such). Anyway - good news and Happy Holydays :D

Title: Re: Real small Russian goat farm officially acceptyng crypto
Post by: annbagira on December 19, 2017, 09:41:41 PM
Hello Russia! I adore Russia, Russians, russian history, russian traditions and russian goats!
If here somebody can make saltCoin which means guy sell salt coins on block chain! I am very positive and open for all new things here in crypto world! I believe in this project! Hope after sometime I can see your ICO here and on international arena after ICO!
If you make ICO I will take part in bounty and will advice to all my friends (investors).

Title: Re: Real small Russian goat farm officially acceptyng crypto
Post by: Coin.Master636 on December 19, 2017, 09:46:12 PM
Great initiative! Cryptos should be accepted in more places.
The only problem: the volatility. How do you do it? Do you have a fixed price in the default Russian currency and get a variable amount of crypto for the same amount of milk each day? Or do you have a fixed crypto price?

Title: Re: Real small Russian goat farm officially acceptyng crypto
Post by: thedarkk on December 19, 2017, 10:19:25 PM
Hello, guys!

Sorry for bad english, we are russian farmers, it's a bit different then usual ICO nano spaceships launchers.

So. We have goats (around 100) and we producing awesome 100% goat milk cheese, yogurts etc.

We are working 2 years so far and now we accepting crypto-currencies (Bitcoin, Blackcoin, Bytecoin, Dash, Dogecoin, Emercoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Monero, Primecoin, Zcash). If you plan to visit Russia someday, you always can get our products for crypto :D

Crypto world is a bit new for us but we think that blockchain technology will change the world like the wheel or internet did it before.

We don't have english version of our website but you can use Google translate or try to learn russian a bit :D - our website - products - my favorite cheese''/%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BA%D1%81%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B4%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B2%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B9+%D1%81%D0%BF%D0%B0%D1%81/@55.6545454,35.6108314,12z/data=!4m8!4m7!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x46b54af02549bed3:0xd15438da10e5c537!2m2!1d35.6808708!2d55.6545653- google maps

Thank you for attention and always welcome!

Hi, guys,

You have fine English and you are so advanced to accept crypto! ))

Have a nice business! ))

Title: Re: Real small Russian goat farm officially acceptyng crypto
Post by: Crasengover on December 19, 2017, 10:37:02 PM
How do you deal with the taxes and govermental regulations? Is it legal to sell products for cryptocurrencies in Russia? Anyway it's really nice to realize that cryptocurrencies are used more and more in everyday life.

Title: Re: Real small Russian goat farm officially acceptyng crypto
Post by: alspas on December 20, 2017, 07:09:11 AM
Well, i got up early today, milked goats and went to check how are the squirrels in their new home. Winter is coming, or rather has already come. So we moved the pheasants for the winter into the heated premises, and their cage was converted into a house for squirrels. To my great horror I found that one of the squirrels took advantage of the imperfection of the new cage's design and made a daring escape: (

After i repeared the gap in the wall of the cage, I went on a long search, which was unsuccessful. I left a bowl of nuts next to the cage, maybe she'll resort from the woods to eat occasionally.

We are not just a farm, we designed all farm for tourists and besides goats we have horses, raccoons, quail, pheasants, chicken, ducks. And now also squirrels.

So anyone can visit our farm, spend time in nature, socialize with animals and evaluate our products and how we make them.

i think a brand spanking new goat coin may be in need here! What you think my russian farming friends, an erc20 goatcoin to take over the worldwide goat industry.  Here's the tutorial for the beginning of the 4 mins to goatcoin road to the top. :

Thank you for the video! We know what is ICO and we studied different ways of organizing crowdaming campaigns.

One of the key problems (but not the only one) is that we can not promise investors to receive a refund of their funds x100. We do not want and can not focus on the hype and PR, we have a lot of work and we need to make a lot of efforts to maintain high quality products and support the farm in perfect purity and order. If people were interested in buying coins in exchange for which we will provide any of our goods and services at any time convenient for them (we are ready to make and reserve products on order) - this is one thing. But how to make this scheme work and attract people with capital in it, which is interested in the development of production and long-term investments, rather than the ability to make money quickly - we do not know. Actually, I think now I'm on the same resource where people can help with ideas, thoughts. We have ideas and a desire to integrate the blockchain into production ... In short, market speculation is a highly problematic issue for us. But we are definitely not ready to start the game in order to disappoint anyone.

How do you deal with the taxes and govermental regulations? Is it legal to sell products for cryptocurrencies in Russia? Anyway it's really nice to realize that cryptocurrencies are used more and more in everyday life.

Small-scale farming in Russia officially can function not as a legal entity, but as a physical entity, but the norms of production and conduct of business, quality control, and so on-all this is done against such a person by official supervisory bodies. And the turnover of the crypto-currency, according to official statements of the authorities, is not regulated or prohibited by individuals at the moment.

Anyway, thank you all for comments and we are open for any ideas!

P.S. Hope you will not break your brains trying understand what i wrote here! Sorry/

Title: Re: Real small Russian goat farm officially acceptyng crypto
Post by: alspas on December 20, 2017, 07:56:36 AM
Hello Russia! I adore Russia, Russians, russian history, russian traditions and russian goats!
If here somebody can make saltCoin which means guy sell salt coins on block chain! I am very positive and open for all new things here in crypto world! I believe in this project! Hope after sometime I can see your ICO here and on international arena after ICO!
If you make ICO I will take part in bounty and will advice to all my friends (investors).

Hello sir!

Your words - honey for my ears (as we say in Russia). And yes, we produce honey too :D

Just yesterday we connected crypto-currencies to our system of settlements and now we closely and with great interest observe the reaction of people to this step. The reaction, it should be noted, is very different. As it turned out, people living outside of Russia show the greatest interest to our farm. We realize that ICO is not just selling coins for the crypt, and then going into the cache and investing the cache in development. So it is impossible to do. This will not only bring down the cost of the tokens, but will also create many other problems for us, including reputational ones. examples of successful ICO, followed by the depreciation of tokens on stock exchanges, we studied the mass and understand what pitfalls there are. But also we recognize that there are many stones that we do not see and we need to continue to communicate with knowledgeable people, to learn. But here in Russia, people and investors in the majority are focused on fast money. For them, investing in a farm is something beyond understanding. Take a loan in a bank - it's easier to shoot yourself.

At the moment we have a farm and established production, a fully functioning business. 13 hectares under the farm are our property. There is another 100 hectares in the property next to the farm, for which we have specific plans, but there is no understanding of the instruments of interaction with people.

We are just farmers!

Great initiative! Cryptos should be accepted in more places.
The only problem: the volatility. How do you do it? Do you have a fixed price in the default Russian currency and get a variable amount of crypto for the same amount of milk each day? Or do you have a fixed crypto price?

We have fixed price in our national value - rubles. We offer people to buy our goods for crypto with 10% discount and pay in crypto at the exchange rate at the time of purchase.

Title: Re: Real small Russian goat farm officially acceptyng crypto
Post by: Tidsdilatation on December 20, 2017, 08:35:35 AM

You are doing a very good thing for cryptocurrencies! Bringing real life value to the coins. You are no longer "simple farmers". You are now pioneers of the new financial system. I wish you wealth and good health.

Title: Re: Real small Russian goat farm officially acceptyng crypto
Post by: alspas on December 20, 2017, 11:21:20 AM

You are doing a very good thing for cryptocurrencies! Bringing real life value to the coins. You are no longer "simple farmers". You are now pioneers of the new financial system. I wish you wealth and good health.

Thank you! We don't plan to stop! We don't know where and how yet, but we have impressive material base (we think so): stable business in the production of natural food and tourism services and serious material base of the farm (land in ownership, buildings, equipment).

The total farm area is 13.2 hectares (±32.62 acres/±157 871 yd²)

Google maps screenshot with marks:

Official Russian (sector#93) land register

And we own another 100 hectares (±247.1 acres/1 195 990yd²) of nearby land, which we plan to use for the development of production and ecotourism.

This is very, VERY difficult processes, we are working 100% oficially. But the main problem - the land ownership - solved.

Where actually we are:,35.6768912/@55.6474115,35.6697569,2068m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!4m1!3e2?hl=en

We cooperate and communicate with more than 10 different farms in our nearest area. And from the situation in the field of the farm economy, we are in horror. Problems are literally at every step. The introduction of blockchain can greatly simplify many processes of interaction, not only within our production, but also in our area.

People, we don't asking your money. We don't rush for it at all. We are looking for smart, experienced and simply not indifferent people for joint solutions. Do you know what the Mayor of the Russian capital said? Because of the development of technology, in Russian villages live too many, an extra 15 million, people. Like this.

You can help us by simply spreading the information, nothing more.

For better understanding of our land actives: We oficially sold 1 hectare (±2.471 acres/±11 960yd²) few month ago for 2.000.000,00 RUB. This is around $33 300,00.

Title: Re: Real small Russian goat farm officially acceptyng crypto
Post by: alspas on December 22, 2017, 09:29:04 AM
Well, guys. This is a a black friday for all crypto and token holders. We just want to let you know, that we don't care about this BTC drop and still offer our products for crypto. If you ever plan to visit Russia, we are ready to deliver our products in any place in Moscow for you ) And we can manufacture cheese or yogurts specially for your visit, so you will be sure that you will take it fresh and tasty )

Title: Re: Real small Russian goat farm officially acceptyng crypto
Post by: expless on December 25, 2017, 02:12:30 PM
Hello, guys!

Sorry for bad english, we are russian farmers, it's a bit different then usual ICO nano spaceships launchers.

So. We have goats (around 100) and we producing awesome 100% goat milk cheese, yogurts etc.

We are working 2 years so far and now we accepting crypto-currencies (Bitcoin, Blackcoin, Bytecoin, Dash, Dogecoin, Emercoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Monero, Primecoin, Zcash). If you plan to visit Russia someday, you always can get our products for crypto :D

Crypto world is a bit new for us but we think that blockchain technology will change the world like the wheel or internet did it before.

We don't have english version of our website but you can use Google translate or try to learn russian a bit :D - our website - products - my favorite cheese''/%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BA%D1%81%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B4%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B2%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B9+%D1%81%D0%BF%D0%B0%D1%81/@55.6545454,35.6108314,12z/data=!4m8!4m7!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x46b54af02549bed3:0xd15438da10e5c537!2m2!1d35.6808708!2d55.6545653- google maps

Thank you for attention and always welcome!
I salute to your work and I really appreciate that you are now accepting crypto for your products. I heard that Russia is going to legalize bitcoin in the next year. It is good news and also better for Russian. Looking at you many other companies will also start accepting bitcoin as their payments. Bitcoin is becoming the world number one usable and acceptable currency and all the people will feel ease while purchasing and payments. Keep it up and good luck.