Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Marketplace => Topic started by: Stephen Gornick on January 04, 2011, 10:04:14 PM

Title: Dwolla 1 USD giveway, earn ?.?? BTC
Post by: Stephen Gornick on January 04, 2011, 10:04:14 PM
Dwolla, a U.S. competitor to PayPal, is running a promo.

Follow their @DwollaX in Twitter and they'll send a DM with a link.
Using that link, register (or login if already a Dwolla user) and they'll fund $1 to your Dwolla account.

Then if you wish, head on over to #bitcoin-otc IRC and I'll buy that $1 DWUSD  at the current Mt. Gox rate. (currently ?.?? BTC).

Only U.S. accounts can sign up on Dwolla, at this time, unfortunately.


[edit: updated to reflect more current rates.]

Title: Re: Dwolla 1 USD giveway, earn 3.45 BTC
Post by: Vinnie on January 04, 2011, 11:29:23 PM
OK, I'm working on this. It's been ages since I was last on IRC. Is there a specific network I have to be on to join the channel?

Title: Re: Dwolla 1 USD giveway, earn 3.45 BTC
Post by: nanotube on January 04, 2011, 11:46:39 PM
OK, I'm working on this. It's been ages since I was last on IRC. Is there a specific network I have to be on to join the channel?

yes, freenode.
see for details.

Title: Re: Dwolla 1 USD giveway, earn 3.45 BTC
Post by: Vinnie on January 05, 2011, 12:29:31 AM
OK, I'm working on this. It's been ages since I was last on IRC. Is there a specific network I have to be on to join the channel?

yes, freenode.
see for details.


Title: Re: Dwolla 1 USD giveway, earn 3.45 BTC
Post by: Sawzall on January 05, 2011, 01:01:37 AM
Do they seem to be doing any filtering against newly-registered Twitter accounts?

Title: Re: Dwolla 1 USD giveway, earn 3.45 BTC
Post by: Stephen Gornick on January 05, 2011, 02:15:35 AM
My direct message arrived in a matter of minutes, earlier today. They probably don't have it automated so perhaps they only staff during business hours.

The Twitter link that shows me my DMs is:!/messages (!/messages)

The DM read:
  I just sent you money through @Dwolla! Click here to claim it - (

Title: Re: Dwolla 1 USD giveway, earn 3.45 BTC
Post by: Vinnie on January 05, 2011, 03:09:47 AM
My direct message arrived in a matter of minutes, earlier today. They probably don't have it automated so perhaps they only staff during business hours.

The Twitter link that shows me my DMs is:!/messages (!/messages)

The DM read:
  I just sent you money through @Dwolla! Click here to claim it - (

Mine is yet to arrive. It does indeed look like someone is manually doing this. I'm patient.

Title: Re: Dwolla 1 USD giveway, earn 3.45 BTC (maybe $2?)
Post by: Stephen Gornick on January 05, 2011, 04:52:34 PM
Looks like they are fulfilling the requests:

The amount that was handed out to me was $2.

Ha, ... I want my two dollars!

(for those who don't remember that scene from 1985: )

Title: Re: Dwolla 1 USD giveway, earn 3.45 BTC
Post by: Vinnie on January 05, 2011, 06:39:19 PM
I just got mine.... $3!!!

Title: Re: Dwolla 1 USD giveway, earn 3.45 BTC
Post by: Vinnie on January 05, 2011, 10:51:35 PM
Transaction complete! Thanks, sgornick!

Title: Re: Dwolla 1 USD giveway, earn 3.45 BTC
Post by: Metal on January 05, 2011, 11:56:53 PM
Just traded my $5 dwolla for 17.25 BTC. A+++++ would trade again long time!

Title: Re: Dwolla 1 USD giveway, earn 3.24 BTC
Post by: Stephen Gornick on January 08, 2011, 10:40:48 PM
Added an article for Dwolla ( on the Bitcoin Wiki.

Title: Re: Dwolla 1 USD giveway, earn 3.24 BTC
Post by: Cryptoman on January 08, 2011, 11:11:02 PM
sgornick, are you interested in buying larger amounts of Dwollas, like 100 or more?

Title: Re: Dwolla 1 USD giveway, earn 3.125 BTC
Post by: Stephen Gornick on January 09, 2011, 12:48:32 AM
Overall I'm accumulating, and only trading these small amounts to help facilitate this promotion.  There are parties interesting in buying Dwollas for BTC found on #bitcoin-otc (IRC channel Ivia web (

Title: Re: Dwolla 1 USD giveway, earn 3.125 BTC
Post by: idev on January 11, 2011, 01:13:30 PM
Only US residents >:( you guys are lucky

Title: Re: Dwolla 1 USD giveway, earn 1.20 BTC
Post by: praxeologist on February 05, 2011, 09:24:52 AM
Got my Dwolla yesterday, so this is still going on. Who can argue with free money?

Title: Re: Dwolla 1 USD giveway, earn 1.20 BTC
Post by: Stephen Gornick on February 05, 2011, 07:36:30 PM
Got my Dwolla yesterday, so this is still going on.

Yup, there is an offer on #Bitcoin-OTC for your Dwolla.

Title: Re: Dwolla 1 USD giveway, earn 1.14 BTC
Post by: Stephen Gornick on February 20, 2011, 09:32:05 PM
[Dwolla] won’t release its number of users, but it is on pace for $1 million in transactions this month.

Just for reference, Bitcoin is possibly already doing that level of transactions, or more, every week.  (e.g., in the past 24 hours, according to there were 232,669 BTCs transferred in 1,861 transactions.  At current exchange rates that number of BTCs for the day represents nearly $200K USD.  Bitcoin's method of creating "change transactions" makes calculating the true amount of bitcoins transferred difficult to estimate however the day-over-day increases are showing that Bitcoin is truly gaining traction.

The article had some other items of interest:
"It's a debate on the benefits of electronic payments and who should bear the cost of those," Sorensen said. "Our view is that the retailers benefit greatly from the investments that the banking industry has made to the payment system."

Yes, it would be a shame if something should happen where you could no longer do business without paying the banking industry for each and every transaction.

"We [retail] are in a very competitive industry," she said. "We're looking for ways to cut prices."

Does anyone have any suggestions as to how merchants might cut their payment network costs?  ;D

Title: Re: Dwolla 1 USD giveway, earn 1.14 BTC
Post by: TiagoTiago on February 20, 2011, 11:05:51 PM
Would using HotspostShield work for people outside the US or do they do more checks than just geoip?

Title: Re: Dwolla 1 USD giveway, earn 1.14 BTC
Post by: Stephen Gornick on February 21, 2011, 11:20:05 PM
Would using HotspostShield work for people outside the US or do they do more checks than just geoip?

Are you asking if that is why Dwolla limits themselves to just U.S. customers?

The reason they are U.S. only for now is that they do not use credit cards whatsover.  The only way to add and withdraw funds (other than through a transaction with another Dwolla user) is to link a bank account.  At the present time the only bank network Dwolla can use is the ACH network in the U.S.

I've been told that an account on Dwolla can be created with nothing more than a U.S. mailing address (i.e., without needing to link any bank account whatsoever to recieve and send money).  I don't know if they have limits on amounts that can be received or sent without a bank account linked.