Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: avilsd on December 19, 2017, 08:47:15 PM

Title: Dread Pirate Roberts could've been a billionaire
Post by: avilsd on December 19, 2017, 08:47:15 PM
"The FBI official pointed me towards this Bitcoin address (, which according to the public Bitcoin transaction record known as the "blockchain" received transfers of close to 144,000 in just the last 24 hours. "They finished moving them at 3am this morning," said the official."

144,000 BTC is now worth - $2,569,240,080... this wasnt even at the peak of $20K where it probably was closer to $3BN.

DPR is sitting in jail with 2 life sentences. TWO. For non violent crimes. NON VIOLENT CRIMES.

And if he continued running the SR? He would've been a billionaire regardless. Alphabay and Hansa became larger than SR ever could. There was even Silk Road 2 and Silk Road 3.

Title: Re: Dread Pirate Roberts could've been a billionaire
Post by: stompix on December 19, 2017, 09:20:09 PM
And if he continued running the SR? He would've been a billionaire regardless. Alphabay and Hansa became larger than SR ever could. There was even Silk Road 2 and Silk Road 3.

How would have he been able to continue running SR?
He made so many mistakes and he ignored so many red flags and hits he almost asked to be caught and sentenced.
Besides those were not all his coins, many claimed some where actually coins owned by accounts on SR.

And Alphabay and Hansa were bigger in terms of $, if we count coins they never matched SR because of the value when those were acquired.
And what happened to both of them??

Title: Re: Dread Pirate Roberts could've been a billionaire
Post by: avilsd on December 20, 2017, 06:53:26 PM
Alphabay was 10x bigger than Silk Road when it was taken down, with Alexandre Cazes being arrested and later found dead in a Thai jail. Possible suspicion that there was foul play, but supposedly it was a suicide.

He was driving around a $1M Aventador in an area where the average person earns a couple thousand per year lol

Alphabay and Hansa have been taken down in the summer, but new markets are in development.

Title: Re: Dread Pirate Roberts could've been a billionaire
Post by: ClarksonI on December 20, 2017, 06:55:58 PM
Whenever a grave, another appears, and generate so much money it's more than a crime for the government

Title: Re: Dread Pirate Roberts could've been a billionaire
Post by: Skieleton on December 20, 2017, 06:58:58 PM
Whenever a grave, another appears, and generate so much money it's more than a crime for the government

Anything that has high value and can not be taxed is wregiem. That was also the case here. It is a pity that this world is constructed ...