Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Rick Nolan on December 20, 2017, 01:20:36 PM

Title: Bank Threatens To Close Accounts Of Bitcoin Buyers
Post by: Rick Nolan on December 20, 2017, 01:20:36 PM
Today Jordan Spencer, a client of Lakestone Bank & Trust, said on his Facebook account that the bank sent him a letter, informing that purchases and receiving funds from is against Lakestone’s policy and the bank will close Jordan’s account if transactions continue.

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Title: Re: Bank Threatens To Close Accounts Of Bitcoin Buyers
Post by: Jet Cash on December 20, 2017, 01:30:40 PM
Use a different bank, or just keep the coins. :)

Title: Re: Bank Threatens To Close Accounts Of Bitcoin Buyers
Post by: OmegaStarScream on December 20, 2017, 01:34:04 PM
There is a decent amount of banks that are bitcoin friendly and unless someone use a known exchange for these transactions, I don't see how would they know that this transaction involve bitcoin, someone can always trade his BTC for PayPal or Skrill and then withdraw to his bank account.

Title: Re: Bank Threatens To Close Accounts Of Bitcoin Buyers
Post by: eternalgloom on December 20, 2017, 01:40:13 PM
Seems like they've angered a lot of the Bitcoin community if you look at their Facebook ratings.
Yeah I would not want to be a customer at a bank that decides for me where I can spend my money...

I am wondering what the thought-process behind this is? Have they received too many complaints in the past regarding Bitcoin and people getting scammed for example?
Or are they just 'against' Bitcoin in general?

Title: Re: Bank Threatens To Close Accounts Of Bitcoin Buyers
Post by: sabrikks on December 20, 2017, 01:42:39 PM
it's normal for this to happens because banks hates bitcoin, it's a possible threat to their existance so they are fighting back and we have already seen country in north africa banning the trade of bitcoin

Title: Re: Bank Threatens To Close Accounts Of Bitcoin Buyers
Post by: Gibreil on December 20, 2017, 01:43:32 PM
Today Jordan Spencer, a client of Lakestone Bank & Trust, said on his Facebook account that the bank sent him a letter, informing that purchases and receiving funds from is against Lakestone’s policy and the bank will close Jordan’s account if transactions continue.

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I think that bank don't have exchanges in cryptocurrency. Prohibiting of cryptocurrency in banks is normally today because I think that crypto will be the greatest enemy of banks. However, it ia too scary that if it will implement worldwide (Prohibition of crypto), i think it is too hard for us to withdraw using our digital wallet to banks and maybe our bank account will close if we use it.

Title: Re: Bank Threatens To Close Accounts Of Bitcoin Buyers
Post by: Freezingel on December 20, 2017, 01:51:19 PM
Well people are free to spend their money on what they want so the bank shouldn't have done that kind of move. If it were me then i will close my account and use different bank. They can't prevent people from using coinbase if the government itself allows it.

Title: Re: Bank Threatens To Close Accounts Of Bitcoin Buyers
Post by: junoreactor on December 20, 2017, 01:58:18 PM
Similar story posted 2 months ago, In France >
As long as your money is available, I see no problem with it.
Most banks have "anti money laundering" instructions and that's why they don't want to be responsible if some dirty money transited into their bank. Just get a bank account from somewhere else, US residents could look at Belize for instance, European residents can look at Malta, just two examples.   

Title: Re: Bank Threatens To Close Accounts Of Bitcoin Buyers
Post by: Dapper on December 20, 2017, 02:10:32 PM
It'll have a huge market effect if this happens on a large scale.    Yeah, btc will still be around, but it's still a fact that for most normal everyday folks, their funds originate from some bank account, and it would be difficult to convert it to btc without a bitcoin exchange. 

Title: Re: Bank Threatens To Close Accounts Of Bitcoin Buyers
Post by: JerryJam on December 20, 2017, 02:11:25 PM
This guy can certainly close his account with this bank. But why should he do it? If there is no law in the country that prohibits bitcoin, then the bank is obliged to serve the customer. Accordingly, the client does not violate the law and can use the services of the bank.

Title: Re: Bank Threatens To Close Accounts Of Bitcoin Buyers
Post by: Dapper on December 20, 2017, 02:19:09 PM
Well, no.   If anyone bothered to read the fine print of just about any basic savings or checking account, the bank absolutely can terminate the relationship for pretty much any reason at all.   They don't keep your money, they just don't owe you a service.   Now, they can't discriminate based on race, religion, etc. etc... but they CAN end the relationship if it is to limit their own risk.   It's no different than the bank having an absolute right whether or not to loan you money.   Getting a loan is not a right either. 

Title: Re: Bank Threatens To Close Accounts Of Bitcoin Buyers
Post by: mOgliE on December 20, 2017, 02:26:36 PM
He should definitely change banks.

I understand large banking institutions may feel jeopardized by bitcoin.. but for the moment they know they still have the upper hand.
There is no reason to refuse such transactions.. as for the banks, it only makes a new source of revenue, so new funds to place on traditionnal trading places.

In the end, I hope bitcoin will allow us to get rid of traditionnal banks. But it is still too soon!

Title: Re: Bank Threatens To Close Accounts Of Bitcoin Buyers
Post by: alfstep on December 20, 2017, 02:27:44 PM
What? Coinbase is blacklisted by them? just use VPN then LOL joking
I agree with others, just use more friendly bank account, they have nothing to do with what we earn online, as long as it is not money laundering
Or perhaps your friend withdraw huge amount of money and frequently? It is normal for the bank to take precaution then

Title: Re: Bank Threatens To Close Accounts Of Bitcoin Buyers
Post by: Catch-22 on December 20, 2017, 02:30:07 PM
I heard of some bitcoin traders who were asked to closed their account because they had bitcoin transaction.  As most of the government do not support bitcoin, it is expected.

Title: Re: Bank Threatens To Close Accounts Of Bitcoin Buyers
Post by: jonval21 on December 20, 2017, 02:58:42 PM
the real fight against bitcoin have started, this time banks will lose, the time will come when bankers will  be scared to lock the money from people.

Title: Re: Bank Threatens To Close Accounts Of Bitcoin Buyers
Post by: Mometaskers on December 20, 2017, 03:17:16 PM
Your bank won't allow you to use bitcoins? Well then show them they made a bad decision and take all your money out. This is ridiculous. Coinbase is pretty much the largest exchange in the US. And banks not accepting funds from it just stupid, considering the gov't itself consider the exchange's operation legal. I live in a third-world country and all banks here accept bitcoins from our local exchanges.

Title: Re: Bank Threatens To Close Accounts Of Bitcoin Buyers
Post by: uslfd on December 20, 2017, 03:21:09 PM
Anyone has an account with them should terminate the account immediately.

Title: Re: Bank Threatens To Close Accounts Of Bitcoin Buyers
Post by: tigan_gangmei on December 20, 2017, 03:22:41 PM
Hope the banks realise customers can open accounts in other banks.

Title: Re: Bank Threatens To Close Accounts Of Bitcoin Buyers
Post by: Hobo66 on December 20, 2017, 03:33:27 PM
Just use a different bank, this is new info I heard so far from a bank.
In my country this is not a problem yet, I hope this issue never happen
to my bank, The government are trying to stop the progress of bitcoin cant anyone see it.

Title: Re: Bank Threatens To Close Accounts Of Bitcoin Buyers
Post by: LTCendmanagement on December 20, 2017, 03:48:26 PM
This is what we hate, banks always limit the money we have. With the bitcoin we can feel the freedom of owning the finances themselves, without the help of banks without government assistance.

Title: Re: Bank Threatens To Close Accounts Of Bitcoin Buyers
Post by: rb26 on December 20, 2017, 04:41:10 PM
Today Jordan Spencer, a client of Lakestone Bank & Trust, said on his Facebook account that the bank sent him a letter, informing that purchases and receiving funds from is against Lakestone’s policy and the bank will close Jordan’s account if transactions continue.

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At least they sent him a letter before taking any actions. Some banks will just terminate an account without even sending any notice and explanation for the termination of their accounts. But that policy of Lakestone could hurt their market as more people are somehow connected to btc. I bet most of their clients who are transacting in btc will move on to another btc friendly banks as soon as they received those letters.

Title: Re: Bank Threatens To Close Accounts Of Bitcoin Buyers
Post by: Kprawn on December 20, 2017, 04:45:30 PM
What must happen is the following :

Some of the richest Bitcoiners or Crypto millionaires should open a Bank for Bitcoiners and give these people some

competition. There are millions of Bitcoiners out there and they should have their own Banks. I would move all my business

to a Bank that supports Bitcoin.  ;)

Title: Re: Bank Threatens To Close Accounts Of Bitcoin Buyers
Post by: tyuner4 on December 20, 2017, 04:49:37 PM
This is very bad, I will just close my bank account and move on to another bank. Thanks for the information, I will avoid this bank at all costs.

Title: Re: Bank Threatens To Close Accounts Of Bitcoin Buyers
Post by: rezius on December 20, 2017, 04:52:47 PM
Everyone leave them a bad review. I'm not against banks but I am against banks trying to me a monopoly. That's one of the points Bitcoin is trying to solve. This bank is trying to act as a monopoly and should be exterminated.

Title: Re: Bank Threatens To Close Accounts Of Bitcoin Buyers
Post by: Jerusareth on December 20, 2017, 04:55:28 PM
Why this Banks always threatens Bitcoin only? there is a thousand of other cryptocurrency out there, I think they are just hiding something behind their coats because they have a plan to penetrate the cryptocurrency itself in the future or they have already chosen a specific crypto coin to support.

Title: Re: Bank Threatens To Close Accounts Of Bitcoin Buyers
Post by: audrey12 on December 20, 2017, 05:00:46 PM
The banks actually starting to look over bitcoin but before they even accept transactions like converting bitcoin into their national currency and deposited to the account of their client but since the value of bitcoin grow so fast banks become threaten of its capabilities to kill banking institutions also another point is that some countries start to legalized bitcoin and if this happen around the world with the technology of bitcoin banks are no longer needed.

Title: Re: Bank Threatens To Close Accounts Of Bitcoin Buyers
Post by: Harlot on December 20, 2017, 05:10:31 PM
The problem here is that what they are transacting now is Fiat Currency and is most likely legal. There is no sense behind making your bank account be terminated because your Fuat Currency came from Bitcoin or its transaction originally. It is like prohibiting both the business and the person to have their normal transaction. Luckily they are loopholes in their problem where they can operate from another bank to their affected bank.

Title: Re: Bank Threatens To Close Accounts Of Bitcoin Buyers
Post by: btcprospecter on December 20, 2017, 05:18:04 PM
There will always be another bank that you can use instead as a customer you are not doing anything wrong buying bitcoin if they don't want you doing that take your fiat somewhere else.

Title: Re: Bank Threatens To Close Accounts Of Bitcoin Buyers
Post by: The_prodigy on December 21, 2017, 07:16:59 AM
Today Jordan Spencer, a client of Lakestone Bank & Trust, said on his Facebook account that the bank sent him a letter, informing that purchases and receiving funds from is against Lakestone’s policy and the bank will close Jordan’s account if transactions continue.

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In my cohntry as well news have started circularing that banks under the order of he government that there has been an order to close accounts of jokders wherein bitcoin transaction was used or stored in it which hs caused panic and fear to some crypto users

Title: Re: Bank Threatens To Close Accounts Of Bitcoin Buyers
Post by: icanscript on December 21, 2017, 08:28:46 AM
The war between bankers and the cryptomir has only just begun. In 2018, we will see fierce fights on the money market.
Closure of accounts, only a small and ridiculous step made by the bank.

Title: Re: Bank Threatens To Close Accounts Of Bitcoin Buyers
Post by: bitfocus on December 21, 2017, 08:48:58 AM
That's really sad but a lot of governments and banks are doing such things to Bitcoin users, he should switch to a more BTC friendly bank asap.

Title: Re: Bank Threatens To Close Accounts Of Bitcoin Buyers
Post by: XaurumGamma on December 21, 2017, 08:50:33 AM
They will lose costumers... money will shift to diferent places... dumb idea by banks.

Title: Re: Bank Threatens To Close Accounts Of Bitcoin Buyers
Post by: XaurumGamma on December 21, 2017, 09:01:22 AM
Bank are dinosaures. Old and greedy never-have-enough people...

Title: Re: Bank Threatens To Close Accounts Of Bitcoin Buyers
Post by: Carmen01 on December 21, 2017, 09:07:36 AM
In some i think yes but in our country no because bank and crypto help each other to our economy here,actually some work here in our country are more on crypto and it help the economy that's why it continue to grow and it's spread day by day here.I say the bank and crypto have a lot of people that works like in our country called it's a wallet that need to monitor day by day so it's a job and it's a bank and a btc wallet also.

Title: Re: Bank Threatens To Close Accounts Of Bitcoin Buyers
Post by: Mometaskers on December 21, 2017, 04:29:21 PM
What must happen is the following :

Some of the richest Bitcoiners or Crypto millionaires should open a Bank for Bitcoiners and give these people some

competition. There are millions of Bitcoiners out there and they should have their own Banks. I would move all my business

to a Bank that supports Bitcoin.  ;)

I suppose these would look like some exchanges that require ID photos and government documents. Definitely would not be anonymous but people in need of loans would accept any good deal they can find. That would be the only use of these "bitcoin banks" anyway since bitcoins allow us to keep our money on our own.

I don't know how they'll do it but more competition is definitely better. Give these bankers a run for their (well not actually their ;D ) money. 110% support.